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OT eye eae for First PTA Lac ag (SAN 978-0-290-46 887-1 four hay « MPC Pk) ‘ex. detign are tration © Maceritan Publaners Lined 204 ‘Series edited by Matocies Mann and Steve Tarplore-Knowies The authors hawe saserted the rights to be identified as the authors of thin work in acconiance with the Copyright Design: aed Patents Act 1368. ovat putiiahed 5014 (Al ights reserved, no part of thie pubbcation may be reproduced, stored in a retrigwal syste, trarserstted in amy aren ory arty ear, eetenie, mechanical, photoeepAng, recording. of othenwiee, sithout the prior ection perrassion of he publishers (Qemigne by ec cegagn Bo ‘Sever design by Macrnlans ‘Cover photograph by Corbis ero brages ‘etre research by Exity Taye users’ shncmagerneritt Malcolm Mann and Steve Tiylore-Rnerwies wont Bo to thank ‘Tha publithers would lib to Tarik al thoge who participated nthe Geese OF te penject, wn epoca! ara 19 rp froeinee editor, ‘The muthors nel publahers woul! like ts thar fe Sewing for thelr phsotograate Atough we han tied to trace and contact cooyright holders. eters pubtcation, in seme cece ths Pat ti been poi. I conaucted we wil be pleaned 10 rectly ary eemew.-oF criaaioee a the aarient oppor, (Printed and bound tar Cinoup fk] List, Croydon, CROEYY om We eT aS What is Improve your Skills: Use of English for First? Lier of Boglish for Pirat is part of the fiyprave yoir Skills exam skills series: four prepsuration boxoks which cover all asyepets of the Cambwriatge Bnglishe: Pirst exam. This course alms to develop the key kills, and language andl exam techniyues, for parts 1 of the First Lise-of Raghish ard Routing paper. ‘The couse cas be ussed it swith the ober boolks In the series: Roading for irs, Writing Jor Firat ond Listeaing and Speaking Jor Firat. team als bo nsec us a geeeral skills developenend course, ‘oras preparation for other general English tests How do | use Imprave your Skilis? ‘You can use any of the books in this series citer in class oF to stady on your own, The course will gue you through the activities step by step, so you can use this Bonk with or without a teacher I you are studying ss part of a class, your teacher ‘will direct you on hw to use each activity. Somme activities can be treated acs discussloees, in which case they can be a useful opportunity to share ideas and techniques with olbor bearners. How is Improve your Skills: Use of English for First The course ts made up of 12 units, each aimed at developing a particular reading skill (eg recognising and using phrnsal renbs). Every ‘unit ts themed around 1 commenly occarring topic } from the Pins! exam, Each unit consists af: © Skills development: explanation, examples andl tasks to develop und practise relewast sgranimar and vocabulary skills both for general ‘ust and the exam, Each skill is broken dows into simple stages with reference to wy each skill is important for Firat. = Vocabulary; useful vocabulary for tw Pint exam, Exam focus and practice; focus on how each skill rekates to: the exam, followed ley mulbyeed ie First stghe taskes for real exam preactice, ‘There ane also Skills tip boxes throughosst the book containing useful information and dens on how to approach the exam realing tsi, How will Improve your Skilis increase my chances of exam success? Skills development The skills: sections form a detailed syllilus of cone gmummar and vocnbulary skits which are wese ful bec in the exam and in everyday Nie — recognising aed isle collocations and understanding coherence and ‘cohesion, for example. Peaple often lo these things in their own language without peticing, ao it-can take some peartier to perform these actions in another language, Learning and usdberstancling stractures ean take privrity ievthe chesroom, antl hese very important skills offen get Ignored. Language input Each unit includes useful voeabutary ard phrases for tho exam. In fmaprver your Skills: Use of English fier Plrst, you will finda wide range off teyple ‘vooubeilary and kdese! to enalke sure that yent are well peepares| when yoru reach the real exam. Exam technique Inany exam, it is important to be peepared for he types of tasks you are likely to be given, and to have mothods neady to anewer any particular qocstkin, The Bram focus section helps sou develop anil practise these methods, The Sibifie tip: boxes give short, simple advice-ahour different types of question, si well es nbuily abeilis nnd hacow toh use the skills you have learned ‘The course covers every question type that you will free in the First exam How is the First and where does Use Reading Tit in? ‘The Firat exam consists of foar papers = (se of Englisie 4 Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, Parts Ll of tive Ese of Kraglish andl Reming paper text your Lise of Bmptish skills. The eoenplete paper takes 1 bour aml 15 minutes, What does each task consist of? ‘The Use of Bnglish enskos (Parts 14) make up 20608 your Beal maak in Mirat. There sare fevur tasks whbebs alm to test your vocabulary aavl gras skills ina pomber of ways. Pant | is a boption nvaltiphe-chaice ‘gapHfill task (eight