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Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128 (0123456789().,-volV)


Tensile characterisation of bamboo strips for potential use

in reinforced concrete members: experimental
and numerical study
Bapi Mondal . Damodar Maity . Puneet Kumar Patra

Received: 25 May 2020 / Accepted: 29 September 2020

Ó RILEM 2020

Abstract The usage of bamboo as a replacement for results. We also create a low-fidelity finite element
steel reinforcement in concrete is in the early stages of model using equivalent tensile modulus, which can
development as bamboo reinforced concrete (BRC) capture 82% of the variability in the experimental
members involve a lot more uncertainties than steel- results. Lastly, a finite element model of a BRC beam
reinforced concrete members. The properties of bam- is created using the low-fidelity finite element model
boo vary inter- and intra-species. A prerequisite to of bamboo. A comparison with the experimental
developing a rational design of BRC members, results suggests a good agreement between them.
therefore, requires two stages—(i) a statistical char-
acterisation of the mechanical properties of bamboo, Keywords Bamboo  Longitudinal tensile
and (ii) identifying the variables contributing signif- properties  Experimental characterisation  Finite
icantly towards the stress-strain/load-displacement element modelling
behaviour. This paper first experimentally character-
izes the longitudinal tensile properties of Bambusa
balcoa, a commonly found bamboo species in India.
Statistical analysis of the experimental results sug- 1 Introduction
gests that most of the mechanical properties follow a
lognormal distribution. The elastic modulus is found Concrete has become one of the most extensively used
to have a dominant contribution towards the stress- construction materials in the world. However, due to
strain behaviour. A high fidelity finite element model, its low tensile strength and brittle nature, concrete
the results of which are validated with experiments, requires tensile reinforcement, which is traditionally a
indicates that only the variation of elastic modulus can steel rebar. Even though steel is the most compatible
capture 92% of the variability in the experimental material in concrete, it has many disadvantages such
as high cost, susceptibility to corrosion, heavy weight,
and environmentally unfriendly. In order to provide a
B. Mondal (&)  D. Maity  P. K. Patra
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of
sustainable alternative to steel reinforcement, many
Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India researchers are working towards unconventional solu-
e-mail: tions. One promising such solution is bamboo. Bam-
D. Maity boo is an optimized composite that exploits the
e-mail: concept of Functionally Graded Material (FGM). It
P. K. Patra has a unique structure which resembles that of a
128 Page 2 of 15 Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128

unidirectional fibre-reinforced composite with many loading. They observed that the contribution of
nodes along its length. bamboo strips with respect to PCC in each of the
Since 1950s, several researches on bamboo as a BRC slab was around 1.5–2 times higher in increasing
reinforcing material in concrete have been reported. flexural strength at limited deflections and it was
Glen [1] conducted a study on BRC, financed by the similar to those of conventional RCC slabs. As is
US War Production Board, for rapid construction in evident from the literature, most of the researchers
Southeast Asia following the Second World War. The followed a similar kind of design approach, without
author found large deflection, low ductility and early any detailed characterisation of bamboo, for BRC as
brittle failure when concrete beams are reinforced with that of steel reinforced concrete. However, one needs
bamboo. Further, it was advised that a bamboo to accede to the fact that the properties of bamboo and
reinforcement of 3–4% be used so that the deflection the reinforcing steel are different, and therefore, BRC
of the beam remains below l/360 of the span. member needs to be designed using different paradigm
Later, Brink and Rush [2] used an allowable stress considering various uncertainties involved in bamboo.
approach to prepare a report for assisting the field The longitudinal ultimate tensile strength of bam-
personnel in designing and constructing BRC. Their boo is reported to be 50% that of mild steel and its
approach bears similarity to the procedure given specific tensile strength is far better than those of
in ACI: 318 [3] for steel reinforced concrete. Subse- structural steel, aluminum alloy, cast iron, timber, and
quently, Geymayer and Cox [4] recommended one of concrete [12, 13]. The combination of light weight,
the simplest approaches for BRC—a BRC flexural high tensile strength, and renewability makes bamboo
element is to design as an unreinforced concrete a viable alternative to steel reinforcement especially in
member with a maximum tensile stress of 0:67 fc0 (in areas with easy access to locally-sourced bamboo
MPa). With 3–4% bamboo reinforcement, an overall [4, 6, 14, 15]. A quick comparison with steel suggests
safety factor of 2 to 2.5 can be achieved. The that—(i) the tensile strength in bamboo is direc-
feasibility of using bamboo in the form of woven tional—split bamboo possesses excellent tensile
mesh as reinforcement for cement mortar was exper- strength in parallel to the fibre direction [16–18], (ii)
imentally investigated by Mansur and Aziz [5] where the tensile strength increases from bottom to the top of
the inclusion of bamboo mesh imparts considerable bamboo culm due to an increase in volume fraction of
ductility and toughness to the mortar along with fibre [19–22], (iii) in longitudinal tension-dominated
increase in tensile, flexural and impact strengths. failure modes, bamboo typically exhibits a brittle
However, such improvements, particularly in tension, behaviour and failure generally ensued at nodes only
are associated with wide cracking. Several researchers due to chaotic fibre distribution at nodes [23–25], and
have observed a significant increase in the load (iv) although the longitudinal tensile modulus of
carrying capacity of BRC beams when compared to bamboo is reported to be of the order of 20 GPa, i.e.
plain concrete beams under four-point bending test about 10% of that of steel, their specific modulus are
using 2–3% bamboo reinforcement [6–8]. The perfor- comparable [26]. As a result of these, bamboo has
mance of BRC beams with different percentage of been used as a common construction material for
reinforcement was evaluated by Khare [9], where the scaffolding, low-cost houses and bridges, especially in
ultimate load carrying capacity of the BRC beams, India and Southeast Asia [27]. However, bamboo is
upon averaging, was about 35% of the equivalent much weaker in the transverse direction compared to
reinforced steel concrete beams. Khare also added that the longitudinal direction. The tensile modulus in the
a BRC beam with 4% reinforcement produced an transverse direction is  1/8 of that measured in the
over-reinforced failure mode. Puri et al. [10] pre- longitudinal direction [28]. Mitch et al. [29] proposed
sented an alternative sustainable infrastructure com- a split pin test method to assess the tensile behaviour of
ponent using prefabricated bamboo reinforced walls— a full culm bamboo specimen perpendicular to the
the walls are 56% lighter in weight, 40% cheaper and culm. They observed that the bamboo specimens fail
have good strength as compared to partition brick due to culm splitting which may govern the limit state
walls. Mali and Datta [11] investigated the flexural design in structural applications. Further, a simple test
performance of BRC slab panels under concentrated protocol has been proposed to determine the circum-
ferential Young’s modulus and the circumferential-
Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128 Page 3 of 15 128

