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Module Proforma

For further information please contact Gemma Taylor at


BAH Business Management

Level 4
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Contemporary issues in business and society

Status: Definitive
Code: 4050BUSBM (121601)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Catherine Groves Y
Adam Frost N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay Case study 2500 word Report into a case 50 0
Exam Exam End of year exam 50 2


• To explain the roles and impacts of business organisations within developed and
developing countries
• To describe the roles of, and relationships between, corporations, nation-states and
international institutions in shaping the global economy

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• To explain how the expectations of civil society influence the practices of business

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Describe the roles played by business organisations, as one of several interacting

stakeholders, whose activities shape civil society
2 Explain the relationships between business organisations and government
agencies in determining public policy (both nationally and internationally)
3 Identify and explain the roles played by a range in institutions that promote and
regulate the activities of corporations
4 Describe the drivers of change in the global economy and the impacts of those
changes on national, regional and global communities
5 Explain the meaning of sustainability and the role corporations are playing in its

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Report into a case study 1 2

Exam 3 4 5

Outline Syllabus

This is a broad module covering the interaction of business with government and
society through practical applications to current affairs. It is intended to raise
awareness in students of contemporary issues and to encourage the development of
criticality of thinking and engagement in current affairs. It also introduces wider
business issues such as ethics, stakeholder engagement and globalisation, and
develops an appreciation of the impact and aims of business beyond the financial

Learning Activities

Lectures, workshops and Seminars


Lectures, workshops and Seminars

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Business and Economic Decision making

Status: Definitive
Code: 4051BUSBM (121570)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
James Eden Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay Essay 2,400 essay (3 of 800 each) 50 0
Exam Exam Unseen examination 50 2


The module aims to provide an introduction to business economics as a foundation

for further study. The emphasis will be economic theory and concepts developed
from real world business issues. Essentially this module introduces students to
economics and applications related to business.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Demonstrate knowledge of the role and functioning of markets

2 Illustrate the importance of elasticity and its effect on revenues and profits
3 Demonstrate knowledge of how firms determine prices and output under
different market conditions.
4 Explain the importance of costs in economics and business
5 Describe the main objectives of macroeconomic policy.
6 Describe the nature of the controversy over the causes of and cures for
unemployment and inflation
7 Identify the effect of different exchange rate regimes on business revenue, profits
and investment.
8 Describe and appraise the debate over European single currency.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Three questions 1 2 3 4

Exam 2 5 6 7 8

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to Economics
Scarcity, Opportunity cost and Economic Systems
Consumers and Demand, Firms and Supply
Market Equilibrium and Comparative Statics
Firms Objectives, Costs, Revenues and Profit Maximisation
Market Structure
Price Discrimination
Macroeconomics and Policy Objectives
Macroeconomic Schools of Thought
Expectations and Economic Policy
Economic Growth
The External Balance.
Exchange rates and Economic Policy
European Single Currency and the EU
The UK Economy

Learning Activities

There are THREE components to learning activity :

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1. Lectures - introduction of new material
2. Workshop - Recapping and developing material
3. Seminars - applying and testing of material


This course is designed to give students an understanding of the importance of the

external economic environment and to appreciate that all businesses must adapt to
external events in order to remain solvent in the business environment.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Academic Skills for Business & Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 4052BUSBM (121596)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Bill Davies Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 66
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 134

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Online 22
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test Test In Class Test 30 0
Report Rep Individual 2500 wordBusiness 60 0
Self self aware World of Work Bronze Award 10 0


The module will provide the students with some of the essential skills required to
successfully complete their UG degree. Particular emphasis is placed on research,

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essay/report writing, numeracy and referencing, as a vital areas that are too often
under-emphasised by students.

Focus is also placed on helping students acquire key transferable skills necessary to
a successful academic and professional life, such as time management, critical
thinking and reflective learning techniques.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Employ the Harvard Referencing System and how to avoid plagiarism at

2 Introduce the students to the university library system to be able to identify, and
effectively use, reliable and appropriate academic and industry related sources of
3 Develop effective communication and critical analysis skills, and demonstrate an
understanding of this through assessment.
4 Reflect on individual performance within the academic and business skills
development, with special consideration given to areas of weakness identified, and
the creation of a Personal Development Plan.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

In Class Test 1 4

Individual Business 2 3
Self awareness 4

Outline Syllabus

To provide the students with the necessary skills to avoid plagiarism using the
Harvard Reference System.
To understand the demands of academic work and associated marking schemes.
Identifying appropriate academic sources found in the university library system –
books, journals and academic papers.
Using reliable sources to analyse markets and industries – Mintel, IBISWorld and
Keynote etc.
To develop academic writing and critical analysis skills.
To develop effective time management and workload planning for assessments.
To develop effective revision strategies.
To understand the reflection and self-awareness process.

Learning Activities

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Learning activities will be through lectures, workshops and seminars, where students
will be encouraged to engage and ask questions of issues raised, practical sessions
and task based learning.

Business case studies will be used to create opportunities for the students to apply
the theories gained in lectures and seminars.


This module will introduce the students to skills required to complete their chosen
program of study and to have the transferrable skills for working career.

Particular emphasis is placed on research, essay/report writing, numeracy and

referencing, as a vital areas that are too often under-emphasised by students.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Introduction to Accounting & Finance

Status: Definitive
Code: 4053BUSBM (121564)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Yawen Hudson Y
Emer Gallagher N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report 1,000 words individual report 50 0
Portfolio Portfolio 1,000 words pitch work 50 0


Provides information to enable the student to understand the financial statements;

use key financial measures to analysis performance of a business; identify
alternative financing sources; and evaluate short and long-term investment

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Demonstrate the context within which financial information is prepared and used
2 Explain the fundamental accounting concepts which underlie the preparation of
financial reporting statements.
3 Analyse the financial statements of a business by selecting appropriate
performance indicators for profitability and for liquidity including key accounting
4 Describe issues involved in company valuations and methods of financing
5 Evaluate short and long-term investment decisions using a variety of techniques

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Individual report 1 2 5

Pitch work 3 4 5

Outline Syllabus

The nature of financial information and application of accounting concepts

The final accounts of limited companies
Interpretation of financial statements
Short-term financial decision making - costing methods
Long-term financial decision making - NPV, Payback, ARR
Company valuations
Sources of finance and methods of financing a business

Learning Activities

Lectures, workshops and seminars where individual activities and group discussion
are encouraged. Small group discussion and feedback on case studies and
simplified examples of real-word situations.


This module introduces fundamental knowledge, skills and tools of accounting and
finance management used in a modern, commercial business. It provides sufficient
information to enable the student to understand key financial measures used within
business and the wider economy. Key to the success of the module is for students to
apply the knowledge and skills learnt to business situations and gain from sharing
ideas and approaches to a wide range of common business situations.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Fundamentals of Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 4054BUSBM (121571)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Olatunde Durowoju Y
Yawen Hudson N
Martin Hudson N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay Essay 2500 word Individual Essay 60 0
Presentation GP 15mins Group Presentation 40 0


This module is designed to introduce students to various theories of management

and how they have developed. It will highlight various challenges faced by business
managers in the 21st century including the various concepts, tools and models used
to overcome them. It also aim to help student understand the need to develop

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personal management capability.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Evaluate the need to apply a range of management styles and how management
style can influence managerial behavior.
2 Evaluate the different forms of business and organisational structure in terms of
the nature, characteristics, and any perceived benefits.
3 Demonstrate how organisational and individual behavior affects individuals and
teams and explain how the environment impact on a business.
4 Assess, evaluate and plan the resources for personal professional development
5 Debate the leadership skills required to facilitate team involvement and meet
organisation's objectives as well as understanding ethical and value-based
approach to leadership.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

2500 word Individual 1 2 3 4 5

15mins Group 1 2 3 5

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to management
Management styles and Behaviour
Managing Stakeholders Expectation
Understanding Organisational Culture
Personal Development as a Manager and Leader
Ethics, Equality and Diversity

Learning Activities

Lecture (introduction of theory, concepts, discussions)

Workshop (Group work on analysis and mining for information)
Seminars (Case study analysis and current challenges in management)


This module will be delivered on three fronts: lecture, workshop and seminars. This
is to ensure a right balance between the cognitive, affective and psychomotor
learning objective.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Marketing Management and Sales

Status: Definitive
Code: 4055BUSBM (121557)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Mihajlo Popesku Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test 1 hr Test 1 hour in class test 30 1
Report RPT Students are expected to 70 0
develop a full 2500 word
marketing plan for a company of
their choice.


The course provides a comprehensive introduction to marketing management and

sales of products and services in various settings. Students will develop an
understanding of, and the ability to examine, the internal and external forces that
have an impact on marketing and sales. The course introduces students to a range

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of strategic and tactic marketing and sales tools that are vital for creating an
informed approach to marketing and sales decision making. The module provides
students with an opportunity to develop skills in a range of marketing functions such
as research, new product/service development, pricing, promotion, planning,
creating sale proposals etc. Finally, students will learn to justify marketing strategies,
exercise creativity and marry theory and practice by composing a marketing plan for
a real company.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Define the key theoretical marketing and sales concepts and provide valid
2 Define and evaluate corporate micro- and macroenvironment
3 Analyse markets and customers utilising secondary sources of information
4 Assess and apply the marketing mix tool (4Ps)
5 Demonstrate the ability to justify marketing strategies and synthesise ideas into a
marketing plan

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

In class Test 1

2500 words marketing 2 3 4 5


Outline Syllabus

- Introduction to Marketing
- Marketing Environment
- Marketing Research
- Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
- Products and Services
- Brand management
- Pricing
- Promotional mix
- Marketing channels. Retailing and Wholesaling
- Personal selling and sales promotion

Learning Activities

- analysis of relevant newspaper and journal articles, market research reports, case
studies and practical examples drawn from a variety of marketing situations and
industrial contexts
- discussion of case studies and other materials
- small groups presentations

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- teamwork on developing a marketing plan and sales pitch


The module develops skills in marketing and sales with an emphasis on analysis and
planning, and introduces key ideas and phenomena, such as how to deliver benefits
to customers. The module offers a framework for analysis and understanding of
markets and consumers and enhances problem solving and informed decision-
making abilities.

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BAH Business Management

Level 5
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Organisational Behaviour

Status: Definitive
Code: 5051BUSBM (121588)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Faiza Ali Y
Olatunde Durowoju N
Yawen Hudson N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 66
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 134

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Online 22
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Indv rpt 2500 words report 70 0
Presentation Group Pres one hour presentation 30 0


This module will introduce students to the key concepts of organisational behaviour,
managing people, involving an examination of organisational, human resource
management and industrial relations theory. This will be achieved through relating

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relevant theory to practical people and organisational management issues.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Apply behavioural science to the understanding of the process of management

and behaviour of people at work
2 Apply an integrated view linking organisational theory with practical people-
management issues
3 Observe and reflect on the origins and growth of HRM and Industrial Relations as
an occupation and profession, its ethical implications and links with organisational
4 Begin to analyse the practice of organisational behaviour and Industrial Relations
as a line management and specialist function and its contribution to the process of
management and behaviour of people at work

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Report 1 3 2

Presentation 2 4

Outline Syllabus

This module will introduce students to the key concepts of managing people,
involving an examination of organisational, human resource management and
industrial relations theory. This will be achieved through relating relevant theory to
practical people and organisational management issues. The main topics of study
are as follows:

•Organisational behaviour and managing human resources

•Groups and team working
•Motivation and job design
•Flexible working practices
•Equal opportunities and diversity management
Job design
•Managing learning
•Performance management
•Change management
•Power, control, resistance and the employment relationship

Learning Activities

Learning activities will take place during lecture, seminars and workshops conducted

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each week. Students will be provided the opportunity to work in groups and also as
individual for different activities such as case study analysis, group presentations
and research articles analysis during seminars and workshops.


This is a core module for level 5 students.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Research Methods for Business

Status: Definitive
Code: 5052BUSBM (121584)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Seng Kok Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation Presentati 15 minutes presentation 30 0
different data collection methods
and instruments. This should
discuss the intended benefits
and fallacies with each approach
as well as consider the ethics
behind each.
Report Report Produce a 2500 word proposal 70 0
that considers your intended
market place/sector information,
further highlighting the
opportunities to be gained for
business purposes.

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Students will examine the different methodological approaches and the benefits
which can be gained from each or a mix. Students will also learn different methods of
synthesising data and findings that will enable them to develop valid and reliable
conclusions that would facilitate informed business choices.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Demonstrate necessary skills to develop their scope and understanding of

research methodologies
2 Apply in the right context the various research methodologies to match their
subject/business focus
3 Demonstrate the research skills required to collect and understand secondary data
and/or primary data in the intended marketplace
4 Demonstrate their ability to digest the complexity of their market and make valued
decisions based on factual data
5 Understanding of the ethical considerations of any research

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Presentation 1 5

Report 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

1.Examining theoretical approaches to methodologies

2.Research ethics
3.Research paradigms and approaches
4.Secondary data analysis
5.Qualitative and quantitative primary data collection approaches
6.Data collection instrument design
7.Methods of data analysis
8.Data analysis software packages

Learning Activities

Lectures will cover key methodological concepts and theories alongside the
importance of ethics in research. Students will undertake critical examination of
these theories and identify different approaches to data collection instrument design
and analysis. A review of dominant approaches based on subject area as well as IT
session to facilitate usage of software packages will be undertaken. These include

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software for questionnaire design and both qualitative and quantitative data analysis.



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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Quality and Operations Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 5054BUSBM (121535)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Jacqueline Douglas Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 45
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 155

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report 2500 word Report 50 0
Exam Test In Class Test 50 1


The module aims to provide students with a good grounding in the principles of
Operations and
Quality Management processes; To assess the impact of quality on all types of
business activity; and to develop skills and strategies that will allow the solving of
real-world operations related problems.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Select and apply operations management and quality management theories,

models and tools to case study scenarios.
2 Investigate operations management issues independently and apply tools and
techniques to measure process performance and solve problems in both
manufacturing and service organisations.
3 Analyse the economic implications of quality management.
4 Review the function of quality standards and models.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Report 1 2 3 4

In Class Test 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Lectures are theme-based covering the following:

- Basic Operations Management principles;
- Quality history and definition;
- Problem solving and the Japanese tools of quality control;
- The Economics of Quality;
- Statistical process control and six sigma;
- Service quality management and measurement;
- Quality Standards;
- TQM;
- Service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Learning Activities

Lectures, workshops and seminars.


This module examines and evaluates quality management and operations

management in the organizational context. It examines both hard and soft methods
in manufacturing and service contexts. It analyses the financial and strategic
impacts of quality management. Formative feedback for this module will be provided
during the workshops and seminars

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Digital Business Intelligence

Status: Definitive
Code: 5050BUSBM (121612)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Mihajlo Popesku Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay Essay 1,250 words individual essay 30 0
Report Report 3,500 words group report 70 0


The course aims to introduce students to business intelligence tools that are used to
transform structured and unstructured data into actionable insight. Based on data,
students will learn how to lead and manage digital initiatives and/or to identify digital
opportunities and devise digital strategy to respond to changes in markets and

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Use adequate analytic tools and techniques to transform business data into
actionable insight
2 Justify the use of a particular analytic approach and communicate its managerial
implications to a non-technical audience.
3 Use appropriate data visualisation techniques
4 Illustrate and articulate how modern companies are using business intelligence to
solve old marketing problems in new ways and pursue new opportunities

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

1,250 words individual 4

3,500 words group report 2 3 1

Outline Syllabus

-Digital business
-Digital customer
-Data and databases
-Primary and secondary data sources
-Big data
-Data cleaning
-Data analytics
-Data visualisation
-Business intelligence reporting

Learning Activities

- problem solving
- IT laboratory sessions focused on mastering various business intelligence tools
- data collection, cleaning and analysis
- case studies
- small group discussions
- presentation
- reporting


The module looks at Digital Business Intelligence (DBI) as a technology-driven

process for analysing data and presenting actionable information to help corporate

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executives, business managers and other end users to make informed business
decisions. DBI encompasses a variety of analytic tools, software applications and
methods that enable organisations to collect data from internal systems and external
sources, prepare it for analysis, develop and run queries against the data, and create
reports and data visualisations to make the insight available to end users.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Small Business & Entrepreneurship

Status: Definitive
Code: 5053BUSBM (121611)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2017

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Adam Frost Y
Emer Gallagher N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 45
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 155

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report 2500 word individual report 75 0
Exam Exam 1 hour examination 25 1


According to the Department for Business Innovation and Skills, small to medium-
sized enterprises account for 99.9% of all private sector businesses in the UK,
employ over 15 million people and have a combined turnover of over £1,647 billion.
It is crucial Business Management students can appreciate their importance to the
economy, understand how to start-up and grow a business and the factors likely to

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influence their success or failure.

The aims of the module are to enable students to examine the concept of
entrepreneurship and small business management; to enable them to understand
the process of starting-up and managing a new business and to facilitate students
understanding of the financial reporting statements, which assist in the process of
assessing a small business' performance

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Demonstrate the importance of SMEs to the economy

2 Illustrate the process of starting-up a new business and critically evaluate the
factors likely to impact its success or failure
3 Critically evaluate the approaches to and issues of managing a Small to Medium-
Sized Enterprise
4 Interpret financial accounting statements in order to evaluate how a smaller
business is performing

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

2500 word individual 1 2 3

1 hour examination 4

Outline Syllabus

Significance of small to medium-sized enterprises to the economy

Different types of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs
The process of starting-up a new business
Innovation in smaller businesses
Managing a small to medium-sized enterprise
Growing a small business
Using financial accounts to understand a small businesses performance

Learning Activities

This module will be delivered through lectures, seminars and workshops.

Lectures which will each last 1 hour will introduce students the various topics being
covered in the module. Each lecture will start with an overview of the expected
learning outcomes. Lectures will aim to cater to variety of learning preferences with
coverage of academic theories and concepts as well practical examples.

Seminars which will each last 1 hour will allow the students to consider the content of

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the previous lecture in more depth. Students will be expected to discuss key issues
and questions presented in the lecture in smaller groups.

Workshops which will last for 2 hours each will aim to provide students with
opportunities to examine issues in far more detail, to reflect on case studies, industry
reports and other relevant sources of information. A wide range of teaching and
learning approaches will be utilised including debates, student presentations and
opportunities to undertake independent research.


This module introduces students to the process of starting-up, managing and

growing a new business. It focuses on the various aspects of a smaller business
which are likely to make it a success or failure.

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BAH Business Management

Level 5
Option Modules
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Investment and Financial Analysis

Status: Definitive
Code: 5055BUSBM (121549)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
James Eden Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report 2500 word Financial Report 50 0
Exam Final Exam Two Hour Examination 50 2


The module is designed to enable the student to use investment appraisal

techniques and to critically evaluate investment appraisal activity within the firm. The
module will also enable students to demonstrate an awareness of the significance of
finance theory and its contemporary and practical relevance.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Indicate the major objectives of the financial manager

2 Use relevant financial data to calculate the cost of capital
3 Analyse Investment decisions using discounted cash flow models
4 Analyse risk from a utility theory perspective
5 Evaluate the role of portfolio theory and the Capital Asset Pricing model in
assessing and pricing risk.
6 Apply the theory of option pricing
7 Recognise the implications of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis
8 Demonstrate how to calculate optimal capital structure
9 Use relevant data to evaluate the working capital policy of a given financial

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Financial Report 1 2 3

Examination 4 5 6 7 8 9

Outline Syllabus

1.Financial objectives of the firm.

2.Traditional methods of investment appraisal.
3.Discounted cash flow methods of investment appraisal.
4.The impact of inflation and taxation on the investment appraisal decision.
5.Project evaluation under conditions of capital rationing.
6.Asset replacement
7.Utility Theory
8.Portfolio theory and the Capital Asset Pricing Model
9.Option pricing theory
11.The Efficient Markets Hypothesis
12.Sources and cost of capital
13.Capital structure
14.Working Capital Management

Learning Activities

There are THREE components to learning activity :

1. Lectures - introduction of new material

2. Workshop - Recapping and developing material
3. Seminar - applying and testing of material

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This course enables students to use standard financial models in order to analyse
the investment, capital structure and working capital policy of any financial

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Business Law

Status: Definitive
Code: 5056BUSBM (121560)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Sadruddin Husain Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay essay 2500 words essay 50 0
Exam exam 2 hours exam 50 2


To enable the student to develop an understanding of:

Law in the context of today's business;
Topics in contemporary Business Law;
Relevant areas of laws essential for Business students.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Illustrate the importance of legal matters in today's businesses.

2 Analyse and evaluate key themes in contemporary law; contract law, sale of
goods, employment law, company law and discrimination law.
3 Use skills and knowledge through ideas of judgement to interpret and resolve legal
4 Formulate response to problems of business law cases and apply key principles.
5 Identify key areas where businesses are affected by legislation

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

essay 1 3 5

exam 2 4 5

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to English Legal System

Law of Contract
Sale of Goods Act
Company Law
Employment Law
Equality Law
Human Rights Act
EU Law
Social Media
Data Protection Act
Freedom of Information

Learning Activities



The nature of legal matters in modern organizations; businesses need to face up to

current issues; practical legal issues via case law.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Leadership for Business

Status: Definitive
Code: 5057BUSBM (121653)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Rocio Valdivielso Del Real Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Reflection Reflec Self reflection paper based on 30 0
leadership role-play in group
seminar 1250 words
Presentation Prese Presentation of a group report 70 0
2500 words


1. To provide an understanding of the major contemporary issues in connection with


2. To integrate theory and practice by drawing on relevant theory and connecting it

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with leaders across a range of case study organisations.

3. To understand the importance of managing organisational effectiveness

4. To discuss the different types of leaders present within the organisation and
review their traits, personalities and skills.
5. To develop your ability to participate in and to lead a group with an interdependent

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Analyse the concepts of leadership styles and leadership skills in different

organisational and business context.
2 Describe the structure of, and leadership relationships that exist within an
organisational context.
3 Apply decision making theory within the context of organisational change and the
role of the leader.
4 Demonstrate the balance of leadership skills and management skills with debate
concerning the merits of both with regards to role play in leading and engaging
peers and enabling change.
5 Enhance your ability to communicate your ideas clearly and persuasively orally
and in writing

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Self reflection 1250w 4 5

Presentation of report 1 2 3 5

Outline Syllabus

What is leadership and the role and challenge of the leader in contemporary
business organisations.

Understanding leaders, their traits, skills, abilities and style will be explored

Approaches to understanding the relationship between leaders and followers – i.e.

situational, contingency and path-goal theories

Theory and models describing contemporary organisations and strategic leadership

and decision making – i.e. emotional intelligence, transactional leadership theory,
transformational leadership theory, team leadership and psychodynamic approaches
to analysing leadership will be developed.

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Learning Activities

The module will be delivered as a series of lectures, seminars, and tutorial

workshops where individual activities and small group discussion are actively
encouraged. Formal lectures will act as a mean of providing the students with the
appropriate theoretical knowledge. To enhance the teaching of this module a range
of practical approaches will be used. These will include case-studies, role-plays,
decision making and problem solving activities, leader-group discussions, and
student presentations. Formative assessment will also be used in the form of one
multiple choice tests and the option of peer review of leading in-class group


Leadership for Business is designed to provide students with an understanding of

the challenges faced by those involved in leading and transforming organisations in
today's increasingly complex and dynamic global business environment. Students
will be introduced to models, theories and research in areas of strategic leadership
practice and decision-making. Techniques for analysing organisations, their
structures and interrelations will be introduced and developed over the course of the

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Supply Chain Operations

Status: Definitive
Code: 5058BUSBM (121551)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Olatunde Durowoju Y
Martin Hudson N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report 2500AR This is a 2500 analytical report. 70 0
Presentation 15SP 15 minutes group presentation 30 0
on findings from a scenario
analysis of different supply


This module aims to provide students with an understanding of the various

components, processes, and strategic issues in supply chain operations. It
introduces students to the many critical facets of supply chain management and

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illustrates the importance to successful supply chain practices.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Identify components of a supply network and understand the boundaries of supply

chain operations.
2 Illustrate what a process approach to supply chain management means and
describe technologies used in efficient supply chain operations.
3 Plan and design supply network processes based on 'best practice'.
4 Demonstrate the importance of having the appropriate logistics network design.
5 Evaluate supply chain strategies with the aim of improving them, using state-of-
the-art models, concepts and solution methods.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

2500 word Analytical 1 2 3 4 5

15min Strategy 3 4 5

Outline Syllabus

Understanding the Supply Chain

Process Mapping
Inventory Management
Network Design
Information Technology in Supply Chain
The Synchronous Supply Chain
Planning Supply and Demand
Distribution Strategies
Global Logistics and Risk Management

Learning Activities

Lectures (Introduction of theory and concepts, discussions- Development of

cognitive skills)
Workshop (Beer games, scenario analysis- Development of Psychomotor skills)
Seminars (Group Presentations, Case study analysis- Development of Affective


This module is designed to help students understand how organisations use the

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supply chain to create value for their customers. It starts off with process mapping,
which is a basic skill any supply chain manager or practitioner should have and then
goes on to cover other topics ranging from inventory management, logistics network
planning, supply contracts, information technology, risk management etc. With the
use of beer game simulation and case study examples, student can appreciate the
relevance of theory to practice and vital skills such as problem solving; critical
thinking; analytical; communication and interpersonal skills will be developed through
class exercises, projects and presentations.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Retail Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 5059BUSBM (121607)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Catherine Groves Y
Olatunde Durowoju N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay Essay 2500 word Report into the 50 0
external factors affecting a
selected retail sector
Report Report 2500 word Report into the 50 0
operational and competitive
strategies of a selected retail


To develop and apply an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the issues of the

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current retail environment
To gain an understanding of the various roles and functions of organisational
management in retail
To provide the opportunity for students to apply their learning to real world problems
in retail

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Analyse the major retail sectors within the UK

2 Examine the environmental issues that impact on the functions, activities and
strategies within the retail sector
3 Exercise and conceptualise the various roles and functions within retail and use of
organisational management to deliver results
4 Apply a variety of strategic theories in their exploration of a chosen retail business
5 Analyse the operational management of a case study retailer

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Essay on External 1 2 4
Report on internal 3 4 5

Outline Syllabus

This module is designed to allow students to explore the retail sector through
practical applications of retailing and business theory to real world retail situations. It
is intended to raise awareness in students of contemporary issues in retailing and
the likely impact of this on retail strategy adopted. It also requires the students to
conduct an in-depth analysis of the management operations of a case study retailer.