questions). Part 2 is also a eight qneation gap-fll but there are no- options. In Past 3, you have to complete a text with 8 gaps, For each ‘gap, you lurve to fomma derivative from a root word, En Part 4, you are given six separate items wilh a lenib-in sentence andl a key word which you haw to tas to complete n second sentence with the same mieariinig set the: fare. Ther tasks will test a variety of the Following key Use ‘of Rnglishs skills © dios, phrases and exilocations © Awareness and control of grammar, vocabulary precision and lexico-grammar Phrasal verbs: © Word formation and affioces (pretioes and sulfiers), and using phrases and idioms | 2 = Improve your Use of English skills: recognising and using phrases and idioms Phrases aud dade une sel erpressions sesingy maser than cae we, Scmtimes, they mia toe sialon parases cod islicons ip other dompunges, but len they aren't, Fat neest fo recogreise witew a task ix Jesting the meuring ofa jahraae or ddim, raher thes iadividual trond, and be alte to provide or complete él accurately. 1 You meet to be stile to tell when a task is testing A how accurate .a plrrase is ina given situation, B bow a given word is sed ina phrase o¢ idiom, ‘© how similar English phrases are to phrases in your own language. JD important breuse you will flew come sereas jhresars crac dellowns cr end sewed tobe alte to rerogmiee aid wvuderstand em, You ate weed to be afte to ise thew concuratity. Qflen, the mosniseg of the while giiruse is mst obeious from he meaning of Tike tedietidwal sronte and they've easy to misunalerstand. 2 Phrases and iticans are tmportant because they are A difficuh. B common, € mre, Kew need to know a dirpe mumber of phrased snd flows. Chmpiare Uke to plirsise sand fifloms dn your own ssguage anu Inarn the similarities anuf differences, Hew valss not fo tewrm phrases crc dalnoek tha axent similiar fi exyehing ire jenn ence Samguage. Ith mang to te aide to cork owt dir mmm ing of mew Weniea and kien Fro thelr cote, J Whur should you de when you meet a phir you haven't séen before? A Tey to work out the meaning from the context. B lgnore it and hope it tsn’t important. © Show that you are confised and hope somoune explains, irae anat fiom ae tented in a number of stage im Picet Paper fin Part J, you ming neva te choo a sooret Wea completes a parece or iow, Clem, the etre are aim day morning cm Uber cies bait ont one af thers is mae in the phrase being tested, fa Duet 2, ot may nel to jrenfite a yoont thal complies a peruse or iflom. fre Prt 4, yond aay nod fo romngrdse a phraseor diem in the first sentence yo are gine, or youd ary ceed or nose a praetor delome Cha rveftes the giorve meee da beds iv the trmmgfiemation tank, 4 You nay need to choose the correct.answer in Part 1 sed am A. the meaning of a whole phrase. 1B how similar the options are to eset ether. € aword you thinkaf yourself, 2 Hach of the mores in bok is in the wrong semtence. Write the carmet ward on the Tine Recognising ard : Get started Look at the photo and answer the questions. What are the vobanteers doing in the phota? © Would you tike to do someting ike this in your free tlie? Why?! Why not? What types of voluntary work do people often de iin your country? What might people enjoy about doing voluntary work? Develop your vocabulary 4 Match to-make phanses. Jeff managed to- work Dt's.n good iriea to spree Marin prides Htynu have dason thought be'd teil your tise doing something you lore, ime to spare, coukd you help with the chores? time by reacting nagaicinees while be wnited, milractes ly organising the event in wnderan hor. herself on helping otlrers, oe 8 we ee ‘You can’t de this kind of work if your time is not in it, ‘Terry felt snore at heart on the vobantecr trining course after he got to kerr his tutor, fs better todo something for the impulse of it rather than for amy other reason, She joined Greenpeace on eave after reading thelr leadlet. In's good to help ont in the neighbourbood from tine to hove. eee Weite a word or phrase from the box in each gap tio complete the text | high tina = make sme = paricipanng # take pleasure « time on your nana Are you interested in (1) in helping the community? Bi yons'ne spot nome 62). = 16 youcan possibly (for ‘tut peor, we'd fave to nee you this weekend ae the community clean-up, sponsored ky ‘the town coundil. Volontears will meet in the main square of 9aen and oll wepplies will be provided by the council, Help us out and (4) —__ in ences that you've made 4 difference to the town. t's (5). we mace it # cleaner place to live! Unit | Develop your Use of English skills 1 Cheese the correct wart ‘Tire work haste be finished today at all expenses / costs, ‘He felt completely at ease / comfort with telling others what to do, Susie spoke at great width / length about ber charity. We must lemve at mow fonce. She cancetted the appointment af very short note /nethee. He can bo quite generous af times f o¢castoes. Ibwas a great show hy all accounts / stories, Did pou go te the fusselraising event by-any chance / tuck? Tt was the best performance by afar / fur. ‘She feunned all the words by mind / heart. ‘Mo's friendly by character / mature. Sho caught him compdetely ty fright / surprise, ‘Lot's play cards fora difference / change to pass the time, 14 They left the UK for good f better to move to Asia. 15 Just wait here for the time being ‘doing. BRC Sesaseeene 2. White at, by, fororon kn each gap to comgiete the sentences. 