axial shear modulus of bamboo using ring specimens, 2-years or older can satisfy the specification require-
where the modulii are found to be very low compared ments for structural applications [19, 34, 36], (iii) the
to longitudinal direction [30]. moisture content—the strength of bamboo increases
Low cost Bamboo Reinforced Concrete (BRC) from green to air-dry condition, where the less
structures can be implemented where the service load moisture content improves the bending strength and
on the structure is low. A structural member fails when stiffness of bamboo [37, 38], and (iv) the species of
the load to which it is subjected exceeds its capacity of bamboo. Because of all these randomness, the
bearing that load. In general, both the loads and the mechanical properties vary within a single bamboo
capacities (resistances) of a structural member are culm [21, 34], including a significant difference of
uncertain. In order to obtain a rational design proce- elastic modulus between the nodes and the inter-nodes
dure, therefore, one needs to take into account the [39]. Apart from the mechanical properties of bamboo,
various sources of uncertainties, while keeping the uncertainties are involved in the bond strength
design principles simple enough to be adopted by the between the reinforcing bamboo and concrete. The
industry. Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) major hurdle of using bamboo as a reinforcement is
is a reliability-based design methodology that pro- due to concerns about its durability and its weak bond
vides an ideal framework for these considerations and strength with the concrete [40–42]. To resolve these
is compatible with existing trends in civil engineering issues, researchers have applied different surface
design codes. The basic design checking equation in treatments on bamboo, such as, coating by Sikadur
LRFD is shown in Eq. 1, where / is the resistance 32-Gel where a bond strength of 2.75 MPa was
factor, usually specific to a particular limit state, Rn is observed [41], binding wire over reinforcing bamboo
the nominal resistance, ci is the load factor specific to where a bond strength of 1.25 MPa was observed [43],
load i, and Qi is the load effect due to load i [31]. coating by water-based epoxy with sand particles
X where a bond strength of 3.65 MPa was observed [44],
/Rn  ci Q i ð1Þ etc.
In order to develop LRFD based design equations it
The variations in capacity caused by material vari- is essential to account the important variabilities in
ability, geometric uncertainty, and modelling error are bamboo and the bond between bamboo and concrete.
accounted for by the resistance factor /. Resistance Note that the scope in the present work is limited to the
factors generally depend on the material being used former. We understand that for bamboo, material
and the limit state being checked. In this approach, properties such as the longitudinal ultimate tensile
load effects are increased, and strength is reduced by strength, longitudinal tensile modulus and Poisson’s
multiplying the corresponding characteristic values ratio are the important variables that can affect the
with factors, which are called strength (resistance) and design methodology of flexural BRC member. In order
load factors, respectively, or partial safety factors to understand the statistical behaviour of these vari-
(PSF’s). ables, material characterisation is necessary. The
However, due to the large uncertainties involved in present manuscript first focuses on statistical charac-
the mechanical properties, a rational design frame- terisation of the above mentioned tensile parameters of
work for bamboo reinforced concrete structures is still Bambusa balcoa (Bhalki), an important locally avail-
in its infancy. These uncertainties are mainly associ- able bamboo in India. The variation of tensile
ated with bamboo as the properties of bamboo vary properties along the height of the bamboo culm are
inter-species as well as intra-species and are similar to captured by taking specimens from each node and
those of wood, having a coefficient of variation inter-node sections along 7.5 m long culm. The effect
between 10 and 30% [32, 33]. The mechanical of multi nodes in the load-displacement behaviour are
properties of bamboo vary depending on—(i) the fibre also performed.
content—the fibre distribution in the cross-section of Using the experimental results as benchmark, we
the bamboo’s culm is denser in the outer region than in prepare a finite element method based computational
the inner region [23] and fibre volume fraction framework to check which variables can be omitted
increases from the bottom to the top of the culm while still providing numerical results that are in
[34, 35] as well, (ii) the age— the bamboo with age of agreement with the experimental results. Initially two
128 Page 4 of 15 Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128

