Lingering Injuries - GM Binder

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Lingering Injury Tables

hen you are struck down but are not killed Not all of these are "lingering" injuries, but all of them
outright, you can draw on what's left of your confer some type of disadvantage in exchange for survival.
will and vitality to keep going. As a Reaction Some results mention certain amounts of magical healing
when you reach 0 HP, you can expend and roll being required to correct the injury. This is a total count, and
one hit die, regaining that much HP plus your multiple healing spells can stack towards it.
Con bonus. When you do so, you gain a point of Most of these injuries can heal over time, or be treated by a
Exhaustion, and you must roll a Constitution doctor. However, Missing limbs and other body parts can only
saving throw against a DC equal to the damage you took. If be restored by the use of a Regeneration spell or similar.
you fail, you must roll 1d10 on one of these tables, depending Alternatively, they can be replaced by costly prosthetics.
on which damage type brought you to 0. If the effect had more
than one damage type, combine the tables and roll a bigger
d10 Injury Effect
Your walking speed is halved, as is your jump distance. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or when you
1-2 Broken Leg receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A DC 15 Medicine check can be used to halve the
remaining recovery time. You can expend one charge of a Healer's Kit to reduce this DC to 10.
You lose the use of one arm. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of
3-4 Broken Arm magical healing. A DC 15 Medicine check can be used to halve the remaining recovery time. You can
expend one charge of a Healers Kit to reduce this DC to 10.
You have disadvantage on Perception checks relying on smell. This heals after 2 weeks of rest, or
5-6 Broken Nose when you receive at least 25 points of magical healing. A DC 15 Medicine check can be used to halve
the remaining recovery time. You can expend one charge of a Healer's Kit to reduce this DC to 10.
Whenever you attempt to take an action in combat, you must make a DC 10 Con save or lose the
7 Broken Ribs action. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A
DC 20 Medicine check with a Healer's Kit can be used to halve the remaining recovery time.
You have vulnerability to bludgeoning, force, and thunder damage. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or
8 Internal Bruising
when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing.
You have disadvantage on Wis and Int checks, as well as Con saves to maintain concentration. This
9 Concussion
heals after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing.
You begin acting on instinct for the remainder of the fight. If you stay conscious until there is no
immediate threat, you fall unconscious immediately after combat is over. Regardless of whether you
0 Amnesia went unconscious during combat or afterwards, when you wake up, you do not remember anything
that happened 2d4 hours leading up to when you were KO'd. A Greater Restoration spell can restore
the lost memories.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
d10 Injury Effect
Your walking speed is reduced by 5ft, and your jump distance is halved. If you attempt to Dash, you
must make a DC 10 Dex save or fall Prone afterwards. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or when you
1-2 Torn Leg Muscle
receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A DC 15 Medicine check can be used to halve the
remaining recovery time. You can expend one charge of a Healer's Kit to reduce this DC to 10.
You lose the use of one arm. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of
3-4 Torn Arm Muscle magical healing. A DC 15 Medicine check can be used to halve the remaining recovery time. You can
expend one charge of a Healer's Kit to reduce this DC to 10.
You are sterile, and you have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. This heals after 2 weeks
of rest, or when you receive at least 25 points of magical healing. A DC 15 Medicine check can be
5-6 Groin Injury
used to halve the remaining recovery time. You can expend one charge of a Healer's Kit to reduce this
DC to 10.
You gain one level of Exhaustion. This level cannot be removed by normal means, but heals after 4
7 Cardiac Injury weeks of rest or 50 points of magical healing. A DC 20 Medicine check with a Healer's Kit can be
used to halve the remaining recovery time.
When you gain this injury, and again at the end of each long rest you take, make a DC 10 Con save. On
a failure, your maximum HP is reduced by 1. If your maximum HP reaches 0, you die. This heals after
8 Ruptured Organ
4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A DC 20 Medicine check
with a Healer's Kit can be used to end this effect early.
If you still have at least one eye, you have disadvantage on Perception checks relying on sight. If you
9 Lose an Eye
only had one eye to lose, you are Blind.