Learning Activities

Lecture, Seminar, workshop


This module is designed to allow students to explore the retail sector through
practical applications of retailing and business theory to real world retail situations. It
is intended to raise awareness in students of contemporary issues in retailing and
the likely impact of this on retail strategy adopted. It also requires the students to
conduct an in-depth analysis of the management operations of a case study retailer.

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BAH Business Management

Level 6
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Strategic Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 6051BUSBM (121559)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Akis Papagiannis Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report 2500 words individual report 70 0
Presentation 15 min individual presentation 30 0


To provide students with a contemporary introduction to the corporate, business and

functional level strategies of the organisations;

To enable students to examine and analyse both internally and externally corporate
challenges ;

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To develop a comprehensive understanding of the internal business context and
products/services in relation to core business processes and functions;

To critically analyse the macro and micro environments within an international and
global context.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Critically evaluate the contemporary and historical debates surrounding the

mainstreaming of business strategies and their relation to social, economical and
environmental objectives
2 Critically analyse the empirical approaches being used by leading organisations
seeking competitive advantage objectives at corporate, business and functional
3 Critically present appropriate methods to ensure adoption and compliance of
emerging best practice in relation to strategic management
4 Critically evaluate the managerial challenges associated with monitoring and
measuring CSFs and KPIs and evaluate the strengths and weakness of emerging
5 Critically present the particular managerial issues arising from a variety of
contexts in which managers are required to introduce processes and standards for
the practice of strategic management

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

individual report 1 2 3 4

individual presentation 5

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to strategic process

Internal analysis: business competences, processes and activities
Internal Analysis: Financial planning and performance
External analysis: General business environment
External analysis: Industrial environment
Conceptualising globalisation drivers and their interaction with internal and external
corporate environment
Creating value chains: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Implementing a strategy and managing change
Corporate governance: Measuring and reporting performance
Strategic CSR

Learning Activities

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The focus of this module is on contemporary practice and therefore learning
activities will strongly feature cutting edge cases and applied exercises as well as
guest speakers. These will be contextualized by lectures, seminars and workshops.


This module addresses the mainstreaming corporate, business and functional level
strategies of contemporary management
and their implications to an everlasting, dynamic external environment. This shift is
also internally explored across a range of geographical,organisational and industrial

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Innovation & Creativity for Business

Status: Definitive
Code: 6052BUSBM (121555)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Akis Papagiannis Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report 2500 words individual report 70 0
Presentation 15 min Individual presentation 30 0


To understand how to create and manage business change which leads to product
or service innovation;

To understand core and secondary corporate innovation practices enabling business


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To present and analyse the strategic process and business informatics necessary for
creating novel ideas with commercial viability;

To provide sustainable strategies for valuing commercially innovative approaches.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Demonstrate how to create and manage business change which leads to product
or service innovation
2 Identify core and secondary corporate innovation practices enabling business
3 Provide sustainable strategies for valuing commercially innovative approaches
4 Present and analyse the strategic process and business informatics necessary for
creating innovative ideas with commercial viability

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

individual report 1 2 3

Individual presentation 4

Outline Syllabus

Recognising the Creative and Innovative Opportunity

Creating an innovation and change business environment
Managing innovation and change
The Innovation imperative
Stages and strategic processes for creativity
Creating Value through innovation and technology
Identification of new technologies for innovation
Managing creativity and change through business Informatics
Developing innovative solutions for business challenges
Developing New Products and Services

Learning Activities

This module will employ a range of student-centred learning activities including

lecture, workshops, group discussion and seminars to explore and analyse
innovative approaches to contemporary business problems. Business cases and
examples are going to be engaged to lead the student towards a case-based
problem solving

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This module is intended to teach the student how to not just think creatively, but how
to manage innovative ideas throughout the organisational framework. Innovation will
be introduced as a way of providing value added to the corporate products and
services, if managed appropriately.By application, through seminars and workshops,
creative application of innovative ideas to existing business processes, will enable
the student to become aware of the power that creativity and innovation can bring to
contemporary business environment and the organisation

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Global Business Environment

Status: Definitive
Code: 6053BUSBM (121654)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Rocio Valdivielso Del Real Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test Test 1 In class test 1 40 1.5
Test Test 2 In class test 2 60 2


1.To understand the drivers of globalisation and to evaluate the surrounding debates
on the impact of globalisation for the processes by which companies compete in the
global economy;
2. To develop an understanding of the international institutions involved in shaping
and regulating the global economy;
3. To assess the implications of globalisation for managers involved in different

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national business systems;
4. To analyse and explain how and why differences in the organisation of capitalist
economies persist, increase or decrease, and which role institutional frameworks
play in this process

5.To understand the challenges faced by developed and new emerging markets in
managing their development strategies in competitive global environments.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Explain the concept of globalisation using a range of dimensions (e.g.

periodization, causation, fields of activities, impacts, and trajectories) and its
impact on business and management activities;
2 Critically evaluate the roles played by the EU, IMF, UN, OECD and WTO in
shaping and regulating the global economy;
3 Evaluate the strategic options of managers involved in different institutional
4 Demonstrate how national contexts shape the undertaking of activities by
managers of multinational corporations;
5 Critically discuss a range of contemporary economic, social and environmental
issues arising from the challenges of globalisation across developed and emerging

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Class Test 1 1 2

Class Test 2 3 4 5

Outline Syllabus

Perspectives on globalisation and international business – i.e. drivers and

dimensions of globalisation (economic, political, social, and cultural)

Roles and functions of international institutions in relation to the global economy

Structure of the global economy – i.e. global economic flows and the rise of
emerging markets

The importance of national business systems in the global economy – i.e. analysis of
the organisational issues faced by managers in coordinate activities across different
modes of capitalism and regulatory environments

The role of the nation state in a global economy – i.e. redeployment of state

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initiatives on behalf of new missions

Challenges of globalisation – i.e. global migration, global inequalities, world food

crisis, etc.

Technology and globalisation – i.e. the role of social media industries and internet in
shaping global culture

Learning Activities

The module will be delivered as a series of lectures, seminars, and tutorial

workshops where individual activities and small group discussion are actively
encouraged. Through lectures, readings, role-playing, and feedback on case studies,
students will develop an understanding of the complexity of managing an
organisation in a global economy, including the various lens – economic, political,
social, legal, etc. – though with a manager must examine his/her options.


The goal of this course is to provide students with a broad understanding of the
global business environment in which companies conduct their activities. Emphasis
is placed on the impact of globalisation on the business environment. An
examination of contemporary theoretical debates and an analysis of the positive and
negative impacts of globalisation associated with the interactions between developed
and developing nations, international institutions and the global corporations
operating within their borders will be explored.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Researching and Developing a Business Plan For a New

Status: Definitive
Code: 6050BUSBM (121469)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Seamus O'Brien Y
Adam Frost N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 66
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 134

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Online 22
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report BP 3500 word report 80 0
Presentation FA 5 minute pitch 20 0


This module is intended to provide an insight and appreciation of the challenges

associated with starting up a new business venture and have the knowledge and
skills to construct a business plan which will stand up to an academic and

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professional audience

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Critically evaluate new business opportunities within the current business

2 Research, identify and critically assess the funding options for a new venture and
make informed judgement and recommendations on the most appropriate options
for the business opportunity identified.
3 Apply a range of principal skills and practices associated with new venture
development to develop a convincing business plan for the business opportunity
4 Demonstrate the use of personal enterprising capabilities such as
creativity, innovativeness, selling skills, networking skills, negotiation skills and
complex problem solving in the development of the business plan.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Business Plan 2 3 4

Feasibility Analysis 1

Outline Syllabus

Outline the importance of different factors that affect the business creation (start-up)
process and examine factors which inhibit or stifle creativity and innovation and
ideas formation. In addition, the importance of modifying, refining and processing
ideas over time will be explored.

Consider how to create and interpret an economic analysis of a particular market

and sector using a variety of economic/ analytical frameworks such as

Outline the various fundamental resources encountered when starting a business.

Explore and evaluate the various Sources of capital an entrepreneurial venture might
draw up on initially and as the venture develops.

Examine the steps required for researching, developing and designing business
plans in relation to the business start-up process. Designing and writing business
plan should be seen as the outcome of a careful research process and subsequent
planning procedure.

Construction of a well researched and well presented business plan encompassing

an executive summary, a market overview, marketing plan overview, key action and
events, the management team, the organisation plan, financial / projections overview

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and the investment opportunity.

The business plan will be written with its intended audience in mind, it must address
potential concerns. All claims and statements made in the business plan, apart from
those which will be regarded as common knowledge by the planner and the plan's
audience must be capable of independent verification.

Learning Activities

Lectures, workshops and seminars.


This module aims to equip learners with the economic tools to analyze and evaluate
a business opportunity and have the knowledge and skills to construct a business
plan which will stand up to an academic and professional audience

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Project Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 6054BUSBM (121583)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Seng Kok Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report PM Report Produce a report which 50 0
considers project management
theories and practicalities to
include a Project Brief, Project
Plan, Stakeholder Analysis and
Risk Analysis.
2,500 words
Exam PM Exam Project management 50 2
fundamentals exam (closed
book, multiple choice and essay


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To equip students with the knowledge and skills to understand the relevance and
significance of project management principles in an organisational context.
To enable students to demonstrate competence in the application of project
management methods through the project life cycle.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Explain the characteristics of organisation approaches to project management

2 Evaluate the importance of effective management of the project life cycle.
3 Transfer detailed knowledge of the concepts of stakeholders, success criteria and
critical success factors and apply systematically in the context of projects.
4 Apply methods, tools and techniques for planning, monitoring and controlling
projects and for managing risk.
5 Evaluate and use computer packages in providing planning and reporting
information to assist in managing projects.
6 Utilise the highly specialized knowledge of a recognized project methodology as
well as critically applying to specific project scenarios

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

PM report 3 4 5

PM exam 1 2 6

Outline Syllabus

1.Introduction to project management

2.Planning and monitoring of projects
3.Project lifecycles
4.Understand the make-up of project teams and structures
5.Management of risk and stakeholders in projects
6.Success and Failure criteria
7.Recognised project methodologies
8.Use of project management software

Learning Activities

Lectures will provide an overview of different theories and real world examples.
Case studies highlighting particular project issues related to project success and
failure will be used in group discussion and structured exercises. Different scenarios
and project management contexts will also be examined in workshops and seminars.

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The module takes a broad approach to the subject of project management. It

examines the implications of using project management principles to manage all
types of organisational change. It analyses methods and techniques for managing a
project through its life cycle. It allows the student to combine creative thought and
specialised knowledge to realistic business scenarios in which they may be
unfamiliar, but still require a valid management approach within imposed constraints

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BAH Business Management

Level 6
Option Modules
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Social Enterprise

Status: Definitive
Code: 6055BUSBM (121594)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Emer Gallagher Y
Seng Kok N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report AS1 Individual 2,500 word report 50 0
Presentation Pres AS2 Individual 15 minute 50 0


In an ever-changing economy, the role of social enterprise is becoming more and

more important. Both within the UK and further afield, the potential that social
enterprises can provide is being harnessed and supported by policy makers,
community members and private and public institutions.

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Although there is currently a renaissance in the interest behind social enterprise,
there still remains a great deal of uncertainty surrounding this different business
model. Is it a means of making improvements to the current economic and social
systems, or is a radical alternative to the status quo?

The aim of this module is to equip students with an understanding of social

enterprises, their holistic development and position within the larger economy, value
systems and enabling and inhibiting factors. The module will focus on both the
theoretical perspectives of social enterprise and practice of social enterprise.

1. To allow students to critically examine the social enterprise business model and
the reasons for its growth;
2. To provide students with an understanding of social enterprises' contribution to
society and position within the economy;
3. To explore current opportunities and barriers to the continued growth of social
4. To facilitate the ability of students to assess the support requirements of a social
enterprise and suggest improvement strategies.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Critically examine the roots of social enterprise, recent national and international
developments within the sector and their impacts
2 Critically appraise the concept of social enterprise, its organisational and legal
types and its place within the broader context of public and private provision for
products and services
3 Critically appraise the value system of social enterprise
4 Critically analyse the role of management practices within social enterprise

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

2,500 words 1 3

15 mins 2 4

Outline Syllabus

The module will allow students to critically analyse:

- The differences between social enterprise and the broader business community in
the public and private sectors: including income and trading; accountability, the
triple/multi-bottom line concept, organisational frameworks, the management of
people, performance measurement and ethical issues;
- Different types of social enterprise, including governance issues, organisational
structures, legal classification, business practices and international comparisons;

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- The role of social enterprise within the local, regional, national and international
- Social entrepreneurship and the imperative to prove the value of social enterprise;
- Understanding the internal requirements, strengths and weaknesses of social

Therefore, lecture topics will include although are not limited to;
The Third Sector and the Third System
New Public Management
Defining Social Enterprises
Social and Ethical Capital
Identities and Legalities
Management Practices
Income Streams and Social Investment
Social Return on Investment

Learning Activities

This module will use a combination of learning activities. However, in general, most
topics will be delivered by a lecture, followed by a tutorial/seminar and workshop. A
combination of case studies, student presentations, debates, guest speakers and
media resources may all form part of the learning activities.


The aim of this module is to equip students with an understanding of social

enterprises, their holistic development and position within the larger economy, value
systems and, enabling and inhibiting factors. The module will focus on both the
theoretical perspectives of social enterprise and practice of social enterprise.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Diversity Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 6056BUSBM (121576)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Faiza Ali Y
Sadruddin Husain N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation pres one hour group presentation 30 0
Essay essay 2500 words individual essay 70 0


This module presents an overview of what workforce diversity is and its relevance
and usefulness in improving our understanding and management of people at work.
The demographics of the population and the workplace are changing drastically
because of a number of factors, such as an increasing number of ethnic minorities
and women in the workforce and in management. Accordingly, there is a need to

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critically understand and manage workforce diversity not only to increase
organisational business outcomes but also to create an inclusive workplace in a
socially responsible manner.

The module will examine issues confronting managers of a diverse workforce. In

particular, issues such as ethnicity, race, language, ageing, disability, gender, and
intersectional identities will be discussed. Two key approaches to managing diversity
will be explained, i.e. the social equity case of managing diversity, and the business
benefits case of managing diversity. The module will explore a range of diversity
related concepts and topics, such as social identity, stereotyping, discrimination,
intergroup conflict, structural integration, and inclusion.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Demonstrate an understanding of the current research and issues related to

equality, diversity and inclusion in organisations.
2 Critically evaluate a wide range of recognised techniques in and approaches to
diversity management in an international context.
3 Distinguish between individual, organisational, and societal dimensions of issues
and interventions
4 Identify organisational factors that hinder and those that promote diversity
5 Acquire and analyse information from a wide range of sources in order to remain
up-to-date on equality, diversity and inclusion related issues and incorporate this
knowledge into business decisions.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Group Presentation 2 4 5

Individual Essay 1 2 3 5

Outline Syllabus

Main topics covered by this module will include:

1.Sociological and psychological perspectives on diversity

2.Leadership and diversity management in a global context
3.Policy and practice of diversity management in the workplace
4.Gender equality in the workplace
5.Race and ethnicity at work
6.Age diversity in the workplace
7.Disabled persons in the workplace
8.Religious diversity in the workplace
9.Sexual minorities in the workplace

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10.Work–life balance
11.Intersectionality in the workplace
12.Future of diversity management

Learning Activities

The structure of the course will be a lecture (one hour per week) which will introduce
students to core theoretical and academic contributions relating to the topic, an
interactive seminar activity (one hour per week) and a workshop (two hours per
week). Presentations, case studies and journal article analyses will comprise core
activities in workshop and seminar sessions.


The module will examine issues confronting managers of a diverse workforce. In

particular issues such as gender, race/ethnicity, ageing, disability, and intersectional
identities will be discussed. Two key approaches towards managing diversity will be
explained, i.e. the social equity case of managing diversity, and the business
benefits case of managing diversity.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Lean Six Sigma

Status: Definitive
Code: 6057BUSBM (121536)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Jacqueline Douglas Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 45
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 155

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam GB Multiple choice exam 50 1
Report YB 2500 word report Case Study 50 0
DMAIC application


This module aims to equip students with the skills necessary to embark on a Lean
Six Sigma project. Successful learners will receive certificates in Yellow and Green
Belt level.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Apply Lean principles to a selected project;

2 Apply the DMAIC methodology and its associated Six Sigma tools to a selected
3 Identify, analyse and evaluate business process problems independently, make
reasonable judgments, draw valid conclusions and make practical
recommendations as to process improvement.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Green Belt Open Book 1 2 3

Case Study DMAIC 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

1. The business case for Lean and Six Sigma;

2. Understanding processes and their role in business performance;
3. What is Six Sigma and Six Sigma performance;
4. Introduction to the DMAIC methodology;
5. Introduction to Lean Thinking;
6. Lean versus Six Sigma - Differences and Similarities;
7. An introduction to Lean Metrics – Takt Time, Cycle Time and OEE (Overall
Equipment Effectiveness);
8. Tools and Techniques for continuous improvement and their use within the Six
Sigma DMAIC;
9. An introduction to Six Sigma metrics – costs of quality, defects per million
opportunities (DPMO), Sigma Quality Level (SQL) and Yield;
10. Six Sigma project selection;
11. The DMAIC methodology in detail;
12. Variation and Statistical Process Control (SPC);
13. Critical Success Factors for Lean Six Sigma.

Learning Activities

Lectures, seminars and workshops.


Lean and Six Sigma methodologies both individually and combined are proven
methodologies to identify and eliminate defects, waste, rework and other failures that

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results in financial savings and improved customer satisfaction for manufacturing
and service industries including Healthcare and Financial Services. Qualified /
Certificated Six Sigma practitioners are highly employable and command high
salaries in the organizations for which they work. This module is designed to give
you the necessary understanding and tools and techniques equivalent to Lean Six
Sigma Yellow Belt certification. All students who achieve more than 60% in the
examination element of the assignment will receive a Lean Six Sigma Yellow / Green
Belt Certificate of performance.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Corporate Governance & Finance

Status: Definitive
Code: 6059BUSBM (121575)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Emer Gallagher Y
Yawen Hudson N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 45.5
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154.5

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam Exam AS2 Exam 1.5 hours 40 1.5
Report Report AS1 Individual Report 2,500 words 60 0


Over the past number of decades, there has been several important changes in the
area of corporate governance, both at an international and national level.
Globalisation increasingly requires firms and their management to have a solid
understanding of key governance issues and the possible implications of these on
firm behaviour and thus, performance. Therefore, this module aims to introduce

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students to corporate governance, its practice and related theoretical underpinnings.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Explain the concept of corporate governance, examine its roots and demonstrate
knowledge of recent developments in corporate governance research and practice
2 Critically evaluate the key theories/philosophies in corporate governance research
and their practical relevance in terms of encouraging incentive-alignment between
interested parties with conflicting incentives in the corporate setting
3 Critically and comparatively evaluate major cross-country differences regarding
corporate governance regulation and practice
4 Research and critically assess a contemporary issues in corporate governance
using an appropriate empirical approach

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Exam 2 3

Report 1 4

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to corporate governance and an examination of its evolution

Examination of the difference between corporate governance and corporate
Theories and philosophies of corporate governance
Corporate governance around the world/ International models of Corporate
Structures and policies necessary for effective corporate governance e.g.
examination of board architecture, functions of the board and other key positions of
governance and their associated roles
Current/emerging issues in corporate governance at both national and international
The economics of corporate governance
Capital structure and firm valuation
Pay-out policies and finance

Learning Activities

The module will be delivered through lectures, workshops and seminars.

More specifically, lectures will introduce students to module topics and will include an
overview of learning outcomes for each session, followed by coverage of subject
knowledge. Lectures will aim to cater to a variety of learning preferences and

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endeavour to include interactive demonstrations. The lectures will be used to provide
base knowledge which will then contribute to student completion of seminar

The workshops will then further promote/deepen understanding and facilitate debate
and discussion of issues between students. Within these a range of learning
activities will be utilised. Examples include case studies, debates, think-pair-share
activities and presentation based learning activities.

The seminars will focus primarily on the finance aspect to the module and again, will
include a variety of learning activities. The first number of weeks of workshops will
focus on ensuring students understand key financial concepts through the use of
small group discussions and problem based learning. Later, the workshops will focus
on ensuring students gain relevant quantitative skills required to effectively address
their assessment question. As such, these will be quantitative lab based sessions
allowing students to learn by doing.

Overall, student learning and participation in lectures, workshops and seminars will
be developed by providing learning materials via Blackboard Learn for download
prior to lectures/seminars, the use of buzz groups, the completion of individual and
small-group activities, note taking, presentations and case studies, to promote
learning and for formative and summative assessment purposes.

Students will be expected to spend time in preparation for classes supporting their
learning by covering the directed readings from the required textbooks and relevant
journal articles. In addition students should read widely around each topic area using
the relevant journals outlined below.


This module introduces students to corporate governance and finance, its practice
and related theoretical underpinnings. It focuses on corporate governance from both
a national and an international perspective and introduces contemporary academic
literature to develop students' critical appreciation of contemporary issues
surrounding corporate events, valuation theory and practice.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Environmental Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 6058BUSBM (121613)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2018

Owning School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Teaching School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Team Leader
Adam Frost Y
Rocio Valdivielso Del Real N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report 2500 words individual report 50 0
Presentation Present 10 minute individual 50 0


Climate change presents one of the most significant challenges to businesses today.
However by taking action businesses can also reap significant rewards through
redesigning products, processes and their business models. This module aims to
enable students to understand environmental issues facing businesses; what actions

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businesses can take to identify, measure and reduce their negative impacts on the
environment and how a low carbon society can create new opportunities to

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Identify and understand the environmental issues and laws facing businesses
2 Critically evaluate and understand how to use a range of tools and techniques to
measure a business' environmental impacts and performance
3 Identify and critically evaluate how a business can improve its environmental
4 Critically evaluate how new business opportunities can be created for a low carbon

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

2500 word individual 1 2

10 min individual 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Understanding environmental issues facing businesses

Identify environmental laws that impact various businesses
Evaluating the environmental impacts of a business
Environmental management systems
Improving environmental performance
Creating new business opportunities through environmental improvements to
products, processes and business models
Measuring environmental performance
Reporting and communicating environmental performance

Learning Activities

This module will be delivered through lectures, seminars and workshops.

Lectures which will each last 1 hour will introduce students the various topics being
covered in the module. Each lecture will start with an overview of the expected
learning outcomes. Lectures will aim to cater to variety of learning preferences with
coverage of academic theories and concepts as well practical examples.

Seminars which will each last 1 hour will allow the students to consider the content of
the previous lecture in more depth. Students will be expected to discuss key issues

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and questions presented in the lecture in smaller groups.

Workshops which will last for 2 hours each will aim to provide students with
opportunities to examine issues in far more detail, to reflect on case studies, industry
reports and other relevant sources of information. A wide range of teaching and
learning approaches will be utilised including debates, student presentations and
opportunities to undertake independent research.


This module introduces students to the issues businesses face in identifying,

measuring and reducing their negative impacts on the environment. It also focuses
on how businesses can create new opportunities through resigning their produces,
processes and business models for a low carbon society.

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BAH Business Studies

Level 4
Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 4300BUSBS (121903)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Foteini Stavropoulou Y
Alistair Beere N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 22
Seminar 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report RPT Individual 2500 word case study 60 0
Presentation PRES Business game simulation 40 0


1. To introduce students to all aspects of operations management theory and

practice in both services and manufacturing;
2. To give students the skills to solve real world operations-related problems.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Select and apply operations management theories, models and tools to case study
2 Select and apply suitable tools and techniques to solve operations-related
3 Develop an Operations Strategy
4 Analyse and apply the subject area and clarify why they have taken certain

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:



Outline Syllabus

1. An Introduction to Operations Management;

2. Developing an operations strategy;
3. Winning Customers and Competing Effectively;
4. Operation Process and Life Cycle;
5. Locating, Designing and managing facilities;
6. Managing Supply Chain relationships;
7. Managing Materials and Inventory performance;
8. Managing Capacity and Demand;
9. Managing Quality;
10. Managing Queuing and customer satisfaction;
11. Developing new products and services;
12. Internationalisation, Globalisation and Corporate Social Responsibility

Learning Activities

Each session will involve a lecture followed by a seminar where students will gain
practice in the application of various operations management theories, models, tools
and techniques.
Learning activities include video, games, experiments and case studies.