different types of finite element models of bamboo through a displacement control rate of 0.01 mm/s. The
specimen, high fidelity model and low fidelity equiv- longitudinal tensile modulus and the Poisson’s ratio
alent model, are developed using ABAQUS. In high are captured through two separate extensometers,
fidelity models two different elastic modulus at the which are mounted as per Fig. 1e.
nodes and inter-nodes are considered, where a volume In addition, to study the effect of multiple nodes,
fraction for node is assigned. In the low fidelity typical 2-noded tensile samples are prepared. The
equivalent models, the equivalent elastic modulus is samples may be seen in Fig. 1d. The samples are
obtained from the inverse rule of mixtures that takes tested in the UTM, where a uniaxial tensile load is
volume fraction of nodes along with the elastic applied through a displacement control rate of 0.01
modulus of nodal and inter-nodal samples as the mm/s.
input, all of which are obtained from experiments.
Lastly, a finite element model of a BRC beam is 2.2 Longitudinal tensile properties (parallel
created using the mechanical properties of bamboo to fibre)
obtained using the equivalent properties, and the
results are compared with those of an experimentally Linear stress-strain behaviour under uniaxial tension is
tested BRC beam. observed for all the samples as shown in Fig. 2a and b,
where the behaviour of nodal samples and inter-nodal
samples are different. Keeping in mind the safety of
2 Statistical characterisation of Bambusa balcoa the extensometers mounted on the samples, we do not
capture the complete stress-strain curves up to failure
2.1 Specimen preparation and experimental stress. In the elastic region, nodal samples (Fig. 2a)
procedure are showing larger strain compared to inter-nodal
samples (Fig. 2b), indicating different tensile modulus
Locally available Bambusa Balcoa (Bhalki) of age for the two cases. The data is more scattered for inter-
3-years old, which is generally used by villagers in nodal samples due to the dominant effect of grip
various structural applications, has been chosen for pressure in the failure mechanism of few specimens
this study. The fresh bamboo is split into 6 equal parts under uniaxial tension.
and then immersed in a solution having 5% concen- The variation of longitudinal tensile modulus
tration of Borax and Boric acid (1:1.5) for 2 weeks to (E) along the height of the culm for both nodal and
prevent it from attack by insect and fungi by following inter-nodal samples is shown in Fig. 3a. In case of
IS:9096 2006 [45]. After natural drying to a moisture nodal samples, the variation is very less compared to
content level of 9-13%, specimens for tensile test in the inter-nodal samples due to the random fibre
direction parallel to bamboo fibres are prepared. These orientation at the nodes whereas in the inter-node the
specimens are prepared as per ISO 22157-1: 2004 fibres are oriented in a single direction and the volume
[46], where the thickness of the specimens are kept as fraction of fibres consistently increase towards the top
culm thickness. The test specimen may be seen in of the bamboo culm. A similar kind of variation of
Fig. 1b. Samples with a node at the middle (nodal tensile modulus for Dendrocalamus strictus was also
samples) as well as those without any node (inter- observed by previous studies [20, 21].
nodal samples) are prepared to capture the variation of The variation of Poisson’s ratio (m) along the height
tensile properties in presence of a node. These samples of the bamboo culm for both nodal and inter-nodal
are taken from different locations along the height of samples are presented in Fig. 3b, where the variation
the bamboo (base, middle and top) to capture the for nodal samples are less compared to inter-nodal
variation of longitudinal tensile properties along the samples. Due to the random orientation of the fibres at
height of the bamboo. For each case, like nodal- the nodes, the nodal sections behave differently than
bottom, inter-nodal-top, etc., we create a minimum of the inter-nodal sections. This is the first such charac-
three samples. terisation of bamboo for Poisson’s ratio.
The specimens are tested on a computerised Generally, the samples failed in one of the two
Universal Testing Machine (UTM) of Tinius Olsen failure modes, as shown in Fig. 2c. Nodal samples
(1–50 kN capacity). A uniaxial tensile load is applied break at an interface between node and inter-node, and
Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128 Page 5 of 15 128