1 He pot the charity's enah takings im a box safekeeping. 2 They got the protesters to leave fore, They must have finished building the community centre ‘She coakin't make the event account of other plans. Each volunteer was given atnak to dowith a partner whe waschose Let's go to the volunteer meeting _ food, Ho was so pleased with the community's efforts that he wns. ‘The bus drivers were strike, so we took a tack 9 Tho ail worker has Bived in India all ber life, bout he's Beith — birth. 10 Their daugiver had been vohenteering in Colombia, so they hadn't seen her __ ages. allows for words eaagee we 8. Choose the comreet word to complete each sentence. A) We'll notify you on —__ of your application, 7 They're buikling a refugee shelter on the 8 agement b suppart © aggroval of, £ On ofall ofug, thanks for your efforts. sn linet b bounty e outskirts a behalf b © behaviour & Pm sure thet was po accident and she did leon. 8 [come with you on _ thas we leave earty 8 purpose = b reason se point A event b cosdition © situmion 9 ‘The charity fundraiser festured signed booles 4 There are oaly three rescue workers on. nal pickin on a duty A oak ‘& baak a dead b purchase = ¢ sale 10) Today's neighbourhood clean-up started an, & The difficutt work had Bins om his a ened bain oc ke a schedule bo agenda ¢ programe 6 The costumes which the act were HE She was on good wits the members of thee on _.. -comenitice, a boueearies b linnits © terms a advance ‘b loan borrow 12) The project wars, om the, very successfull a top ‘b total ¢ whole | Recognising and using phrases and Idioms 4) Write 1 word from thee box in each gap to complete thio tet. fo your question about voluntary work, hare are eiveral programas i eptain a. forwr af thers to you ie 68 ‘Cine that may interest you is cur weeithy neighbourhood ciman-up, weier i fl) lewohves picking up litter in the stepata. fn to this programe, wy aso have tree planting, which we do once a @ «The past tree-planting event i taking (7}___ ths Baneiny and starts ‘at 8 i to (8) _____. This project (0) _ has been very papuiar We've alse get programmes for communty gardening, in which we plant a few crops in local plots, done in (10) __ whic is usually spring or autumn, ‘You don't need te tet ue in (11) that you're going ta participate, You oan just tum upein (12), . Ligeme forward to seeing yout 55 Choose the conect word to fill each gage The play @, Mavinans, Semin’ bean awhile since Ilast Ara. tiv wting with OR]__towhat Ferpecteverperit dying te get star (Posted. Fee been undtr(1)__of weciscuind atthe Lint meeting early but theses no pein geting ahnad of workandhaven'thudafrew moment putting play ls the is ‘tome, Te also beeea bitwnder ee hon ‘the (2) __with a coil, but is finally cormmmunity cennie ard renin ering hearing op, the 4}__that we can use their apace Danneel i the peer, although ty aren ‘Ger 5]__of edeconating ant deeit [nc wv that wl be freshest At any (i pepo hae more bnfernasen for thee before C71. 1 A load B pressure € veelght D force 2 A alr B chimate = © clouds DP weadber 3 A respect B hemour — C fayour D regard rape Bosense © lapression Dt though SA mobod DB process GC rnnite DF procetture OA rate B speed © pace D degree 7A bong Be short © quick D stow S04 calendar 8 diary C pmgrmmme — D schodie Unit 1 Recognising and using phrases and idioms GB Try to work out frons tho context the meaning of each unelertined phrase, Make notes, ‘9 Choose the coavect word to fill rach gap, 1 ek ee ee 7 Write a word from the bax in ench gap to-complete the text, battle = clock = miracles = ret ‘odds © part = pleasure # poi « senses © water © yoursett A A minutes: B moments C days D times 2 A imiclligence B ability —-€ kmowledge DF outlooks 3 A hand B car C aid D tit Taking fn sentry community wtrl, is ething op an pride (Z}___ on ding, 4 A point B level C height D degree Conair, thay obih velunkaars Fe iharnalinal ad ergnninaticns 9¢ dhroagh be de ther werk, These me BOA span B bons CG open 1D pilus pocple wht wrk i the wields podrwst coulis aed help: pacpie gaint wit GR) __ bp gat the healt 6 A bely Bofgure = € form Dy shape care Uhag mevd. Thay Frecqunt ly wcrk renal the (if) For We pay. Seimei aay the whetsees TA cords Bostrings = © wires B ropes tera figbling losing UD « bebéeris tha Ctndiitn in mtn plies tra Harrie. ‘Sina my tan cy 8 A rate B expense charge B fee hak mca Lien patipla Ciera Lc bale Mt lng Leave are eae Ite, oss, the velananrs wld kg that so the (Pi Tha ity fi Anan va YD Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning ® ah Mima, Lhe stdnalion in a particular counkry bacowes dangercers, Tha ea for them, to the dirst sentence, using the word given. though, Lo work, OD rd mais Tas baller, dma porscm ab a Lima LL wat ssa bp a drop 1 Ashe manager ts quite strict, we must. do everything according to the rules. the (: ___ fa helps jest one perce, bul ing hits de str staamiere, Thrash ia, whew ace ROOK Fommurity is helped, volinkners coe Lap (BD in igen than vw wade a Affarendn. ‘So if Liat 's hab ‘We onmst cho: every thing —___ Esrcaussn ber onaniages: is quite strict. sp Ulink, wolainy werk, ot cal, them apa 've fel the MHD. on tha had, 2 Michael's car looks very clean. AS Michael's car books _ whistle, 8 Write a word in each gap to complete the text. You must be honest about your niistake, CLEAN ‘You must et yer mists Te at 4) She'll have to be punished for being late for work. ee A break the jor with someone in Lie ooo eer Seen | Sciacca tan bea bitbbehind the (1). The techtienal ideo of volunteering it common (2) , bor ‘Sho was initially against the idea, but she shanges er tune bate, sia coon ia toate uahisetecd elegy 2 Ho took the job because it was pasy money. | hota in need — bath very important lank. E-vohuteering, tough, tohes | He had to eat hie words after the project berame a saccrss, sprig ct — Fira winger rite rb Mj | knew it's aifficult work, bot you'll just have to grin and beast. ii aeeed ied eer “Theve cctvion on take [4]. in 0 number of ways. You con wribe ond adit |\"s,| lee norprabt organisations or de resbarch ler them, pronide legal support, |” teemalote dacernents ~ any hind of enki fb in which you now the {7}. |, ‘The dliherersce is thoi you de it ree of [l) ta great tor people who wont moO -volusbeee but dee't have time or the opportunity to-do it in the old-fashioned muy. Tean'tdo anything aboot it. My bands ure tied. ‘You can't do your best at something if sour hearts not in it. W's high time we took a break and headed for the beach! l Ree Commursty project MUSIC a gues Dear Members, Stl howe to $$$ Har baring Ln ot sro Vinhapey 6 say thed the moment (1) ‘uth has arrived. The town council has appenved our 5 Eats pete mig hy sys remadiowy Yea plant for the new drop-in centre for the elcerty! [io know that a war of word has erupted betentn members about wha's going to do what and go ‘Thais plete ng = ___ of wwhero yom mst therm, Ot courte, | enequrage all member to thir minds: ad Fedor think: 6 Sho asked me to wateh ber befongings, thana's amyhing wean with w kita chaagrecnert (4) moto ime. EYE Vidor think though that we hare to (5) better track of Gur plans 80 that the propect mune. ‘She aesbeal ree fey» __ her beleingiiags, ssmocinly. We can't ation bo elary (6) al tha ar, A knee of or eeniaantion will urecoeubieeye FT They alnnost didn’t get away Crone the ocd, esac to thinga taking apart in (7) . ‘iene. Bo, Ivo attached a detaded proposal fer the project. NARROW I'm locking fonemed to hearing all your thoughts « the als ‘your court! They hod rt th tho, Bost regards, 3. The teacher enearaged the students to be ambitious, Michael AIM The students were encouraged Unit | Part 1 idioms ia Sh cut ‘There is an examgie at the beginaring (0), Recagnising and using phrases and idioms decide which answer (A, B, Car D) best fits each gay, 1 ‘Look at the exam practice task on page 13 and tiek which gape ineotve set phrues. Gopi Gaps Gapp Gnp7 Gaps Gop4a Gope Gaps 2 Look nt the exam practice task agaln and answer the questions: You can also refer to the Introduction of pages 4 and fi. A What is the togic of the text in theexam practice? 2 How many: parks will you receive for each correct answer? $$$ a Es there a tine limit to eoenplete this task, or does the cans timing inechade all First Papeor | tasks? == nearer eu! in Arar Paper 1 Part 1, i you = 4 Tnvwhich sets of answer options are the words basically synonynx? 8 usualy ube grammar shila to Skills tip ae | Sa NN 1 Fst Papor 1 Part 1. he anewer is often part of a S Which set of answer options has words which look slightly similar? | © 8p! your knowlnckye ‘308 phrasa. When this is tha case, the moaning et te ‘What is the slenikarity? fst glee \ncividual word rary helps your work out the dete, the options: may ba clogs ieyrionyrme Isotine the hay wear in th it that dorm part o# the piense, ih the aarp Se tank, Tou mks be ‘the mind You have to ‘Senechounly ak 0 Which gap requires you to consider the meaning of the white sentence? Why? S$ a Road the statements and decie if they are true (T) or false (F), 1 In Firat Paper 1 Part 2, both phrasal verbs and set expressions are tested. 2 In FirarPaper 1 Part 2, you have to choose a single word froma tumber of choices eo complete set expressions. 3. Mira! Paper 1 Part 3 6 the only part of Paper 1 that does nied inchade purases sand iefiorns. 4 You may have to write out exiire pihenses and idioms in Mire Paper 1 Part 4, Some of the set phrases and idioms in Firat Paper 1 Part 4 will require you to ‘write more than five words, Im and using phrasal verbs Phrasal oerta are vert of more thar owe wont. They kane a main wort: (make, take, come, ete) plus a partiele (up, Sows, ef, ete). Somer phrasal wert inne ooiapsciral of main terh plus.a gartinte plus o preposition fget-on with, get aroned to, tr). Tow often oan wert out the moaning of tbe phrasal nerd by fouting a the main vert, You nent Infenrn the meaning of the whole phrnaal ter 1 The main ver in a phormsal verb often A. doesn't tell you what the phrasal vert necana. 