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Registrasion and Scheduling Program GUI

(Esa unggul International University)

Dedicated for Final Exam Programming Language

(Zakaria Ammar Firdaus)

Faculty of computer science, informatics engineering study program

Zakaria Ammar Firdaus
Program Studio Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Esa Unggul


Abstract -- Python is a widely-used, interpreted, object-oriented, and high-level programming

language with dynamic semantics, used for general-purpose programming. It was created by
Guido van Rossum, and first released on February 20, 1991. While you may know the python
as a large snake, the name of the Python programming language comes from an old BBC
television comedy sketch series called Monty Python’s Flying Circus. One of the amazing
features of Python is the fact that it is actually one person’s work. Usually, new programming
languages are developed and published by large companies employing lots of professionals,
and due to copyright rules, it is very hard to name any of the people involved in the project.
Python is an exception. Of course, van Rossum did not develop and evolve all the Python
components himself. The speed with which Python has spread around the world is a result of
the continuous work of thousands (very often anonymous) programmers, testers, users (many
of them aren’t IT specialists) and enthusiasts, but it must be said that the very first idea (the
seed from which Python sprouted) came.
Scheduling is an activity that must be owned by someone tohelp with activities of daily
living. Moreover, an agency orinstitutions that have an important agenda that must be carried out
regularly andneat. Once the importance of scheduling can make an activitywent according to
plan.In contrast to the importance of scheduling, the manufacturing processscheduling is a difficult
process because this processrequires a lot of accuracy and time so that there is no overlapoverlap
between one activity and another.In this case the case studies are taken to design and buildthe
scheduling system at the East Java Communications and Information Service agency greatly
affectsthe course of an activity that has been scheduled but there are obstacles due tothere is no
computerized system to help informto the general public which functioned as new information
aboutsocial situation. BackgroundScheduling is an activity that must be owned by someone tohelp
with activities of daily living. Moreover, an agency orinstitutions that have an important agenda
that must be carried out regularly andneat.
Once the importance of scheduling can make an activitywent according to plan.In contrast
to the importance of scheduling, the manufacturing processscheduling is a difficult process
because this processrequires a lot of accuracy and time so that there is no overlapoverlap between
one activity and another.In this case the case studies are taken to design and buildthe scheduling
system at the East Java Communications and Information Service agency greatly affectsthe course
of an activity that has been scheduled but there are obstacles due tothere is no computerized
system to help informto the general public which functioned as new information aboutsocial
situation.Public Relations of the East Java Communications and Information Service is part of one
of the fields inThe Department of Communication and Information Technology of East Java is in
the field of dissemination and information. Public Relations Bagianis a functional necessity in
order to carry out business andcoordination and preparation of materials for fostering cooperative
relations between departments with communities, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs),
andState Institutions (LN), as well as the preparation of information and publications(East Java
Ministry of Communication and Information)Based on data collection carried out in the field, the
activitiesmeeting with the Ministry of Communication and Information has been in accordance
with applicable procedures,by conducting interviews with related parties to find out datascheduling
of scheduled media outreach activities. But the processstill done manually.
A. Library Phyton
Program scheduling is a program dedicated to an activity in order to be able to schedule an
activity so that it can be structured neatly. This program can save the names and activities that
must be done on a certain schedule. Included the date so that the user can remember the time of an
activity to be carried out.

Tkinter uses to process the following programs:

 Tkinter – As specified in the title of our tutorial that we will be using the Tkinter library for
the creation of our music player GUI, because Tkinter is the most popular and very easy to
use library which comes with many widgets which help in creating of a smooth and looking
GUI Application good.
 OS – This is a module in the Python standard library, we don't need to install it explicitly.
The OS provides different functions for interaction with the Operating System. In this
tutorial, we will use the OS to log a structured activity and display it into an activity
Pygame has an inbuilt method called mixer () which provides us intuitive syntax on dealing with
schedule files in python, we will see ;
 Inputing name owner.
 Input Agenda to do list.
 Processing save to list.

This is process program will be executed.

B. Modul Structure
Main Module This is the main screen before the program is run to play music.

This is the main menu of scheduling program then i made it.

In this case you will add the name of who can use this
program, after that input your activity. and date of
activity an program will list your activity.
The program will record the schedule that you will do on the date
you have previously entered. The program will record the name
and what you will do on a certain day and time that has been
previously inputted.


At this stage, the use of the research methodology is explained, the following are the steps
of the research carried out:

1. Identifying Problems and Scope

This stage is done by identifying the problem of the research topic taken and
determining the scope of the research to be produced
2. Conduct a Literature Review
Looking for research related to Scheduling used Tkinker and list data, i will make
schedule list. With Phyton Idle to list Activity per day.

3. Checking using Desk Checking in Scenario Test.

4. Build an Scheduling Program.


At this stage, the authors develop the existing solution design into a more specific form, namely
user requirements and prototypes, with a more detailed discussion as follows:
1. Flowchart
2. Scenario test
No Tested Fetures Input Data Tested Data Result
1. Open the Input Name Processing Data Listed
2. Input Activity Inputing Data Listed
3. Input Date Inputing Data Listed

3. Compile & Execution

This program uses the Python Library Function, before running the program, program
can be executed by Idle and go to the GUI program
1. Make sure program not eror.
2. Input the require data to program.
4. Program Ready to Use.

In this section, the conclusions from the research that have been carried out are explained as

1. This research builds a simple application concept from a high-level programming

language and Listinng that is already available in the cloud.
2. The results of the desk checking evaluation show that the system and functions can
run as needed without any bugs or problems.
The program made by the author is arguably very simple considering that the program is
made using only the default python library and some basic commands, and the author hopes that in
the future the development of python-based multimedia applications can develop further
considering that python is a high-level and multi-platform programming language. can save
developers time and costs to develop a multi-platform application.
“Pyhotn – GUI Programming Tkinter”
https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_gui_programming.htm (accessed Jan. 19,

“How to Scenario Test, Guru 99” https://www.guru99.com/test-scenario.html (accessed Jan.

19, 2022).

“What is Flowchart, Asq” https://asq.org/quality-resources/flowchart (accessed Jan. 19,


“UN, System Chart” https://www.un.org/en/delegate/page/un-system-chart (accessed Jan. 19,


“Python, Execute Script, Python-Course” https://python-course.eu/python-tutorial/execute-a-

script.php (accessed Jan. 19, 2022).

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