At the start of each of your turns, you take 1d4 points of Necrotic damage. If this damage brings you
to 0 HP and you choose to spend a hit die to remain standing, you suffer Minor Blood Loss from the
0 Internal Bleeding
Necrotic table. The bleeding can be stopped with any magical healing, a charge of a Healer's Kit, or a
DC 15 medicine check.

d10 Injury Effect
You have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks relying on the hand that lost the fingers, and
1-2 Lose 1d4 fingers
you cannot perform somatic components with that hand.
Horrible You have disadvantage on Persuasion checks, and advantage on Intimidation checks. Magical healing
Disfigurement of 6th level and higher can remove the scar.
You have disadvantage on Perception checks relying on sight. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or
5-6 Eye Injury when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A DC 15 Medicine check can be used to halve
the remaining recovery time. You can expend one charge of a Healer's Kit to reduce this DC to 10.
At the start of each of your turns, you take 1 point of necrotic damage from bleeding. The bleeding
can be stopped with any magical healing, a charge of a Healer's Kit, or a DC 10 Medicine check. In
7 Lose a Leg
addition, your base walking speed is reduced to 5ft. If you still have at least one leg, you can use a
crutch or cane to move at half your original base speed.
At the start of each of your turns, you take 1 point of necrotic damage from bleeding. The bleeding
8 Lose an Arm can be stopped with any magical healing, a charge of a Healer's Kit, or a DC 10 Medicine check. In
addition, you lose the use of one arm.
Your walking speed is halved, and if you walk more than 5ft in a round, you take 1 point of slashing
damage for every 5 ft you walk. If this damage reduces you to 0 HP, you suffer the effects of a Torn
9 Ruptured Tendons Leg Muscle from the piercing table. Otherwise, this heals after 1 week of rest, or when you receive
any magical healing. A DC 10 Medicine check or a charge of a Healer's Kit can be used to end this
effect early.
At the end of each of your turns, you take 1d4 points of Necrotic damage. If this damage brings you
Hemorrhaging to 0 HP and you choose to spend a hit die to remain standing, you suffer Minor Blood Loss from the
Wound Necrotic table. The bleeding can be stopped with any magical healing, a charge of a Healer's Kit, or a
DC 15 medicine check.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
d10 Injury Effect
You have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks relying on the hand that lost the fingers, and
1-2 Lose 1d4 fingers
cannot perform somatic components with that hand.
Horrible You have disadvantage on Persuasion checks, and advantage on Intimidation checks. Magical healing
Disfigurement of 6th level and higher can remove the scarring.
You have vulnerability to bludgeoning damage. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at
5-6 Exposed Bones least 50 points of magical healing. A DC 15 Medicine check can be used to halve the remaining
recovery time. You can expend one charge of a Healer's Kit to reduce this DC to 10.
Whenever you attempt to take an action in combat, you must make a DC 10 Con save or lose the
7 Neuralgia action. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A
charge of a Healer's Kit can be used to suppress this effect for 24 hours.
8 Destroyed Hand You lose the use of one hand.
9 Destroyed Foot Your walking speed is halved, as is your jump distance.
You can see 5ft in bright light, and are Blind otherwise. Your vision returns slowly, 5ft. per day, until it
is back to normal. If you had Darkvision, it takes 4 weeks of rest for your Darkvision to function again.
0 Partial Blindness
Any magical healing, a Lesser Restoration spell, or a DC 20 Medicine check with a Healer's Kit can
restore your eyesight instantly.

d10 Injury Effect
You gain one level of Exhaustion. This level cannot be removed by a long rest in a cold climate. While
1-2 Hypothermia
you have this Exhaustion, you are immune to Heat Stroke.
You are Restrained. This ends when you use an Action to make a DC 20 Strength check and break
3-4 Partial Freeze
free, or when you take any Fire damage.
5-6 Thermal Shock You have vulnerability to Fire damage for the next minute.