Fig. 1 Test sample (a) (b) (c)

geometry and test set-up:
(a) whole culm, (b) one
noded sample, (c) typical
nodal section, (d) two noded
sample, (e) loading set-up
for tensile test and
(f) loading set-up for beam (d) (e)


Fig. 2 (a, b) Stress-strain

behaviour of bamboo strip
under uniaxial tension, and
(c) failed bamboo specimens
under uniaxial tension

(a) (b)


the governing mechanism towards failure is fibre pull- different layers and fails. This is followed by fibre
out. In inter-nodal samples, the governing mechanism pull-out and breakage.
towards failure is continuous delignification of the From the experiment it is observed that nodal
parenchyma matrix, which gets isolated from the samples are weak compared to inter-nodal samples.
128 Page 6 of 15 Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128

Fig. 3 Variation of
(a) Longitudinal tensile
modulus, (b) Poisson’s ratio,
(c) longitudinal ultimate
tensile strength and (d) culm
thickness along the height of
bamboo culm

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Therefore longitudinal ultimate tensile strength (r) of rnodal ¼ 95:658 þ 5x ð2Þ

nodal samples are only accounted as failure strength.
The longitudinal ultimate tensile strength are calcu- Enodal ¼ 9206:872 þ 431:6x ð3Þ
lated as ultimate tensile load divided by the average c/s
area of the samples. The variation of ultimate tensile Einternodal ¼ 11546:98 þ 1542x ð4Þ
strength of nodal samples across the height of bamboo
culm, from bottom to top is presented in Fig. 3c. It is minternodal ¼ 0:262 þ 2:3  102 x ð5Þ
observed that the longitudinal ultimate tensile strength
of nodal samples increases from bottom to the top of mnodal ¼ 0:264 þ 5:175  102 x  1:453  105 x2
the bamboo culm which is in the range of 97–140 þ 1:04  109 x3
MPa. In a previous study similar observation was
reported for the species Dendrocalamus strictus [20]. ð6Þ
The reason for the increased ultimate tensile strength
at the top is primarily due to the enhanced volume 2.3 Non-uniform geometry of bamboo
fraction of the randomly oriented fibres present at the
node. There is a randomness involved in the geometry of the
Regression analysis has been performed to calcu- bamboo. The thickness of bamboo culm at the nodal
late the longitudinal tensile parameters as a dependent section are generally higher than inter-node sec-
variable, where the height from bottom of the bamboo tion. This phenomena is mainly due to chaotic fibre
culm denoted by x (in meter) is considered as distribution at the nodes and the formation of
independent variable. From the analysis the following diaphragm inside the culm. The nodal sections of the
equations are developed using curve fitting: entire culm have the mean thickness of 14.91 mm with
a standard deviation (SD) of 1.049, whereas for inter-
Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128 Page 7 of 15 128