5 means the sae as the particle in the phrasal verb, © tells you exactly what the phrasal verb mean. ‘Phrmsaf neriss are w basic part of Emglisk, Fou moed 69 be comybrishie with thems to ea sonaigfil mien af Regtish, Hw need in reeogedse and understimed phrasal wert when someone aise musts then arid ase phrasal eres pesirset/ acemrutely, They ase aften estou én exer, 2 Your understanding of phimsal vert is important because they are A an uniesiial feature of English. B cosnmon asx] often tested. © almost impossible to use correctly. Punt of a sieceayfid exci strategy Incolors shgering out skal a gloom task ix trying £0 Wat Ask yourself what the particadar exam question iz about, {f the enam qmention ix testing a phrasal verb, decide seleleh one is being desir, 36 eunaidicr the combi! anal ‘he pias inert: jr know. Thew, gow reed fy use thal plrizal vertsaccuradety by considering the grammar required. 9 Who: tho you need to consider grammar? A. to-choose the phrasal verb which is required B tedecide Ifo plrasal verb is needed or nat C to put the required phrasal verb inte tive correct foren Ars dmuportond fina number of eas im Firat Piper fe Pret J, the levied die teateal final beat pire might be ginen the main wert Fo ckoose te cormaet particle corte wlnen the partiole to choose the entrnet main tev. Tet sa ares, bet Welton options In Part 4, yoru may rane te frets a sentence uritbend « pliresed verbs TRS ae sels ral cert: 8 eed pam ee afin eu be py sree vert In.which part of Paper | are pliasad verbs generally nat directly tested? A Part 2 B Pana © Pang Lovcik af iter photo amd answer the questings. © How does the local ervironmnent affect the usefulness of diferent means of transport? ® Which means of transport ane generally best in terres. of speed of travet? 2 environmental ispact? 1 persenal Freedom? Deve ¥ 1 Choose the cornet word or phrase. As the train pulled by Ma! through, we saw Susie waving from the window. Coald you drop me over / off / out over there, just outside (se museum? Arzu and Lare hoping to get over / thromgh / away next weekend. Slow down beesuse we have to turn out /@ff/ up at the next janction, The andergroand ism") cunning today because a train's broken off ¢ wp f dew in the tunnel. Ann's new clectric wheelchair eaakes (timuch easter for hin to get over f round # ap the tewn, Your uncle will take you to the bes station tome you theomgh / off / about We've got to set aside / off / apart for the alrpoct af alout six tomorrow morning. Drealised [i leftimy wallet af hone just as the trakn pulled down f together f oat-of @ ‘We nevd to find a garage before the car runs around foul of / after petrol, station. Seeus98eewe 2 Write a wore freon theo be in each gap. fight = lew = ticket » wall = way A nolan powered plang was recently own from Switzeriand ta Morocco and hack, the first be travel ‘between ture contineris. The plana's sett (1) ended in success afior making eight ‘affecors stops, ach time landing with a kaly-charged battery. The aeheveersrt will hopatuly pave ee) for commercial solar-powered planes to be constructed at tome nant down the a With tho price of of increasing on a dally basta, a sela-powernd plas might be just the (4) __ —— #8 public that has been déven up the (fh by She high cost of ir trae Unit 2 Develop your Use of English skills: recognising and using phrasal vorbs 4 Match each undertined phrasal vert with its agyprimate meaning t 2 a 4 & 6 7 s a StL in o taxi ane & take someone toa place aml leave them there etal bus a © offer for free ick up tickets = © retin money awed ‘GuLafler scmeone whee bit ines dont eust anesa fered to shave the ra with four swhthers Sy there are some things you reed to watch W6)____ for yous + . east to avoid getting knocked (7) ‘your bike. (] eye owe the seat Tot rons taking i__th tae one ‘es the ayy other webs, De feel you ave tn yc atthe seo the aad Conwell ha socanean pant you. Ce @ ees aneye on parted cas because eves anal pusnenigen sometimes open many parts of the world, doors without looking. Say lar enough 19]____ heen thir uo that It's great way bo work Woceneone does open a cht door nacktenty you wast go grathing into I 2)__ while sramporoacnamamy © lo memati People havesimply got : . ‘tired ef petrol eating @ ooreiekyosean doer —_aquaty heme ard high: (3)__ahatetneg ‘vesting ckre. Theybe essential and can be iter earned swvings. ‘5a, have tun end enjey the octmanteges thew conse wth epclbeg. Cars costa fe a bee conta tet te runandtheybeeak(h2)______ kes dott 10 Complete the second sentence se that it hns a similar meaning to the first sentence, using Uke word given. 1 Plans for the trum systera weren't completed because of lack of money. FELL Plans for the trary system to lack of nuney, @ We will begin our adventure by taking a boat trip down the Nile, SET ‘We will our adventure by taking a boat trig dawn the Nike, 3) Lhope they abolish cars in the future, bo Tope they: cars in the foture. 