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Dear Sir,

Handing over of Work

The handover of the site to the client takes place once the contract administrator has

confirmed that the scope of works defined in the contract have been completed. It is to be
noted that all the project scope in line with the Contract Agreement have been strictly
followed by the Contractor which includes;

 Site Clearing and removal of top soil completed;

 Removal of unsuitable materials completed;

 Construction of box culverts completed;
 Construction of 900mm pipe culverts completed;
 Construction of concrete line drainage completed;
 Formation/shaping of the road completed;
 In-situ density test on the subgrade, sub-base and base completed;
 All the borrow pits used on the road have been restored;
 Construction and Installation of Kerbs completed at the Spur;
 All access and pedestrian slabs have been completed;
 Backfilling of lined drainage and culverts completed;
 Formation of earth drainage at both sides of the road completed;
 Provision of 150mm thick lateritic sub-base filling
 Provision of 150mm thick lateritic base
 Asphalt laying completed at the Spur.
To this end, it is to be noted that all the details of the scope stated above are followed and in
line with Contract Specification and agreement.

However, before the handing over, the following processes were involved;

• the Contractor issued a letter for joint site inspection to the site which includes the
representatives of the SPIU, Contractor and Consultants so as to check any outstanding

• the Team conducted a site review to identify and verify outstanding issues;
• The Consultant compiles a final snag list of all outstanding items requiring resolution, with
input from SPIU and forward the list to the Contractor for necessary rectification;

• the Contractor then reviews the list of outstanding items with the team and set priorities
considering criticality, timelines and in line with client needs;

• the Contractor prepared and submitted a schedule of how the outstanding items will be
coordinated and procedures to be employed during the rectification work;

• the Contractor notified SPIU and Consultant when the works were completed;

• the Contractor together with the Resident Engineer coordinated a review of the completed
work and the Contractor submitted a Letter of Completion to the Supervising Consultant and
SPIU on confirmation by the team that all snags identified have been resolved and ensured
that all other project deficiencies and prerequisites have been achieved.

Finally, it has been a great achievement by the Contractor to complete the project on time in
line with project scope and specifications. We are pleased to inform you that the construction
work at the site is completed at the desired time. We request you to have a project
completion ceremony in your good office so that we depart our ways with a smile on our

Please see the attached templates for the checklists/snag list used on the site for the

Thank you for cooperation.

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