nodal the mean thickness is found as 10.82 mm with a 3 Finite element modelling
standard deviation (SD) of 2.61. The culm thickness
for both nodal section and inter-nodal section vary Information related to nominal resistance, Rn , is
along the height of the bamboo culm as shown in important for the development of LRFD factors for
Fig. 3d. A similar kind of variation for culm thickness BRC members. Rn depends on the mechanical prop-
was observed by Amada and Untao [47]. erties of both bamboo as well as concrete. As observed
in the previous section, there are several random
2.4 Statistical characterisation of longitudinal variables involved for bamboo itself. So, in this
tensile properties section, we perform numerical modeling to identify if
one can come up with an equivalent model that takes
The experimental characterisation suggests that the care of the randomness due to the presence of nodes
tensile modulus, Poisson’s ratio and ultimate tensile and height of the bamboo culm without complicating
strength in the longitudinal direction of bamboo are the model itself. For this purpose, a 3-dimensional
random variables. As a consequence, each of them finite element (FE) model of bamboo tensile samples
may serve as an input in Eq. 1. We now statistically of length 300 mm is created. For simplicity, the
analyse these random variables so that appropriate curvature of the nodes is ignored and bamboo is
probability distributions may be assigned to them. considered as an isotropic homogeneous material,
A complete statistical analysis of the random except for nodal samples where separate material
variables has been performed. Descriptive statistics, properties are assigned to the nodes and inter-nodes.
performed using SPSS [48], yields results as per The variation of Poisson’s ratios is not incorporated in
Table 1. the numerical model, and kept as 0.3 for all the
Tests for log-normality is conducted using the models. The tensile samples are fixed in one end and a
MATLAB software, where Kolmogorov–Smirnov test prescribed displacement is provided on the other end.
is performed (Table 1). The lognormal probability From experiments, it is evident that the uniaxial stress-
density function (pdf) estimated from Eq. 7 is plotted strain behaviour of the bamboo tensile samples may be
for all the parameters for which the p-value is larger assumed to be linear. The bamboo FE models are
than 0.10: longitudinal tensile modulus for nodal and discretized using 8-noded linear brick elements with
inter-nodal, Poisson’s ratio for nodal and inter-nodal reduced integration (C3D8R). The element size is
and longitudinal ultimate tensile strength for nodal, as taken as 2.5 mm following a mesh convergence study,
shown in the Fig. 4. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that which is detailed later. Implicit finite element simu-
except for nodal Poisson’s ratio, all other variables are lations are performed using ABAQUS/standard [49].
distributed lognormally.
! 3.1 High fidelity modeling of tensile samples
1 1 ðln x  lÞ2
pdf ¼ : pffiffiffiffiffiffi exp  ð7Þ
x ðSDÞ 2p 2ðSDÞ2 As can be seen from the experimental results, the
tensile modulus of nodal and inter-nodal samples
differ from each other. Appropriate assignment of the

Table 1 Descriptive statistics of longitudinal tensile properties

Parameter N Mean(l) Range Standard deviation (SD) Cov p-value for log-normality

rnodal 57 114 MPa 97–140 MPa 11.59 MPa 0.101 0.29

Enodal 54 8953 MPa 7234–11330 MPa 882.5 MPa 0.098 0.5
Einternodal 32 20304 MPa 14965–27121 MPa 3408 MPa 0.168 0.5
mnodal 21 0.3 0.14–0.43 0.017 0.057 0.0032
minternodal 21 0.346 0.27–0.44 0.049 0.141 0.5
128 Page 8 of 15 Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128

Fig. 4 Frequency
distribution and pdf for
(a) longitudinal tensile
modulus (nodal),
(b) longitudinal tensile
modulus (inter-nodal),
(c) Poisson’s ratio (nodal),
(d) Poisson’s ratio (inter-
nodal) and (e) longitudinal
ultimate tensile strength

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


tensile modulii in FE models is a prerequisite for region is taken as 30 mm. This implies a volume
obtaining numerical results in agreement with exper- fraction, Vf , of a node  10% in nodal models.
imental ones. In this section, we model the nodal Further, an hit and trial approach indicates that with
tensile samples as composites—different geometric this volume fraction a good agreement between the
and material properties are assigned to the elements experimental and numerical results is obtained.
for representing nodal and inter-nodal regions, and Following mesh convergence study, shown in
inter-nodal samples as homogeneous with the same Table 2, the element size is taken as 2.5 mm. Using
material property throughout. For both nodal and a mesh size of 2.5 mm  2.5 mm  2.5 mm, we have
inter-nodal samples, the total length of the sample is 6480 elements for the samples considered as base and
300 mm, and consequently, in the FE analysis, the middle, and for top we have 5400 elements. Based on
total length is taken as 300 mm. In nodal samples, the the volume fraction, in nodal samples the middle 10%
average length of the nodes was found to be 30 mm of the elements are assigned a tensile modulus
from experiments (see Fig. 1c), and thus for the FE corresponding to that obtained experimentally in
analysis of the nodal samples, the length of the nodal nodal samples, and the remaining 90% of the elements
Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128 Page 9 of 15 128