Your walking speed is reduced by 5ft, and your jump distance is halved. If you attempt to Dash, you
must make a DC 10 Dex save or fall Prone. Once in a warm climate, the frostbite can be held back
7 Frostbitten Foot with a DC 10 Medicine check, a charge of a Healer's Kit, or any magical healing. If treated, it will heal
in 4 weeks of rest, or with 50 points of magical healing. If not treated within 48 hours, the foot will be
You have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks relying on the damaged hand, and cannot
perform somatic components with it. Once in a warm climate, the frostbite can be held back with a
8 Frostbitten Hand
DC 10 Medicine check, a charge of a Healer's Kit, or any magical healing. If treated, it will heal in 4
weeks, or with 50 points of magical healing. If not treated within 48 hours, the hand will be destroyed.
Whenever you attempt to take an action in combat, you must make a DC 10 Con save or lose the
9 Neuralgia action. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A
charge of a Healer's Kit can be used to suppress this effect for 24 hours.
You have disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks and saving throws. This heals
after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A DC 15 Medicine
0 Cellular Damage
check can be used to halve the remaining recovery time. You can expend one charge of a Healer's Kit
to reduce this DC to 10.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
d10 Injury Effect
Horrible You have disadvantage on Persuasion checks, and advantage on Intimidation checks. Magical healing
Disfigurement of 6th level and higher can remove the burn scars.
You gain one level of Exhaustion. This level cannot be removed by a long rest in a hot climate. While
3-4 Heat Stroke
you have this Exhaustion, you are immune to Hypothermia.
If you already have first or second degree burns, you receive the next degree up instead. Otherwise,
you have vulnerability to fire damage for the next 24 hours. The next time you take any fire damage
5-6 First Degree Burns
while vulnerable during this time, the vulnerability ends, and you suffer second degree burns. A DC 10
Medicine check, a charge of a Healer's Kit, or any magical healing will end the vulnerability early.
If you already have first or second degree burns, you receive third degree burns instead. Otherwise,
you have disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks. This heals after 2 weeks of
Second Degree
7 rest, or when you receive at least 25 points of magical healing. A DC 15 Medicine check can be used
to halve the remaining recovery time. You can expend one charge of a Healer's Kit to reduce this DC
to 10.
You have disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks and saving throws. This heals
Third Degree
8 after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A DC 20 Medicine
check with a Healer's Kit can be used to halve the remaining recovery time.
Whenever you attempt to take an action in combat, you must make a DC 10 Con save or lose the
9 Neuralgia action. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A
charge of a Healer's Kit can be used to suppress this effect for 24 hours.
At the start of each of your turns, you take 1d4 fire damage, and your maximum HP is reduced by an
0 Burning Flesh equal amount. The fire can be extinguished by using an Action, and your maximum HP can be
restored by a long rest.

d10 Injury Effect
Roll on the Wild Magic Table until you get a surge that affects only you. Whatever the effect is, it lasts
1-2 Wild Magic for 2 weeks (recurring daily if it is an instantaneous effect), or until you receive a Lesser Restoration
Magic You have disadvantage on saving throws against spells. This heals after 2 weeks of rest, or when you
Vulnerability receive a Lesser Restoration spell.
You have disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks. This heals after 2 weeks of
5-6 Arcana Sickness
rest, or when you receive a Lesser Restoration spell.
Every time you become unconscious and unstable, you automatically fail one death saving throw. This
7 Soul Tear
damage can be healed with a Greater Restoration spell.
If you are a spellcaster, you lose the use of one spell slot of your highest level. If you are not a
8 spellcaster, you lose one attunement slot instead. You regain it after 4 weeks of rest, or with a Greater
Restoration spell.
Blindness to the You are constantly under the effect of Detect Magic, but you are Blinded and cannot see anything
Mundane nonmagical. This heals after 2 weeks of rest, or with a Lesser Restoration spell.
0 Banishment You shift to the Border Ethereal, if possible. You remain there for 3d8 hours, or until rescued.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
d10 Injury Effect
You have disadvantage on Constitution checks and saving throws. This heals after 2 weeks of rest, any
1-2 Fibrillation
magical healing, or after taking exactly 1 point of lightning damage.
You have disadvantage on Dexterity checks. This heals after 2 weeks of rest. The effect can be healed
3-4 Muscle Spasms
early with any magical healing, a DC 10 Medicine check, or a charge of a Healer's Kit.
