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Sulabh Sharma 34 years old Male


Arthritis, Bursitis, Tendinitis and Inflammation

Most likely cause is Low Vitamin D


Any word with -itis at the end means there is an inflammation occurring in the body. The area of the body with the inflammation is found in the
first part of the word. An "-itis" occurs when the body is too alkaline. By acidifying the body through nutrition, probiotics (to increase lactic acid
production), and supporting the adrenals, the inflammation will decrease. Our Adrenal & Cortisol Support product is the best remedy for chronic
arthritis. The most common cause of an alkaline body is adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue causes alkalosis. The adrenal gland also makes
cortisol, which is a hormone that stops inflammation. However, when the body runs out of cortisol, inflammation sets in. If the chronic
inflammation is from an old injury, scar tissue sets in and so does arthritis.


Low Vitamin D


Adrenal & Cortisol Support

D3 & K2 Vitamin

Chronic Pain

Most likely cause is Low Cortisol


Chronic pain is pain that won't go away over time. When the adrenals become fatigued and are not releasing as much cortisol as they should,
the anti-inflammatory effect of these hormones (cortisol) is lost. This creates inflammation, which causes pain. If someone has arthritis, the pain
(from the inflammation) is felt in the joints. Another reason why people have chronic pain is because their old injuries never healed. Whenever
there is incomplete healing, injuries won't heal totally and scar tissue forms. This creates stiffness and arthritis.


Low Cortisol



Most likely cause is Insulin Resistance


Fatigue can come from many things: 1) Lack of sleep 2) Blood sugar issues (from eating sugar) 3) Low vitamin C levels, as in scurvy 4) Poor
immune system (fighting an infection) 5) Adrenal fatigue The big key is not to take something to boost your energy but instead, find out what’s
causing your energy levels to be so low. For people who eat a healthy diet and get a good night of sleep, yet are still fatigued, I would look at
the immune system. For example, if you had mono (caused by the mononucleosis virus) in the past, chances are good that the virus could
come out of remission and create fatigue. This is because you can’t kill viruses. They are not alive. They will invade your cells, cause infection,
then go dormant. Years later, they can come out of remission when you are older, stressed, or predisposed (low immunity). Mono usually
doesn’t give you a full-blown infection, but can give you a symptom of fatigue.

Insulin Resistance


Dr. Berg's Massage Tool

Oregano Oil

Fatty Liver

Most likely cause is Low Bile


This could be caused by vitamin A deficiency; however, by adding bile salts, your body's absorption of vitamin A and other fat soluble vitamins
will greatly increase. People who get very little vitamin A from their diets usually have a gallbladder problem or do not have a gallbladder at all. If
you are missing a gallbladder, you will be deficient in bile. It is the fluid that helps in the absorption of vitamin A. Choline is a fat-soluble B
vitamin that is vital for the healthy functioning of your brain and body. It also helps to prevent fat accumulation on your liver--along with many
other great benefits. Choline is one of the best ways to remove fat from your liver as well; it helps to metabolize the fat. So if you have a fatty
liver choline is one of the best ways to reverse this condition.


Low Bile


Hair Thinning

Most likely cause is Low Bile


Most of the time, hair thinning is a trace mineral deficiency. However, it could also be a symptom of thyroid imbalance since hair is collagen and
the thyroid can affect collagen formation. It is rare to have a primary thyroid issue. Most of the time thyroid dysfunctions are secondary to either
a gallbladder problem (lack of bile) or high estrogen (female hormone) or high male androgen (male hormone) levels. Determining which one it
is and then treating accordingly is the way to stop the frustrating hair loss. Taking in trace minerals are a great remedy to strengthen proteins
and make hair thicker. Biotin is the most important vitamin in building the health of your hair. If you have biotin deficiencies, you can experience
hair loss. It should be noted that we can get healthy amounts of biotin from foods that we normally eat. The main problem that people have with
biotin is that our bodies don’t absorb it well. Improving the digestion of biotin will result in hair improvements.


Low Bile

High Cholesterol

Most likely cause is Low Bile


High cholesterol can come from an overactive adrenal gland causing high cortisol levels. But the most common cause of high cholesterol
comes from the consumption of refined carbohydrates or sugar. Sugar triggers insulin. Insulin then lowers sugar level in the blood. It lowers it by
converting sugar into fat and cholesterol, especially the bad cholesterol called LDL. Fixing high cholesterol level is the easiest thing to do.
Simply reduce insulin and your cholesterol will come back into a normal range within a month. To do this, you must reduce the intake of all
sugars and hidden sugars like breads, pasta, cereal, and crackers, etc. The other thing that will increase insulin is snacking. If you were to eat 2-
3 meals per day, you could dramatically reduce insulin and thus cholesterol. Vitamin D3 replenishment can also reduce cholesterol. The
Gallbladder Formula contains purified bile salts, which can lower cholesterol. Bile, in general, keeps cholesterol in check.