Table 2 Convergence of numerical results with decreasing We now test if Vf = 10% can suitably capture the
mesh size load-displacement behaviour for a nodal sample
Element size (mm) Maximum displacement (mm) chosen from any position of the bamboo culm. For
this purpose, three different nodal samples—one each
High fidelity model Low fidelity model
from the base, middle and top—are selected. Like
5 2.184 2.113 before, the middle 10% elements of the FE model are
4 2.176 2.104 assigned a tensile modulus corresponding to that
3 2.162 2.095 obtained experimentally from the nodal samples. The
2.5 2.162 2.095 remaining 90% elements have a tensile modulus that
correspond with an inter-nodal sample taken from the
same bamboo culm location. The behaviour of load-
displacement curve from the numerical results are
have a tensile modulus corresponding to that obtained compared with experimental results as shown in
in inter-nodal samples from the same height of Fig. 6. It is evident that Vf = 10% provides a
bamboo culm. In other words, if X MPa is the reasonably good agreement with experimental results.
experimentally obtained tensile modulus of the nodal The tensile properties of nodal and inter-nodal
sample chosen from the base of the bamboo culm and sections assigned in the above models are taken from
Y MPa is the experimentally obtained tensile modulus the experimental set of data as indicated in Table 3.
of an inter-nodal sample, also chosen from the base of So far, we have seen that our FE models are good
the bamboo culm, the middle 10% of the elements of enough to capture the behaviour of both nodal and
the FE model have a tensile modulus of X MPa while inter-nodal samples when the material properties are
the remaining 90% have a tensile modulus of Y MPa. chosen as per the experiments. However, from Fig. 2a
For inter-nodal samples, all elements have the same it is evident that the stress-strain curve of nodal
tensile modulus. samples differ for any two samples. We now deter-
One nodal sample and one inter-nodal sample are mine how much variation can be captured if the
chosen randomly, such that they come from the material properties (only tensile modulus) are chosen
common location of the bamboo culm, from the set of as per the descriptive statistics obtained previously.
experiments. Using the methodology highlighted For this purpose, we create three different FE models
before, the numerical stress-strain behaviour is cap- of nodal samples by assigning three different values of
tured at 150 mm distance away from the fixed end for tensile modulus for both nodal section and inter-nodal
both the nodal and inter-nodal samples. The results are section, formulated as ‘‘mean’’, ‘‘mean ? 2SD’’ and
compared with the experimental results. The compar- ‘‘mean - 2SD’’. The mean and SD values are taken
ison is shown in Fig. 5. From the comparison, it can be from Table 4. Note that ‘‘mean ± 2SD’’ indicates the
seen that numerical and experimental stress- strain tensile modulus of both nodes and inter-nodes are
curves are in good agreement. chosen as ‘‘mean ± 2SD’’. The width and the thickness
of the samples are taken as 20 mm and 12 mm

Fig. 5 Experimental versus

numerical stress-strain
curve of (a) a nodal sample
(having w ¼ 21:26 mm,
tc ¼ 12:84 mm, E ¼ 9245
MPa and ru ¼ 112:9 MPa),
and (b) an inter-nodal
sample (having w ¼ 20:86
mm, tc ¼ 11:41 mm, E ¼
20219 MPa and ru ¼ 151:6

(a) (b)
128 Page 10 of 15 Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128

Fig. 7 Stress-strain curve of nodal samples

Fig. 6 Experimental versus numerical load- displacement
curve of tensile samples considering Vf = 10%
3.2 Low fidelity equivalent models
respectively. The stress-strain behaviour of the models
are compared with the experimental set of data as In general, a BRC structure would necessarily have at
shown in the Fig. 7. From the figures it can be stated least one node. We now attempt to simplify the
that the provided range of elastic modulii covered modeling by assigning an equivalent tensile modulus
almost 92% experimental set of data. Thus, the for all elements of the nodal FE models. The
randomness in tensile modulus only is sufficient to equivalent tensile modulus is calculated using the
capture 92% of the experimental data, and other inverse rule of mixture considering the appropriate
random parameters such as Poisson’s ratio, width and volume fraction of node in the samples:
thickness, do not contribute predominantly. Vf 1  Vf 1
Eeq ¼ þ ð8Þ
En Ein

Table 3 Longitudinal Position Avg. width (mm) htc i (mm) Section E (MPa) ru (MPa) m
tensile properties of
bamboo strips obtained Base 21.27 14.35 Node 8470 103
from different height of
Inter-node 13,000 120 0.3
bamboo culm: htc i denotes
average culm thickness, E Equivalent 12,340 103
denotes the tensile modulus, Middle 20.26 12.84 Node 9250 115
ru denotes the ultimate Inter-node 16,000 140 0.3
tensile strength and m
denotes the Poisson’s ratio Equivalent 14,912 115
Top 20.96 10.2 Node 11,250 127
Inter-node 21,000 160 0.3
Equivalent 18,750 127

Table 4 Equivalent tensile Model Nodal section Inter-nodal section Equivalent section
modulus (in MPa)
Mean 8953 20,304 18,020
Mean ? 2SD 10,718 27,120 23,521
Mean - 2SD 7188 13,488 12,401
Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128 Page 11 of 15 128

