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International The Economist January 15th 2022 59

Microeconomics The presence of a pandemic or of a ma­
gician  performing  at  one’s  table  are  just
The point of tipping two  of  an  array  of  factors  that  may  affect
the  size  of  a  tip.  A  tipper  may  simply  be
touched  by  the  server.  If  a  waiter  squats
down beside you at the table as he or she
takes your order, that often elicits a higher
tip. Good weather may spur generosity too.
Does it make for better service? The evidence is mixed—and attitudes vary
Race can be an uglier factor. A study of tips
widely across the world
for  cab  drivers  found  that  black  drivers

D avid frank started  working  for  tips

when  he  was  11  years  old,  delighting
restaurant  diners  in  New  York  with  his
extra well, it turns out to be anything but. 
For  a  start,  economists  are  puzzled  by
the fact that so many people give tips, vo­
were  tipped  on  average  at  a  rate  of  13%,
while white drivers got 20%. Another stu­
dy found  that  female  Uber  drivers  were
magic tricks. As a teenager he would make luntarily  handing  out  cash  for  a  routine tipped  10­12%  more  than  male  ones,  but
an  average  of  $60­70  in  an  evening—not service, when it is assumed that customers not if they were over 65.
bad,  but  he  wanted  more.  So  he  started generally  want  to  pay  as  little  as  possible Tipping  habits  vary  vastly  across  the
reading  research  on  tipping,  and  found  a for what they buy. But fuzzier factors also world. In America, where tips added to res­
study showing that servers who left a sweet seem  to  matter,  like  the  feelings  of  grati­ taurant  meals  are  around  20%  of  the  tab,
at the end of the meal could up their pay. tude  that  Mr  Frank  inspired.  A  survey  in some  suspect  that  a  history  of  racial  in­
He tried handing punters a playing card at 2010  by  Ofer  Azar  of  Israel’s  Ben­Gurion equality has bolstered the practice. In 1902
the end of his act, hoping that the memen­ University of the Negev found that 85% of John  Speed,  a  journalist,  wrote:  “Negroes
to would persuade them to part with more American tippers claimed to be following a take  tips,  of  course;  one  expects  that  of
cash. It worked. social norm, while 60% said they tipped to them—it is a token of their inferiority. But
Mr Frank’s findings confirmed the no­ avoid guilt (see chart on next page). to give money to a white man was embar­
tion of the tip as a sort of reward for out­ During  the  pandemic  these  fuzzy  fac­ rassing to me.” 
standing service. That may sound straight­ tors  appear  to  have  intensified.  Mr  Lynn In  many  European  countries  a  service
forward,  but  a  follow­up  study  with  Mi­ observed  that  people  have  been  tipping charge is included in the bill and custom­
chael Lynn of Cornell University, where Mr more generously even while ordering take­ ers are not expected to pay much extra but
Frank now happens to be a student, found away food, while Sarah Conlisk of the Fed­ they  often  round  the  figure  up,  leaving  a
an  opportunity  for  some  sleight  of  hand. eral  Reserve  Board  has  found  that  people few  coins  or  a  modest  note  on  the  table,
They  discovered  that  performing  a  magic travelling in richer areas have been tipping amounting to an extra percentage or two.
trick  at  a  table  also  increased  the  tips  for their taxi drivers more than before. This, it In  some  Asian  countries,  tipping  is  posi­
the  waiters  and  waitresses  serving  there, is reckoned, was in effect doling out dan­ tively  frowned  upon.  In  Japan,  for  in­
even  though  they  had  done  absolutely ger money, as tipping rates rose along with stance, it is viewed as an insulting insinua­
nothing more than usual. Though tipping covid­19  hospitalisation  rates;  in  Trump­ tion  that  the  recipient  is  akin  to  a  beggar
may  seem  like  a  simple  economic  trans­ voting areas they rose less fast, as percep­ desperate for a handout. A similar attitude
action, by incentivising people to perform tions of risk may have been lower. prevails in South Korea. In Hong Kong res­

