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argerdonoioug ssn sjaedbooioul sat0N aaa Ee eee ~aTanivs : ald IV's PAPER 1 Reading Part 1 Teacher's notes + In Part 1 the texts ae signs, notices, labels, emails, phane messiges, handwritten notes, messages on postit motes oF postcards, + The signs and aotices are mostly ones seen in public places, for example in shops, baie, stations, hotel, theatres, smruscums, schools, etc. and on public vehicles such as buses and trans. Sometimes there is label from a battle or packet fra notice on a school ar public noticeboard, + Thesigns often give instructions, earnings or information + Language in signs is usually quite focmal but certain words like the, ata) an the aurillacy verb to be are often omitted, +The messages are informal and usually make or charge arrangements, ask somenne to do something, ask Sor ‘information ee A photocopiable answer shect is on page 182. Strategy five ‘what each text says fon the answer sheet (but if students prefer, they can mark their answers on the exam paper and copy them when they Ihave finished this part) b) 2 telephone message in someone's house or fst, probably near the phone ait lbs tog Sate 0 meer Anita In te cate Leah will see Anita inside the cinema so she is definitely omg. {eat wll Rave a snack on the train, She says wif eat nat might at aasign In bus station of on a bus stop. buses; depart Tamorew fn tomorow means afer toy Yes the sign is about tomorrow. No ~ the buses will depart sore often not eaaiet 6 Buntlcamorow means “not after today’. Te doesn't say the bus, jucneys will take longer: 7 Carter txday is the same as fram tomorrows. The buses wil be very ten mimes instead every twenty mimes shee are more — tice as many. 8 C= Fram tomorrow, buses wll depart even’ £0 mimutes tsteud of bry 20 minutes TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY ~ TEST 1 Reading Part 1 key 16 2A. don’t nave clothes mJockers overight = You must remove your clothes trom the lockers by the end ofthe day ling her let Arna know thats feond her £50) 9 problem = ithe can't give her 950, {99 not giieue here = you shoulen’ queue here: tokots ‘ready pad or = you've paid fer your ticket why don't you = Is suggesting ead i frst = she reads the ‘book ater Gane Part 2 Teacher's notes + Port 2 tests students’ detailed comprehension of Factual Anformation. + The eight short texts are ahout one topic. They may be from tourise brochures, information leatles, catalogues, etc ‘There ate always three texts which are not nexded there is only one answer to each question, zach text can be used only once as an answer. The pictuces ace there to help students understand the descriptions + Students should by advised not to wile on the answer sheet tunil they have answered all the questions in case they change thele minds. A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 182. Strategy five te goto a restaurant restaurants eight ‘which restaurant would be the most suftable for the people con the ansiver sheet (but see Teachers note shave) ‘ovo young women an elderly couple a womaa. and her theee cluldven 2 womau. and her elderly mother ‘young man 1 Kellan 2 inexpensive 3 Sunday iunedime 4 They will walk, They don't need a car park. 5 7 anice view Dennis and Jennifer want to deve to a quiet restaurant on Tuesday evening, They both love fish They don’t mind howe much they snend hos they hate waiting for tie {oa En 8 Rena has theee young children and she yants to take them cout for lunch on Tiuursay. Slie needs to pak er carat ths restaurant. The children enjoy playing outside when they get bored. 9 Chloe often nas lunca with her mother on EAGays ia tho cise gente, They like eating gutside and the cast sit importane ‘They walk orake 2 1. 10 Michael wants to go out with twenty frends fon Saturday evening. They doa't want to spend too much, Some of his Irends never eat meal, They'll deve lo Ue a) 1 A Bane. 2. Band G are inexpensive but only 4s open on Sunday lunchtime, 3Bis best. It serves Italian dishes, Isnt expensive and its open Sunday Tunehtime. Yes. 52 ko from the city centre wi 2. Yes IUooks over a lovely lake Reading Part 2 key 68 7 F tenga car park; there acan’t many fables so wveryons ‘served quicty, many fish dishes; open every evening «carpark a the font a farge back garden wit tabfes and ‘swings; gnan lunehtimes except Tusecays 8 © just of the Aarket Square: a sunny are atthe back wth fables; food s excolent but expensive; pen uechtimnes Monday-Friday ‘ely bess the y's maln car pak; a large roam Uupstars which can bo booked by groups: range cf oahes cluding vegeteran and none are expensive; pen from kay to migcight every day ae we Part 3 Teacher's notes + In Part 3 students’ ability to scan a toxt is usted. +The text may give infonnatioa, for example about a holiday ‘ofa couse ort may bea set of instructions or It may be a {esciption of something that happened, for example as historia! event ora journey. +The sentences come in the same order asthe information in the text, + Students do not need to understand everything to ansteer the (questions. For example, they may not know the word cod but this sentence is not tested + Students can sometimes guess the meaning of a word by reading the words around It, For example, they may nol know cabins, bt fom the sentence they can guess that they are some kind of bullding AA photocopiable answer sheet is on page 182. Strategy tea the Lofoten Islands the text each sentence Is corrector incorrect IW the sentence is correct tthe sentence i correct 16 7 9 20 @ els 1 8) 15 hy 12 ) 8 p18 Reading Part 8 key ne WA 19 B You have to book ther the day before or by 10.30 atthe {atest onthe cay of te tno «minimum of five passengers for the tio rai vilages where nobody wants to ive any ore We also had the chen to eateh aur own fi ‘some ofthese are on osplay (huts = cabins} ring the rest of the year's pen irem Monday to Friday the eumber of farms has decreased inthe past 30 yoars fy trom tho Norwegian capital, Oslo, to Bede .. and then {ake a fight to Leknes Part 4 Teacher's notes + le Part 4, the text always gives an opinion as well as information + Some of the questions ask about the whole text autd some ask About one part of the text. For each question, help students to decide how much of the text they need (0 look at in order to find the answer. +The questions are not always in he same order asthe information inthe text. + Question 21 Is always a generat question. + Question 22, 23 and 24 ask about a detal in the text or the opinion of the waiter or someone else who is mentioned, + Question 25 is general. 