Source Flex Training-Ryland Hamlet

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SourceFlex Training

Written by Ryland Hamlet

Monday, 01 February 2010 04:19

SourceFlex Method -- Level 1-4: Advanced Sourcer

SourceFlex was born back before there was a LinkedIn, a Facebook, or a HotJobs. During the
same time Monster, Dice, and Headhunter.Net were launched, a "propeller headed"
programmer and an savvy agency recruiter developed a method to find and qualify contacts for
Silicon Valley high-tech companies during the growth spurts of the late 1980's and 1990's.
SourceFlex is not a tool or an application. It is a high-volume process that delivers results to
those who understand and utilize its structured methods.

SourceFlex Training

Written by Ryland Hamlet

Monday, 01 February 2010 04:19

Type: Advanced, Level One to Level Four

Length: The training program encompasses 4 - 45 minute session spreadout over three weeks.


Over the course four training sessions and three weeks, you will not be magically transformed.
With training, ongoing support , and a lot of practice, you will be able to not only increase your
"kills," you will be able to lead a team of recruiting rock stars. The beginner level 1, SourceFlex
module is a 45-minute process tutorial, describing step-by-step overview on how to plan,
execute, track and report battle progress. In the intermediate level 2, you are taught how ot
build fields for proactive projects, advanced techniques such as mining the "hidden Internet",
and more. The advanced level 3-4 describes putting it all together and recommended tools and
setup for a "centralized repository," "no excuse metrics," and how to develop a high speed lead
processing team. The entire program goes by quick, but, don't worry about getting lost.There is
ongoing support which includes online terminology training and target research support.

Advanced Level

- Zeroing In on High Valued Targets: Keyword string development and Visibility Campaigns

- Tapping into a companies Employee Referral Program (ERP)

- Utilizing Internal Networking and Reference List
- Metrics /Expectations: Understanding the landscape and setting expectations on
deliverables based on talent pools
- Sourcing for Diversity: How, when and where?
- Social Networking: LinkedIn and Groups
- Rapidly Engaging, Developing Fields, Exploiting Conference List and similar lists
- Working Niche Sites, Forums, and Networking in subcultural areas like Industry
Associations, Schools and Certification Edge
- Sourcing on Twitter, FaceBook, Blogs, Wiki and using Advanced Search Methods
- Secret Formulas Such As: Sourcing Contacts from Multinational Companies Offshore
- Using Advanced Tools like WarVox, Visual Search Engines, Peer-to-Peer Contact
Sharing, Email Verification

Prerequisites for Attendance

This training program is available to Sourceum members or participating partner or client

organizations. Federal, state or local employers may attend on a space available basis.

SourceFlex Training

Written by Ryland Hamlet

Monday, 01 February 2010 04:19

Registration Information

Allow 30-60 days for seat availability, course cost and registration. Courses are only taught one
at a time, as instructors provide team support during the training process.

Next Open Class Dates:

5 of 10 Seats Available      Week of July 11 th

3 of 10 Seats Available      Week of July 18 th
No Seats Available Week of July 25 th
Management Training       Week of August 1 st
5 of 10 Seats Available       Week of August 15 th
5 of 10 Seats Available       Week of August 22 nd


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