Opeartions management is about how organizations produce the everyday goods

and services we all take for granted. It is a broad subject that encompasses process
and technology management and design, product design, production planning and
control, quality management, project management, supply chain management and

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inventory management. This module is designed to introduce you to the theory and
practice of these areas many of which you can choose to study in more depth in
levels 5 and 6 of your degree programme.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive but changes made
Code: 4301BUSBS (121905)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Jane Aspinall Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 10 Delivered 33
Total Private
Learning 100 Study: 67

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report RPT 2500 Word Individual Report 100 0


To provide a comprehensive foundation for theoretical and practical applications

relevant to the management of behaviour in organisations. To introduce students to
the role of the manager, the management process and themes in contemporary

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Evaluate the theoretical concepts, models and tools to help comprehend employee
and organisational behaviour
2 Utilise techniques to enable groups and teams to work together effectively
3 Discuss key themes in contemporary OB: globalisation, cross-cultural issues,
diversity and values, change
4 Evaluate the individual within the organisation in terms of individual differences

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

REPORT 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Personality and Individual Difference
Perception and Attitude Formation
Diversity and Values in OB
Cross Cultural Issues in OB
Emotional Intelligence and Empathy
Organisational Culture
Change in Organisations

Learning Activities

Lecture and Seminar


This module brings together a multi-perspective approach to the behaviour of people

and the role of the manager.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 4302BUSBS (121906)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Polly Wilson Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam EX Multi choice exam 1 hour 30 0
Report RPT 2500 word report 70 0


This module is designed to provide students with an understanding of essential

finance and accounting terminology and methods to enable them to perform
effectively and efficiently within their future workplace. Using practical examples,
students will gain confidence to be able to financial modelling skills using Excel.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Recognise the importance of the finance and accounting function.

2 Develop knowledge of finance accounting terminology thereby allowing students to
make a valuable contribution to the workplace within meetings or in a supportive
3 Prepare financial statements within excel; statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income, statement of financial position, cashflow statement and
forecast budgets.
4 Develop excel financial models to evaluate performance, recommend appropriate
action with reference to market and economic condition, produce a business plan,
to support a venture capital request.
5 Create, manage and control budgets to aid cashflow / liquidity, improve
profitability, reduce risk and make informed strategic decision using financial

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

EXAM 1 2

REPORT 3 4 5

Outline Syllabus

The module will review key areas of finance and accounting in order to enable the
students to be able to prepare the necessary financial statement and business plan
with excel to support a venture capital request.

1. Considerations of the legal forms of business, implications and financial

accounting treatment of them.

2. Financing structures of business-limitations and future considerations of these.

3. Cost structures, capacity constraints, break-even points, margin of safety and

financial implications of logistics.

4. Book keeping and final accounts preparation - statement of financial position,

statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.

5. Cash flow forecast, key financial ratios and business plan preparation.
6. Review the external environment factors such as economic and legal changes,
which could have an impact on their selected sector business.

Learning Activities

In order to simulate the students they will be actively involved in identifying the

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rationale behind key operational and management decisions of UK and international
based companies, throughout the semester.

They will create a newly formed business structure, be able to select the locality,
operational costs of production, capacity factors, to produce supporting calculations
within excel models.

Students will be informed of the different financing options available and prepare a
supporting venture capital request business plan presentation, which will consider
current and expected economic and market conditions.

The module is fully supported by blackboard including lecture notes, case studies,
internet links and appropriate literature sources.

Students will link apply knowledge gained through the other core modules of
business operations, marketing and contemporary business issues.


This module is designed to provide students with an understanding of essential

finance and accounting terminology and methods to enable them to perform
effectively and efficiently within their future workplace. Using practical examples,
students will gain confidence to be able to financial modelling skills using Excel.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 4303BUSBS (121924)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Terry Murray Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 48
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 152

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Standard Year Long

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 4
Seminar 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation pres group presentation 25 0
Report rpt 2500 word report 65 0
Self Self aware complete a world of work skills 10 0
Awareness bronze statement on self
Statement awareness and then reflect on
your feedback using a standard


To enable students to develop the concepts and skills necessary to be effective

learners and gain sufficient work base skills to enhance their future employability.
after completing the module the student should be able to

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hand in work properly word processed with suitable referencing, tables of contents,
page numbering, page orientation and correct text styles.
manage e-mail communication professionally using upper and lower case at all
times, correctly completed subject lines and proper salutations.
present a business orientated topic
have a basic understanding of the business use spreadsheets
analyse data using spss
understand the importance of digital information systems to business

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 read effectively and source appropriate resources for academic study

2 produce a fully formed academic report
3 create and analyse quantitative and quantitative data
4 identify and reflect upon the following aspects of personal development strengths
and weaknesses, motivations and values, ability to work with others

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

presentation 1 3

report 2 4

Self-awareness statement 4

Outline Syllabus

Use of M drive and diary software

Accessing University resources remotely
Introduction to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Introduction to learning concepts
Introduction to Personal Development Planning
Locating business information using explore, online databases, online journals, etc
Introductions to the library portal
Paraphrasing information sources, report writing and referencing
Synthesise information sources to produce essays and reports
using nvivo and spss

Learning Activities

Lectures, workshops and on-line multimedia teaching materials including specifically

targeted help videos and media content.

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To introduce the students to the basic skills required to be able to use the university
systems and ensure that they are able to communicate and collaborate using the
systems and technologies available to them.
To develop basic IT business skills that enhance and improve their wider
management and business skills with a particular emphasis on the effective use of
Microsoft Office and it backed end capabilities.
To develop a range of academic literacy skills which improvise their organization and
presentation of academic conte

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 4305BUSBS (121926)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Giuseppe Scotto Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation POST Individual Poster on One Aspect 40 0
of Globalisation
Essay ESSAY Collection on mini Essays Word 60 0
Count 2500


This module provides the essential frameworks to understand current issues in

business and their impact on companies and society.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Analyse the evolution of management theory from early work until the present
2 Recognise the importance of business environment and its impact on
3 Analyse key themes in contemporary business management, with a focus on
globalisation, ethics and new technologies.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:



Outline Syllabus

Setting the Context Development of Management Theory

Being a Manager Today
Leadership and Decision Making
Managing Diversity
Communicating in the 21st Century
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
The business Environment
Ethics, CSR and Corporate Governance
The Use of Big Data

Learning Activities

Lectures, seminars, workshop, case studies, guest speakers.


To introduce students to the role and practice of Marketing within a variety of


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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Digital business

Status: Definitive
Code: 4306BUSBS (121843)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Alistair Beere Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 10 Delivered 22
Total Private
Learning 100 Study: 78

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report CW1 1500 word report 100 0


This module aims to famliarise students with the opportunities digital technologies
offer organisations.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Identify the role of digital technologies in business

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2 Demonstrate the application of digital marketing techniques.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

1500 word report 1 2

Outline Syllabus

Digital marketing

Learning Activities

Workshops and practical IT sessions


This module is supported by Blackboard.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 4304BUSBS (121925)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Mathew Analogbei Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation PRES oup poster presentation 50 2
assesses learning outcomes 1-5
testing the ability of the students
to coherently engage their
knowledge on the marketing mix
within a marketing plan
Exam EXAM Examination assesses learning 50 2
outcomes 1-5 by testing the
students' knowledge of
marketing planning,
management and rationale with


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To immerse students into the role and practice of marketing, providing knowledge
and understanding of the relevant
theories through engagement.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Understand the Marketing concept

2 Appreciate the role of Marketing across personal, public, private and not for profit
3 Understand the concept of the Marketing mix for both goods and sevices
4 Discuss the impact of brands, strategy, positioning and personality
5 Appraise the influence of the E-economy and Digital Marketing within society

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:


EXAM 1 4 5

Outline Syllabus

Marketing Concept
Marketing with the Organisation
Marketing Environment
Marketing Planning
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Developing the Marketing Mix
Products, Services and Branding Strategy Pricing
Marketing Communications
Sales Management
Marketing Channels
Customer Relationship Marketing
NonProfit Marketing
Consumer Buying Behaviour
Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability
Digital Marketing and E-Economy
Global Perspective

Learning Activities

Lectures plus weekly seminars, case studies, group exercises, presentations, self
assessment exercises

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To introduce students to the role and practice of Marketing within a variety of


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BAH Business Studies

Level 5
Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 5300BUSBS (121927)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Adrian McGrath Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 10 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 100 Study: 56

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio Port To include Recruitment 100 0
Documentation and Learning
Logs. Portfolio word count 2500.


To provide students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in the graduate
employment market.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Produce the necessary documentation to secure interviews with prospective
2 Evidence and reflect on own learning and development in a series of learning logs.
3 Develop a high level of organisational awareness.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

REPORT 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Skills Analysis
Effective Covering Letters and CVs
Completion of Application Forms
Psychometric Tests
Researching Companies
Interview Skills
Assessment Centres
Presentation Skills
Reflective Writing and Learning Logs

Learning Activities

Workshops to Develop Employability Skills

Employer Presentations
Participation in Mock Interviews


To provide students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in the graduate
employment market.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 5301BUSBS (121935)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Natalie Marguet Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam EXAM Individual Exam 60 2
Presentation PRES Group Presentation 40 0


To develop the essential skills and knowledge needed in order to apply the prince 2
method to the management of organisations projects.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

Page 1 of 3
1 Critically review and assess the validity of organisational theory that underpins
current project management practices
2 Analyse the appropriateness of prince 2 structured approach to project
management within organisations.
3 Utilise an established software package and an established project management
methodology to provide project management information.
4 Demonstrate recognised some competencies in an established project
management methodology.
5 Construct project memoranda demonstrate knowledge and application of the
concepts and practice project management.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

EXAM 4 5


Outline Syllabus

The boundary and relationship projects and operations

Prince 2 principles, processes themes
Project success and failure
Team roles in project management
Project management information systems
Project management tools and techniques

Learning Activities

Lectures-formal lecture sessions will be used to introduce key issues from the
Videos- videos will be shown to supplement the formal lectures. Some of the tutorial
sessions will be used to explore issues from the videos in some depth
Group activities-group work is used to encourage you to work with, and learn from
others. it also gives you practice of working in teams, which is an integral part of
managing a project. A key component of the group activities is the use of a project
management simulations.
Individual activities- some activities will be carried out on an individual basis. This will
give you the chance to apply some of the key ideas from the module
Tutorials-lively discussion will enable you to enjoy the subject, learn from others and
sharpen your own views on the subject. Thorough preparation for tutorials is
essential in terms of enabling you to fully participate and as preparation for the
assessments. Online tutorials will also be utilised


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To develop the essential skills and knowledge needed in order to apply the prince 2
method to the management of organisations projects.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 5304BUSBS (121958)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Giuseppe Scotto Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation PRES Group presentation analysing a 30 0
specific foreign market
Exam EXAM Final unseen examination 70 2


This module aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to understand
the international aspects of contemporary business.

Learning Outcomes

Page 1 of 2
After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Analyse the main features of globalisation and its evolution.

2 Show knowledge of the key concepts and theories of international business and
apply them to real-life cases.
3 Analyse the impact of political, economic, social, legal, environmental and
technological factors on companies operation in different markets.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:


EXAM 1 2

Outline Syllabus

The Business Environment - Theoretical Underpinnings

Introduction to Globalisation
The Organisation of International Business - International Intuitions, Multinational
Corporations and Transnational Organisations
The Global Monetary Systems - Exchange Rates
International Trade
Regional Economic Integration
Focus: Regional Economic Integration - The Business Context in Europe
Doing Business in Emerging Economies
Focus: Doing Business in Emerging Economies China And India

Learning Activities

Lectures will provide the theoretical foundations to discuss international business.

Seminars will be used to look at case studies and analyse academic journal articles.
Guest speakers will be invited to share their real-life experience of managing in an
international environment.


This module aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to understand
the international aspects of contemporary business.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 5305BUSBS (122021)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Linda Walsh Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 10 Delivered 33
Total Private
Learning 100 Study: 67

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay ESSAY 2500 word essay 100 0


This module aims to explore the importance of the law to business. The structure of
legal environment and the purpose of civil law will be examined.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

Page 1 of 2
1 Recognise how a law is created.
2 Analyse the impact of contract law on business.
3 Analyse the main features of employment law and discrimination.
4 Recognise the nature of the law on business structure, conduct and reporting

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

ESSAY 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

The UK Court System And Where Laws Come From.

Contract Law: Offer and Acceptance, Consideration, Contract Terms, Sale of Goods
and Services.
Employment Law: Contract of Employment and Its Termination, Discrimination and
Health and Safety.
The Structure And Management Of A Business: Company Formation, Types Of
Organisation: Unincorporated And Incorporated Business, Partnerships.

Learning Activities

lecture and seminar


This module introduces students to the importance of understanding the law for any
business. Key topics include contract law, employment law and the structure and
management of business organisations.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 5302BUSBS (121949)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Giuseppe Scotto Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report RPT 3000 Word Proposal 100 0


To prepare students for the level 6 project, the module aims to enable students to
develop a research proposal on a topic of their choice.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Develop and justify a relevant, original and feasible research topic.
2 Search, identify and critically evaluate relevant literature.
3 Recognise which research methodology may be most suitable to address the
chosen research question.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Research Proposal 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Defining the Research Topic

Identifying the Relevant Literature
Critically Reviewing the Literature
Deciding the Research Strategy and Methods
Using Secondary Data
Collecting Primary Data
Analysing Data Quantitatively and Qualitatively
Negotiating Ethics and Access
Planning a Timescale And Use Of Resources

Learning Activities

Lectures, seminars to support the development of IT and research skills.


The module aims to develop student skills in the research process. Working as an
individual, students will work on a real
research problem which will develop student skills in questionnaire design, team
work, the analysis of quantitative and
qualitative data and the production of a comprehensive research report.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 5303BUSBS (121997)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Linda Walsh Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 47
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 153

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam EXAM 3 hour exam 100 3


To examine the principles by which a market economy operates at both a

microeconomic and macroeconomic level. To introduce students to the purpose and
methods used to regulate business in the UK.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Recognise how resource allocation takes place in a market economy.
2 Analyse the impact of competition on the behaviour of firms.
3 Analyse the main macroeconomic objectives for an economy and apply theoretical
ideas to current debates.
4 Critically analyse the theory and practice of common markets and currency unions.
5 Analyse the purpose, structure, methods, practice and implementation of
economic regulation.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

EXAM 1 2 3 4 5

Outline Syllabus

Microeconomics: Scarcity, Opportunity Cost, the Price Mechanism, Theory Of The

Firm, Market Structures, Labour And Factor Markets, Markets Failure.

Macroeconomics: Economic Growth, Unemployment Policy Tools: Fiscal Policy,

Monetary Policy And Supply Side Policy.

The Theory and Practice of Modern Economic Regulation: Finance, Trade, Air
Transport, The Environment.

Learning Activities

Lecture, seminars and case studies


To examine the principles by which a market economy operates at both a

microeconomic and macroeconomic level. To introduce students to the purpose and
methods used to regulate business in the UK.

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BAH Business Studies

Level 5
Option Modules
Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 5312BUSBS (122022)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Jane Aspinall Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam EXAM Exam essay responses to HR 75 2
issues in a seen case study.
Report REPORT Personal development plan, 25 0
reflective account and silver
statement. 2500 words


The module forms part of the BABS HRM route which aims to provide the knowledge
requirements of the CIPD certificate HRM intermediate.

Learning Outcomes

Page 1 of 3
After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Evaluate the roles, relationships and models of delivery for efficient and effective
HR managers and line managers in a range of contemporary business settings.
2 Analyse the impact of internal and external factors on HRM delivery.
3 Appraise best practice models in recruitment, selection, induction, performance
management, reward and development.
4 Critically evaluate the contribution of hr strategic, policy and practice to business
5 Critically evaluate techniques used to construct, implement and review their own
personal development plan, building competence as a "thinking performer"

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

EXAM 1 2 3 4 5


Outline Syllabus

History of HRM
Models of delivery
Best practice HRM-ACAS model
Performance management
Reward training and development engagement retention
The welfare worker
Business partner
Strategy, policy and practice
Diversity competence
Relationship with the line
Contribution to business success
Aligned HRM
A balanced scorecard evaluating HRM contribution CIPD associate behaviours the
thinking performer.

Learning Activities

Lectures are used to disseminate theory and best practice in human resource
One lecture per week "reflective practice" focuses on the role of the self-managing,
efficient and effective HR practitioner and thinking Performer in relation to particular
areas of HR practice. This lecture slot will often be used for guest speakers.

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The other lecture "HR action" focuses on the area of practitioner intervention and
disseminates best practice models of, for example, selection and performer with
HR's contribution to business success.

The weekly 2 hour seminar allows rich discussion, group work, case studies, role
play and application of theory to practice.


The module delivers specialist HRM content to BAB's students who may be aspiring
line managers and/or HR managers. It considers the roles of line managers and HR
managers in a range of organisations of different sizes and sectors.

The module will provide the knowledge requirements of the chartered institute of
personnel and development certificate in HRM at intermediate standards and as part
of the HRM route will equip students with the academic content required to achieve
associate membership of CIPD.

The module is mapped against LJMU wow skills and graduate skills, is fully
accessible through blackboard and supported by on line materials through
recommended texts.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 5314BUSBS (122025)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Joanna Qu Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 45
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 155

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay ESSAY Individual 2500 word case study 65 0
coursework assignment
Exam EXAM Open book multiple choice 35 1


1.To introduce students to the foundation knowledge of quality management in

general and quality factors in service sectors.

2.To provide students with the knowledge and skills to manage and improve
organisations' service quality to increase operation efficiency and improve customer

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Recognise the principles, objectives and impacts of quality management.

2 Analyse the relationship between company culture and quality management.
3 Analyse the basic concepts of some advanced quality control methods.
4 Investigate the quality management methods in service industry.
5 Appraise a wide range of service quality management and improvement tools to
analysis service businesses and make recommendations.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

ESSAY 1 2 5

EXAM 3 4

Outline Syllabus

•Introduction of quality management

•The evolution of quality management
•Organisational culture for quality
•Costs of quality
•Service quality Introduction
•Service quality related legislation and regulation
•Customer loyalty
•Supply and demand management
•Complaint handling

Learning Activities

•Introduction of quality management

•The evolution of quality management
•Organisational culture for quality
•Costs of quality
•Service quality Introduction
•Service quality related legislation and regulation
•Customer loyalty
•Supply and demand management
•Complain handling

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With globalization and increasing market competition, price alone can hardly
differentiate a company from the crowd. Companies are putting more efforts on
controlling and improving quality of their products and services.

This module provides an understanding of quality management and its application in

business environment. It will equip students with the knowledge and skills of quality
management which can be applied across organisational sectors, particular in
service sectors, which will enhance the students' employability. It also lays a solid
foundation for any future study in quality control area.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 5316BUSBS (122026)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Polly Wilson Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation pres In groups of up to 6 students, to 25 0
prepare and present a review of
one month's financial events to
their peers.
Exam exam To attempt 3 from 6 questions 75 2
from an unseen examination.


A critical understanding of international financial system – its role, risks and

regulation of financial institutions, instruments and markets:
the ability to critically evaluate the role of financial institutions, markets and
regulators in an increasingly volatile global market and

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an opportunity to evaluate the impact of major economic events / developments in
the monetary and financial system.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Analyse and evaluate the role and management of the monetary system and
financial institutions in its ever changing environment.
2 Evaluate the role of international financial markets in providing finance, liquidity,
their ability to manage financial risk and assess their efficiency.
3 Evaluate the strategic and financial risk management issues / techniques currently
facing the financial services sector and the economy as a whole and how this
impacts upon organisation funding options.
4 Critically evaluate the international regulatory regime and if there is a need for
regulating the financial system.
5 Critically evaluating developments in the monetary and financial system and be
able to competently discuss within a presentation summarising such events.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

presentation 5

exam 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

The module will review the following key areas of international monetary and
financial systems in order to gain an understanding as to how these impact upon an
businesses operating within it:

1.Monetary System – the money supply, Monetary Policy Committee, interest rates,
inflation and the usage of quantitative easing;
2.Financial System – Institutions and how various financial instruments – bills, bonds
etc flow within markets and how efficient are they in terms of liquidity and level of
3.Financial Institutions what is there role; what risks exist and what regulatory
attempts have been implemented to mitigate these; to evaluate just if such measures
have achieved to manage such risks;
4.Savings, investment intuitions and finance providers, why are they of relative
importance to business and how can they obtain maximum growth potential from

Learning Activities

In order to simulate the students they will be actively monitoring UK and international

Page 2 of 3
financial events, preparing a monthly summary as to how these could have an
impact upon an organisation.

Case studies will be reviewed to identify how businesses have responded to historic
financial crisis events. This will allow development of strategies as to how
businesses should respond to such changes and develops earlier knowledge from
contemporary business issues from level 4 and with level 5 link / apply knowledge
gained through the core modules of economics and international institutions, trade
and markets. It will also establish connections with level 6 modules of strategic
management and the financial risk management option.

The module is fully supported by Blackboard including lecture notes, case studies,
internet links and appropriate literature sources.


a critical understanding of international financial system – its role, risks and

regulation of financial institutions, instruments and markets:
the ability to critically evaluate the role of financial institutions, markets and
regulators in an increasingly volatile global market and
an opportunity to evaluate the impact of major economic events / developments in
the monetary and financial system.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 5317BUSBS (122027)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Mathew Analogbei Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test TEST In-class test consisting of MCQ, 40 0
True-false, and short essay-type
Exam EXAM Exam assessing the overall 60 2
understanding of the course


This module aims to offer students an opportunity to develop in-depth understanding

of the study of consumer behaviour and consumer buying process. The module aims
to cover the key aspects like consumers' influence on the field of marketing and vice
versa; Consumer perceptions and motivations; Consumer Decision-Making Process;
;Effect of culture and lifestyles on consumers; and External variables affecting

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consumer behaviour

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Analyse the influence of consumer behaviour on the field of marketing

2 Explore consumer perceptions and attitudes that affect their purchase decisions
3 Critically examine the consumer-decision making process
4 To analyse the effect of culture and lifestyle on consumer and what external
variables can affect consumer behaviour

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

TEST 1 2

EXAM 3 2 4

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to the course;

Consumer buying & evaluation process
Consumer motivation
Consumer values & involvement
Consumer Perception
Consumer Attitudes
Consumer Personality and Lifestyle
Individual decision-making
The self - Consumption & self-concept
Family structures & household decision-making
Culture & consumer behaviour

Learning Activities

Lectures, seminar discussions, case studies, role-play exercises, self assessment



This module aims to offer students an opportunity to develop in-depth understanding

of the study of consumer behaviour and consumer buying process. The module aims
to cover the key aspects like consumers' influence on the field of marketing and vice
versa; Consumer perceptions and motivations; Consumer Decision-Making Process;
;Effect of culture and lifestyles on consumers; and External variables affecting

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consumer behaviour.

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BAH Business Studies

Level 6
Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6300BUSBS (122029)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Hilary Bishop Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 47
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 153

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam EXAM Examination will assess LOs 1-4 100 3
by testing students' ability to
coherently explain and critically
analyse contemporary issues
relating to corporate social
responsibility, sustainability and
resilience with questions


The aims of this module are for students to develop an understanding of the
philosophical underpinnings of ethical decision making in a global business
environment, to appreciate the impact of global business on host nations and to

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introduce present and potential future issues facing business, in order that students
may incorporate ethical, environmental and responsible dimensions into
management thinking (particularly strategic decision making) for a more responsible,
sustainable and resilient future.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Explore the meaning and significance of reputation, responsibility and business

ethics for an organisation..
2 Critically analyse the cultural, social, political, and personal dimensions of ethics
within a global business environment.
3 Evaluate major global challenges and develop examples of sustainable practices
and measure taken towards improved sustanability
4 Identify methods to help organisations strengthen their resilience in the face of
current and future challenges

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

EXAM 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Ethical theory.
Ethical reasoning.
Ethical Decision Making.
Role Conflict within Personal and Professional Ethics.
Moral and Cultural Relativism.
Definition of Corporate Social Responsibility - Legal, Financial, Societal.
Altruism; Philanthropy.
Stakeholder Management.
Models of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Definition of Sustainability.
Strategic Issues in Sustainability - Human Resource; Environmental; Safety.
Role of Multinational Corporation - Home/Host; Fair Trade.
Notion of the Social Contract
Enlightened Self Interest.

Learning Activities

The module will consist of structured lectures and seminars which will be designed to
reinforce and test students' understanding of that week's topic. The tutorial activities
will involve analysing case studies, journal articles and media reports, combining real
world experiences with the practical application of theories.

Page 2 of 3

The aims of this module are for students to develop an understanding of the
philosophical underpinnings of ethical decision making in a global business
environment, to appreciate the impact of global business on host nations and to
introduce present and potential future issues facing business, in order that students
may incorporate ethical, environmental and responsible dimensions into
management thinking (particularly strategic decision making) for a more responsible,
sustainable and resilient future.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6301BUSBS (122084)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Scott Foster Y
Lindsey Muir N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report RPT Students will be actively 100 0
engaged in a Case Study and
required to provide detailed
recommendations to enable
strategic decisions to be made
4500 words


1.To acquire knowledge about issues and dimensions of strategic management.

2.To recognise the importance of external and internal organisational factors in

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determining the competitive success of organisations.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Analyse the strategic nature of decision processes and behaviour.

2 Recognise the inter-relationships between strategy identification, formulation and
3 Analyze the competitive environment in which a business is located.
4 Recognise and articulate the importance of obtaining and sustaining a competitive
5 Explain the role and responsibility of the senior executives or advisors in meeting
conflicting needs of stakeholders.
6 Evaluate potential investment decisions and assessing their financial and strategic
consequences, both domestically and internationally.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

RPT 1 2 3 4 5 6

Outline Syllabus

What is strategy.
Analysing the current situation.
Competitive advantage.
Corporate level strategy and strategic options.
Methods of development.
International strategy.
Analysing Capabilities.
Value Chain analysis
Implementing strategy & managing change.
Corporate reconstruction and reorganisation.
Contemporary trends in Strategic Management.

Learning Activities

Lectures and seminars.


