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The Philippine government through DOH launched various strategies to help ensure good health of

Filipino children by 2025.

1. Child 21 - Child 21 or the Philippine National Strategic Framework for Plan Development for Children
2000 to 2025 serves as a framework for policymaking and program planning and as a roadmap for
interventions aimed at safeguarding the welfare of Filipino children. This is part of the Philippines'
commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC).

2. Children's Health 2025 - This is a subdocument of Child 21 which focuses on the development of
Filipino children and the protection of their rights by utilizing the life cycle approach. 3. Integrated
Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) - IMCI is a strategy that aims

to lower

child mortality caused by common illnesses. 4. Enhanced Child Growth- This is an intervention aimed to
improve the health and nutrition of Filipino children by operating community-based health and nutrition
posts all throughout the


Stop TB Program

Envisioning a tuberculosis-free world, the goal of the Stop TB Program (STP) is to dramatically reduce the
global burden of tuberculosis (TB) by 2015. This is in line with the WHO's millennium development goals
and the Stop TB Partnership which aims to push TB up the world political agenda. One of the main
objectives of the program is to achieve universal access to high-quality care (i.e., universal access to
high. quality diagnosis and patient-centered treatment) for all people with TB (including those co-
infected with HIV and those with drug-resistant TB).

TB case detection and successful completion of the treatment/cure of TB remain at the core of the Stop

TB Strategy. Thus, by 2050, one of the targets of the strategy is to reduce the prevalence of and deaths
due to TB by 50 percent compared with the 1990 baseline.
The HMIS indicators t monitor Stop TB Program are . TB patients on DOTS (Number of new smear-
positive pulmonary TB cases enrolled in the cohort). . TB case detection (Number of new smear-positive
pulmonary TB cases detected, number of new

smear-negative pulmonary TB cases detected, number of new extra-pulmonary TB cases detected)

• HIV-TB co-infection (Proportion of newly diagnosed TB cases tested for HIV) HIV+ new TB patients
enrolled in DOTS . TB treatment outcome (Treatment completed PTB+, Cured PTB+, Defaulted PTB+,
Deaths PTB+)

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