1 caa sometimes bea picture, poster, + Encourage stusents to zead the text quickly to get an idea what itis about betore looking at the questions. Then students Sowld read the text again much more carey ‘A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 182. 4e BA we TA 168 A 2A the text and questions mark the comet letter A, B,C oF D (on your answer sheet 1 1 2 5 2 1a musical called ‘Bennie’ 2 ye 3 child ora teenager 4 the progeamme 3 1 2 3 4 5 why opinions a comparison opinion atthe beginning Reading Part 4 key a0 22 B they managed 1 make al he funry pats of the Bock 2 A fas suprise, threore, won Tease. tht ree ‘quarters of th poopie onstage wer a ist 40 or ovor 244 thas worth t 25.0 There is ofcourse aready both af anda hock called Banta | Part 5 Teacher's notes + The questions in Pat tes elther lexical or structural knowledge, + Students should be advised to waite thelr answers in the spaces in the text fist as this will help thera to suasp the Overall meaning, They can transfer thet answers when they hnave read the whole text and checked thelr answers TEACHER'S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY - TEST 1 + Point out that there can only be one word which fits each space. For example, In Question 26 all the adjectives have a ‘Similar meaning but only full 's followed by of and flowers can't be Dy, + Sometimes an English word may look ike a srvlar word in ‘another language out mean something diferent, so students Should look carerlly at all four aptions, If they choose too quickly, they might make mistakes. ‘+ Smauents should check that they have chosen the right kind of \wotd for each space. in Question 29, the relative pronoun Which refers back to the Fg, + They can mark A, B, Cor Don the exem paper and copy them to the answer sheet later, A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 182. ‘strategy the text ‘the cortéet word foreach space Cop the answer shoct (but see Teachers note above) 10s probably a story. Something good happens (lucky’) It isa story, The good thing which happens is that they find a ring. a Because used to is followed by the infinitive without fo (sed 29 go), The other Wards ate not correc grammatically 8 “The meanings ate wrong but A, C and D ate also wrong grammatically ~ complete, Pasy nd crowded are nat flowed by of 3. Roth - vocabulary and grammar. Reading Part 5 key (lexcel/structuray {iodeal (iexcad (errr (lexeap (exicay (oxcal (emueta (exieat (erica) BESRESBBRE p>m0000>0m Teacher's notes + Tn Part 1, students have to rewrite five sentences using dliticent structural pattems bat staining tie same meaning. + ‘The artsver tay require one, two ox three words. One wr two sword answers are mest comion, +The ive sentences and the cxample are always about the same rome + frisextremely important that graromar and spelling re completely corzec i this pat + Trcourage stadents to write staight onto the answer suet it ‘they feet contiden¢ as this will save time and avold copying, cctors If they pete, they can. Uy out thelr kdeas on the exam paper frst. + TRitdents want to change something they have watten, they shoul cross i nit ily tate Uae sing (Bracket) TEAGHER’S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEY - TEST 1 + Fneourage students t9 read through and check thei work svhen they have finished, A photacopiable answer sheet is on page 183, Strategy five (and an example) ‘mobile phone Complete the vecond sentence so thet # means the same as the fist ‘no mote than three fn your answer sheet (but see Teacher’ note above) fy the massing words fan the exam paper v0 weeks ago {or two weeks Yes, does. The fits sentence tells. us ow long ayo Katie Jhought her phone (oso reeks) and the second! sentence tell us how long Katie has had her phone (two weeks} tar Ar vas smaller than all the other phones in the shop. Teas. phone the shop the smallest (My grandfather isn as old as my grandmother ‘Arnuighbour of mlae lent me this bicycle. ‘That sop sells magezines nov, ‘ete aze 1000 students in this school (Carrie has been atthe airport for £0 hours oeenersegege seee Writing Part 1 key the smallest hers has (got sed gave hor Part 2 Teacher's notes For a marking guide, see page 210. + fn Part 2, students write a shost note orem 2) The instuctions always say who they are wring to, way they ae vriting aol whet they rast ay + There ate always three tings they must mention to get fal marie. + Suggest that students practise writing 38-45 words as they lose mati if they write a very shert answer ~ less than. 25 words + Encourage students to write straight onto the answer sheet it they fel confident as this wil save time and avokd copying from. I they prefer they can fy oUt thelr ideas on te ea Paper fist + [edlucents wane to change something they have written, they show rossi out tly tater than using rackets) + Encourage students to ead through and check their work when they have finished, A photocopiable answer sheet is on page 183. Strategy 1 1 anemall 2 an English itiend 3 dhe ce

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