To provide an integrative approach to the study of strategic management and to

examine the role that this plays within the overall performance of the corporation

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BAH Business Studies

Level 6
Option Modules
Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6302BUSBS (122032)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Scott Foster Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 40 Delivered 12
Total Private
Learning 400 Study: 388

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Standard Year Long

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 8
Seminar 4

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Dissertation Disser The Final Dissertation 7000 70 0
Report Report Project Proposal 1000 Words 10 0
Essay Essay Literature Review 2000 Words 20 0


To enable students to research a business problem or issue within an academic


Learning Outcomes

Page 1 of 3
After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Research and analyse a business problem or issue

2 Develop a research proposal
3 Produce a structured report

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Dissertation 1 3

Report 2

Essay 1

Outline Syllabus

Students choose a business problem or issue, which may be related to work

undertaken on placement year or on a part time basis, or which may be desk based
research. Students will be expected to:
Identify and justify appropriate research methods.
Undertake a literature review.
Collect, collate and analyse appropriate research data.
Reach conclusions and make recommendations where appropriate. Produce a
structured report.

Learning Activities

Lectures covering generic issues: the proposal (covered in detail at level 5 in the
Research methods module), use of SPSS, the project write up. Individual meetings
with tutors providing guidance on the management of the research and production of
the project.


This module enables final year students to apply their knowledge and skills to a
properly researched business problem or issue.

For sandwich students, the project focus normally relates to work undertaken in the
placement year. Non-sandwich students may base their project on links to a
company through, for example, part-time employment, or may conduct a desk based

All students must submit a proposal to module leader for their intended project. (See
module guide for proposal requirements).

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Feedback will be given to students after project assessment and the programme
assessment board, via a mark/feedback form, compiled by the project supervisor.
Assessment criteria for the project are detailed in the module handbook.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6303BUSBS (122034)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Karl Harper Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report RPT Students will be required to 100 0
make Strategic Decisions when
presented with marketing,
financial, project management,
personnel and operational data.
4500 words.


This modules is designed to simulate the Strategic Decision Making process,

requiring students to apply the knowledge and skills they have developed throughout
the programme, finance, marketing, CSR, economic etc, as well as their
understanding of the Strategic Management gained in Semester 1.

Page 1 of 2
Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Identify Strategic Issues facing Companies

2 Make informed and coordinated Strategic Decisions
3 Evaluate and recommend Growth/Merger & Acquisition Strategies
4 Evaluate the Risk of Strategic Decisions
5 Recommend Strategies to Manage Risk & Resolve Conflict
6 Evaluate the Financial & Non-financial Performance of an organisatio

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

REPORT 1 2 3 4 5 6

Outline Syllabus

1.The Role of Strategic Management

2.Identify Strategic Issues facing Companies
3.Coordinating Marketing, Project Management, Finance, Personnel & Operational
4.Evaluating & Recommending a Growth Strategy
5.Mergers and Acquisitions
6.Developing a Risk Management Strategy
7.Implementing & Evaluating Risk Management Strategies
8.Strategies to resolve stakeholder conflict
9.Performance Evaluation – Financial & Non-Financial
10.Strategies when faced with Financial Distress

Learning Activities

Students will be engaged in the evaluation and analysis of a Case Study requiring
them to make Strategic Decisions when presented with marketing, financial, project
management, personnel and operational data.


Students will be engaged in the evaluation and analysis of a Case Study requiring
them to make Strategic Decisions when presented with marketing, financial, project
management, personnel and operational data.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6304BUSBS (122220)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Scott Foster Y
Alistair Beere N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 28
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 172

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 6
Seminar 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation PRES Presentation of the solution to 40 0
the client
Report RPT Report stating the solutions to 60 0
the clients problem. 2500 words


The aims of this module are for students to develop an understanding of business
problems and issues particularly at the strategic level and provide them with the
opportunity to apply key academic theories and models in the development of a
solution that meets the client's needs.

Page 1 of 2
Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Explain contemporary business issues and apply them.

2 Critically analyse the issues involved in developing business solutions including
3 Identify the importance and relevance of practical business solutions and the
impact that there introduction can have on a company.
4 Evaluate the effectiveness as part of a consultancy team.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

PRES 1 2 4


Outline Syllabus

Risk Management
Internal analysis (value chain, quality management, balanced scorecard)
Strategic partnerships (jit, supply chain, virtual organisations)
Knowledge management

Learning Activities

The students will be given a real life business issue to resolve. A client will come in
and set the problem. The students will then work in teams of consultants, with the
module team acting as senior consultants to provide support and advice in the
design and development of the solution.


The aims of this module are for students to develop an understanding of business
problems and issues particularly at the strategic level and provide them with the
opportunity to apply key academic theories and models in the development of a
solution that meets the client's needs.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6310BUSBS (122036)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Karl Harper Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report RPT The analysis and evaluation of 100 0
financial data including real-
time, exchange rates, interest
rates, oil prices etc and new
information such as price and
volume changes, in order to
make sound financial
recommendations. 4500 words


This module is designed to enable students to make corporate financial decisions in

an increasingly volatile international marketplace, in order to increase profitability,

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maintain liquidity and reduce financial risk.

The module follows the growth of a company from decisions concerning the
acquisition of long-term and short-term sources of finance, to the evaluation of
capital investment and ultimately the international marketplace as the company
seeks to expand.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Identify business problems/risks and recommend strategies to reduce/eliminate

the risks identified.
2 Identify appropriate long-term and short-term sources of finance and use relevant
financial data to calculate the cost of capital using WACC; CAPM & APM.
3 Forecast Future Cashflows and conduct "What-If Analysis" by developing Financial
Models using Excel.
4 Analyse International Capital Investment Decisions using Payback, ARR, NPV &
5 Evaluate possible Mergers & Acquisitions highlighting the risks involved
6 Evaluate the impact of various schemes of capital restructure

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

REPORT 1 2 3 4 5 6

Outline Syllabus

1.Financial Management & Objectives of the Organisation

2. International Cash Flow Forecasts/Financial Modelling incorporating "What–If
Analysis" using Excel
3. Sources of Long-term & Short-term Finance
4. The Cost of Capital – Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC); Capital Asset
Pricing Model (CAPM) & Arbitrage Pricing Model (APM)
5. International Capital Investment Appraisal – Payback, Accounting Rate of Return
(ARR), Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
6. Capital Rationing
7. Asset Replacement Cycles
8. Business Valuation
9.Mergers & Acquisitions
10. Capital Restructure

Learning Activities

In order to simulate the World of Work students will be actively involved in the

Page 2 of 3
analysis and evaluation of a Case Study throughout the semester.

The Case Study, provided to students on the first day of the course, follows the life of
a company, from decisions concerning the acquisition of long-term and short-term
sources of finance, the evaluation of capital investment, the financing of growth
including mergers & acquisitions to ultimately, facing the possibility of liquidation.

Students will also be asked to respond to real-time data such as changes in

exchange rates, interest rates, oil prices etc and new information such as prices
changes, new quotations etc present by the lecturer throughout the semester


This module is designed to enable students to make corporate financial decisions in

an increasingly volatile international marketplace, in order to increase profitability,
maintain liquidity and reduce financial risk.

The module follows the growth of a company from decisions concerning the
acquisition of long-term and short-term sources of finance, to the evaluation of
capital investment and ultimately the international marketplace as the company
seeks to expand.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6311BUSBS (122042)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Karl Harper Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report RPT Report & Presentation. 4500 100 0


This module is designed to enable students to identify, measure and manage

financial risks.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

Page 1 of 3
1 Identify Financial Risks facing companies.
2 Measure and Prioritise Financial Risks
3 Evaluate Strategies to manage Credit Risk including the use of International
Chamber of Commerce Collections & Letters of Credit and Bonds/Guarantees
4 Compare & Contrast the various Financial Derivatives as Risk Management
5 Evaluate & Recommend Methods of Managing Exchange Rate & Country Risk
6 Evaluate & Recommend Methods of Managing Interest Rate and Commodity
Price Risk

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

REPORT 1 2 3 4 5 6

Outline Syllabus

The Role of Financial Risk Management

2.Identifying & Measuring Risk
3.Credit Risk Management including Securing Payment using Collections
(International Rules for Collection URC ICC 522) & Letters of Credit (Uniform
Customs & Practice UCP ICC 600
4.Bonds & Guarantees to facilitate international trade and reduce risk
5.The Treasury Function
6.Financial Derivatives
7.Exchange Rates & Risk Management
8.Country Risk Assessment & Management
9.Interest Rate Risk Management
10.Commodity Prices & Risk Management

Learning Activities

In order to simulate the World of Work students will be actively involved in the
analysis and evaluation of a Case Study throughout the semester.

The Case Study, builds upon Semester 1 International Corporate Finance (Finance
Route), with students now engaged in the management of the financial risks

Students will once again be asked to respond to real-time data such as changes in
exchange rates, interest rates, oil prices etc and new information such as prices
changes, new quotations etc present by the lecturer throughout the semester


Page 2 of 3
This module is designed to enable students to identify, measure and manage
financial risks.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6312BUSBS (122044)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Jane Aspinall Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report RPT Written individual report 100 0
analysing the engagement of
employees with the performance
management strategy, policy
and practice and making
recommendations for
improvement in an organisation
of the student's choice. 4500


The module forms part of the BABS HRM ROUTE which aims to provide the
knowledge requirements of the CIPD Certificate HRM Intermediate Standards

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Critically appraise the line manager and HR roles, relationships and models of
delivery for High Performance Working in a range of contemporary settings.
2 Argue the business case for high performance working including its impact on
culture and change management.
3 Know how to implement strategies and practices intended to raise levels of
employee engagement both locally and globally.
4 identify and explain the contribution of performance and engagement practices to
business success.
5 Demonstrate ability to evaluate the findings of recent studies in performance and
engagement and relate them to a range of contemporary settings.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

REPORT 2 3 4 5 1

Outline Syllabus

Conceptualising the organisation: the strategic link

The Harvard model of HRM: stakeholders
Models and methods of aligning performance
Performance owned and driven by the line
High Performance Working culture
Managing the move to a HPWO
Employee engagement: unitarism and pluralism
Engagement strategy, policy and practice
Barriers to effective engagement
Managing attendance
Performance Improvement
Employee well being
Employer Branding and global engagement
Evaluating the contribution of HPW to success
Engagement and sustainability

Learning Activities

Lectures are used to introduce different conceptual frameworks in high performance

working and engagement and to direct independent study time.
The weekly 3 hour seminar allows rich discussion, group work, case studies, role
play and the application of theory to practice.

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This module delivers specialist HRM content to BABS students who may be aspiring
line managers and/or HR managers. It considers the roles of line managers and HR
managers in a range of organisations of different sizes and sectors.
The module will provide the knowledge requirements of the Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development Certificate in HRM at Intermediate Standards and as
part of the HRM Route will equip students with the academic content required to
achieve Associate Membership of CIPD.
The module is mapped against LJMU WOW skills and graduate skills, is fully
accessible through Blackboard and supported by on line materials through
recommended texts.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6313BUSBS (122077)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Jane Aspinall Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 47
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 153

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam EXAM 3 hour examination answering 3 100 3
essay questions.


The module forms part of the BABS HRM ROUTE which aims to provide the
knowledge requirements of the CIPD Certificate HRM Intermediate Standards

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

Page 1 of 3
1 Evaluate and explain the nature of the employment relationship, employee rights,
employer responsibilities and collective agreements.
2 Demonstrate knowledge of lawful and pluralist management of recruitment,
selection, pay and change management issues.
3 Know how to work in partnership, with unions, lawyers and others to implement
strategies and practices intended to advance the dignity of all people at work and
protect them from unlawful discrimination.
4 Analyse and explain the protection from unfair dismissal and best practice in
managing grievances, disciplinary, capability and exit related matters.
5 Comment on the future of employment regulation, employee voice and access to
justice and their implications for business.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

EXAM 1 2 3 4 5

Outline Syllabus

History of UK employment law: master and servant

Individual employee rights
Employment status; employees, contractors, workers
The influence of European law
Tribunals and courts systems
The contract of employment
Flexible working, working time
Pay; the national minimum and the living wage
Collective Agreements
Negotiations and managing change in terms and conditions
Discrimination Law; the Equality Act and beyond
Recruiting and selecting fairly
Unfair Dismissal Law
Managing grievance
Managing discipline
Reasonableness and potentially fair reasons
Managing relationships with lawyers, consultants, unions
Strategic decision making in employment law, integrated approaches.

Learning Activities

Lectures are used to introduce different conceptual frameworks in high performance

working and engagement and to direct independent study time.
The weekly 3 hour seminar allows rich discussion, group work, case studies, role
play and the application of theory to practice.

Page 2 of 3

This module delivers specialist HRM content to BABS students who may be aspiring
line managers and/or HR managers. It considers the roles of line managers and HR
managers in a range of organisations of different sizes and sectors.
The module will provide the knowledge requirements of the Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development Certificate in HRM at Intermediate Standards and as
part of the HRM Route will equip students with the academic content required to
achieve Associate Membership of CIPD.
The module is mapped against LJMU WOW skills and graduate skills, is fully
accessible through Blackboard and supported by on line materials through
recommended texts.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6314BUSBS (122078)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Joanna Qu Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 45
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 155

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio PORT Portfolio of evidence of 70 0
competence in defined areas.
2000 words
Exam EXAM Open book multiple choice 30 1


1.To understand the responsibilities of an Internal Auditor.

2. To understand the desired competences necessary and essential for an auditor.
3. To understand the role of Internal Audit in the maintenance and improvement of
management systems.
4. To understand the Process-based Quality Management System Model.

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5. To understand the Process-based auditing Model.
6. To understand how to manage, conduct and report the Internal Audit Process.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Plan and prepare an internal audit, including a checklist and schedule

2 Conduct an internal audit including interviewing, overserving and record keeping.
3 Report the audit results in an Audit Report.
4 Carry out all duties associated with internal quality management auditing.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:



Outline Syllabus

•Introduction of audit
•Role and responsibilities of an auditor
•ISO 9001: Purpose and Requirements
•Auditing a Process
•Managing the Internal Audit programme
•Preparing and Planning an Audit
•Conducting an Audit
•Non-Conformance reporting
•The Audit Report
•Corrective and Preventive Action
•Follow-up Audits

Learning Activities

Students will be involved in role playing exercises. They will also prepare and use
relevant audit documentation. They will be presented with "real-life" scenarios to
which they will have to apply their auditing skills and report on their findings.


This module will enable students to acquire and demonstrate competences in all
areas of Internal auditing of quality management systems. These are transferable

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skills and can be used for the auditing of Environmental and Health and Safety
Management Systems.

All students who achieve more than 60% in the examination element of the
assignment will receive a Certificate of successful completion of Internal Audit of
QMS Auditor Course.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6315BUSBS (122079)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Joanna Qu Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 47
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 153

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam EXAM Open book multiple choice 100 3


1. Exam the students knowledge of business quality management.

2. To demonstrate the students application to methodologies within business quality
3. To evaluate students techniques when applying the business quality management

Learning Outcomes

Page 1 of 2
After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Identify and explain the principles of business quality management.

2 Analyse the methodologies and tools that can be used in business quality
3 Critically review and apply appropriate techniques in selected business case.
4 Demonstrate skills in solving real life business quality issues.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

EXAM 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

•Business quality management

•Business quality management methodologies
•In-depth discussion of the techniques in business quality management
methodologies and their application

Learning Activities

Students will be involved in case studies and activities in each session to help them
understand the concepts and tools.


This module will equip students with knowledge, tools and confidence in the effective
management of business quality. These skills are applicable in any industry and are
widely welcomed by organizations. The course will therefore not only provide
transferable skills to students, but also improve their employability.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6316BUSBS (122080)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Mathew Analogbei Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay essay Written individual report. 2000 40 0
Exam exam Examination 60 2


This module highlights the challenges of operating internationally in a global

economy by comparing and contrasting international marketing theory based on
developed economies with those of emerging markets and regional economies
worldwide. Students are taught the key ideological and political philosophies that
exist internationally and are given an indication of emerging markets and their
position in the global economy. The complexity and marketing challenges are

Page 1 of 3
reinforced using student-directed exploration, research, analysis and evaluation in
groups of designated emerging markets.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Review and analyse advanced/emerging markets theories in relation to cultural

change and its significance in terms of international marketing and globalisation.
2 Analyse the key characteristics of the major emerging markets and economic
regions in the world
3 Critically analyse and evaluate the political, economic, social, legal and
technological environments
4 Formulate and justify the emerging markets development in relation to political and
economic viewpoints.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

essay 1 2

exam 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to the Course - Scope and Challenges of Int'l marketing.

Dynamic environments: Overview of International markets (advanced/emerging).
Political, Legal and Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets
The economic environments in global markets
Opportunities and Trends in emerging markets
Analysis of selected emerging markets (BRIC, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and other
Entry modes and strategies
The negotiation process and strategies in International markets
Integrated Marketing Communications and International Advertising
Pricing for International Markets

Learning Activities

Lectures, seminar discussions, case studies, group exercises, group presentations,

self-assessment questions.


This module highlights the challenges of operating internationally in a global

Page 2 of 3
economy by comparing and contrasting international marketing theory based on
developed economies with those of emerging markets and regional economies
worldwide. Students are taught the key ideological and political philosophies that
exist internationally and are given an indication of emerging markets and their
position in the global economy. The complexity and marketing challenges are
reinforced using student-directed exploration, research, analysis and evaluation in
groups of designated emerging markets.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6317BUSBS (122081)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Mathew Analogbei Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation PRES Individual Poster presentation 50 0
assesses learning outcomes 1-3
testing the ability of the students
to coherently engage their
knowledge on the marketing mix
within a marketing plan
Exam EXAM Examination assesses learning 50 2
outcomes 1-3 by testing the
students' knowledge of
marketing planning,


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To analyse the principles and techniques involved in branding strategically within in a
micro and macro context.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Critically analyse the effects of differing parameters within in strategic branding

2 Evaluate the various strategies and models for developing brands from micro to
macro level.
3 Demonstrate and critically review the implementation tools for success in long-
term branding.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:


EXAM 1 3

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to Strategic Branding Micro to Macro

Environment Dynamics
Managerial Insights
Customer / consumer Insights
Segmentation, targeting and positioning
Brand Building
Brand Delivery
Brand Experience
Brand Execution
Brand Growth
Digital environment
Ethics and Information
Social responsibility and sustainability

Learning Activities

Lectures plus weekly seminars, case studies, group exercises, presentations, self-
assessment exercises


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To analyse the principles and techniques involved in branding strategically within in a
micro and macro context.

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6318BUSBS (122082)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Giuseppe Scotto Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Standard Year Long

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay ESSAY Individual coursework: collection 100 0
of mini-essays covering the
main topics examined in the
module. 4500 words


This module explains to students the managerial challenges related to operating

internationally for a business organisation.

Learning Outcomes

Page 1 of 2
After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Comprehend the scale and scope of multinational companies, and their key role as
international business institutions.
2 Evaluate the managerial challenges related to operating in a dynamic international
3 Provide recommendations on a company's international activities.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

ESSAY 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Multinational companies: a historical perspective

Why going international?
International Business Strategy
Organisational structure and culture
Global Supply Chain (Production and logistics)
Global Marketing
International Human Resources
International stakeholders
Managing risk & Corporate Governance
Focus: British International Companies today

Learning Activities

Lectures will provide the theoretical foundations to discuss international business.

Seminars will be used to look at case studies and analyse academic journal articles.
Guest speakers will be invited to share their real-life experience of managing in an
international environment.


This module explains to students the managerial challenges related to operating

internationally for a business organisation.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: International Business Cultures

Status: Definitive
Code: 6319BUSBS (122083)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Elena Teso Y
Adrian McGrath N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Standard Year Long

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation PRES individual presentation 50 0
Report RPT 2,500-word report 50 0


Develop and demonstrate appropriate business and cultural understanding in an

international context

Learning Outcomes

Page 1 of 2
After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Demonstrate knowledge of the cultural and management factors that influence

business operations in the global market place.
2 Recognise the diversity and complexity of culture and how they affect
communication between cultures
3 Critically analyse comparative business cultures, including cross-cultural issues
4 Develop an understanding of international business etiquette

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

PRES 1 2 3

RPT 1 2 4

Outline Syllabus

Globalisation as a consequence of change in business management

Culture as both 'cause and effect' of social structures and values
Culture as a business variable
Creation of a comparative business model for evaluation purposes
Business cultures in Far East, emerging markets, EU: Japan
Business cultures in BRIC/ LEM countries: Brazil, Russia, India and China
Theory into practice of culture in national and international business

Learning Activities



Develop and demonstrate appropriate business and cultural understanding in an

international context

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BSc Accounting and Finance

Level 4
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Introduction to Financial Accounting

Status: Definitive
Code: 4000LBSAF (121659)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Angela Bowdery Y
Karen Godfrey N
Lucy McGrath N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test AS1 In-class Test 25 0
Exam AS2 Closed Book Examination 75 2


The aim of the module is to provide students with a sound foundation in basic
bookkeeping and accounting techniques.

Learning Outcomes

Page 1 of 2
After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Apply the basic principles and concepts of accounting.

2 Perform a range of basic bookkeeping techniques.
3 Prepare basic financial statements for a sole trader.
4 Identify and correct basic errors in a bookkeeping system.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

In-class Test 1 2 3

Closed Book Examination 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Nature of bookkeeping.
Introduction to accounting concepts.
Basic bookkeeping techniques.
The trial balance.
Accruals, prepayments, bad debts and depreciation.
Disposal of non current assets.
Preparation of final accounts for a sole trader.
Bank reconciliations.
Books of prime entry and control accounts.
Errors and suspense accounts.

Learning Activities

A combination of weekly workshops with individual student activities and private



The module content is cumulative knowledge which will form the foundation of future
modules. To ensure students are making satisfactory progress the coursework is set
as an in-class test which provides the programme team with an early indication of
students that may need extra support.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Business Mathematics & Statistics

Status: Definitive
Code: 4001LBSAF (121661)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
James Fraser Y
Fan Zhang N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test AS1 Diagnostic Test 20 0
Exam AS2 Closed Book Examination 80 2


1. To introduce different data types and the approaches required for analysis.
2. To enable the student to appreciate the role of statistical and mathematical
methods in a business environment.
3. To develop an awareness of the scope and limitations of quantitative analysis.
4. To enable the student to formulate and evaluate problems.
5. To facilitate basic forecasting and hypothesis testing for data sets.
6. To develop student skills in linear programming techniques.

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7. To use computer packages for data analysis.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Calculate a range of basic financial measures.

2 Identify different data types, manipulate data and carry out simple statistical
analysis including presenting data using appropriate graphs.
3 Calculate and use various location and dispersion measures, and explore data to
enable decision making for example use of linear programming to optimize use of
4 Undertake analysis of data including simple forecast of bivariate data and,
interpreting hypotheses using suitable significance tests.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Diagnostic Test 1

Closed Book Examination 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Calculate a range of basic financial measures.

Introduction to data types, primary and secondary data sources, data presentation.
Measures of location and dispersion and their uses.
Confidence intervals, simple hypothesis tests.
Regression and correlation.
Financial mathematics, compounding, discounting and investment appraisal.
Linear programming.
Index numbers.
Use of the Excel computer package.

Learning Activities

Weekly workshops with individual/group activities and private study.


This module introduces basic mathematical and statistical concepts and relates them
to business and accounting situations and provides a foundation for further studies in
business and finance.
The test is a diagnostic assessment; whilst the examination is the terminal

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summative assessment.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Academic & Professional Awareness

Status: Definitive
Code: 4003LBSAF (121668)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Michael Franco Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 55
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 145

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Online 33
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report AS1 Individual Report 1000 words 60 0
Self Self aware WoW Bronze Statement 10 0
Awareness Reflective Statement
Presentation AS3 Group Presentation 30 0


To prepare students for academic life at university and to engage the student in the
preparation professional skills necessary for future employment.

Learning Outcomes

Page 1 of 2
After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Locate research sources of information using a range of techniques appropriate for

HE and produce a well structured and referenced report using the Harvard
Referencing system.
2 Develop and deliver a suitable oral presentation with audience hand-out using
appropriate presentation software.
3 Identify and describe the skills necessary for professional success.
4 Identify and reflect upon the following aspects of self-awareness in respect of
personal development and career planning: strengths and weaknesses,
motivations and values, ability to work with others.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Individual 1000 words 1

Self-awareness statement 4

Group Presentation 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Understanding and Accessing university systems - email, student drive, module and
community VLE, electronic library.
Relevant communication methods for HE & Business - report writing, essay writing,
oral presentations, CVs, covering letters.
Referencing to the Harvard Referencing system.
Using on-line and library based research tools.
Personal Development and Career Planning.

Learning Activities

Workshops with individual and group activities built in.


This module provides a firm foundation for undergraduate studies on the accounting
and finance programme.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Introduction to Economics

Status: Definitive
Code: 4002LBSAF (121662)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Chris Mulhearn Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 22
Online 11
Seminar 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation AS1 Group Presentation 40 0
Exam AS2 Closed Book Examination 60 2


1. To provide students with an introduction to modern economic principles.

2. To develop students' understanding of micro and macro economics.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Describe the nature of economics enquiry.

2 Explain the role of markets in resolving the economic problem
3 Explain the genesis of macroeconomics in the Great Depression
4 Describe the nature of the debate over both the causes of unemployment and its
policy solutions
5 Identify and discuss the cause of inflation and its policy solution.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Group Presentation 1 2

Closed Book Examination 3 4 5

Outline Syllabus

Economic Problem: Resource allocation in the context of scarcity and choice

Operation of markets; price elasticity of demand
Market failure: public goods, externalities; monopoly; asymmetric information; the
role of the state
Macroeconomic policy objectives
The Great Depression and the emergence of macroeconomic theory and policy
Unemployment: Keynesian vs monetarism
Inflation: from the short-run to the long-run Phillips curve
Open economy macroeconomics: balance of payments and exchange rates

Learning Activities

Lectures and seminars. The weekly seminar follows up on lecture material and also
focuses on the applied side of each topic.