4) The train conductor extinguished the small fire in the eurriage. PUT ‘The smal flee in the carriage the train conductor 48 You can offen understand the meaning af a phrasal verls from the context. WORK Wh often possibie the moaning of a phrasal veel from the context, 6 No-ise comld enter arllewe the village becwuse of the snow. cur ‘The viltage ithe snp, 7 dake promised to pick me up fram work bus he didn’t. BACK dake said bed pick me up from woek, bert he ‘his went 8 Ten going tosee what my new skis are like this afternoon, ouT Fin going 10 this alernoon. 1 sro and et geben ta iva prs ve coat write ala ea ox article? say wha ol the ean Sel ges fore ae Ser gay oe ipa _ as ‘Skills tip ln Fret Paper | Part 2. does contunt 2 rarae a the exam prntio ash again and ciclo the main vette and = Rralp you decide kor ntrasal vers Particles that you will eel to fil Hap invedving plamasal wort, ul" et © give © hood Gown = tors in = of A WHER particle tous? Yeu tNo = lot put run 1D what tense ou shout Bet the man vert ix? Yea Ko 1 Aiecide Ifa phrasal verb should be activo or passive a {ink ofa muna vers wishout being given any options " , a thiak of a jarticle without being given any emtions =e | Tend re af ete Fre Per 4 “hoowe particle, an vert or phrasal verb fram alist 4 oplana te pi. aaton robes a Soneltie the phrasal verb Wave's a werd tho off aher a gan, tt might be the parca, Gf a Bhvssal verb OF a proprotion. Tey 49 Hook af the photo and answer bse questions, * Tra malls bee peta 40 much taw cline nwa? = hat activities do you engay ding oelime? Hew do you think outine-catertainmena affects poaple's social tives? B adjective © conditional 2 you use the wrong part Sf speech, thee word yout se will probably: A still be correct, B be easy 1 understand C be inthe wrong form, modin to be a worthwhile ontine hore ! pastime? fn this game bia warrior cat, | oh eraler ke undrstond parts of speech, meaty sary ew uneratand she igferent peerts of fi g {Perch You men to de able to recogmilse a now, a srr, et bn Cdraphics ! wraphs on Us game are 50 life-like they greatly eahance the visual effect, @ Selo have to carry Heavy books on holiday because I've got them all on Ny e-book / e-render, 7 Virtual realistic / reality gimes are being developed to sppeal ta poophe from all walks of lige speech .a missing wort is, you newt te A. read the sentence carefully and think abost the options, B sce Ifthe seetence already bes a noun in Itand then ethoose n ver, © choose 1 part af speceh that hiusn’t been used in tBse euisk acr ie, no Write a word or pase froma the box ineach gap, 1 keel ta @ for ways in First Paper J: Ju Part you ape an Seon out whut parr Sf speech i require da each gap, Hu em then alec ide wiich sear ia corres for the Foca a PAS sure A i the ripht part of spocch. fa Part poe eee rut the seer Ferg att filo the correct fore, so: yi non dn frat work “ut five pert of speoct. dy OPT, yoie weet fo kone sche part of spent the oor yo ae aire s,s Char ipo Gta se it correetty fis the treifovmmsi tion, ‘Whyris uneleestanding part of speech important in Part A. because it affects the forns of the wor you are given B becamse it hedjes y 1 understand the instructions © Beemese it affectsthe form of the word you weinn Unit S Develop your Use of English skills: understanding parts of speech 9] Complete the table using the wards below, [me come sean nat a | se hapoly = imptson = intention © judgement = Kewly rermaly = polionqus ¥ rabewe s unclear 2 Mach cach underlined word with itt part of speech. 1 Although Ursula is shy, she likes to sociabise in as enline chat forum 8 question advert ‘where she has made any fries. — _& intensifier 2. Efyou enter the right key’ wonls, you should be ale to find jt an the net. saint 3 You could upload your pictures onto Flickr to sbeare thet lm that way, = frequency 4 really enjoyed! uuysclf watching all those old mesic videos om YouTube. —— d@_ conjunetion 5 Can you tell me why you started your cen fashinw biog? _— & preposition 6 The site is-run by celebrity blogger Pere Hilton, — Frid ert 7 We watch most of our favourite TY series online wowacdags, object pronoun 4 Twouldi’t toweh his gaming eqpalpment if E wren you, Ih reflexive pronoun ® [think it's a poetty bowing eode-playring qaarnin setwaully A gaanttter 10 f'sbost to start off slovely tn this game and then build up speed. | ehverbof manner 11 Pe made several attempts to bead Claire's high soore without success, kk subject prom 12 Tsomnetimacs join in garses online with multiple players, 1 poset 3 Complete the table, | | Actor = wn [sare tie " “amazement i aatract - = {unjcharitably | sa - $a $$ —_____ -— =— T (unykisnt c —a | Aen 7 mow os [ ee __| relstlon | — | gunlente - —— Understanding parts of speech 4) Choose the correct word, “Tho murs inehustry has tried to fined ways to linalt the popmbar / popularity of file-sharing sites, Its my ambition f ambitions to geta thousind followers on the microblogging site Twitter, Bella found it quite embarrassment / embarrassing when her friend uploaded some ok -elnss photos onto Facebook. 