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Learning Activity Sheet




TOPIC: Impressionism: 20TH Century Musical Style



See some selected pictures from the lessons of impressionism, primitivism, avant-
garde, neo-classicism, modern nationalism, electronic and chance music of the 20 th
Be able to identify each picture.

The Musical Styles of the 20th century are as follows:

The early half of the 20th century also give rise to new musical styles, which
were not quite as extreme as the electronic, chance, and minimalist styles that arose later.
These new styles were impressionism, expressionism, neo-classicism, avant-garde, and
modern nationalism.
Impressionism- make use of the whole-tone scale. It also applied suggested, rather than
depicted, reality. It created a mood rather than a definite picture. It has a translucent and
hazy texture, lacking a dominant-tonic relationship.
Expressionism – revealed the composer’s mind, instead of presenting an impression of
the environment. It uses atonality and the twelve-tone scale, lacking stable and
conventional harmonies. It serves as a medium for expressing strong emotions, such as
anxiety, rage, and alienation.
Primitivism – is tonal through the stressing of one note as more important than the
others. New sounds are synthesized from old ones by juxtaposing two simple events to
create a more complex new event. In its pure, primitivism combines two familiar or simple
ideas together creating new sounds.
Neo-classicism – was a moderating factor between the emotional excesses of the
Romantic period and the violent impulses of the soul in expressionism.
Avant-garde – closely associated with electronic music, which dealt with the parameters
or the dimensions of sound in space.
Modern nationalism – a looser form of the 20th century music development focused on
nationalist composers and musical innovators who sought to combine modern techniques
with folk materials.
New Music Styles
elThe new musical styles created by 20th century classical composers were truly
unique and innovative. They experimented with the elements of rhythm, melody,
harmony, tempo, and timbre in daring ways never attempted before. Some even made use
of electronic devices such as synthesizers, tape recorders, amplifiers, and the like to
introduce and enhance sounds beyond those available with traditional instruments.
Electronic Music – music that uses the tape recorder is called “musique concrete or
concrete music. The composer records different sounds that are heard in the
environment. The sounds are arranged by the composer in different ways. In musique
concrete the composer is able to experiment with different sounds that cannot be
produced by regular musical instruments such as piano or violin.
Chance Music – refers to a style in which the piece sounds different at every performance
because of the random techniques of production, including the use of ring modulators as
natural elements that become a part of the music.
Briefly describe each musical style.

Musical Style of 20th century The Brief Description of each Musical Style

Modern nationalism
Electronic music
Chance music

Applying the Electronic or Chance Music students will perform and create music using t

Conduct a written quiz with at least 25 points all.

Direction: Answers the following questions below.
1. Name of the 20th century composers
2. The different compositions made and;
3. The different musical style used by each composer.
This is 15 points

Name of composer Title of composition Musical style

This is 10 points

Sample of New music style Natural / man-made Musical style

I-pod or mobile phone
Plastic bottles or tin cans
Rustling leaves
Organ, guitar, synthesizer

CURRICULUM GUIDE in Music and Art 10

HORIZONS in Music and Art 10 TG pp. 4-20
HORIZONS in Music and Art 10 LM pp. 4-32


MAPEH Teacher

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