Low Bile


Sea Kelp Enhanced

D3 & K2 Vitamin

Most likely cause is Low Bile


Histamines are chemical substances created inside the body that cause itching. They are eliminated through the liver. Itching on the bottom of
the feet could be caused by gallbladder or liver congestion. The Gallbladder Formula would help. Histamines are involved in allergies. The
allergies could be environmental, food allergies, or even from poison ivy. The adrenals produce cortisol, which is involved in allergy reactions.
This is a low cortisol situation. One good remedy for itching and inflammation could be stinging nettle root. The most powerful anti-histamine is
vitamin C. I normally do not recommend vitamin C because it’s synthetic; however, if combined with the other factors in the vitamin C complex
(bioflavonoids, rutin, etc.), it would help reduce intense itching. Here’s one I would recommend. Take 1 gram at a time throughout the day, up to
7 grams if needed:


Low Bile


Gallbladder Formula

Loss of Vitality ('get up and go')

Most likely cause is Insulin Resistance


Loss of vitality could be caused by lack of quality sleep. When you sleep well, your body gets recharged and you get that 'get up and go'
energy. The other factor is sugar and hidden sugars, which most people eat. These raise the sugar levels, causing fatigue as well as brain fog.
You will never feel mentally vital with sugar in the diet. So having a balanced diet and a good sleep is perfect for vitality. Wheat grass juice
powder can also spike the nutrients in your body so if you are missing anything, you can get it from this product. The Sleep Aid and Dr. Berg's
Massage Tool with Acupressure Technique can help you get better sleep and recharge.


Insulin Resistance


Dr. Berg's Massage Tool

Low Testosterone (men)

Most likely cause is High Estrogen


People are confused about raising testosterone levels. They think they have to boost their own level of it. Actually, there is a better solution:
remove the what is pushing it down. There are 3 hormones that inhibit testosterone: 1. High insulin This is caused by sugar in the diet,
snacking, and hidden sugars as well. 2. High cortisol (from stress) High cortisol will affect your sleep and this comes from stress. When you are
not sleeping, your adrenals get more stressed out and your testosterone drops. 3. High estrogen This can come from eating animal products
with hormones and can drop testosterone levels. You develop man-boobs and start losing body hair, etc.


High Estrogen


Low Vitamin D Levels

Most likely cause is Low Bile

There are several potential causes of vitamin D deficiencies. Lack of sunlight. Stress – high cortisol can deplete the vitamin D reserve. Lack of
bile, due to bile breaking down fat soluble vitamins. *MAKE SURE YOU ALWAYS TAKE VITAMIN K2 WITH VITAMIN D3 - SINCE THEYWORK


Low Bile


D3 & K2 Vitamin

Mid-back Pain or Tightness

Most likely cause is Low Bile


You would think that mid-back is simply some pain that came from an injury, but what if there was no injury? There can be two sources. First,
the heart and the other is digestion (stomach). A tired heart can be caused by adrenal fatigue. Check for potential heart problems. It could be a
tired heart due to a lack of sleep. As the heart works harder, it anchors to the breastbone and back causing tension in the mid-back or in the
front chest area. If the person is a smoker and then abruptly stopped smoking, many times, they end up with heart problems. The adrenals are
so used to this drug nicotine and they become dependent on it. Stopping it then creates weakness. Nicotine relaxes the coronary artery. If this
is the case, they need to support the adrenals with Cortisol Support. But the heart problem can come from many other causes. If digestion is
involved, simply add more acid such as Apple Cider Vinegar Plus (three before meals) and the stomach can now digest foods and the pain will
go away.


Low Bile


Need for Afternoon Nap

Most likely cause is Insulin Resistance


This could be caused by insulin resistance. It’s a situation where insulin does not innervate the cells as well as they should, and because insulin
resistance is present, the sugar level in the blood stays high. Having high sugar level makes you tired, especially after a meal or even during
midday. Wheat grass juice has several properties that can aid insulin sensitivity. You can also experience sleepiness because of lack of sleep,
whereby the adrenals are fatigued.

Insulin Resistance


Not Satisfied After Meals

Most likely cause is Insulin Resistance


This is a classic insulin problem (insulin resistance). This condition blocks the cell from insulin. Insulin is needed to absorb nutrients. This
causes low cell nutrients (creating hungry unsatisfied cells) and high insulin, which produces belly fat. The two nutrients that can lower insulin
are potassium (Wheat Grass Juice Powder) and B-vitamin (Adrenal & Cortisol Support). Additionally you can consume Blood Sugar Support
Supplement as Insulin problem roots in blood sugar spikes and drops.