4 You can improvement / improve your game score with practice, 4 My internet connection is a0 reLlable / mnreliahibe thst Pra going to change ey provider: 6 You woe'l need mich equipment. fequipped apart froma webcam and a micropteane, 7 The apparent / appearance of computer graphics ia no- much better than it was. I dort feel comfortable # comfort talking to strangers on the internet. Who knows what direet {direction online entertainment will take inthe future? eee 5 Bach word ir bold is the texr is is the incoresct form. Write the comect word Game terms ‘Tha (1) Sdvanced of crina enierainmant an cnane gaming nas net ery brought anout changes in hew we use our (2) freedom time bot it has wise led to the (3 introduce of Specific. new Herm, For axnmpis, you will often see a id) refering to an APG - 0 role-playing game, in-such games, players taut on a new (S) identify, probably using an avatar a well fn (6) adieitionay, many APG ae also what's (7) knowledge as an NMIOG ~ Mabsively | Multiplayer Ghine Garces. These ane games which aicw lange nursbera of players 69 take. part sienuttaneous. in other words, ‘il at the same time. Therefor. one of their enoet (@) athracted Seaturws in that they ofer a chance to make new onine (00) aequain’. 1 a 5 7 a —— 4 o BL 10 B Complete the second serene se that ities a similar sneasiing to the first sentence, using the word given, 1) Sally doesn't intend to allow anyone to bully her cart of the chat room. or ‘Sally anyone bo bully her out of the chat rocen. 2 Chad diffeany in watching the fitm on a swaill tablet screen. TO Coup the mors osm tablet sereen. # if you want to succeed as a blogger, you need to come up with more original blog topics, BE Etyou wns _ blogges, you need ta come up with more original biog topes 4) Leegret inviting Sante play the oedine virtual reality gaane with 1s, WISH 1 _ Sam to play the online virtual reality game with ws. S$ Lensit believe be behaved so bailly towards aller people on the foram, BAD Tearit believe towards ether people on te forum, 4 Ulew fo these ten video games differ? BETWEEN Can pou tell me what these two-videw games? Unit 3 F Work out from the context what kind of ward (noun, afjective, etc) is Bidelen, “Then try to-come up with seanany words as powsibue that mga AU the gap. Ae eevee Saw ke 1 Sean we oo Moro and nore young people are surfing the ert foe MD in snoir spare tiene She SPW started the blog 2s wotbing more than aleisure activity. ‘The majority of: find online gaming a very engayabie pastime. Kart toughest to play chess by playing wilh other novices online. It seems almost that some people spend more thas EE hours aday antine, ‘Theto have bees a tumber of ABB in video game graphics in recent years, This same 3 as for young chibdren, es your SV to make sure that everyone behaves om the forum 8 ‘Put n word from the how ino the correct form to complete each sentence in exercise 7, BELIEVE * SUPROVE » ORIGWV « PLAY w RESPONSIBLE w SELF » SUTABLE | & Look at exercise 10 and decide whether each gap) enn be fed with tise part af speects iiven below, Write Yes" oe No’, reposition Felative pronoun past peurticiyhe i peeposition Understanding parts of speech 10 Write a word in cach gap to complete the text, _ The Cur rolabonship a Thes moana: taming rise of crramgracengta rower ea * Vary rapidly, As the nurrioas —ondine entorian Online, irmanmra Tenet 2 laptops. srarintonos, gaming ond char Kinde olen a a thet can acess thn staggering 10 rein * lemme ineméssén. no donk. hours of oriina nethity fhe suriber of paicnie oe. — around Taimiion hours a 11 Use the word given in capitals to fen a wordt that fits the gap Digital Gracie though She (1) __ of music hasnt POPULAR: Atimeeted in ary wey in racers yrars, the mithocs of musi (2) have changed a reat deal. No longer are there reeoed shage il of (8) __rraasic howers spancing (hears browsing through thle dp FAVOUR ‘Section looking for a rare recording, These cinys, music can be deemioadied from the internet anel Bayed on digitn devices, ‘Some of tha recent trenda in digital music, such srt fle-nharing, wore (8) INITIAL ‘Peer as unwelcome bry the music industry, ‘which atterspted to stop legal emusic-ahsring (8) __ gu to the affect thay were ACTIVE having on profs. But things ne begicnang ‘lo change now a8 the world of musi fakes (7)__ ane necessary SIGNIFY Peale thant the irvterres i than 9) SOLVE totheir problems as much as the cause of tham ed then ea (10 ofmcodsheps = LOSE ‘SORaTT mean the eed of music sates. 2 Look at the exam irsctice task again aad identify the part of'speech needed to fll enc gaps Unit 3 Understanding parts of speech Exam focus: Exam practice; speech Part 3 41 Look ar the exam practice task on page 28 and answer the questions, For qaestions 1-8, read the toxt below, Lise the word given in capitals at the end of sonse of the 1 Elem samy’ gnpm are directly follow hy 2 eau? Which anos? investor a woed tht fis in the space ie vr sane line, Tere isan éxanapte at the besinming (0), B] DEROMOMeS 2 How many gaps ane directly followed by a preposition? Which ones? 3 Flow tisany’ gaps are directly followed by an adjective? Which ones? Vi L 4. How many gaps come itirectly after an advert? Whiek ones? uid ‘Entertainenent these days doesn’t pat mean (0 exh [paigoing out 16 cnet fends at the cinema of watching & OVD st eer 28 (1) numbers of people have access to ‘onfine enteriainmert. Both the nae of social mwa sites and the a ‘of a9 marry virbual comennities show how ray’ Gapl Gaps _ Gaps = Gap 7 Gap — Gap Gop th Gap 8 B Decicke if the statements are true (T) on false (F). Skills tip ‘Beople ue the intomet tor a wide of entertainer 1 Considering what part of speech fs regained will help bnfveiPucer | Fri 8. nal twig Ferme. As well an Bhe nbilby to mest pacefe mt char enum, you in Firs! Paper | Parts 2, 4nd 4, bout parts of speach finan to music, watch videos and play games. the quick and Skills tip 2 [Wem mistnko to waste rahiabile the thinking atxut a fol yu to ore tha righ em : 5 ‘Quickly mac th ht parts of speech during the exams, otthe word younead? Yea sNo eae penne! 