Minor Brain You have disadvantage on Wis and Int checks, as well as Con saves to maintain concentration. This
Damage heals after 2 weeks of rest, or when you receive any magical healing.
You gain one level of Exhaustion. This level cannot be removed by normal means, but heals after 4
7 Cardiac Injury weeks of rest or 50 points of magical healing. A DC 20 Medicine check with a Healer's Kit can be
used to halve the remaining recovery time.
8 Arc Flash Burn Roll on the Fire injury table.
You can no longer feel pain, and thus can no longer track your own hit points. Instead, the DM secretly
Severe Nerve keeps track for you, and tells you when you are bloodied or unconscious. You also automatically
Damage succeed on Con saves to maintain concentration after taking damage. Magical healing of 6th level and
higher can restore your nervous system.
0 Cardiac Arrest You are Stunned until the end of your next turn.

d10 Injury Effect
You have disadvantage on Con checks and saving throws. This heals after 2 weeks of rest, when you
1-2 Minor Blood Loss receive any magical healing, or receive a blood transfusion. If you already have Minor Blood Loss, you
instead gain Major Blood Loss.
You are Poisoned, and you reek of decay. All creatures within 5ft. of you that can smell you must make
3-4 Decaying Flesh a DC 10 Con save at the start of their turn or be Poisoned until the start of their next turn. Magical
healing of 6th level and higher can remove the decay.
Withered You have disadvantage on Persuasion checks, and advantage on Intimidation checks. Magical healing
Complexion of 6th level and higher can remove the scarring.
You gain one level of Exhaustion. This level cannot be removed by normal means, but heals after 4
7 Major Blood Loss weeks of rest or 50 points of magical healing. It can be healed instantly by receiving a blood
You age by a number of years equal to 1/4 of your race's average lifespan. Your age can be restored to
8 Premature Aging
normal with a Greater Restoration spell.
When you gain this injury, and again at the end of each long rest you take, make a DC 10 Con save. On
a failure, your maximum HP is reduced by 1. If your maximum HP reaches 0, you die. This heals after
9 Organ Necrosis
4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A DC 20 Medicine check
with a Healer's Kit or a Greater Restoration spell can be used to end this effect early.
If the damage was not dealt directly by a creature, you suffer no injury. If the damage was dealt by a
creature, you immediately die, without making death saving throws. If the creature that killed you (or
0 Call of Vengeance
its master, if it obviously had one) is still alive 24 hours later, you become a Revenant, seeking
revenge against the creature that killed you and whomever they may answer to.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
d10 Injury Effect
You have disadvantage on Con checks and saves. This gets better after 2 weeks. A DC 10 Medicine
1-2 Nausea check, a charge of a Healer's Kit, any magical healing, or a Lesser Restoration spell can end the
sickness early.
You have disadvantage on Dex checks and saves. This gets better after 2 weeks. A DC 10 Medicine
3-4 Vertigo check, a charge of a Healer's Kit, any magical healing, or a Lesser Restoration spell can end the
sickness early.
You gain one level of Exhaustion. This level cannot be removed by normal means, but heals after 4
5-6 Cardiac Injury weeks of rest or 50 points of magical healing. A DC 20 Medicine check with a Healer's Kit can be
used to halve the remaining recovery time.
You have vulnerability to Poison damage, and disadvantage on Con saves against poison. Magical
7 Kidney Failure
healing of 6th level or higher can end this effect.
Each time you complete a long rest, you gain the Poisoned condition. This heals after 4 weeks of rest,
8 Liver Damage
or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing.
When you gain this injury, and again at the end of each long rest you take, make a DC 10 Con save. On
a failure, your maximum HP is reduced by 1d4. If your maximum HP reaches 0, you die. This heals
9 Organ Necrosis
after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A DC 20 Medicine
check with a Healer's Kit or a Greater Restoration spell can be used to end this effect early.
0 Cardiac Arrest You are Stunned until the end of your next turn.

d10 Injury Effect
1-2 Roll on the Short-Term Madness table. Your madness lasts for 1d4 hours, or until cured.