This module will provide students with a thorough understanding of how economic
policy can impact on the organisation.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Introduction to Financial Reporting & Corporate Governance

Status: Registry approval
Code: 4004LBSAF (121663)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2017

Owning School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Teaching School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Team Leader
Nobert Osemeke Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 57
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 143

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 22
Online 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation AS1 Group Presentation 25 0
Exam AS2 Closed Book Examination 75 2


This module builds on the module Introduction to Financial Accounting. It develops

students' financial accounting knowledge and provides an introduction to the
regulatory framework of accounting corporate governance and ethics.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Prepare financial statements for limited companies.

2 Analyse, interpret and evaluate financial statements.
3 Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of corporate governance and
business and personal ethics.
4 Demonstrate a knowledge of the regulatory framework of accounting.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Group Presentation 3

Closed Book Examination 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to limited companies

Introduction to Financial Reporting Standards
Preparation of statement of profit and loss and statement of financial position for
limited companies
Analysis, interpretation of financial statements
Corporate Governance
Business and personal ethics
Regulatory framework of accounting
Corporate social responsibility accounting

Learning Activities

A combination of lectures, workshops (with student activities) and private study.


The coursework provides an opportunity for formative feedback. The examination is

the terminal summative assessment.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Management & Cost Accounting

Status: Definitive but changes made
Code: 4005LBSAF (121666)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Karen Godfrey Y
Pamela Dodd N
James Fraser N
Mark Evans N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 57
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 143

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Online 11
Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report AS1 Individual Report with Excel 500 25 0
Exam AS2 Closed Book Examination 75 2


1. To explain the principles in designing management and cost accounting

information systems.

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2. To explain the principles involved in evaluating management and cost accounting

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Account for material, labour and overheads whilst preparing and evaluating a
detailed budget.
2 Discuss costing methods and their results
3 Explain and analyse costs relevant to short-term decision making
4 Analyse performance using budgets recognizing alternative approaches and
sensitivity to variable factors.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Individual 500 words 1

Closed Book 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Differences between Financial & Management Accounting and cost

Information for planning and control including strategical, tactical and operational
Absorption costing techniques including apportion of overheads and calculation of
overhead absorption rates
Budget preparation including the use of spreadsheets e.g. sales budgets, production
budgets, cash budgets, income statement and discussion of 'what if' scenarios.
Accounting for materials e.g. LIFO, FIFO and WA.
Accounting for labour e.g. labour mix, piecework.
Budgeting including purposes of (and how they conflict), review of models
(responsibility-based and product-based) & budget control and criticisms of.
Marginal Costing techniques and decision making based thereon.
Marginal v Absorption costs and effect on profit figures.
Cost Volume Profit Analysis including multi-product break even and limiting factors.
Traditional inventory control and costs pertinent to e.g. EOQ.
Flexible budgets.

Learning Activities

Delivery of this module will be via twice weekly workshops. Students activities will
be bedded in to the workshops.
Private study is also expected for this module.

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The coursework provides an opportunity for formative feedback. the examination is

the terminal summative assessment.
Students will be introduced to the financial information needs of management. The
will learn a number of relevant management accounting techniques used in the

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BSc Accounting and Finance

Level 5
Liverpool John Moores University

Warning: An incomplete or missing proforma may have resulted from system verification

Title: Management Accounting for Decision Making

Status: Definitive
Code: 5001LBSAF (121677)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Pamela Dodd Y
Karen Godfrey N
James Fraser N
Mark Evans N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 47
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 153

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test AS1 In-class Test 20 0
Exam AS2 Closed Book Examination 80 3


1. To demonstrate the importance of costs and drivers of costs in the production,

analysis and use of information for decision-making in organisations.
2. To provide competencies on how to analyse information on costs, volumes and

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prices to take short-term decisions on products and services and to develop an
understanding of risk on these decisions.
3. To use budgeting as a means of short-term planning to execute the strategy of

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Discuss costing methods and their results.

2 Explain concepts of cost and revenue relevant to pricing and product decisions
3 Analyse information to assess risk and its impact on short-term decisions.
4 Apply standard costing techniques including the reconciliation of budgeted and
actual figures, distinguishing between planning and operational variances.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

In-class Test 1 3 4

Closed Book Examination 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Information e.g. what is good information, risk management of including TARA and
Big Data
Behavioural aspects of budgeting including discussion of controllable and
uncontrollable costs, 'budget padding'.
Linear regression and times series analysis
Standard costing and variance analysis (calculation and interpretation) e.g. material,
labour, variable, fixed, sales, mix, yield, operational and planning, interpretation,
interrelationships and criticisms.
Job and batch costing.
Activity based costing, activity based budgeting and activity based management & its
use in improving the efficiency of repetitive overhead activities.
Process Costing including joint and by-products, waste and scrap, valuation of WIP
(EU'S) using weighted average and FIFO.
Relevant Costing.
Pricing strategies and advanced pricing strategies.
Risk and uncertainty e.g. decision models, decision trees and networks, Bayes
theorem, risk and payoff tables, effect of risk attitudes of individuals on decisions.

Learning Activities

Weekly workshops with individual/group activities. Students will be expected to

undertake private study as part of this module.

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The coursework provides an opportunity for formative feedback; the examination is

the terminal summative assessment.
This course aims to provide a detailed study of the production of management
accounting information for planning, control, and decision making; discussion of the
concepts which underpin management accounting theory leading into third level

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Liverpool John Moores University

Warning: An incomplete or missing proforma may have resulted from system verification

Title: Developing Employability

Status: Definitive
Code: 5004LBSAF (121690)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Lucy McGrath Y
Karen Godfrey N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 55
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 145

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Online 22
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test AS1 Psychometric Test 20 0
Portfolio AS2 Recruitment Documents 80 0


The aim of this module is to provide students with the practical skills necessary to
secure undergraduate work experience placements/summer internships and/or
graduate employment.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Produce recruitment documentation to secure an interview.

2 Prepare effectively for an interview/assessment centre.
3 Complete psychometric tests within time constraints.
4 Research businesses and/or business topics.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Psychometric Test 3

Recruitment Documents 1 2 4

Outline Syllabus

CVs, application forms.

Skills Audit.
Presentation Skills.
Interview Skills.
Research Skills.
Team and interpersonal skills.
Practice of Psychometric tests.
Online support for employability.

Learning Activities

Lectures will be used to give students exposure to a range of employer/careers

advisors/professional bodies in the form of guest lecturers.

Workshops with a high level of personal development and practical activities.


A practical module which aims to equip students with the skills needed to secure
employment either as a placement, intern or graduate.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Law for Accountants

Status: Definitive
Code: 5005LBSAF (122023)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Michael Franco Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 47
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 153

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 22
Online 11
Seminar 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay AS1 Case study scenarios 1500 20 0
Exam AS2 Closed Book Exam 80 3


This module enables students, as potential Accountants, to understand and apply a

knowledge of the English Legal System, the basic Law of tort (negligence), The Law
of contract, and agency.

The module provides an understanding of the legal nature of the limited company

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and of its constitution; the basic rules for the protection of potential investors; the
company law requirements concerning corporate reports and accounts; the duties of
directors and auditors; the concept of majority rule and minority protection and the
corporate insolvency regimes.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Apply the Law of Contract, negligence and agency to a factual situation(s).

2 Demonstrate an understanding of company law including, limited liability,
corporate capacity, articles of association.
3 Describe the doctrine of maintenance of capital, the rules which give effect to it
and the company law requirements concerning corporate reports and accountants.
4 Explain the distribution of power within the company between the board and the
company in general meetings. Show understanding of directors' Statutory Duties
under the Companies Act.
5 Explain the duty of the auditor and the limits on the tortious liability of the auditor.
List the remedies for mismanagement contained in the Insolvency Act 1986

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Essay 1500 words 1

Closed Book Exam 2 3 4 5

Outline Syllabus

1.The English Legal System

Custom, Legislation, Judicial Precedent and European Community Law as sources
of English Law.

The system of courts in England and Wales.

2.The Law of Tort

Negligence. Elements of the tort of Negligence. Nervous Shock. The doctrines of res
ipsa loquitur, Contributory negligence and vicarious liability. Strict liability. Liability for
negligent misstatement. Remedies in tort.

3. The Law of Contract

Definition of a Contract. Classification of Contracts. Essential elements of a valid
simple contract viz an agreement, intention to create legal relations and
consideration. Form. Contractual capacity of minors and persons of unsound mind.
The doctrine of privity of Contract. Vitiating factors in a Contract (in outline only).
Terms of a Contract.
Remedies for breach of contract.

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4.Agency. The relationship between principles and agent. Agent's liability for its

5.Formation of the limited company; concepts of corporate personality and the

limited liability. Contents of the memorandum of association. Nature of the articles of

6.Maintenance of capital, issues at a premium and discount; company purchase of

its own shares; prohibition of giving financial assistance.

7.Distribution of power within the company; removal of directors; director's duties.

The rule in Foss & Harbottle and the exceptions to it.

8.Corporate reports and accounts. Appointment and removal of the auditor; auditor's
duty and liability. Liability under the Insolvency Act 1986 for wrongful trading,
fraudulent trading and misfeasance

Learning Activities

Lectures and seminars.


This module will enable students to understand the basic principles of English law as
it affects their practical roles in the Commercial World. Also, this module provides a
greater depth of Company Law as a specialist area and is aimed at students with
ambitions to go into professional practice as accountants.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Warning: An incomplete or missing proforma may have resulted from system verification

Title: Data Analysis for Accounting

Status: Definitive
Code: 5003LBSAF (121688)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Lucy McGrath Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 55
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 145

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Online 33
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test AS1 In-class Test 25 0
Report AS2 Individual Report 2000 words 75 0


1. To equip students with the technical skills to be able to accurately perform data
modelling using Microsoft Excel
2. To facilitate the development of analytical skills

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Create and analyse data models using Microsoft Excel.

2 Effectively use a selection of advanced Microsoft Excel tools.
3 Analyse and evaluate the results of the data models and make recommendations.
4 Effectively communicate the results of the evaluation and recommendations to
finance and non-finance managers.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

In-class Test 2

Indiviual 2000 words 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Basic Microsoft Excel functions including but not exclusively;

data entry, formatting, charts and graphs and formulae.
Advanced Microsoft Excel functions including but not exclusively;
conditional formatting, pivot tables, input tables, what ifs.
Use of Microsoft Excel for accounting purposes, for example, statistical analysis,
calculating variances, sorting and filtering data, discount rates, comparison of
interest rates, accounting ratios.
An understanding of accounting systems.

Learning Activities

Workshops to facilitate the acquisition of Microsoft Excel.

On-line tutor support as part of a business simulation exercise.


This is a practically focused module developed in consultation with employers

highlighting the skills necessary for accounting and finance students.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Financial Accounting

Status: Registry approval
Code: 5000LBSAF (121701)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2017

Owning School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Teaching School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Team Leader
Lucy McGrath Y
Angela Bowdery N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 58
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 142

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 22
Online 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam AS2 Closed Book Examination 80 3
Test AS1 Pre-seen in-class test 20 0


To enable students to formulate and evaluate financial statements within the context
of the prevalent regulatory framework and to demonstrate an awareness of the
alternative methods of the preparation of financial statements.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Prepare complex financial statements for companies in accordance with

accounting regulations.
2 Identify solutions to accounting problems drawing on their knowledge of
accounting standardsand theory.
3 Analyse, interpret and evaluate financial statements using a variety of accounting

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Closed Book Examination 1 2

Pre-seen in-class test 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Cash flow statements.

Financial statements including knowledge of accounting standards. For example:
IAS 1 Presentation of FS.
IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in estimates and errors.
IAS 10 Events after the reporting period.
IAS 12 Income taxes.
IAS 17 Leases.
IAS 18 Revenue.
IAS 20 Government grants.
IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and assets.
IAS 38 Intangible assets.

Learning Activities

A combination of lectures, workshops and private study.


The coursework provides an opportunity for formative feedback, the examination is

the terminal summative assessment.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Financial Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 5002LBSAF (121742)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Karl Roberts Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 58
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 142

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Online 11
Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam AS1 Closed Book Examination 100 3


To provide an introduction to corporate, investment and international finance

decision making.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

Page 1 of 3
1 Contrast between the various corporate sources of finance, their cost and the
related capital structure.
2 Examine the differentiating corporate investment appraisal methods.
3 Demonstrate investment finance corporate evaluation techniques.
4 Use foreign exchange rates and corporate finance in an international context.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Closed Book Examination 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Corporate Finance:

Short- and Medium-term Sources of Finance.

Long-term Sources of Finance.
Cost of Capital.
Present Value Calculations.
Traditional Investment Appraisal.
Advanced Investment Appraisal (Inflation and Tax).
Advanced Investment Appraisal (Capital Rationing and Sensitivity Analysis).

Investment Finance:

Valuation of Assets, Shares and Companies.

Stock Market Efficiency.
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).
Portfolio Analysis.

Investment Finance:

Foreign Exchange Rate Fundamentals.

Foreign Exchange Spot and Forward Rates.
Multinational Intra-Company Flows.
Multinational Investment Appraisal.
International Portfolio Analysis.

Learning Activities

Weekly workshops with individual student activities.


The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to finance. The module will

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outline each of key the financial objectives
of the firm and contextualise key decisions within the world's financial markets. The
approach will be "real world" and will make extensive use of the contemporary topics
and issues.

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BSc Accounting and Finance

Level 6
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Corporate Finance

Status: Definitive
Code: 6002LBSAF (121741)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Karl Roberts Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 58
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 142

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Online 11
Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam AS1 Closed Book Examination 100 3


To provide an in-depth analysis of a firm's financing, distribution and risk

management decisions.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

Page 1 of 2
1 Evaluate corporate long-term financing decisions.
2 Appraise the corporate management of working capital, corporate owner return
and control decisions.
3 Apply equity risk management instruments to corporate investment.
4 Distinguish between the range of corporate foreign currency and interest rate risk
management instruments.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Closed Book Examination 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Financial Management:

Corporate financing valuation.

Corporate leasing.
Adjusted present value corporate applications.
Corporate gearing and optimal capital structure.
Accounts receivable, inventory and cash management corporate policies.
Dividend policy.
Mergers, acquistions and restructuring.

Financial Risk Management:

Equity option valuation using Black-Scholes.

Option corporate applications.
Corporate warrants and convertibles.
Managing corporate foreign currency risk.
Hedging corporate interest rate risk.

Learning Activities

Weekly workshops involving individual student activities.


The module evaluates financial and risk management decisions within a corporate

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Advanced Financial Accounting

Status: Definitive
Code: 6000LBSAF (121803)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Angela Bowdery Y
Aneirin Owen N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 58
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 142

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Online 11
Seminar 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam AS1 Closed Book Examination 100 3


To enable students to prepare group financial statements within the context of the
prevalent regulatory framework and to demonstrate an awareness of the significance
of accounting theory in contemporary and practical contexts.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Demonstrate technical skill in the preparation of both basic and complex group
financial statements and cash flows.
2 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current accounting regulations
relating to group financial statements.
3 Critically evaluate financial statements, identifying both correct and questionable
applications of advanced financial reporting standards.
4 Critically appraise current issues and debates in financial accounting theory.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Closed Book Examination 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

The problems of modern accounting & finance.

Creative accounting.
Traditional accounting.
Modern accounting theory.
Conceptual frameworks.
Fair value & mark to market accounting.
The return to prudence & other ICAEW initiatives.
Advanced Accounting Standards.
Advanced cash flow statements.
Preparation of consolidated statement of financial position.
Consolidated statement of profit and loss.
Consolidated statement of cash flow.
IFRS3 Business combinations.
IFRS10 Consolidated FS.
IFRS11 Joint arrangements.

Learning Activities

Lectures and workshops. Workshops will include student activities to consolidate



The module permits the student to demonstrate advanced accounting techniques

and to critically consider these techniques and their alternatives. The module also
supports a critical evaluation of accounting theory.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Strategic Management Accounting

Status: Definitive
Code: 6001LBSAF (121804)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Mark Evans Y
Karen Godfrey N
Pamela Dodd N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 47
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 153

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Online 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay AS1 Individual Essay 2000 words 20 0
Exam AS2 Closed Book Examination 80 3


To develop more advanced/complex techniques underpinning management

accounting and to provide students with current technical & theoretical areas within
management accounting.

Page 1 of 3
Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Apply and evaluate advanced management accounting techniques relating to

planning, control, decision-making and performance management.
2 Discuss and appraise current developments and issues in management
3 Analyse theoretical and ethical dimensions of management accounting and their
relationship with practice.
4 Research and critically analyse how real companies have implemented advanced
management accounting techniques.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Individual 2000 words 1 4

Closed Book Examination 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Management Accounting & Business Ethics.

Strategic Management Accounting including benchmarking, business process re-
engineering, etc.
Performance management & reporting using FPI & NFPI including Balanced
Scorecard & Building Block Model.
Modern manufacturing techniques e.g. target costing, kaizen costing, throughput
accounting, six sigma, lean manufacturing, TQM.
Product life cycle costing including cost reduction & value enhancement.
Performance measurement in NFP/Public Sector e.g. 3Es & VFM, ZBB,
service/operation costing.
Divisionalisation & performance measure e.g. ROI, RI, behavioural/motivation
Environmental accounting.
Transfer pricing including dual prices & lump sum payments and effect on
motivation/autonomy of managers.
Cost estimation using learning curve.
inventory management e.g. MRP, JIT & impact on budgeting.

Learning Activities

Lecture and workshop. The workshop provides students with an opportunity to

develop their knowledge and understanding of management accounting.

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The module is designed to develop advanced knowledge and skill in management

accounting theory and techniques.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Warning: An incomplete or missing proforma may have resulted from system verification

Title: Managing People and Organisations

Status: Definitive
Code: 6003LBSAF (122024)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Michael Franco Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 36
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 164

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 22
Online 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report AS1 Individual Report 2000 words 20 0
Exam AS2 Closed Book Examination 80 3


The aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of management

issues/decisions and their impact on individuals and the organisation as a whole.

The aims of the module are:

a) To provide an understanding of strategic management issues.

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b) To examine the competitive environment.
c) To examine the role of managers/leaders within the organisation.
d) To provide an understanding of the relationship between culture and its impact on
individual behaviour.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Compare and contrast alternative approaches to strategic planning.

2 Apply and analyse the competitive environment in which a business operates.
3 Apply different approaches to leadership and management for the development of
organisational relationships & business projects.
4 Analyse and evaluate a need for change within business.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Individual Report 2000 2 4

Closed Book Examination 1 3 4

Outline Syllabus

1. Strategy:
Definitions, levels & stages of rational approach, strategic development including
emergent/incremental/political/resource based view.

2. The Business Environment:

Macro/Micro environments, Porters Diamond, Porters five forces, LoNGPEST
analysis, Globalisation, Risk factors.
Competitive advantage & strategies to gain competitive advantage (value, rarity,
sustainability, etc..), sources, types and quality of competitor data for competitor

3. Managing People:
Management styles & issues, concepts of power, authority, delegation &
Leadership approaches such as personality/traits, style, contingency,
HR issues such as policies/procedures, appraisals, coaching/mentoring, resolving
poor performance, health & safety.
Performance management frameworks - target setting, MBO, balanced scorecard.

4. Managing Organisations:
Culture - definitions, levels, influence, cultural web, models, managing different
Structures - types & their impact on project achievement, effective project managers,

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role of accountant & key players in a project, project stakeholders, project team
lifecycle, leading & motivating project teams.
Teams - building, managing & leading, motivating, effective and problematic teams.
Communication - process, types, problems, effective communication skills for
accountants, no-verbal, feedback, influence, negotiation skills.
Managing conflict - sources & causes of conflict, types of, strategies to manage

5. Managing Change:
Change - types and triggers, stage model, principles of change management,
problems with change, resistance & managing resistance.

Learning Activities

Lectures and on-line activities to be completed on weekly basis.


This module has been designed to provide students with a comprehensive

understanding of the roles/functions of management within the organisation.
Students will be able to apply the concepts discussed to a range of chosen
organisations so that comparisons and contrasts can be made.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Personal Finance

Status: Definitive
Code: 6006LBSAF (121711)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Fan Zhang Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 22
Online 11
Seminar 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report AS1 Individual Report 2000 words 40 0
Exam AS1 Closed Book Examination 60 2


To provide students with a rigorous framework within which to make personal

financial decisions.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Analyse and evaluate the role of financial service providers and securities markets
and evaluate critically the implications of an efficient capital market
2 Explain and evaluate the regulatory and taxation framework and the impact upon
personal investment decisions
3 Analyse and evaluate personal investment strategies and their implications of
personal debt.
4 Explain and appraise the risk-return trade-off, the role of portfolio theory, market
risk and evaluate portfolio performance

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Individual 2000 words 1

Closed Book Examination 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Major Personal Financial Decisions and the Products./Services & Providers

(Institutions & Markets)
The Regulatory & Taxation Framework and the impact on personal financial
Personal Debt & Debt Management
Retirement Planning - Pensions & Annuities
The Housing Market & Mortgage Products
Life assurance & Assurance Related Investments
Investments - Real & Financial; Portfolio Theory; Risk & Return
Stock Markets & Investing in Shares
Evaluating Portfolio Performance.
Inheritance Tax & Wills
Financial Planning.

Learning Activities

Lectures and seminars.


Examination. The examination is the terminal summative assessment which will

allow students to demonstrate the theoretical knowledge acquired and its practical

Coursework. This will provide an opportunity for formative developmental feedback

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on application of knowledge and development of skills.
The module is fully supported by Blackboard which includes, lecture notes, tutorial

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: International Finance

Status: Definitive
Code: 6007LBSAF (121703)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Fan Zhang Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 22
Online 11
Seminar 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay AS1 Individual Essay 2000 words 40 0
Exam AS2 Closed Book Examination 60 2


1. To provide an international perspective to corporate finance.

2. To provide the student with an understanding of the nature and role of the
exchange rate in finance and economics.
3. To increase awareness of market risk and the mechanisms available to mitigate
this risk.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Appreciate the position of a corporation in the international markets.

2 Use published market data in 'real-world' financial problems, especially focusing
on FX markets in terms of risk taking as well as hedging risk exposures using
appropriate strategies and instruments.
3 Appreciate the country risks and their influence to Multinational Capital Structure
4 Recognise the impact of the exchange rate on international portfolio analysis and
international asset pricing. Incorporate the international risk into capital budgeting

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Individual 2000 words 2

Closed Book Examination 1 3 4

Outline Syllabus

An introduction to multinational finance

World trade and the international monetary system
Foreign exchange and Eurocurrency markets
Basics of foreign exchange rates
International parity conditions
Multinational treasury management
Managing transaction exposure to currency risk
Managing operating exposure to currency risk
Foreign market entry and country risk management
Multinational capital structure and cost of capital
International portfolio diversification
International asset pricing
Multinational capital budgeting

Learning Activities

The module delivery mainly is through a combination of the lectures and seminars,
with the purpose of equipping students with a blend of theories and applications in
the area of International Finance.

The module contents builds upon students' existing knowledge foundations on

Corporate Finance, and attempts to expand and advance all the basic aspects of
corporate finance into the international level.

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Each topic will require students' active engagement in receiving lectures and
practicing in various ways, such as case studies, group discussions, and solving
numerical problems. A trader simulation game in FX market will also open to
students. It offers an opportunity and healthy competitive environment for a 'hands-
on' experience in the international finance world.


The module is concerned with the topic of international finance and provides
students with a sound understanding of how international finance impacts on the

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Taxation
Status: Definitive
Code: 6004LBSAF (121704)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Catherine Fairhurst Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 58
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 142

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 22
Online 11
Seminar 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report AS1 Individual Report with 20 0
computations 1000 words
Exam AS2 Closed Book Examination 80 3


To give students a sound understanding of the UK tax system.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Critically analyse the key objectives of the legislation relating to income tax,
National Insurance Contributions, capital gains tax, corporation tax and VAT.
2 Prepare computations on income tax (including NIC), capital gains tax, corporation
tax and VAT, taking into account current rates, exemptions, reliefs and allowances
3 Evaluate critically the revenue raising abilities of the major UK taxes
4 Present information in a coherent, logical format using business English writing

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Individual Report 2 4

Closed Book Examination 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Income tax:
• For all individuals subject to income tax, students will be able to calculate tax due
on all sources of income, including savings and investment income. They will also be
able to claim tax relief for pension payments and donations to charity.
• For employed individuals, students will be able to prepare income tax calculations
which take into account benefits in kind and other employment related issues.
• For self employed individuals, students will able to adjust the profits in a set of
accounts to calculate adjusted trading profits for tax purposes. In addition, they will
be able to calculate capital allowances due to a taxpayer, and deal with trading
losses and the tax treatment of partnerships.

Corporation tax:
• Calculation of taxable trading profits for a company, dealing with tax losses and
using the capital allowances knowledge from income tax as applied to companies.
• Dealing with investment income received by companies.

Capital gains tax:

• For individuals, the basic principles of the taxation of capital gains, and the use of
the personal allowance for CGT.
• For companies, calculations of chargeable gains using indexation factors and the
use of business reliefs.

Inheritance tax:
• Overview of the basic principles

• To understand the rationale of VAT, and the basic principles.
• To understand the different types of VAT supplies and rates

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• VAT and overseas transactions – principles that apply to VAT for businesses
trading within the EU and with the rest of the world.

Learning Activities

Each week a two hour lecture which will provide students with the key concepts of
taxation, and an understanding of the legislation that taxpayers must adhere to.
Each week a two hour seminar in which students will consolidate knowledge by
practice questions and discussion on the lecture topics.