2 The only parts af speech you freed to know about are be ciatrnct you fom finding the night 4 andai fomotiencd? Yea! No 4) The more you leniw about parts of speech, the quicker you will be able to klentify the right form af the word : in Pirat Paper I Part z & As well as understanding the part of speech, you alse: heed to decide whether n word needs to be in a negative, singpalar or plural fore or the righd terse, in the cane ofa verb, : i to bain. a negate or para tor A good understanding of parts of sapoch ia vial ko rs poet of re dear and ‘9 lea hades you in ctor ar. Improve your Use of English skills: rephrasing and transforming epiirasing ave tranqforming incotoes expressing the mame idea in divert wai sr neaives chacesing bry wont or phrases shed meen tke sonne, or afmost Che sume, a iher hep words op pltrnses, 12 fx part af staking pour meaning ctear {f somenne asks _for more explanations. Get started Lock af the plioto and smswer the questions fs What sorts of work could someone do in a situation Tike thes? Why might someone prefer to work like this? 4) Ir yon can rephrase and transform, yom ca a 7 © What nretive disadvantages at working from heme? A expressan idea in different ways, Bt talk to people without explaining everyihing. ask for an-exptanation. Develop your vocabulary ‘Match. 1“ Aeosmter is | {i's Fomportant because tt aboers Ghat yom cute eNBrE ipeeerenf Iv ihifferme! ways. Tele 1 ts iapererast fe sitamntiqna sere yet sneaked! do axpldn what gos ae sarin, Horus sainecme doean'T wnderatand something. Kinaker thar repeting stl ve aati wood la beaBe 4 rose the ina ie tft wort sci the prereon veny wedercaned. H's alse important bercracr if ix tested by some wre tas a high-speed internet commection, “Acollengue is Ihe amount soenecno is pald per hour or for specific armount of work. ® Mephrawing ix better than repeating becanese ths other persost mig “A. think that you dor’ want to provide an explanation, BL want to teat your knowledge of English in differeed ways, C understand oe way of expressing an ea bait pert another, A freelance bs Ateleworker is Avideoconferemce t= the dave by which a pecect must be completed. someone you work with, for exampie, in an aftice. somone who works from hare, conmeeted to an office electronically. ‘rca cram sank, efor step Ox for mathe sure Uhl gost wonders te ford arlene tronicalty sro ae give, Kea carey anc chink abou the mening af the while. selenior Adoadilue fs Then look ot the sword peat hares been give mie the seemed sentence wel a fare-to-fece meeting between poopie in different places using video, Arrate is Broadband is someone who worlefor different employers an # combat basis. someone who travels a loag dastance to work and back every day. 3 ‘The final step in dhiing an exam sentence transdiceraation Eaak la to A. mule sane you understand the first sentesee. BE lock at the preaning of ewery word in the first wenterrce. 2. Weito a word from the box in each pa. Dm ay Pre ne oe checkthe twosentences mean the same. fu Pirwe Pint 4, yo vegies serene nna were Ue Bok ei neces telth woreda missing. You nest to complete the stro seaiencr, using beirnen fru anal jfire weonts, thar it mous he snove wa the frat arndence: Yo nan change wont piven. Thin direetty trate your obiting o rephirmse ifeas and sramyfirm essence 4 Which of these statements is nat tree of Fine Paper 1 Part 4? “A You rust use no-moge than Gr words in your answer, B You rmest prot the gives word inte the correct form, CG You mast complete a sentence that ecins the same aes Che first caer. Thee lds of escoming a freelance wore comaietnly indepersdert are with so (1) gut your Bat, uppest attracthoe to worse, but the vant majarty of peopte sal ‘erent the uncunity of permanent emplopmeniL rather thin ‘weeklong on ore 2) lei banuroets, hemwewet ave incressingly offering these workers the (3) . of coming into the offer pit three er even to dine a week and working from hae the nett of te time, Wha o eress = workplace | the) ___ spend onthe office equipenent they reed chp Boe oat homme. they qudckly eecower bn saved! revel and neh eters. They generally nape! Puch borer ()___ levered ramacgres teport increased ‘a red agportine fot wore, Whar Matis ewes is he albeit elecs that horse workers coma of Pht tieo or thoes cays the office per were ample ito sraenain (7)___retaborehips

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