Insulin Resistance


Dr. Berg's Membership Plan

Out of Breath when Climbing Stairs

Most likely cause is Adrenal Fatigue


If you have adrenal fatigue, any climbing you do on an incline can cause the body to run out of oxygen quickly. Your legs can also get fatigued
fast. This includes the use of stairmaster or when just climbing stairs. Another great test for adrenal strength is the ability to hold your breath for
a period of time. The weaker the adrenal, the less you can hold your breath. This is why climbing inclines adds more stress and why oxygen
runs out fast. Some people with adrenal fatigue can’t last more than 15 seconds of climbing stairs. Vitamins and minerals are essential for
managing lung function, inflammation, muscle function, and heart activity. If you are deficient in vital nutrients, you can have a difficult time
catching your breath. The main vitamin to pay attention to is B1. One of the main effects of a B1 deficiency is that you find you have breathing


Adrenal Fatigue


Nutritional Yeast Tablets

Benfotiamene (fat-soluble B1)
Poor Night Vision

Most likely cause is Low Bile


This could be caused by vitamin A deficiency. However, it could be a gallbladder problem where the absorption of vitamin A is being blocked.
The gallbladder releases bile to help dissolve fats and extract the vitamin A from the foods needed to make the eye work correctly. Vitamin A
allows things seen at night to be magnified in the eye and without it, light will not be reflected properly.


Low Bile


Salt Cravings

Most likely cause is High Cortisol


When the adrenals are fatigued, the body loses salt. This is what causes salt cravings, especially at night when you want some chips. Some
people crave sweets right afterwards. Salt recharges the adrenals. Always consume sea salt. Sodium is a main electrolyte which works together
with potassium. But then, you need 4x as much potassium as sodium. But most people have the opposite ratio, which is 4x as much sodium as
potassium. You should always consume salt whenever you crave it – but this is not of the same case as with sugar. Salt is necessary to make
hydrochloric acid in your stomach. Low salt can deplete your stomach acid over time.


High Cortisol


Small Pimples (not red) on Skin

Most likely cause is Low Bile


Small non-red pimples (called hyperkeratosis pillaris) could be caused by a vitamin A deficiency. If you are taking vitamin A from the diet in the
form of cod liver oil, butter, egg yolks, etc. and you still have this problem, either your liver or the gallbladder is involved. But many times it can
come from a lack of bile which prevents the absorption of vitamin A. In this case, Gallbladder Formula helps. Zinc and the B vitamins (from
nutritional yeast) can also improve this.

Low Bile


Nutritional Yeast Tablets

Gallbladder Formula

Stubborn Weight

Most likely cause is High Estrogen


Hormonally, there are 3 hormones that must be lowered: (1) insulin, (2) cortisol, and (3) estrogen. The best principle to use on stubborn weight
is to get healthy first. This speeds up the metabolism and goes beyond just weight loss. What I mean by getting healthy is to do things to get
your sleep, energy, digestion, stress tolerance and cravings improved instead of taking meds to camouflage your symptoms. The most
successful action for getting to the deeper root causes of one's weight problem is to sign up for the membership site. Here, you will find 200+
videos to address every possible situation you will run into.


High Estrogen

Urinary Frequency (men)

Most likely cause is Insulin Resistance


Urinary frequency can stem from an enlarged prostate in a male (from high estrogen), or from a blood sugar problem (pre-diabetic or full-blown
diabetic). The most common cause is insulin resistance. This is a pre-diabetic state when the insulin is 5-7x higher. Wherever the sugar goes,
so does the urine, so this is why there's frequent urination at night. This can be cleaned up within months. But if the prostate is enlarged, you
need to reduce your estrogen. This is what causes the enlargement – high estrogen. It’s not too much DHT (powerful testosterone), because as
a male ages and develops an enlarged prostate, they are put at the time of their life where testosterone is at its lowest. In fact, there are certain
treatments that involve taking DHT for an enlarged prostate. The best remedy to lower estrogen could be to take Stinging Nettle Root and
Cruciferous Food.


Insulin Resistance


Organic Cruciferous Support

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Organic or type unknown
Cruciferous Support


Our proprietary blend of health-promoting vegetables includes 11 phytonutrient-packed superfoods, including kale, cabbage, Brussels sprouts,
collard greens, beets, asparagus, red radish, parsley, garlic, turmeric, and sea kelp. Each bottle contains 250 easy-to-swallow tablets.


*Organic Cruciferous Support

This remedy is recommended for the following causes:

Insulin Resistance
High Insulin
Kidney Dysfunction
High Blood Sugar
This remedy is recommended for the following symptoms:

Small Pimples (not red) on Skin
Urinary Frequency (men)

Dr. Berg Nutritionals

For Ordering, go to
Or Call 703-354-7336

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