The coursework provides an opportunity for formative feedback; the examination is

the terminal summative assessment.
Tax texts are re-written each year; the latest edition will be required.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Warning: An incomplete or missing proforma may have resulted from system verification


Status: Definitive
Code: 6005BUSAF (117161)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2014

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Fan Zhang Y
Michael Franco N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 24 Delivered 55
Total Private
Learning 240 Study: 185

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Standard Year Long

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 52

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam Exam. 67 3
Essay Essay 33 0


1. To provide an international perspective to corporate finance.

2. To provide the student with an understanding of the nature and role of the
exchange rate in finance and economics.
3. To increase awareness of market risk and the mechanisms available to mitigate
this risk.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Appreciate the position of a corporation in the world economy.

2 Identify causality and equilibrium between financial markets and economic activity,
using appropriate theoretical models.
3 Use published market data in 'real-world' financial problems.
4 Diagnose the translation, transaction and economic risk facing an economic entity
and manage this risk using appropriate financial instruments.
5 Select derivative products appropriate to market conditions.
6 Recognize the impact of the exchange rate on portfolio analysis.
7 Incorporate international risk into capital budgeting decisions.
8 Identify the appropriate tools to finance foreign trade.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Examination 1 2 5 6 7 8

Essay 3 4

Outline Syllabus

1. Multinational financial management

2. Exchange rate determination
3. Country risk analysis
4. The foreign exchange market: framework and conventions
5. Speculating and hedging using the futures market
6. The market for options and the pricing of options
7. Currency swaps
8. Measuring and managing translation and transaction exposure
9. Measuring and managing economic exposure
10. International financing
11. The cost of capital for foreign investments
12. International portfolio investment
13. Capital budgeting for the multinational corporation
14. Financing foreign trade

Learning Activities

A 2 hour flexible session with formal lecture time, problem solving and discussion.


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The module is concerned with the topic of international finance. It covers the foreign
exchange and derivatives markets, the use of these to manage exchange rate risk
and to understand how to implement a strategy to profit from market movements.
The module builds on the material in 5055BUSAE in incorporating cross border
issues into corporate finance decision making.

Understanding of the module is enhanced through an online Trading Simulation

where students are given $250,000 to trade on currency futures traded on the
Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

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BAH Human Resource Management

Level 4
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Organisational Behaviour

Status: Definitive
Code: 4110BUSHR (123945)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Patricia Harrison Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Seminar 22
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test Test Multiple choice test 30 1
Presentation Pres Group presentation 70 0


To provide a comprehensive foundation for theoretical and practical applications

relevant to the management of behaviour in organisations.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Demonstrate a basic understanding of theoretical concepts, models and tools to
help comprehend employee and Organisational Behaviour.
2 Utilise techniques to enable groups and teams to work together effectively
3 Identify personal strengths and weaknesses of self and others in relation to
learning, resilience, personality traits and role in a team

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Multiple choice test 1

Group presentation 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Mental Toughness
Reflective practice
Psychological Health and Stress
Motivational Interviewing

Learning Activities

A mixture of individual activities, case scenarios and group work to explore the
subject matter of the module


This module applies to ALL Level Four students for whom the module is a core.

The module will be delivered by workshop. The topic will explore the theoretical,
conceptual areas of Organisational Behaviour, as well as providing ample
opportunities for students to work in groups dealing with problem solving and
analysis across a range of cases and activities. The workshop will also facilitate and
develop communication, learning and reflective skills. Formative feedback will be
given throughout the course.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Academic and Digital Skills

Status: Definitive
Code: 4120BUSHR (123946)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Helen Collins Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 10 Delivered 33
Total Private
Learning 100 Study: 67

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Online 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay essay 500 word essay to embed 50 0
academic skills, demonstrating
an understanding of research
skills and referencing.
Presentation pres Poster presentation 50 0


to prepare students for academic life at university and to ensure that they can apply
academic and digital skills on line.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Become familiar and competent with academic skills underpinning degree study.
2 Consolidate digital skills and become competent users of computer programmes to
produce essays, emails, posters, presentations.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Essay 1 2

poster pres 1 2

Outline Syllabus

Blackboard, MS word for report writing, MS outlook 1 and 2, MS powerpoint, MS

excel, and develop skills to compile and understand databases and spreadsheets.
Introduction to on line HRM systems like Oracle and Nexus.
Referencing, academic writing, essay writing and report writing.
Research skills, developing learning portfolios.

Learning Activities

a mix of lectures, workshops, hands-on PC individual exercises about, for example,

critical writing skills, group work, including poster presentation skills, action learning
and action research sets.


This course creates the underpinning skills and knowledge for the degree
programme. Designed to bring the students to a level where they can engage with all
the future module content, individual and group learning activity that is demanded of

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Business, Finance and Budgeting Skills for HR

Status: Definitive
Code: 4130BUSHR (123860)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Maureen Royce Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Group Business Plan 100 0


•Develop awareness of the internal and external business environments.

•Explore economic factors influencing business decisions.
•Develop awareness and skills in finance, budgeting and financial planning with
particular respect to HR activities.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Demonstrate an understanding of the economy and the external business
2 Prepare a business plan through awareness of the business model and internal
3 Prepare a financial plan that considers the whole business model as well as
changes in the external and internal business.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Business Plan 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Understanding the external and economic business environment:

1.Looking at different industries business analysis tools (i.e. PEST, PESTLE,
SWOT, etc.)
2.Looking at economic policy (i.e. interest rates, taxation, inflation, labour market,
currency, etc.)
3.Making sense of customer trends, behaviours and tastes.

Preparing a business plan with reference to the business model canvas:

4.Understanding the building blocks of a business model.
5.Analyse the business model of an existing firm using the business model canvas.
6.Translate the business model and internal and external business structure into a
short business plan.

Prepare a financial plan that considers HR costs / benefits:

7.Understand the use of MS Excel in financial planning
8.Costing up the business model using MS Excel
9.Preparing financial statements (cash flow, P&L and balance sheet)
10.Show appreciation for the cost and benefits of HR to an organisation.

Learning Activities

•Workshops to promote understanding of course materials

•Practical sessions supporting the delivery of reports, budgets, spreadsheets, etc.

•Presentations of business reports

•Dragons den presentation seeking business capital Workshops and seminars to

support business growth reporting


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This is a group assessment. During this semester-long module, students will be
expected to develop and present a business plan on a feasible business idea. The
business plan must contain four main sections, which are expected to be submitted
as one single piece worth 100%. Each section will be 500 words long:

•Section A: External and economic business environment (including business

•Section B: Internal business structure
•Section C: Business Model Canvas
•Section D: Financial plan

The final business plan must be compiled as a report and include the four above
sections (A, B, C & D). At the end of the semester each group will be expected to
orally present their business plan in a Dragon's Den style pitch.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Introduction to HR
Status: Definitive
Code: 4140BUSHR (123850)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Maureen Royce Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 10 Delivered 33
Total Private
Learning 100 Study: 67

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test Test In-class test covering 100 0
fundamentals of HR


To summarise and discuss the influences shaping HR policy and practice in the past,
present and future.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Describe the nature of HR policy and practice in the UK

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2 Discuss the influence of CIPD in developing policy and practice.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

In-class test 1 2

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to HR.
History and development of HR policy and Practice.
Overview of HR functions.
Size and scope of HR service.
HR Professional Practice – A day in the life 1.
CIPD – what is a professional body?
CIPD – Behaviours and Professional Map overview.
HR Compliance – how we work with the law.
HR Professional Practice – Role of HR consultant.
Case Study preparation.

Learning Activities

Participative lectures with online support. Blackboard and CIPD website



The influences shaping HR policy and practice in the past, present and future.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Social, Political, Economic and Legal Context of HR

Status: Definitive
Code: 4150BUSHR (123861)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Patricia Harrison Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Online 11
Workshop 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test Test Test 30 0
Presentation Group Pres Group presentation 70 0


This module will use 'lived history' case studies to demonstrate how history and
sociology has impacted on HR practice and employee legislation. It will recognise
the significance of the EU, state, trade union and employers and how they have
historically shaped the contemporary employment relationship. It will explore how
politics has sculptured HR practice over the decades and review who are the key
actors/agencies. This will cover the differing influences opposing political parties
have had on the UK and EU and how this has impacted on organisations, HR and

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the population.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Identify and outline the role played by institutional actors in the labour market
2 Recognise the significance of the EU, state, trade union and employers and how
they have historically shaped the contemporary employment relationship
3 Use theoretical knowledge and lived histories in interpreting labour market and
employment related issues in the context of social, political, economic and legal

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Test 1 2 3

Group Presentation 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Introduction: concepts of work in history of social change

Governments; actors, stakeholders and agencies and the impact these have on
organisations and HR
Opposing political parties and the influences on HR
The significance of the EU to organisations and HR.
The formation and growth of employee voice
The role of trade unions and employers in shaping the employment relationship
The role of the individuals in influencing working conditions
Individual reformers who have championed changing attitudes in the workplace

Learning Activities

A series of workshops with individual activities and case scenarios to explore the
social, political, economic and legal context of HR


An opportunity to learn about the context of HR through lived histories

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 4160BUSHR (124756)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Paul Clarke Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio LSkPort The portfolio comprises 90 0
evidence from the year to
include class based
assessments, role plays,
presentations and case study
work. Reflective skills log
Self Self Aware Complete a World of Work 10 0
Awareness Bronze Statement


To develop key skills and behaviours areas in HR practitioners to enhance

employability and give a more practical toolkit to support theoretical perspectives.
Learning Outcomes: After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1Manage themselves and relationships at work in ways consistent with professional
codes of practice.
2Understand how to conduct interviews and meetings in respect of: Job
appointments; Performance Review; Employee engagement, Discipline and
3Review own performance in respect of best practice examples.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Manage themselves and relationships at work in ways consistent with professional

codes of practice.
2 Conduct interviews and meetings in respect of: Job appointments; Performance
Review; Employee engagement, Discipline and Grievance.
3 Review own performance in respect of best practice examples.
4 Identify and reflect upon the following aspects of personal development: strengths
and weaknesses, motivations and values, ability to work with others

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

LearningSkillsPortfolio 1 2 3 4

Self Awareness 4

Outline Syllabus

Outline Syllabus:
1. Skills for People management
2. Professional practice and code of conduct
3. HR roles in the world – HR delivery
4. Relationship with line managers and supervisors
5. Selection process
6. Selection interviewing
7. Employee engagement
8. Measuring performance
9. Training needs analysis & Measuring training input
10. Disciplinary interviewing & Grievance resolution

Learning Activities

Learning Activities:
Workshop format, plus guided activities using BlackBoard:
- Case studies that are introduced in class that students discuss 'virtually';
- Role plays to practice interview skills and provide peer review feedback.
Skills development – formative feedback recorded in learning logs to form part of the

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portfolio assessment


Students will also work with materials published by CIPD and practice skill areas
associated with the professional behaviours at Intermediate standard

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Management Practice

Status: Definitive
Code: 4170BUSHR (123948)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Philip Kelly Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio 60 0
Reflection Reflection Reflection 40 0


To develop an awareness of integrated business from a cross functional perspective,

making the HR student more business savvy

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Develop awareness and appreciation of the holistic and cross functional nature of
business through role play in a business simulation environment
2 Analyse business operations from the perspective of transformational and value
adding activities
3 Analyse the business environment
4 Discuss strategies and how they are formulated by organisations
5 Synthesise and present business improvements
6 Critically reflect on management practice

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Portfolio 1 2 3 4 5

Reflection 6

Outline Syllabus

1.Management Theory
2.Organising for management: organising the workforce /Organising work
3.Functional Management: Marketing and Operations
4.Functional Management: Information resources, systems and technology
5.The context of Management /An Introduction to Strategy
6.Simulation: Briefing, Groups & System
7.Simulation: Stage 1
8.Simulation: Drop in – develop memos
9.Simulation: Management Meetings
10.Simulation: Management Presentations
11.Reflective practice and portfolio creation
12.Portfolio drop in

Learning Activities

Workshops, seminars, tutorials, case studies and business simulation


A management practice module that blends theory and practice through the use of a
business simulation and role play in groups. Students learn aspects of organisation,
strategy and integrated management and then apply this during a business
simulation. Learning is consolidated through reflective practice and the creation of a

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BAH Human Resource Management

Level 5
Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 5110BUSHR (122752)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Jason Bogh Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Online 11
Seminar 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation Case pres Case study presentation 50 0
Report Bus rep Business report - 2000 words 50 0


To introduce students to the theoretical concepts associated with leadership and

management and to explore the wider practical implications within a changing and
diverse work environment. To establish the links between HR's role in developing
leaders and managers. To support students in developing their own leadership and
management capabilities.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Analyse theoretical concepts of leadership and apply them to real-world examples

2 Articulate the impact leadership can have on individual and organisational
3 Debate the role of HR in leadership and management
4 Consider the effectiveness of management in various settings

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Case study presentation 1 2

Business report 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Nature of leadership – management & leadership

Leadership traits and behaviours
Leadership styles
Leading Change – Transformational leadership
Influencing through communication
Leading teams to high performance working
Courage and morale leadership – ethics and spirituality
Managing external and internal environments
Managerial planning and organising

Learning Activities

Lectures to introduce academic / theoretical concepts

Seminars to focus on small group work related to case studies and presentations.
Seminars will offer students an opportunity to further embed ideas discussed in
lectures, alongside material covered in directed study and outside reading.


To introduce students to leadership and management concepts

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: HR Professional Practice

Status: Definitive
Code: 5120BUSHR (123867)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Paul Clarke Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Online 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test Test In class Timed Assessment – 100 0
Seen Case Study.


The module will introduce students to professional HRM Practice and combine
academic theory and practitioner skills to core concepts such as; HRM approaches,
dimensions of HR strategy and HR policy.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Identify and reflect on key elements of CIPD professional practice and behaviours
with reference to the CIPD HR profession map.
2 Respond appropriately to a changing business context when delivering or
designing HR policy.
3 Develop mechanisms for effective management and communication of information
in HR.
4 Coordinate areas of HR activity and HR integration with other business functions.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Test 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

CIPD Professional Map and Behaviours

Perspectives and dimensions of HR strategy
What is HRM – The emergence of HRM and the strategic function of Hard and Soft
HRM and the Individual – Employee engagement and the psychological contract.
The labour market context of HRM
People resourcing – recruitment and selection tactics
Managing Reward
Human Resource Development – learning and development analysis and
Worker and Organisational flexibility
Talent Management and Succession Planning
Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Learning Activities

Participative lectures to identify key areas of theory and literature. Practical and
participative workshops developing critical skills to analyse use of theory and
literature within an organisational context.


Concepts of HR Practitioner skills and HRM strategies.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Employability
Status: Definitive
Code: 5130BUSHR (123947)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Patricia Harrison Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Online 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio Portfolio Recruitment documents porfolio 100 0


The aim of this module is to provide students with the practical skills necessary to
secure undergraduate work experience placements/summer internships and/or
graduate employment.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Produce recruitment documentation to secure an interview

2 Prepare effectively for selection process

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Recruitment documents 1 2

Outline Syllabus

CVs, application forms.

Skills Audit.
Presentation Skills.
Interview Skills.
Research Skills.
Team and interpersonal skills.
Practice of Psychometric tests.
Online support for employability.

Learning Activities

Lectures will be used to give students exposure to a range of employer/careers

advisors/professional bodies in the form of guest lecturers.

Workshops will include a high level of personal development and practical activities.


A practical module which aims to equip students with the skills needed to secure
employment either as a placement, intern or graduate.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Development, Coaching and Performance

Status: Definitive
Code: 5140BUSHR (123871)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Jason Bogh Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Online 11
Seminar 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report Group report - 2000 words 100 0


To introduce students to the theoretical concepts of development, coaching, and

performance. To provide students with the practical skills needed to manage
development and performance.

Learning Outcomes

Page 1 of 2
After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Develop appropriate development interventions

2 Identify appropriate uses of coaching and mentoring
3 Design appropriate performance management interventions

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Group Business report 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Learning design and delivery
Coaching and mentoring
Psychology of motivation and development
Performance management in practice
Measuring impact
Performance and development reviews
Managing under performance

Learning Activities

Lectures to introduce academic / theoretical concepts of development and

Seminars to focus on small group work which will further embed ideas and concepts
introduced and discussed in lectures, with a strong focus on case studies / practical


Linking theoretical concepts of development and performance to real-world


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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Introduction to Research Methods

Status: Definitive
Code: 5150BUSHR (122749)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Lilian Otaye Y
Mina Beigi N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Online 22
Workshop 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Ass 1 2500- Word Research Proposal 100 0


The module aims to develop student skills in the research process. Students will
learn the whole research process through attending lectures, conducting online
exercises and discussions, and participating in workshops. Students will work on a
real research problem which will develop their skills in designing and implementing
quantitative and qualitative research projects.

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In addition, the module aims to prepare students for their level six independent
Impact report, by enabling them to critically review and summarise literature and
independently conduct a research project utilising quantitative and qualitative
research tools. Furthermore, this module aims to equip students with the skills
needed to analyse qualitative and quantitative data using softwares (e.g. SPSS for
quantitative and NVivo for qualitative).

The students learning will be assessed through a 2500 word research proposal.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Work on a real research problem which will develop skills in research design, and
quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
2 Prepare an individual, appropriately presented and coherent research proposal
(which will require the production of accurate research objectives, an indicative
literature, a research strategy and appropriate methodology)

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Research Proposal 1 2

Outline Syllabus

1. Introduction to the Research process

2. Understanding Research Philosophy
3. Strategies for selecting a research topic
4. Critical Literature Review
5. Qualitative and quantitative research designs
6. Research Ethics and negotiating access
7. Quantitative data collection
8. Quantitative data analysis
8. Qualitative data collection
9. Qualitative data analysis
10. Writing and Presenting findings
11. Preparing a research proposal

Learning Activities

The module will be taught through lectures, online activities, and interactive
workshops. The lectures are designed to disseminate the required research methods
knowledge, the online sessions are intended to allow students to get more engaged
with relevant videos, exercises and group discussions. Finally the workshops will
allow the students to practice their acquired research skills and get instant feedback

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from their instructor.


This module will introduce students to the processes involved in undertaking a

research project.

This will involve selecting a research topic, critically reviewing the relevant literature,
designing a qualitative, quantitative or mixed-method research, preparing data-
collection tools, and collecting, analysing and presenting the findings.
The assessment requires the students to prepare a research proposal; the
coursework deadline is the end of week 12.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Advanced Selection Practice

Status: Definitive
Code: 5160BUSHR (123892)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Maureen Royce Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Practice Practice Design, Delivery and Feedback 100 0
of an Assessment Centre


To design and deliver Assessment Centre activities to measure core competencies

and to create effective feedback on performance in the activities undertaken

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Develop core competencies relating to job role

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2 Design tasks and activities to measure the competencies associated with a job
3 Deliver an Assessment Centre using the tasks and activities developed
4 Create and deliver positive, constructive feedback to Assessment Centre

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Practice 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to Assessment Centre structure and methodology

Developing competencies from Job Descriptions and Person Specifications
Outlining measurements relating to job competencies
Task and activity development
Assessment Centre schedules and timing
The role and nature of feedback
Practical – Management of the Assessment Centre
Practical – Management of the Assessment Centre
Feedback session – Assessors
Feedback session – Participants
Presentation of Assessment Centre documentation and conclusion

Learning Activities

Participative workshops with practical sessions where the students design and
deliver a full Assessment Centre with participant feedback.


Students design and deliver a full Assessment Centre with participant feedback.

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BAH Human Resource Management

Level 6
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Strategic HR Theory and Practice

Status: Definitive
Code: 6110BUSHR (123884)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Maureen Royce Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 10 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 100 Study: 56

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Online 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Test Test Case Study In Class 100 0


To use academic literature to critically appraise an organisational context and make

recommendations using a Strategic HRM framework.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Critically appraise academic literature on Strategic HRM.

2 Evaluate options and alternatives to resolve organisational context issues.
3 Make recommendations on strategic direction supported by literature and analysis
of organisational context.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Case Study 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to Strategic HRM theory

Analysing Strategic HRM models
Application of Strategic HRM models to organisational context
Critical Evaluation of Strategic HRM interventions
Resourcing and Talent Management strategy
Development, Performance and Reward strategy
Integrating areas of Strategy to maximise impact
Adding Value through Strategic HRM
Organisational Culture
Ethical HR framework and practice
Critical case study analysis

Learning Activities

Interactive and participative workshops.


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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 6120BUSHR (122750)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Lilian Otaye Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 10 Delivered 22
Total Private
Learning 100 Study: 78

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report 1800 Word Report 100 0


The aims of the module are to allow students to: think critically about individual and
organisational approaches to equality, diversity and inclusion; understand the
underpinning social concepts such as stereotyping, discrimination etc. and how
these operate within the workplace; critically appraise the competing drivers for
diversity influencing organisational strategy and policy in this area; appraise
elements of diversity and their relationship with the labour market including an
understanding of equal treatment and diversity approaches to equality both
conceptually and in terms of workplace interventions; comparatively analyse
equality, diversity and inclusive strategies to developing an inclusive culture.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Critically appraise the competing drivers for diversity influencing organisational

strategy and policy in this area
2 Appraise elements of diversity, their relationship with the labour market and
organisational strategies to develop an inclusive culture

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Report 1 2

Outline Syllabus

1.Introduction to equality thinking

2.Defining and understanding the concepts and theories of equality, diversity and
3. Understanding the concepts and impacts of prejudice, stereotypes and
unconscious bias
4.Evaluating the role of the law as a driver for equality, diversity and inclusion
5.Critically analysing the business case as a driver for equality, diversity and
7.Understanding other drivers for equality, diversity and inclusion
8.Contextual and organisational influences on approaches to equality and diversity
for various dimensions of diversity
9.Developing organisational strategies for equality, diversity and inclusion
8.Models for delivery and active delivery of equality and diversity strategy -
development of an inclusive culture
10.Organisational and individual roles in creating and implementing equality and
11.Impact and evaluation of equality and diversity strategies

Learning Activities

Workshops are used to develop and explore students responses to diversity and
relating these to the development of strategy within organisations. Critical
evaluations and discussions will be encouraged through a range of tasks and
discussion topics. Current issues in diversity and equality matters will form part of the
debate and discussions.


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Provides students with an inclusive framework in which to develop business
structures for a diverse population and economy

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Employment Relations and Legal Framework

Status: Definitive
Code: 6140BUSHR (123949)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Charlotte Tommins Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Individual 2000 word Individual Report – 100 0
Advice to contemporary
organisations with academic
supporting analysis


To analyse the development of, perspectives on and practice of employment

relations and employment law.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Review and analyse the contexts, concepts, stakeholders and practice of
employment relations.
2 Analyse the sources and context of employment legislation and it's impact upon
contemporary organisations.
3 Review and analyse the relationships and role of individual and collective
groupings of employees and management in contemporary employment relations.
4 Analyse approaches to conflict resolution and termination of employment.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Report 1 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Contexts of Employment Relations

Concepts, sources and development of Employment Legislation
Contracts of Employment and the Employment relationship
Organisational and management approaches to Employment Relations
Employee Representation and Employee organisations
Concepts of Employee engagement and employee voice
Organisational approaches to employee engagement
Conflict resolution and approaches to dispute resolution
Discipline and grievance handling
Organisational Release, Redundancy and fair dismissal
Employment Tribunals

Learning Activities

Workshops to analyse concepts and practice, including the use of case studies and
discussion of contemporary organisational approaches within an academic


Concepts and practice of employment relations.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Organisational Development & Change Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 6150BUSHR (123887)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Maureen Royce Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report report 2000 word report embedding 100 0
OD theory and development.


To acquire knowledge about issues and dimensions of organisational development

To recognise the importance of people change factors in a determining appropriate
organisational development intervention to improve an organisation
To appreciate the key issues to be achieved when implementing an organisational
development strategy
To be able to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations involving an
organisation's responses to organisational development

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Explain the nature, purpose and context of OD;

2 Analyse the theories form which OD are based
3 Identify a range of OD interventions to respond to organisational needs
4 Reflect the challenges in evaluating organisational development and propose an
approach to overcome difficulties and maximise opportunities.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

report 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

What is OD - history and values that have informed OD.

the theory of OD practice
analysing current situation; politics of OD, OD phases and cycle, diagnostic and
analysis, OD interventions, organisational design, evaluation of OD interventions.

Learning Activities

Lectures, seminars, case studies, group discussion, on line discussion and group
chat forums, group presentation as informal half way point.


A general and broad reach module introducing students to managing resources in an

international environment. The course focus is on the range of activities that
constitute HR, how they 'fit' in the organisational structure, with a critique of concepts
and methods to integrate HR theory with organisational structures.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Dissertation and Impact Report

Status: Definitive
Code: 6160BUSHR (123890)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Mina Beigi Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 24
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 176

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Online 8
Workshop 16

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Impact Rep 8000 Word Impact Report 100 0


To enable participants to produce an impact project that investigates a Human

Resource Management (HRM) issue, by using a body of contemporary knowledge to
identify the impact that the research can or has made to the HRM arena.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Outline and justify appropriate research methods used in diagnosing a HRM
problem or issue
2 Apply a range of theoretical concepts to the identified problem or issue and
develop a comprehensive review of the relevant literature
3 Explore and analyse data gathered to detect emerging themes and the impact for
4 Determine an effective set of conclusions to the issue or problem
5 Reflect critically upon on their development and the impact that the research has
made, or could make, within the HRM arena

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Impact Report 1 2 3 4 5

Outline Syllabus

Determined by needs of the students facilitated by LJMU supervisor.

Learning Activities

Sharing different sections of their report with the class

Getting feedback on their work
Action learning activities


This module will support students through the process of conducting a research and
identifying its impacts.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Strategic HR Competencies

Status: Definitive
Code: 6170BUSHR (123891)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Paul Clarke Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Online 11
Workshop 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Practice Practical Authentic simulation of 100 0
practitioner activity


The module will review strategic HR practitioner competencies and behaviours.