You have disadvantage on Charisma checks and Wisdom saving throws. You regain your self
3-4 Crippling Doubt
confidence after 2 weeks of productive activity, or with a Lesser Restoration spell.
Minor Brain You have disadvantage on Wis and Int checks, as well as Con saves to maintain concentration. This
Damage heals after 2 weeks of rest, or when you receive any magical healing.
7 Roll on the Long-Term Madness table. Your madness lasts for 5d6 days, or until cured.
You develop a debilitating fear of something in the situation from which you gained your injury. When
8 Phobia you are confronted with your phobia, you are Frightened of it. This phobia can be cured with a Greater
Restoration spell.
While in bright light, you have disadvantage on attack rolls and Perception checks that rely on sight. In
addition, whenever you take Thunder damage, you are Stunned until the end of your next turn. These
9 Migraines
headaches go away after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A
charge of a Healer's Kit can be used to suppress this effect for 24 hours.
0 Indefinite Madness Roll on the Indefinite Madness table. Your madness lasts until cured.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
d10 Injury Effect
You are cursed with a random affliction from the Bestow Curse spell. This can be cured with a Remove
1-2 Curse
Curse spell.
Horrible You have disadvantage on Persuasion checks, and advantage on Intimidation checks. Magical healing
Disfigurement of 6th level and higher can remove the scarring.
You have disadvantage on Perception checks relying on sight. This can be cured with a Lesser
5-6 Partial Blindness
Restoration spell.
7 Radiant Burns Roll on the Fire injury table.
You are Poisoned. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical
8 Radiation Sickness
Your Con decreases by 1. Any time you receive magical healing, you must succeed on a DC 10 Con
9 Cancer
save, or your Con further decreases by 1. This can be cured by a Greater Restoration spell.
If you are Good or Evil, you become Neutral. If you were already Neutral, you become either Good or
0 Alignment Shift
Evil (DM's choice). This can be reverted with a Greater Restoration spell.

d10 Injury Effect
You have disadvantage on Perception checks relying on hearing. This heals after 2 weeks, or when you
1-2 Tinnitus
receive any magical healing or a Lesser Restoration spell.
You have disadvantage on Perception checks relying on Hearing, and relying on Sight while in bright
3-4 Migraines
light. These go awayt after 2 weeks of rest, or when you receive any magical healing.
You have disadvantage on Dex checks and saves. This gets better after 2 weeks. A DC 10 Medicine
5-6 Vertigo check, a charge of a Healer's Kit, any magical healing, or a Lesser Restoration spell can end the
sickness early.
7 Deafness You are Deafened. This can be healed by a Lesser Restoration spell.
You have disadvantage on Wis and Int checks, as well as Con saves to maintain concentration. This
8 Concussion
heals after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing.
You have vulnerability to bludgeoning, force, and thunder damage. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or
9 Internal Bruising
when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing.
Whenever you attempt to take an action in combat, you must make a DC 10 Con save or lose the
0 Collapsed Lung action. This heals after 4 weeks of rest, or when you receive at least 50 points of magical healing. A
DC 20 Medicine check with a Healer's Kit can be used to halve the remaining recovery time.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Called Shot Feat Optional Rule: Backstory Injuries
Many players of 5e wish there was a way to perform When you first create a character to bring to the
Called Shots, or target specific portions of an table, the DM may optionally allow you to exchange
enemy's body, in the hopes that they can provide a permanent injury for a permanent (but related)
debuffs to an enemy. While certain classes grant benefit. For example, you could start with your eyes
similar abilities, this feat allows any player to do melted by acid, but having developed tremorsense
exactly that. to cope.
The benefit should be chosen such that if you
Called Shot cure the injury, you naturally lose the benefit as
Once on each of your turns, if you have advantage well.
on an attack roll against a bloodied creature, you You may also start with missing body parts that
can instead make the attack roll with disadvantage have been completely replaced by cybernetic
and make a called shot. If the attack hits, you deal augmentations. For this case, refer to the
normal damage, and you can choose to inflict a cybernetics rules.
Lingering Injury of your choice from the table
relevant to the damage type you dealt. The injury
must be one of the first three options in the table,
unless the attack is a critical hit.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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