Here Vf is the volume fraction of node and En and Ein

are tensile modulus of nodal and inter-nodal samples
respectively. Based on the individual properties of
nodes and inter-nodes listed in Table 3, equivalent
tensile modulus for each case is found and listed in
Table 3. In this low fidelity model, the length is taken
as 300 mm and the c/s dimensions of the samples are
kept same as high fidelity models as listed in Table 3.
Following mesh convergence study, shown in Table 2,
the element size is taken as 2.5 mm. Using mesh size
of 2.5 mm  2.5 mm  2.5 mm, we have 6480
elements for the samples considered as base and
middle, and for top we have 5400 elements.
The load versus displacement curve obtained from Fig. 9 Load versus displacement curve of nodal samples
the low-fidelity equivalent models are compared with
those obtained from high-fidelity models, as shown in Thus far we have studied the tensile behaviour of
Fig. 8. It can be stated from Fig. 8 that the equivalent single noded samples. To study the effect of multiple
models agree well with the high-fidelity models. nodes under uniaxial tension on the behaviour of load
Like before, we now check if our low-fidelity displacement curve, 2-noded tensile sample is mod-
equivalent tensile modulus model can capture the elled in ABAQUS considering equivalent tensile
randomness in the experimental load-displacement modulus. The volume fraction of nodes is maintained
characteristics when the material properties are ‘‘ex- as 10% for the model. The load-displacement
treme’’. The equivalent tensile modulus for these cases behaviour of the model up to the elastic limit is
are obtained when the tensile modulus of nodal and compared with the experimental result (Fig. 10). The
inter-nodal sections are chosen as ‘‘mean ± 2SD’’, non-linearity in the experimental load-displacement
individually. Table 4 lists the different values used in behaviour is mainly due to : (i) dissimilar slipping of
this analysis. Figure 9 shows the comparison of FE the two surfaces (inner and outer) of the sample at the
load-displacement curve with those obtained from grip, and (ii) the curved geometry at the nodal section
experiments. From the figure it can be stated that along the longitudinal direction of bamboo culm.
almost 81% experimental data are covered by the
provided range of elastic modulus.

Fig. 8 Load- displacement curve—high fidelity models versus Fig. 10 Load versus displacement curve of the 2-noded sample
low fidelity models under uniaxial tension
128 Page 12 of 15 Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128

3.3 Finite element modelling of BRC beam model between the bamboo and the concrete is
considered, where the bamboo strips are discretized
In order to check the robustness of the obtained with 8-noded linear brick elements with reduced
mechanical properties, we now develop a finite integration. The cohesive behaviour approach is based
element model of a 2.6 m long simply supported on traction-separation behaviour that allows the bond
BRC beam with a cross-section of 300mm  230mm between two surfaces to be expressed as a linear elastic
and subjected to three-point bending test. The beam relationship between traction (t)/bond stress and
consists of four continuous longitudinal reinforce- separation/slip (d). Bond strength of bamboo treated
ments (22 mm  10.5 mm) at the bottom and two with Sikadur 32-Gel, 2.75 MPa, as observed by Gha-
longitudinal reinforcements (22 mm  10.5 mm) at vami [41] is considered in the interface model.
the top with a cover of 25 mm. The results of the finite Experimentally obtained load versus displacement
element model are compared with those obtained from curve is compared with the numerically obtained
experiments. The BRC beam used for experiment results as presented in Fig. 11. It can be seen from the
comprises M20 grade concrete with the reinforcing figure that the load-displacement behaviour of the
bamboo strips taken from the middle part of a bamboo numerical model with cohesive interactions gives
culm. The surface of the reinforced bamboo strips are results that are in close agreement with the experi-
coated by Sikadur 32 gel with sand particles to mental one. However, when perfect bond between
enhance the bond between the bamboo and the bamboo and concrete is considered (embedded
concrete, and to protect the bamboo from environ- model), the load-displacement curve differs signifi-
mental degradation. After 28 days of curing, the beam cantly from experimental one. It is also observed that
is tested under three-point bending using a comput- when the tensile properties of bamboo chosen as per
erised Compressive Testing Machine (CTM) of descriptive statistics in the BRC models, the nonlinear
AIMIL as shown in Fig. 1f, where the load is applied part of the load-displacement curve changes
through a displacement control rate of 1 mm/m. accordingly.
The concrete beam is discretized with an 8-noded
linear brick element with reduced integration
(C3D8R). Concrete damaged plasticity (CDP) model 4 Discussions and consideration on LRFD design
is used for describing the inelastic behaviour of methodology
concrete in both tension and compression including
the damage characteristics. The behaviour of concrete The mechanical properties of bamboo vary inter- as
under uniaxial compression is modelled based on the well as intra-species. These variations are mainly due
work by Popovics [50], while in tension, the stress- to non-uniform fibre distribution, age, and moisture
crack opening relation and the tensile damage param-
eters given by Hordijk [51] are adopted. The reinforc-
ing bamboo strips are assumed to behave linearly.
From experiments, it has been observed that the
average inter-nodal length is  300 mm and the
average nodal length is  30 mm which gives a
volume fraction of nodes  10%. Therefore, as an
input, the equivalent tensile modulii (Mean, Mean ?
2SD, and Mean - 2SD), as listed in Table 4 and an
average ultimate tensile strength (rnodal ), as listed in
Table 1, are considered for the reinforcing bamboo
strips. Two different types of interaction between the
bamboo and the concrete are considered— (i) the
reinforcing bamboo strips are modelled as embedded
region within the concrete, where 2-noded linear 3-D
truss elements are used to represent the reinforcing Fig. 11 Load-displacement response of BRC beam under
bamboo, and (ii) a cohesive-based surface interaction 3-point loading
Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128 Page 13 of 15 128