Students will explore various challenges in contemporary HR and critically evaluate
practical role-play and documentation associated with this.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Evaluate key contemporary disciplinary and grievance issues affecting the HR

function within private, public and third sector organisations.
2 Analyse the root causes of disciplinary and grievance action.
3 Review key contemporary business methods in preventing and resolving
disciplinary and grievance issues.
4 Reflect on the preparation and execution of an Employment Tribunal from an HR

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Employee Relations 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Strategic HRM – Challenges

Interpersonal skills required in HRM
The strategic use of HR competencies and application of appropriate policies and
Case Study workshop
Managing employment relationships
Resolving conflict
HRM role
Role Play – review and prepare

Learning Activities

Participative workshops with practical sessions reviewing theory, case studies and
group work. Students will also be involved in designing and delivering an
employment tribunal role play with participant feedback.


Following group workshops, students design and deliver employment tribunal role
play with participant feedback.

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Level 6
Option Modules
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: International HRM and HRD

Status: Definitive
Code: 6130BUSHR (123885)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Mina Beigi Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 34
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 166

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Online 11
Workshop 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam Exam Unseen exam 30 1
Essay Essay 1500-Word Essay 70 0


The aim of this module is to explore different approaches to managing people in an

international arena. In terms of people management, it can be argued that the world
marketplace is shrinking. There are more global organizations and outsourcing of
people to different countries and cultures. The intention of this module is to explore
the management of people in international contexts and gain an understanding of the
varying worldwide policy and practice.

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In addition, using multiple case studies, educational videos, and hands-on class
activities, this course will help students develop analytical and critical thinking skills
to describe and analyze different organizational cases related to international HRM.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Describe and provide suggestions on topics relevant to international HRM.

2 Identify, evaluate, and critique how key HRM and HRD functions work in
international contexts.
3 Examine, evaluate and critique one or more international HRM function in a real-
life organization.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Exam 1

Essay 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Culture and Cross-Cultural Management

Comparative Human Resource Management
The Transfer of Employment Practices across Borders in Multinational Companies
Approaches to IHRM
Human Resource Management in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
International ethical dimensions
International Recruitment and Selection
International Training and Development
International Reward
Future of IHRM

Learning Activities

This module is presented through lectures, online activities, and workshops. During
the lectures, the instructor will share information about major international HRM
topics. Then the students will engage in online discussions, watch relevant videos, fill
out self-assessment questioners (e.g. cultural intelligence), and conduct creative
exercise to get familiar with international HR contexts. Finally the workshops will
allow the students to engage in interactive exercises (e.g. role plays) to practice what
they have learned through lectures and online activities.


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This module discusses multiple topics relevant to international HRM. Students will
gain insights on what it means to work as an HR professional in international

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Consultancy
Status: Definitive
Code: 6180BUSHR (124707)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Maureen Royce Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 33
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 167

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Online 11
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report 2,000 word - a proposal for a 100 0
specified piece of HR related


To analyse consultancy practice and evaluate appropriate consultant responses to

client requirements.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Appraise and evaluate academic literature on consultancy practice and behaviour.
2 Evaluate options and alternatives to respond to client requirements in an
organisational context having analysed the environmental and behavioural
3 Create a metric led proposal for a consultancy intervention.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Report 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Market conditions and consultancy growth.

Role of consultant.
Administrative resources and support for consultancy activities.
Approaches to consultancy and understanding market value.
Creating attraction.
The role of social media.
Developing a personal brand.
Skills and tools to support proposal writing.
Using metrics in consultancy.
Disengagement and evaluation.

Learning Activities

Participative workshops to identify key areas of theory and literature. Practical and
participative workshops developing critical skills to analyse use of theory and
literature within an organisational context.


This module has been specifically designed as an option for returning placement
students in 18/19 when the new framework covers levels 4,5 and 6.

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BAH Marketing
Level 4
Liverpool John Moores University

Warning: An incomplete or missing proforma may have resulted from system verification

Title: Professional Skills Development 1

Status: In creation
Code: 4030BUSMK (121488)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2017

Owning School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Teaching School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Team Leader
Joseph McGrath Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 10 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 100 Study: 56

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 22
Tutorial 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio port Students individually gather 100 0
appropriate evidence using a
range of media sources to
demonstrate learning outcomes.
2500 words +/-10%


To enable students to develop the skills necessary to be effective learners and

develop a professional consciousness in order to facilitate their learning and

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enhance their employability.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 source and interpret appropriate materials for academic and professional study
2 produce academic and other materials to a professional standard
3 create and analyse quantitative and qualitative data
4 identify and reflect upon their personal and professional development

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Evidence up to 2500 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Use of M drive and creating folders; diary software and email management
Accessing university resources remotely
Introduction to Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint
Locating business information using explore, online databases, online journals, etc.
Introductions to the library portal
Report writing and referencing
Synthesise information sources to produce essays and reports

Learning Activities

Lectures workshops and on lilne multimedia teaching materials including specifically

targeted help videos and media content


To introduce students to the basic skills required to access LJMU systems in order to
facilitate communication and collaboration.

To develop academic literacy and presentation of academic content.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Professional Skills Development Two

Status: Definitive
Code: 4031BUSMK (123174)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Joseph McGrath Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 10 Delivered 20
Total Private
Learning 100 Study: 80

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Non Standard Year Long

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 20

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio portfolio Portfolio will include a collection 80 0
of evidence demonstrating
professional development i.e.
CV's, application letters, self
reflection etc.
Self reflection World of Work reflection 20 0
Awareness statement for Bronze award


This module aims to help the students transfer into the university environment. The
course focusses on personal and professional skills development.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Identify and reflect upon the aspects of personal professional development

including strengths, weaknesses, motivations, values, ability to work with others
and cultural and diversity awareness
2 Develop self reflection skills and create a personal learning plan
3 Produce professional CV and application letter in preparation for placement
applications at Level 5

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Collection of evidence 1 2 3

Self awareness 1 2

Outline Syllabus

Adjusting to university life

Importance of Attendance
Independent Learning
Working in groups
Personal and Team codes of practice
Self Reflection: Self Analysis and awareness
Emotional Intelligence and Empathy
People Management
CV And Letter Writing

Learning Activities

Workshop activities for students with their personal tutor group.


This module aims to help the students transfer into the university environment. The
course focusses on personal and professional skills development. Included in the
course will be a formalised personal tutor meeting for each student.
A key outcome of this module is to enable greater contact between the students and
their personal tutor, this should help with retention.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Foundation of Marketing 1

Status: Definitive
Code: 4032BUSMK (121495)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Peter Simcock Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 49.5
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 150.5

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 16.5
Seminar 22
Workshop 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report RPT Students in groups (max 4) will 100 0
produce a 2,500 word report (+/-


To introduce students to the underlying principles of marketing as a whole and a

range of specific marketing activities

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Evaluate the role of marketing within a range of organisations and activities

2 Analyse the role and importance of segmentation, targeting and positioning within
consumer markets
3 Critically examine the principles of implementing a marketing strategy within
business to consumer markets

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Group (max 4) 2500 word 1 2 3


Outline Syllabus

Defining marketing and its role within the organisation and society
Segmenting business to consumer markets
Development and implementation of the marketing mix

Learning Activities

Student centred feedback and feed forward


A comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles of marketing within the

Business to Consumer context

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Management in Practice

Status: Definitive
Code: 4033BUSMK (122992)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2017

Owning School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Teaching School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Team Leader
Christina De Barros Ferreira Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Tutorial 22
Workshop 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report Topic: Managing the front line 40 0
(in class activity and 1,000
words report).
Essay FinalEssay Topic: Innovation, corporate 60 0
communication and/or internal
culture (1,500 words individual


This course offers to marketing students an introduction to key concepts

underpinning management theory and an overview of key management functions.

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Core topics related to management practices will be covered.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Explore the fundamental debates and literature in management theory

2 Evaluate key management functions and how they act as an interface with
marketing practice
3 Identify through contemporary case studies how organisational processes
(leadership, culture) shape strategic direction
4 Develop interpersonal communication abilities and collaborative group working

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Group work report 1,000 1 3 4

Individual essay 1,500 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

• An overview of basic concepts of management

Introduction to key management ideas with focus on how organisational structure in
firms has evolved into global and networked operations
• Functional areas of management that are important for marketer
(Managing performance, managing the value chain, managing planning and
decision-making process, managing innovation and change, and managing the front
• Management processes and culture
(Organisational culture and leadership, communications processes for integration,
and corporate reputation)

Learning Activities

Through directive learning, class discussions, case studies and group presentations
the students are encouraged to engage in a critical and practical understanding of
management and its functional areas.


The focus in this module is on how management functions and processes act as
interfaces to marketing practice. It will offer first year students undertaking a

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marketing degree the opportunity to gain a broader understanding of the
organisational context in which marketing is developed. Students should be in a
position to identify how organisations may sometimes constrain marketing activities
and the importance of an interdisciplinary mindset when engaging with other
management functions.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Warning: An incomplete or missing proforma may have resulted from system verification

Title: Consumer Behaviour

Status: In creation
Code: 4034BUSMK (121501)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2017

Owning School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Teaching School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Team Leader
Tashkin Vasfi Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Tutorial 22
Workshop 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam Exam 2hr Closed Book Exam 100 2


To acquire knowledge about the issues and dimensions of consumer behaviour. To

recognise the importance of external and personal internal factors in determining
behaviour and attitudes.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Evaluate the consumer and the nature of consumer decision making

2 Explore the social and cultural impacts on consumption behaviour
3 Analyse the psychological dimensions of consumer behaviours.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

2hr Closed Book Exam 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Foundations of consumer behaviour

Consumer motivation
Consumer perception
Consumer learning
Consumer attitudes
Group influences
Family & household buying
Older consumers
Young consumers

Learning Activities

Lectures and seminars, group and individual tasks.


To provide an integrative approach to consumer behaviour and the role that it plays
within marketing strategy, taking a holistic view of the anthropological, sociological
and psychological influences on the consumer. The module 6031BUSMK will further
expand on the psychological factors considered in this overview of consumer

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Liverpool John Moores University


Status: Definitive
Code: 4035BUSMK (123125)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Peter Simcock Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 51.5
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 148.5

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 16.5
Seminar 22
Workshop 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam Exam 2HR Exam - Unseen & Closed 100 2


To build on 4032BUSK Foundations of Marketing 1 and provide a strategic

perspective of marketing within the organisation

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 To understand the importance of marketing orientation and planning within a range

of organisations
2 Evaluate the strategic role of marketing within a variety of organisations
3 Analyse the importance of internal marketing in achieving overall marketing

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Unseen examination 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Marketing orientation
Strategic marketing planning
Marketing information systems
Strategic brand management
Relationship marketing
Internal marketing

Learning Activities

Lectures, Seminars , case studies, group exercises and presentations


The module aims to provide students with the knowledge and understanding of the
fundamental models, theories and principles of marketing, and how to employ these
in strategically useful ways in a range of organisations

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Liverpool John Moores University

Warning: An incomplete or missing proforma may have resulted from system verification

Title: Business & Society

Status: In creation
Code: 4036BUSMK (121490)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2017

Owning School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Teaching School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Team Leader
Tashkin Vasfi Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Tutorial 22
Workshop 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report report An individual 2,500 word Report 100 0


1. To explain the roles and impacts of business organisations within developed and
developing countries
2. To describe the roles of, and relationships between corporations, nation-states
and international institutions in shaping the global economy
3. To explain how the expectations of civil society influence the practices of

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business organisations

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Describe the roles played by business organisations, as one of several interacting

stakeholders, whose activities shape civil society.
2 Explain the relationships between business organisations and government
agencies in determining public policy (both nationally and internationally).
3 Identify and explain the roles played by a range of institutions that promote and
regulate the activities of corporations (e.g. government departments, TUC, CBI,
EU, OECD, WTO, IMF etc.)
4 Describe the drivers of change in the global economy and the impacts of those
changes on national, regional and global communities.
5 Explain the meaning of sustainability and the role corporations are playing in its

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Individual - 2500 words 1 2 3 4 5

Outline Syllabus

The Corporation and its stakeholders

Corporate social responsibility
Consumer Protection
Ethical issues in business
Managing a diverse workforce
The challenges of globalisation
The globalisation of markets
Sustainable development and global business
Managing environmental issues

Learning Activities

This module will employ a range of student-centred learning strategies including

lecture, case study, group discussion, creative problem solving exercises and self
directed problem based learning.


This module is intended to provide students with an introduction to the interactions of

business corporations with their social, geographical and institutional contexts via a

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study of relevant emerging issues in contemporary global business. The module
aims to promote student engagement with current real world issues arising from
global business activities. This will be achieved by means of a teaching and learning
strategy that prioritises real world stimulus materials drawn from 'live' news media,
and organisations actively engaged in the issues studied, to provide context for the
academic material underpinning the course.

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BAH Marketing
Level 5
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Contemporary Marketing Context

Status: Definitive
Code: 5031BUSMK (121509)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Christina De Barros Ferreira Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 22
Tutorial 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation Poster Poster Presentation (in pairs). 30 0
Topic: Marketing spaces and
design, Marketing and drive for
innovation or Contemporary
experiences of consumption
Essay FinalEssay Individual Essay. Topic: New 70 0
debates in marketing and
consumption - 2,250 word (+/-


This course will address issues related to marketing in contemporary culture of

consumption. In general, this module will use ideas from different disciplines to

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discuss how and why marketing has developed, and continues to develop, as an
academic discipline and a business practice. In particular, the course will cover
theories that help explain the various relationships between markets and
consumption relevant to marketing in a global cultural context.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Recognise and appreciate the significance of culture, markets and consumption to

the development of marketing theory
2 Discuss and critique how contemporary culture of consumption is applied and
effectively integrated into marketing practices
3 Analyse and apply contemporary concepts of marketing and consumer culture to
an understanding of global brands and organisations
4 Develop interpersonal communication abilities, time management skills and
collaborative behaviour from experiential group working.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Poster prestn. in pairs 1 4

Individual essay - 2,250 1 2 3


Outline Syllabus

• Introduction to marketing and its contextual changes

• Marketing, markets and new media technology
(Marketing spaces and design, marketing and innovation, marketing and digital
• Culture, consumption and the changing consumer voice
• Debates on responsible marketing

Learning Activities

To accommodate different needs and learning styles it will be used a combination of

pedagogical tools in classroom: lecturing, in-class discussions, audio-visual
materials, small group-work and project work. Further, blended learning will be
fostered via students' online interaction using the university VLE platform.


The rationale for the module Contemporary Marketing Contexts (5031BUSMK) is to

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explore theoretical concepts of marketing as they relate to their everyday world to
foment practical understanding of the topic.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Communicating the Brand

Status: Definitive
Code: 5033BUSMK (121489)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Jan Brown Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 22
Workshop 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report An individual 3,000 word (+/- 100 0
10%) report that analyses two
brands within the same industry.
Primary and secondary research
used to analyse the brands'
communications using a number
of academic concepts and
models in which to base this
analysis. Recommendations
provided for future brand


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The aim of the module is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to
analyse a wide range of organisational brands and understand how they are
contributing to organisational value.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Analyse a range of core concepts relating to brands and branding

2 Evaluate a range of branding strategies
3 Appraise a wide range of successful brand communications

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

3,000 word Report 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

This module will provide a detailed understanding of what branding is and how it has
evolved. during the sessions
brand communications will be analysed to understand how organisations are
communicating with a wide range of stakeholders, not just customers, and how
organisations are growing their brands to meet stakeholder needs.

Specifically the module will explore how brands grow and develop over time and the
positions that they take in their markets.

Concepts such as brand identity and personality will be investigated and innovative
practice identified.

The syllabus content will provide students with the foundations for a start on a career
path towards brand management which is a critical role within any global
organisation and includes:

The Brand System

Brand and Business Models
The Inter-related Nature of Brands and Brand Diversity
Brand Identity and Brand Personality
Brand Positioning
Brand Campaigns & Brand Architecture
Global Brands
The Internet Brand

Learning Activities

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This module will consist of a weekly 1 hour lecture, 2 hour seminar and 1 hour

The lecture will be interactive with the main theoretical concepts presented and
applied to appropriate case studies.

The seminar will explore key areas of theory relating to branding in detail with case
study activities used to apply the theory presented in the lecture in practice. These
sessions will be based on group work, individual activities and encourage idea

The workshop will focus on key concepts identified in the lecture and seminar in
detail and allow students to practice their research, writing and presentation skills.
Individual and group activities will be used to stimulate discussion and these
sessions will be student led.


This module will apply a wide range of industry materials to a number of academic
branding concepts and models. Clear links are made between theory and practice
and ideas of new brand communications will be stimulated throughout the sessions.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Strategy for Marketers

Status: Definitive
Code: 5035BUSMK (123136)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Andrew Doyle Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 47
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 153

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 14
Seminar 22
Workshop 8

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam Exam 3hr - closed book case study 100 3
examination, they will have
access to the case study prior to
the exam, but questions are
unseen. In the exam students
are not permitted to bring in
additional preparatory notes, but
will be given a new unmarked
copy of the case study.


This module aims for students to be able to acquire knowledge about issues and

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dimensions of strategy in relation to marketing activities. To recognise the
importance of both internal and external organisational factors, in determining the
competitive success of organisations, as well as the marketing activities that
influence this success. It also aims for students to appreciate the key issues when
implementing marketing orientated strategy, and for students to be able to apply
theoretical knowledge to practical situations involving strategic management and

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Evaluate the strategic nature of marketing decisions, its processes and

stakeholder behaviours.
2 Recognise the relationship between strategic identification , marketing formulation
and implementation.
3 Analyse the competitive environment in which an organisation is located.
4 Recognise and articulate the importance of obtaining and sustaining a competitive

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

3 Hour Exam 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

1.Introduction to strategy
2.The strategic environment
3.Strategic capabilities
4.Culture and strategy
5.Business level strategy
6.Innovation and Entrepreneurship
7.Strategic methods
8.Strategic development process
9.Organising strategic success
10.Resourcing strategies
11.Managing strategic change
12.Strategy in practice

Learning Activities

Lectures will be taught over a two hour block, one a week in semester one. They will
be front loaded into the module, this is to ensure students have key information early
and are able to reflect upon their learning. This will also enable time to be allocated
to workshops that will give students the opportunity to practice answering case study
questions in preparation of their case study exam towards the end of the semester.

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Seminars will run right through the semester and are designed to reinforce the theory
and application, with students identifying how strategy from a marketing orientation is
applied to real world situations.


To provide an integrated approach into the study of strategy with a marketing

orientation, and to further understand the role that strategy plays in key marketing
decisions within organisations.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Research Methods

Status: Definitive
Code: 5032BUSMK (121510)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Anne Broderick Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 22
Workshop 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation PRESTN The presentation will require 50 0
students to present their
combined findings based on a)
secondary data analysis of a
particular market sector/context
and b) exploratory findings from
primary data on customer
patterns in that sector/context.
The primary data will be
gathered through structured
observation (online) and in
depth interviews with a small
customer sample. Before the
presentation, each group will
hand in a portfolio of supporting

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Category Short Description Weighting Exam
Description (%) Duration
materials to the tutor showing
their secondary analysis search/
their data collection plans (e.g.
objectives, interview schedule,
observation sheets) and
evidence of their findings (e.g
observation field notes,
transcripts of depth interviews).
The presentation will highlight
the key findings from their
combined analysis.
Report REPORT An individual 1,800 word 50 0
research plan (+/-10%)


The module takes students through key elements of the market research process
and to develop some practical research skills. The module will also prepare students
for the level six independent project or dissertation.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Distinguish the key steps in the marketing research process

2 Evaluate different research methods and their use in different research contexts
3 Evaluate how research methods are evolving for online and mobile market
4 Write an individual research plan

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Group 20 min 1 2 3
Indiv. Research Plan 1 2 3 4
1800 word

Outline Syllabus

Overview of Marketing Research Process

Selection and Evaluation of Secondary Data
Planning for Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Justification of Research Design (Sampling, data Collection etc)
Overview of Key Methods (interview, focus group,observation, survey)
Focus on evolving research methods for online and mobile contexts (e.g.

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Ethical Issues in Marketing Research

Learning Activities

Lectures about key topics, seminars where students work on research tasks in
groups and workshops where student can avail of a drop in session will be part of
the learning activities on the module.


The course will encourage students to become familiar with research methods that
are currently used in marketing. Students will have the opportunity to undertake a
small scale research project and to find out about existing methods of market
research and new online methods such as netnography. Skills learnt on the module
will help student in their final year marketing project.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Practical Digital Marketing Skills

Status: Definitive
Code: 5034BUSMK (123173)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Natalie Counsell Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Tutorial 11
Workshop 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation Prestn A 20 minute group presentation 50 0
Report Rpt An individual 2000 word (+/- 50 0
10%) critical skills report


The module aims to provide students with a practical understand of the key areas of
digital marketing.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Develop a practical understanding of the tools necessary to implement and

measure a digital marketing campaign.
2 Critically evaluate the impact of digital practices on the marketing function.
3 Analyse the key emerging trends in the field of digital marketing.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Group Presentation 1 2 3

Individual Report 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Website development
Email Marketing Campaign Development
Online Advertising Tools
Web Analytics
Social Media Management Tools
Marketing Automation Software

Learning Activities

Practical workshops with complementary tutorials to reinforce learning.


This complementary programme of skills will enable students to understand and

participate in the development of digital marketing solutions.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Enterprise & Professional Practice

Status: In creation
Code: 5036BUSMK (123169)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2017

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Christopher Taylor Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 22
Workshop 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio Portfolio A (3,000 word equivalent) group 100 0
portfolio of evidence is to be
submitted based on the
development of a specific
business solution / idea.


The aim of the course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to act

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Review a number of current business opportunities or problems, identify and select

a number of appropriate solutions using relevant academic theories and relating
these theories to practice
2 Analyse and evaluate a range of business data, sources of information and
appropriate methodologies and use that research for evidence-based decision-
3 Explore a number of techniques used to stimulate innovation, creativity and
enterprise and apply these techniques to generate, develop and communicate a
new project plan

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

3,000 words or equivalent 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

The module will provide students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge
and understanding of how relevant academic theory can be related to industry
opportunities and/or problems to produce innovative and creative solutions. Topics
covered on the module will include:
Team working
Situational audit
Business modelling
Strategy thinking
Idea generation, creativity and innovation
Blue ocean thinking
New ideas proposals and selection
Presentation skills, report writing and tactics required for implementation of new

The application of relevant academic and industry knowledge to industry challenges

provides students with opportunities to develop and demonstrate their leading edge
ideas and increase their employability skills.

Learning Activities

This module will consist of a weekly 1 hour lecture, 2 hour seminar and 1 hour

The seminars will focus on skills to support students to work in teams to develop a
business solution / idea

The workshop will focus on key concepts identified in the lecture and seminar in

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detail. These sessions will allow students to develop their ideas in greater detail and
will be student led.


The module will provide students will the opportunity to relate relevant academic
theory to industry practice and develop innovative business ideas

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BAH Marketing
Level 6
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Consumer Psychology

Status: Definitive
Code: 6031BUSMK (121491)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Andrew Doyle Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 47
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 153

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 22
Seminar 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam Exam 3hr closed book examination 100 3


This module builds upon the Level 4 Consumer Behaviour module and further drills
down how the psychological elements of human cognition, such as attention and
memory, apply to the understanding of consumers and their behaviours in a
marketing context.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Critically evaluate major behavioural, cognitive and biological perspectives of

psychology such as perception, attention, memory and learning.
2 Critically understand, identify and summarise key concepts in consumer
psychology and evaluate how such theories may inform strategic marketing
3 Critically analyse human cognitive abilities and how they manifest in a consumer
behaviour context such as advertising.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

3 Hour examination 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

1.Introduction to psychology
2.Psychological perspectives
3.Reductionism within psychology
6.Multi-sensory perceptual psychology
7.Sensory memory
8.Working/Short term memory
9.Explicit long term memory
10.Implicit long term memory
11.Behavioural learning
12.Cognitive learning
13.Decision making models
14.Pre-purchase behaviour
17.Psychology in different consumers

Learning Activities

Lectures will be taught over a two hour block, one a week in semester one. All topics
will start with a dedicated reference to the academic foundation of the psychological
aspect of the topic, with the latter part of the lecture dedicated to the application to
marketing context. Seminars are designed to reinforce the theory and application,
with students identifying how consumer psychology is applied to real world


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Behavioural, cognitive and biological perspectives of consumer psychology, has a
heavy research foundation. Accordingly, students are expected to read up to date
research articles within the field. They are also expected to critically analysis this
research during the module assessment.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Digital Marketing

Status: Definitive
Code: 6032BUSMK (121492)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Natalie Counsell Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 22
Tutorial 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam Exam 3hr Unseen, Closed Book Exam 100 2
focusing on the theories of
digital marketing


This module will introduce the key theoretical elements of Digital Marketing and the
contribution it can make to an integrated marketing communication campaign.