60 International The Economist January 15th 2022

taurant tips are generally not expected. charge escapes the 20% value­added tax

In  India  and  Africa,  where  the  gap  be­ Why tip? 1 applied to the rest of the meal. Tips in cash
tween the prosperous middle class and the Reasons given for largesse, % responding* are pretty easy to hide from the taxman. In
poor is often huge, tips are most certainly 2018 America’s Internal Revenue Service
United States Israel
expected.  Some  academics  have  tried  to estimated that around 10% of personal in­
see whether a stronger tipping culture cor­ 0 20 40 60 80 come­tax underreporting was because em­
relates  to  measurable  psychological  traits It’s a social norm ployees did not report income in tips,
in  different  cultural  settings.  One  study though this has become harder as tips are
Show gratitude
across 30 countries suggested that tipping more often put onto credit cards.
was more common in societies where in­ Waiters depend on tips So who really benefits? Perception often
equality was rife and where the guilty feel­ matters more than reality. As long as serv­
Avoid feeling guilty
ings of the well­off are more acute. In some ers think their tips will dip if their perfor­
settings the onus is plainly on the custom­ Avoid embarrassment mance is poor, the management will reck­
ers to be more generous, thanks to an on­ Get poor future on they have the desired effect. A survey of
line  ratings  system  whereby  they  are service if no tip 1,189 servers found that half said that the
judged by the server. For instance in Doha, Waiter may yell quality of their service had a large or very
the  Qatari  capital,  users  of  ride­hailing at me if no tip large effect on the size of their tips. At­
Source: Ofer Azer, Ben-Gurion *Respondents could
apps fear that without providing a cash tip University, 2010 give multiple answers
tempts to replace tipping with other ways
their  customer  rating  will  fall,  making  it of pricing can worsen customer ratings.
harder for them to catch a cab in future. This happened after Carnival Cruise Line,
The  most  obvious  economic  justifica­ sometimes keeping a slice for itself. Order based in Florida, scrapped tipping on their
tion  for  tipping  is  that  it  encourages  the a coffee or a bagel to take away in Washing­ voyages in the early 2000s in favour of a
server  to  perform  better.  But  the  logic  of ton or New York, and nowadays the server service charge. A study by Mr Lynn and Za­
the  tip  as  an  incentive  is  far  from  solid. is quite likely to swivel their tablet around, chary Brewster of Wayne State University
Most customers in restaurants are not reg­ asking on­screen if you would like to leave found the same effect in restaurants, par­
ulars. A one­time customer will not benefit a tip. Many find it awkward to refuse. ticularly in cheaper establishments. They
in  future  by  leaving  a  tip  at  the  end  of  a Tipping also passes a chunk of risk suggested that better wages or better train­
meal.  But  even  repeat  customers  do  not from managers to servers, especially when ing were more likely to improve service,
seem to use tip rates to reward or to punish between 20% and 60% of a waiter’s income especially in fancier restaurants.
the  server.  Mr  Azar  says  that  if  they  did, may be in tips, as is often the case in Amer­
their tips would more closely rise or fall ac­ ica. If business is booming, both manage­ Hard to crack
cording to the quality of service than with ment and the servers benefit, because tips Not that the practice is universally loved.
more  casual  diners.  But  he  could  find  no are more plentiful. When business is slack, In effect, tipping reserves 20% of a restau­
such  evidence.  More  strikingly,  service servers’ incomes fall along with overall rant’s revenue for servers who interact
quality  in  countries  such  as  Japan  and revenue. The degree of risk­sharing varies with customers. This can frustrate posh
South Korea, where tipping is exceedingly by country. In Britain and Germany, for ex­ restaurateurs in places like Washington
rare, is not noticeably inferior to service in ample, tips do not count towards the mini­ and New York, where it is illegal for tips to
America or Europe. mum wage. But in France and parts of be shared with kitchen staff, thereby di­
If tips operated as incentives, one might America that have a “tipped minimum verting rewards away from them. In 2015
expect them to be more common in profes­ wage”, employees in effect lose the first Danny Meyer, chief executive of Union
sions where the customer repeatedly inter­ tips they earn to their employer, who can Square Hospitality Group, tried to ditch
acts  with  the  provider.  But  that  does  not count them as part of the minimum. An­ tipping in his restaurants on these
seem to be the case either, since a wealth of other argument in favour of tipping is that grounds. But after a painful increase in
professions, such as dental hygienists, car customers are better at observing the qual­ staff turnover, he decided to bring back tip­
mechanics  or  vets,  entirely  lack  a  culture ity of service than managers are, so they ping. Without it he reckoned he could not
of tipping. In Mr Azar’s survey, only 14% of know who should get an extra reward. set attractive prices and keep competitive
Americans said they tipped to avoid poor Tipping is also a way to avoid tax—to wages for his waiters. He struggled to man­
service in future. the benefit of both bosses and servers. In age a system whereby customers felt ob­
One study finds that quality of service Britain the standard “optional” service liged to say “thank you” merely by voice—
explains a variation of no more than 5% in but not with their wallets.
the size of the tip. In a study of rides using Critics say tipping is an unfair practice
Uber,  where  only 15%  of  trips  are  tipped, Ride and prejudice 2 that leaves workers fawning for favours,
the  passenger’s  characteristics  proved Change in expected tip* for Uber drivers confuses customers about the real price
three times more relevant than those of the 2017, by age of driver and sex, $ they can expect to pay, and encourages tax
driver when explaining the size of the tip.  0.08 evasion. Its champions say it is an efficient
Female driver, male passenger way to align incentives between bosses
A boss’s scam? 0.04 and workers, and a healthy way for the cus­
Tipping quite often benefits the restaura­ tomer to express gratitude.
teur  or  business  as  much  as—sometimes Male driver, male passenger For all its drawbacks, Americans are
even  more  than—the  recipient  of  the  tip. keenest to retain the practice: in a survey
Having  enticed  a  customer  with  low  up­ Female driver, female passenger 60% of them said they preferred tipping to
front prices, a tip is then extracted later— a modest service charge. Customers may
Male driver, female passenger
and sometimes doesn’t even go entirely to not be right that tipping improves service.
the  supposed  recipient.  Recently  online Perhaps they like to feel, as they step out
platforms like Twitter, Facebook and You­ 21-25 26-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ for a meal, that they are in control. And it
Tube have sought to keep the best talent on *Compared with male driver aged 21-25 with male passenger; may comfort servers to think, however er­
includes passengers who do not tip at all
their  own  platforms  by  letting  their  star Source: John A. List, University of Chicago, and others
roneously, that if they perform better they
“creators”  accept  tips,  with  the  company will be more handsomely rewarded. n


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