content of the bamboo culm. In order to develop which of the aforementioned variables can be omitted
LRFD based design equations for flexural BRC while still providing numerical results that are in
members, it is essential to take into account the agreement with the experimental ones. From high
randomness in important variables such as the longi- fidelity finite element modelling, it is found that
tudinal ultimate tensile strength, longitudinal tensile experimental and finite element results are in very
modulus and Poisson’s ratio. However, large varia- good agreement if different tensile modulii are
tions, of the order of  30%, in these properties make assigned to the elements that represent nodes and
an LRFD based design procedure difficult. Further, if inter-nodes. Furthermore, when the tensile modulii are
all random variables are taken into account in design chosen as per the descriptive statistics, it is seen that
equations, the design itself would be complicated. the randomness in tensile modulus alone captures 92%
Through this study, we take the first step towards of the experimental stress-strain data. Other random
creating an LRFD based methodology for locally parameters such as Poisson’s ratio, width and thick-
available species of bamboo—Bambusa balcoa—by ness, do not contribute predominantly. In a bid to
identifying the principal mechanical properties that further simplify the modeling, we next create low
determine the stress-strain/load-displacement charac- fidelity finite element models, where the tensile
teristics. This is achieved by experimental character- modulus of nodes and inter-nodes are represented
isation which is followed by a statistical using equivalent modulus calculated from the inverse
characterisation of the data. rule of mixture. It is seen that the load-displacement
Along the height of the bamboo culm, a significant results are in good agreement with those from high
variation of ultimate tensile strength, tensile modulus fidelity models. Further, it is also observed that
and Poisson’s ratio in the longitudinal direction are equivalent modulus calculated from the descriptive
observed. These variations are mainly due to the statistics can capture almost 81% of the experimental
different volume fraction of the fibres at the different data in the load displacement characteristics. In
locations along the height of the bamboo culm. Using essence, low fidelity models that omit uncertainties
linear regression analysis, the equation governing the associated with the presence of nodes are sufficient to
height dependence is obtained, which may be used capture the behaviour of bamboo strips.
when bamboo strips are used as a tensile reinforce- The low-fidelity model may also be used in a BRC
ment in flexural BRC members. Apart from the height beam, as exemplified in Sect. 3.3—the numerical
dependence, these variables also depend on the results are in good agreement with the experimental
presence of nodes in the samples. Overall, the nodal ones. The surface based cohesive interaction between
samples have smaller tensile strength as well as tensile the bamboo strips and concrete is found to be very
modulus and Poisson’s ratio than inter-nodal samples. effective in capturing the slip between bamboo and
The reason behind this fact is the random fibre concrete. The load-displacement behaviour obtained
orientation at the nodes, whereas in the inter-nodal by choosing the equivalent tensile modulus of bamboo
region the fibres are oriented in a single direction. as per the descriptive statistics (± 2 standard devia-
Interestingly, except for nodal Poisson’s ratio, all tion) envelops the experimental load-displacement
other variables are distributed lognormally. In the behaviour. Thus, the low-fidelity equivalent-property
nodal region, the samples are generally curved in based model not only simplifies the analysis but
nature and the fibre distribution are random, therefore, minimizes the variables required for developing
nodal sample shows a wide variation of Poisson’s ratio LRFD based design for BRC members.
(0.14–0.43). In nodal samples, failures invariably
occur at the node inter-node interface because of the
change in stiffness between nodes and inter-nodes. As 5 Conclusions
in any BRC structure, one must have at least one node
(due to length of reinforcement), failure tensile The primary conclusions of this study are as follows:
strength of the reinforcement is governed by the
– There is a significant variation in the mechanical
ultimate tensile strength at the nodes.
properties along the height of the bamboo culm.
Using the experimental results as benchmark, we
create finite element models using ABAQUS to check
128 Page 14 of 15 Materials and Structures (2020) 53:128

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