Learning Outcomes

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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Critically apply a range of key digital marketing theory to the current business
2 Transfer and apply the theoretical underpinning of digital marketing to the practical
skills acquired in 5034BUSMK.
3 Critically evaluate how the theories of digital marketing can compliment a
traditional integrated marketing campaign.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

3hr Exam 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Students will critically evaluate the theoretical underpinnings of digital marketing

Digital Marketing Strategy
Mobile Marketing
Online Promotion
Inbound Marketing
Social Media Monitoring
Email Marketing

Learning Activities

Lectures, seminars and tutorials


The module will provide students with the opportunity to critically consider the
theoretical underpinnings of digital marketing and the part it can play in Integrated
Marketing Communication campaigns.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Global Marketing

Status: Definitive
Code: 6038BUSMK (122991)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Joseph McGrath Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 22
Seminar 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report An individual 3,500 word (+/- 100 0
10%) report


To analyse the principles and techniques involved in marketing strategically within an

international context.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Critically analyse the effects of differing parameters within international markets.
2 Demonstrate an understanding of the implementation strategies for success in
international markets
3 Evaluate the various strategies for developing international markets

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

3,500 word report 1 3 2

Outline Syllabus

The International Trade Environment
The impact of Culture on International Marketing
Analysis of International Competitors
International Market Entry Strategies
Growth Strategies for SME's
Global Strategic Choices
International Product Management
Co-ordinating the Global Marketing programme
International Marketing Communications
International Pricing Strategies
International Distribution
Enabling Technologies

Learning Activities

Case Analysis
Group work
Class discussion
Individual assignment


As the world continues to increase trade across and between countries and the
major economies become more integrated it is essential for students of marketing to
have an appreciation of the role they are likley to play within this environment. This
course utilisies the models and theories previously taught within Strategy for
Marketers, Foundations of Marketing, Business and Society and Consumer
Behaviour. Using these framaworks the students are encouraged to apply these in a
Global context.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications

Status: Definitive
Code: 6034BUSMK (123166)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Jan Brown Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Seminar 22
Workshop 11

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation Pres In groups of 4, present a 20 40 0
minute presentation based on
your ideas for an innovation
advertising and integrated
marketing communications
campaign for a new product that
is to be launched into an existing
market. A further 5 mins will be
given to answer questions at the
end of the presentation.
Report Rept Individually reflecting on your 60 0
advertising & IMC presentation
for this module identify one area
of IMC that is currently evolving
quickly, such as mobile

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Category Short Description Weighting Exam
Description (%) Duration
communications. Analyse how
this area of communication has
evolved and how it is likely to
keep evolving in the future. Give
recommendations on how
organisations could use such
communications in the own
advertising and IMC campaigns.
A 3000 word (+/-10%) individual


The aim of the module is to analyse a wide range of advertising and marketing
communications from a theory and practice perspective that could be used to plan
and implement an effective marketing communications campaign.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Critically analyse appropriate advertising and integrated marketing

communications academic theory
2 Critically evaluate a wide range of advertising and integrated marketing
communications tools from a broad range of industries
3 Design an effective advertising and integrated marketing communications
campaign for a specific new product, service or experience launch

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Group presentation 1 2 3

Individual report 3000 1 2 3


Outline Syllabus

This module is broad based and is focused on providing students with the skills and
frameworks needed to produce an effective advertising and integrated marketing
communications campaign. The module allows students to understand relevant
academic concepts and models and how they relate to current industry practice.
Topics include:
Public Relations
Direct Mail

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Personal Selling
Social Media

A range of traditional and digital communication tools, both above and below the line,
will be considered and the integrated nature of communications needed in the 21st
century will be explored in detail.

Learning Activities

This module will consist of a weekly 1 hour lecture, 2 hour seminar and 1 hour

The lecture will be interactive with the main theoretical concepts present and applied
to appropriate case studies.

The seminar will explore key areas of theory relating to advertising and integrated
marketing communications in detail with case study activities used to apply theory
presented in the lecture in practice. These sessions will be based on group work and
students will work on their own specific campaign ideas.

The workshop will focus on key concepts identified in the lecture and the seminar in
detail and allow students to practice their research, writing and presentation skills.
Individual and group activities will be used to stimulate discussion and these
sessions will be student led.


This module allows students to explore leading edge academic concepts and theory
relating to advertising and integrated marketing communications and apply this
theory to produce a practical advertising and integrated marketing communication
campaign. Additionally, the module assessment will expect students to synthesise
both this and the knowledge and skills gained from the three modules delivered in
semester 1*, to give a group presentation based on the proposed launch of a new
product, service or experience in an existing market place.

* 6031BUSMK: Consumer Psychology in which students will gain a detailed

understanding about how consumers make decisions when choosing products,
services and experiences; 6032BUSMK: Digital Marketing in which students will gain
a detailed understanding of how digital communications are being developed and
influencing consumers and 6038BUSMK: Global Marketing in which students gain a
detailed understanding of the influence of global trends on specific consumers and

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BAH Marketing
Level 6
Option Modules
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Marketing Dissertation

Status: Definitive
Code: 6035BUSMK (123132)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Peter Simcock Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 40 Delivered 4
Total Private
Learning 400 Study: 396

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Standard Year Long

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 4

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Dissertation disser A 10,000 word (+/- 100 0
10%)dissertation in which
students integrate and apply
their marketing knowledge and
skills to a comprehensively
researched problem or issue.


To enable students to produce a structured, analytical, and in-depth review of a

current marketing issue using a range of appropriate and authoritative secondary

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Identify an appropriate marketing issue for analysis, and develop aims and
objectives for the dissertation.
2 Undertake a critical review of the relevant academic and other literature to provide
theoretical underpinnings for the subsequent research.
3 Reach conclusions based on the literature review, and produce a structured and
appropriately referenced report.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

10,000 word dissertation 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

There is no syllabus content associated with this module. Students choose a

marketing issue or problem and undertake individual work with appropriate

Learning Activities

There will be lecture input covering the process of undertaking the dissertation,
dissertation structure, and referencing. Individual meetings with project supervisors
will provide guidance on the management of the project.


This module enables level 6 students to integrate and apply their marketing
knowledge and skills to a comprehensively researched problem or issue.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Marketing Project

Status: Definitive
Code: 6036BUSMK (123133)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Peter Simcock Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 40 Delivered 4
Total Private
Learning 400 Study: 396

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Standard Year Long

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 4

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio Portfolio A 10,000 word (+/-10%) 100 0
research project in which
students integrate and apply
their marketing knowledge and
skills undertaking primary
research into a defined
marketing problem or issue.


To enable students to define and undertake research into a specific marketing

problem or issue within an academic context.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Undertake an academic literature review to provide theoretical underpinnings for

the subsequent research.
2 Identify, justify, and employ appropriate research methods, data capture strategy,
and data analysis techniques.
3 Reach conclusions based on the evidence presented, and make appropriate

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

10,000 word Research 1 2 3


Outline Syllabus

There is no syllabus content associated with this module. Students choose a

marketing issue or problem, which might be related to work undertaken on the
placement year or on a part-time basis, or simply select a marketing related area in
which they are interested. This module requires the student to undertake some form
of primary research.

Learning Activities

Individual meetings with project supervisors will provide guidance on the

management of the project.


This module enables level 6 students to integrate and apply their marketing
knowledge and skills to a comprehensively researched problem or issue.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Marketing Consultancy Active Learning Project

Status: Definitive
Code: 6039BUSMK (123167)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Joseph McGrath Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 40 Delivered 6
Total Private
Learning 400 Study: 394

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Standard Year Long

Component Contact Hours

Tutorial 6

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report An individual 5000 word (+/- 50 0
10%) Consultancy Report
Presentation Pres An individual 20 minute 30 0
Presentation and 10 minute
Reflection REFL An individual 1,500 word 20 0
Reflection (+/-10%)


To enable students to undertake a work based marketing consultancy project during

the final year. This activity will allow the student to put into practice the skills and
knowledge gained.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Demonstrate the use of theoretical models and marketing principles in a live

2 Analyse a business / marketing issue and make practical recommendations
3 Present a marketing report to professional standards.
4 Undertake a reflection activity providing an in-depth self awareness report.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

5000 word Consultancy 1 2 3

20 minute Presentation 1 2 3

1,500 word Reflection 4

Outline Syllabus

Marketing consultancy process, tendering

Field Investigation and analysis
Report writing and presentation

Learning Activities

3 x 2 hour tutorials on the role of consultancy.

Supervision during the project.
A limited number of marketing consultancy projects will be offered each year. The
students will bid for their desired project(s), successful candidates will be selected by
a board of academics and practitioners.
The student will undertake the project within a 3 month period and present findings
and recommendations to the organisation and provide a report.
A reflection report will be undertaken by the student


The consultancy project offers students an option to work with a live marketing case.
The consultancy projects are sourced from a both students and throughy business

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BAH Business and Public Relations

Level 4
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Business Environment

Status: Registry approval
Code: 4001BPR (121603)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2017

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Francis Muir Y
Jonathan Read N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation Present Group presentation 40 0
Report Report Individual 2000 word report 60 0


To provide a comprehensive foundation for the application or theory and practice in

the business environment.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Describe the behaviour and interaction of people in an organisational context.
2 Outline the business functions of a business.
3 Demonstrate the systems used to operate in an efficient business.
4 Define the financial markets businesses operate within.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Presentation 1 3 4

Report 2

Outline Syllabus

Organisational Behaviour, culture and design

Business Functions and their interaction
Corporate Social responsibility
IT applications
Personal Development Planning

Learning Activities

Workshops, incorporating individual and group learning activities.


This course will provide the students with a comprehensive foundation for the
application or theory and practice in the business environment.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Public Relations: Practice and Principles

Status: Definitive
Code: 4002BPR (121573)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Mike Swain Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio PORT A portfolio consisting of 100 0
evidence of knowledge gained
from a theoretical and
practitioner perspective


To gain a practitioner based insight into the practice and positioning of the public
relations function.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 To define the role of the public relations practitioner
2 Discuss the positioning of the public relations function in organisations
3 Recognise the relationship between public relations and organisational objectives
4 Define basic public relations theories and concepts

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Portfolio 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

The role of the PR Professional

PR as a distinct management function
Introduction to theoretical approaches to PR
Publics, audiences and stakeholders
Introduction to crises and issues management
Consumer PR
Digital PR
Introduction to the role of the PR practitioner in managing reputation
Introduction to media relations

Learning Activities

Workshops, guest speakers, practitioner led sessions


As a result of Programme Review 2015

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Communication Theory

Status: Definitive
Code: 4003BPR (121586)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Gwenda Mynott Y
Mike Swain N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 55
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 145

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Online 11
Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio PORT A portfolio of student work 100 0
providing evidence of
completion of a number of tasks.


To introduce the concept of communication and to enable students to recognise the

communication process through the application of theoretical communication

Learning Outcomes
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After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 To describe the concept of communication

2 To evaluate the communication process by applying relevant communication
theories to practice
3 To identify the public relations role in enabling organisations to plan their
communication processes
4 To interpret the impact of culture on communication

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Portfolio 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

What is communication?
Why do we communicate?
An exploration of theories relating to the communication process
Communication modelling
An exploration of forms of communication
The impact of culture on communication
An introduction to visual communication
PR as planned communication
An introduction to corporate communications

Learning Activities

Workshops, guest speakers.


A module which aims to introduce communication theories and concepts to first year

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Marketing and Human Resource Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 4004BPR (121618)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Catherine Bonser Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 46
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 154

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Exam Exam The exam will test the students 100 2
ability to identify the roles of the
marketing and HR functions of a
business and summarise how
the models and tools would
enable an organisation to
manage these departments


A module which aims to enable students to identify the key responsibilities of the
Marketing and Human Resource teams within a business and explain how they
interact with other functions within an effective business.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Identify the business functions within an organisations and their effective

interaction, particularly the Marketing and Human Resource Management
2 Demonstrate and explain the principles of HRM and how its successful
implementation impacts on people management and business success
3 Recognise the marketing concept and how to apply the marketing mix in support of
an organisations activities
4 Identify the role of marketing and its effective implementation within a range of
organisations, including public, private and not-for-profit

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Exam 1 4 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to Human Resource Management

Performance Management
Training and Development
Marketing Excellence
Marketing Planning
Developing the Marketing Mix
Consumer and buyer behaviour

Learning Activities

There will be a range of learning activities, in workshops. The content will reflect
practitioner led approaches to management, Human Resources and Marketing.


This module will be supported by materials on Blackboard.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Creative Media Production

Status: Definitive
Code: 4005BPR (121597)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Keith Thompson Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 10 Delivered 22
Total Private
Learning 100 Study: 78

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Practical 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Practice Video Promotional video 100 0


To utilise the advances in Web 2.0 to the advantage of the PR practitioner.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Introduce visual media and related platforms available to the modern PR


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2 Produce a self promotional business-oriented video utilising industry accepted
professional practice
3 Evaluate the effectiveness of video as a PR tactic in business

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Production of a video 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to Web 2.0 and the opportunities it offers the PR profession.

Familiarisation of the platforms and equipment available.
How the new advances have been assessed by communication theorists.
Practical demonstrations and case studies illustrating video as a platform.
Interview techniques and applications.
Production techniques and applications.
Media Production and Editing.
Presentation of productions.
Evaluation of productions with particular referencing to video via various analytics

Learning Activities

Practicals, demonstrations, discussions, all focused on video production and PR led

professional practice


A new course which incorporates the Business and Screen School's investment in
media technology and applies it to the growing PR industry.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Personal and professional development

Status: Definitive
Code: 4006BPR (121595)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Gwenda Mynott Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 10 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 100 Study: 56

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Online 22
Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio 90 0
Self Bronze WoW Bronze Statement 10 0
Awareness Reflective Statement


To develop skills to support successful academic study and personal development

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Identify and reflect upon the following aspects of personal development: strengths
and weaknesses, motivations and values, ability to work with others.
2 Identify the key areas requiring improvement
3 Develop a strategy for enhancing self-awareness and personal and professional

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Portfolio 1 2 3

World of Work Bronze 3

Outline Syllabus

Personal SWOT analysis

Reflection on semester 1 feedback
Identification of skills gaps
Action planning

Learning Activities

Group workshops & individual personal development meetings


This module will support students to build on semester 1 feedback and to address
any skill gaps

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Writing for PR

Status: Definitive but changes made
Code: 4007BPR (121593)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Brigitte Hordern Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ4 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio Portfolio A report and press release. 100 0


To acquire the necessary writing skills for Public Relations communications.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Formulate and defend ideas in Public Relations and business environment.

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2 Communicate confidently in the written language in a variety of registers .
3 Produce accurate, fluent and well-argued grammatically written work in a variety of

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Portfolio 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

The module uses a range of topics and materials drawn from various organisations
and audiences as a basis for a variety of communicative activities. It also includes
strategies such as the 'plain language' strategy.

Learning Activities

Writing activities: formal, informal register, letters, e-mails, blogs, reports, press
releases, etc, focussing on a variety on styles.


Course notes on BB.

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BAH Business and Public Relations

Level 5
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Media Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 5002BPR (121610)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Keith Thompson Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Presentation Client Client Meeting 40 0
Portfolio Press Press Pack 60 0


To demonstrate the various media campaign tactics available to the modern PR


Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Appraise methods of approaching the modern multi-faceted media and its impact
on reputation
2 Prepare for a media or media oriented client meeting
3 Plan and apply written and oral communication techniques within a media
4 Apply strategies for maximizing and evaluating media coverage through a
management approach
5 Propose a written campaign to internal and external clients and other user groups
when approaching the media

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Client-led media 1 2
Press Pack 3 4 5

Outline Syllabus

The Media 'Agenda'

Defining and approaching the media in the light of Web 2.0
Media interviews and discussions
Awareness of the practical media environment and equipment
The impact of social media on the PR practitioner
Effective online and offline communication techniques
Media analytics
Media relationships
News releases and feature writing
Blogging and micro blogging
The progressive use of organic social media
The role of social media advertising in PR
Press conferences and media discussions
Media context of issue and crisis management

Learning Activities

Centred around a logical series of skill-based media workshops, interspersed with

mini lectures.


This module incorporates the major elements of Online PR and Media Relations
modules into a 20 credit module which illustrates how platforms and channels can be
used to the advantage of clients and practitioners alike.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Corporate Communications

Status: Definitive
Code: 5003BPR (121585)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Keith Thompson Y
Mike Swain N

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Essay essay A 2500 word essay 100 0


To enable students to critically evaluate the role of strategic internal communication

in enabling organisations to be more effective from both a theoretical and practitioner

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 To evaluate the importance of the role of internal communication in enabling more
effective organisations
2 To evaluate the role of the internal communication professional in enabling
employee engagement
3 To analyse the underpinning theories and principles that inform the strategic
internal communication role

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

essay 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

The internal communication concept

Organisational culture, power and communication
Understanding internal stakeholder needs
Internal communication: objectives and techniques
Employee engagement
Communicating during change

Learning Activities

Workshops, guest speakers, online activities


New module as a result of Programme Review 2015

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Graduate Enterprise

Status: Definitive school/dept apprval
Code: 5005BPR (121605)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2017

Owning School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Teaching School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Team Leader
Christopher Taylor Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Off Site 11
Workshop 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report Business proposal 70 0
demonstrating market
awareness and proof of concept.
(Group work)
Reflection reflection Reflection on personal 30 0
development and the learning
experience (individual work)


To develop a business idea in response to an identified business opportunity

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Use research skills to develop a business idea and appropriate business proposal
2 Appraise a business idea in the context of understanding its potential market
3 Apply learning and business skills to advance business idea
4 Reflect on personal skills and the learning experience

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Group work business 1 2 3

Reflection on learning 4

Outline Syllabus

Business planning
Market research
Financial planning
Creative thinking and decision making
Presentation skills
Business networking

Learning Activities

Guest speakers
Action learning
Research activities
Business networking
Utilisation of business resources


Graduate Enterprise enables students to engage in the experience of developing a

business idea.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Event Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 5004BPR (121616)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2017

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Christopher Taylor Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Workshop 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report proposal Proposal for event - 100 0
demonstrating understanding of
event strategy, project planning,
risk assessment, marketing and
PR - links to theory and best


To appraise key issues and develop strategic planning for effective event

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Define key objectives for event management

2 Analyse and develop strategies for public events
3 Apply project management principles and techniques

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Event proposal 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Media events and their relative effectiveness

The role of the PR professional in event management
"Public" events and their relative effectiveness
The development of online events
Maximising publicity and media coverage for events
Project management techniques and principles
Project strategy
Gantt charts and critical path analysis
Resourcing issues

Learning Activities

Practical workshops
Case studies
Guest speakers


This module focuses on the key areas of strategy, planning and management
associated with event management. Project management principles and practical
techniques are covered to enable students to deliver events.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Professional Development & Research

Status: School/department approval
Code: 5006BPR (121600)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2017

Owning School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Teaching School/Faculty: Academic Portfolio

Team Leader
Brigitte Hordern Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Reflection Reflection Reflection on personal 50 0
performance , skills set and
evaluation of career options
Dissertation Proposal A proposal for the final year 50 0
dissertation project appropriately
presented (2200words)


To develop students' workplace understanding, employability and subject specific

skills via a short project with a relevant employer.
To prepare students for the Level 6 Dissertation and enable students to develop a
research proposal

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Reflect on their skill set and evaluate career options, and define developmental
targets in line with career objectives
2 Prepare an appropriately presented and coherent research proposal.

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Reflection on work related 1

Proposal for final year 2

Outline Syllabus

Project based learning

Effective work in teams
Application of theory to solve business problems
Introduction to research project and planning
Project layout
Literature searching and bibliographic citations
Data collection and analysis

Learning Activities

This module consists of a short, project based placement within an organisation

dealing with PR related work. Learning on placement is experiential and reflective.
Research methods workshops and self directed activities with the support of a


Course Notes (BB)

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Digital Communication Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 5007BPR (121587)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2017

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Mike Swain Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ5 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report 2500 word report 100 0


The module aims to give students a framework for understanding and evaluating the
landscape in digital communication and the impact on the PR function

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Discuss the impact of digital communication platforms on the role of the PR

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2 Locate the digital communication management role within the PR function
3 To evaluate the effectiveness of organisational digital communication

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

2500 word report 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

The digital PR landscape: roles and responsibilities

The digital communication landscape: implications for information and knowledge
Digital communication as an enabler for transparency
Digital communications and internal communication
Digital communication tactics
Social and its role in planned communication
Stakeholder evaluation: insights into appropriate digital channels
Digital communication and evaluation
Social Media Evaluation: principles and practice
Strategic approaches to digital communication management
Search Engine Optimisation: visibility and information control

Learning Activities

Workshops, guest speakers.


A theoretical and practical module which enables students to build evaluation tools
for evaluating the digital communication landscape.

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BAH Business and Public Relations

Level 6
Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Change Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 6002BPR (121598)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Gwenda Mynott Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Report 4000 word report 100 0


This module seeks to give students an understanding of the theory and practice of
organisational change so that they can undertake and manage it effectively

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Critically assess the nature of organisational change

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2 Design strategies for communicating change
3 Analyse the human and social factors of change
4 Analyse the role of leadership in the change process

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

4000 word report 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Why change happens

Organisational change
Resistance to change
Communication during change

Learning Activities



This module will give students theoretical and practical grounding in the
management of change with a focus on communicating change

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Business & Public Relations Dissertation

Status: Definitive
Code: 6003BPR (121568)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Michael Swain Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 30 Delivered 36
Total Private
Learning 300 Study: 264

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Standard Year Long

Component Contact Hours

Online 25
Seminar 5
Tutorial 6

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Dissertation CW1 Dissertation/project approx. 100 0
9000 words


To allow students to demonstrate their ability to select a valid business and public
relations topic, to collect and synthesize relevant information on the topic, to adopt a
critical attitude to the information retrieved, and to present the information in a
professional manner.

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Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Demonstrate skills, knowledge and research commensurate with the demands of

the project title
2 Plan a structure for the presentation of the dissertation.
3 Think critically, and demonstrate this critical approach in the project.
4 Synthesize relevant information from other modules studied, and from other
appropriate sources

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Individual dissertation 1 2 3 4

Outline Syllabus

Choosing a research topic

Literature reviews
Determining aim and objectives

Learning Activities

Group seminars and individual tutorials


This module enables final year students to apply their knowledge and skills to a
researched business and public relations problem or issue.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Issues in Crisis Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 6004BPR (121622)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Keith Thompson Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 10 Delivered 22
Total Private
Learning 100 Study: 78

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 1

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 22

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Practice Scenario Controlling a crisis 100 0


To illustrate how a crisis can help comprehend corporate cullture

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 assess a crisis through a simulated case study

2 reflect and analyse best practice when dealing with a crisis scenario

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Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Crisis senario 1 2

Outline Syllabus

Defining a crisis
Disaster management
Issues management
Rumours and slow drip issues
The anatomy of a crisis
Case studies

Learning Activities

Workshops, discussions, filmed crisis scenarios and simulations


The module will show what it is like to be in a crisis situation, the transferrable skills
being to use initiative (think on feet).

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Integrated Digital Marketing Communications

Status: Definitive
Code: 6001BPR (121609)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Francis Muir Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Technology Online P Individual work - portfolio of 100 0
Digital Marketing artefacts


To develop a theoretical and practical understanding of current issues and trends in

digital marketing communications.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

1 Critically assess the digital marketing landscape and current trends

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2 Construct engaging and interactive content for appropriate platforms to attract and
retain customers.
3 Evaluate technologies and understand appropriate adoption and use in a digital
marketing context.
4 Critically evaluate best practice methods for a company's online presence

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Online presence with 1 2 3 4


Outline Syllabus

Web site creation

Digital advertising
Creating content for digital platforms
Email marketing
Social Media platforms and communications
Data analysis
Online campaigns management

Learning Activities

This module is delivered through a series of workshops involving theoretical and

practical work.


This course will enable the students to develop a theoretical and practical
understanding of current issues and trends in digital marketing communications.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Strategic Campaign Management

Status: Definitive
Code: 6005BPR (121619)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Keith Thompson Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 44
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 156

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Lecture 11
Tutorial 33

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Report Structure Campaign construction 60 0
Portfolio Campaign Advanced tactics 40 0


To explore, develop and apply effective public relations campaigns in the context of
wider strategic goals.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Formulate professionally approved planning and campaign structures which
optimise resources and maximise effectiveness
2 Identify public relations opportunities in the light of accepted industry standard
3 Apply strategic principles to an internal or external client-focused campaign
4 Plan for resource allocation including training opportunities
5 Appraise and utilise measurement, analytics and evaluation tools effectively
6 Interpret, develop and adapt to changing client expectations

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Campaign Structure 1 2

Client Campaign 3 4 5 6

Outline Syllabus

Introduction to PR planning strategy

Reputation management via strategy
PR campaigns and their application
The role of the campaign in modern public relations practice
The impact of social media on campaign management
'Traditional' media
Corporate image and idenity in the context of campaigns
Internal ownership of campaigns
Campaign Case studies
Planning structures
Resource management
Advanced communication tactics
Measurement and evaluation

Learning Activities

A 'campaign room' where the emphasis is on students to be able to understand the

practical aspects of campaigns and how they are underpinned by theory.


Existing relationships have been formed with employers and this has served to
enhance the learning experience of previous modules. This trend is set to continue.

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Liverpool John Moores University

Title: Working in the creative industries

Status: Definitive
Code: 6006BPR (121599)
Version Start Date: 01-08-2016

Owning School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Teaching School/Faculty: Liverpool Business School

Team Leader
Gwenda Mynott Y

Academic Credit Total

Level: FHEQ6 Value: 20 Delivered 59
Total Private
Learning 200 Study: 141

Delivery Options
Course typically offered: Semester 2

Component Contact Hours

Online 15
Workshop 44

Grading Basis: 40 %

Assessment Details

Category Short Description Weighting Exam

Description (%) Duration
Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio of career focused 100 0


Understand the skills and needs of creative professionals in terms of their careers
and roles in the sector

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module the student should be able to:

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1 Appraise the PR role in creative industries
2 Demonstrate professional work-ready skills and business knowledge for
successful careers
3 Demonstrate skills and knowledge enabling individuals to become fully engaged,
independent and critical practitioners

Learning Outcomes of Assessments

The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:

Portfolio 1 2 3

Outline Syllabus

Future of public relations

Creative industries
Career planning
Personal development planning

Learning Activities

A range of workshops


This module will support students to identify and develop graduate skills for careers
in the creative industries

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