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Name of Numeracy Literacy General comments Recommendation

(Way forward)
Akosa Akosa enjoys mathematics. He easily Akosa’s reading and He is an ever- ready learner We will give him more attention
grasps concepts of mental spelling skills are But he still needs to be calm
To ensure he writes neatly.
mathematics. He can solve simple encouraging. He reads to get better understanding
additions. His quantitative reasoning and spell fluently for of what is being taught and He will be more engaged to ensure
skill is encouraging. However, he still his age . He spells well participates better. He
has a lot to achieve in Numeracy. He for his age and his needs constant reminders to focus.

would do better if he learns to be writing skill is growing. write well. Parent -Teacher partnership
calm. His verbal reasoning
skill is commendable. will go a long way to achieve this.
He is getting to understand ordering
Although he has a lot of
of mixed numbers.
idea, he lacks the
ability to achieve
coherence. His
handwriting needs
Ranyeluchukwu She has an excellent knowledge of Ranyeluchukwu has good She enjoys learning always. She has improved in her handwriting and
her numbers. She is doing well in reading and She is also a diligent pupil. creative writing.
mental mathematics. She is quick to comprehension skills. She carries out her work
She is encouraged not to rest in her oars.
understand mathematical concepts She is also a good with precision. She is a good
explained to her. Ranye is doing well speller. She is quick to team player. She tends to
for her level, but we won’t take our grasp verbal reasoning carry others along in group
foot off the pedal as there is still skills. She is improving activities.
room for improvement. in creative writing.
She participates actively in
class. More so, she is
hardworking and always
ready to take up new

Name of child Numeracy Literacy General comments

Ikemefuna Ikem attitude to learning has He is still trying to Ikemefuna’s attitude to A further reinforcement of the lessons

improved compared to last work independently in learning has improved taught in the class will help.
terms of reading. He positively he participates
term. He enjoys working with has shown minimal actively in class and he

numbers. He is good with simple improvement in sound s makes contribution. However,

and blending. One of his he is prone to mood swings.
addition. He can count
challenges is writing out
numbers back ward and forward his thought during
with little supervision. He creative writing. He
understands quantitative skills. lacks fluency in reading
However, there is still room for and his comprehension
skills are improving
improvement and I am
comprehension skills.
confident he has what it takes
to become even better.

Tobenna Tobenna can add and count numbers. He is a fluent reader. Tobenna is He works All hands need to be on deck to ensure
He is ‘works in progress in counting He also has good independently He
Tobenna excels in his academic.
numbers backward and forward. He is spelling and participates in class and also
good in mental mathematics. His comprehension skills. a good team player. However, Teacher’s creativity will be of great help.
quantitative reasoning skills are His creative writing he is prone to mood swings
commendable. skills are improving. He which usually affect his
understands concepts general output.
of verbal reasoning.

Name of child Numeracy Literacy General comments

Kenenna Kenenna has shown mastery with Kenenna reading pace is Kenenna has shown But to further internalize the learning
counting numbers and mental progressive. He spells leadership qualities in the
process, it will be pasted for the him
mathematics. He is very meticulous well except for new classroom. He shows a
when adding up numbers. words. His handwriting healthy attitude towards to read
needs improvement. His learning. However, he is
His quantitative reasoning skill is . More so we will try to put away
writing skills are fair. easily distracted. His
His verbal reading skill leadership qualities want to possible distractions from the class.
is laudable. He can make him override his mate a
reason outside the box. times. Lastly a cooperative effort from the

parent where necessary will help

a great deal.

Sobenna Sobenna is good with numbers Sobenna reading and Sobenna is a calm pupil. We will try to adopt a simpler method in
he easily internalizes concepts comprehension skill is improving. He behaves well in explanation. We will encourage him to engage in
when carefully explained to him. His creative writing skills are class. He is always spelling drills.
He needs supervision during laudable. He is showing signs of focus in whatever he is
Further reinforcement of lessons will help.
mental maths a good thinker. He spells well doing. He is willing to
except for new words. He has a learn at all times. He is
good handwriting. He a good team player.
understands the sequence of Nevertheless, there’s
letters. more to be done to
achieve consistency and
greater heights
Kainye Kainye is good with numbers. Kainye reading skill fair. She is
She can count from 1-200 improving in her hand writing.
unassisted. She can spell up to 5 letter Kainye is a smart kid. Further reinforcement will help her. Other

words. She is improving in her and outspoken. Her teaching styles will aid in understanding
She is trying to count numbers reading skill is sound comprehension questions.
creative writing.
from backward. She is just but often finds it
beginning to comprehend how to difficult to answer
order mix numbers. comprehension
questions. She is
seldom restless this
makes her unable to

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