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Candidate Name: Shaina Ali

Candidate No. : 090045
Centre No. :090045
Name of School: St Joseph High
Territory: Guyana
Teacher: Miss A. Bentinck
Content Page
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Written Report
My group and have the chosen the theme Mental health. I will be focusing on
depression since it is most common teenagers nowadays. I’ve noticed the sudden
change in todays society with everything that is currently happening. I would like
to get a chance to experience what others are going through so that I can know
how to avoid this stage.
Studying this topic will come as a big advantage in English because I will learn
things that I never knew about. It will also enhance my English language teaching
me knew words and their meaning.
Information for my topic will be gathered from text books, browsing google and
Wikipedia, engaging in stories and poems written about said theme. Once
information is gathered I will combine to make a valid point based on my theme
and sub-topic.
An article about depression written by Jannah Walshe states that depression is
very serious and slowly starts to take over someone’s life to the point where they
forget where it all began. The article provides ways in which persons can own up
to depression and accept it into their life. In this article the writer provided
information that can help me educate others and educate myself on how to deal
with depression. The steps provided in the article have been proven useful and
will someday be tested out.

In the video “what is depression” made by Helen.M. Farrell it states that

depression is a lot harder to understand than most mental illnesses, and people
are mostly confused by having depression and feeling depressed. Depression
lingers for atleast 2 weeks and interferes with ones ability to function. Medication
and therapy complement each other to boost brain chemicals, it stated that
electroconvulsive therapy is very helpful.

The narrator of the short story “the Yellow Wallpaper” begins her journal by
marveling over the grounds her husband had taken for their vacation. She is
suffering from “nervous depression” and of her marriage. She complains that her
husband belittles her illness and concerns. Her treatment requires that she do
almost nothing active, and she is forbidden from working. Due to not having
anything to do she created a secret journal to relieve her mind, the treatment
doesn’t have a positive effect on her condition.
In the article “depression” by Jannah Walshe she used very persuasive words. In
this article the writer stated how hard dealing with depression can be sitting
around all day doing nothing, not finding the courage to even take a shower. She
stated all the stages she went through from being depressed, the writer went on
to say how living with depression caused her effort to do small things huge. She
then said repeatedly life will get easier and that you will find hope for yourself
one day.

The video was helpful in some cases because it provided treatments that were
proven effective to many and it gave more information about the illness that is
unknown to many. The video stated that open conversations about mental illness
helps to erode stigma and makes it easier for people to ask for help and therefore
causes more persons to seek for help.

In the short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” the narrator becomes hopelessly insane
convinced that there are many old women creeping around and that she herself is
trapped. She creeps endlessly around the room. This part of the story shows that
if not treated depression can cause major changes in your life.
In completing this SBA I learned all there was to know about depression, upon
learning this in any case someone I know is going through a depressive state I
know how to help ease the pain and slowly come out of depression. Working in a
group may seem somewhat easy but is completely the opposite. I was also able to
learn new things from my group members that are related to mental health such
as eating disorders and anxiety.
In this task we looked at the different aspects of the theme Mental Health with
the Sub –Topics Eating Disorder, Depression and Anxiety (Shaina Ali studied
Depression, Tamarah Ogle studied Eating Disorder and Raekwon Noel was
studying Anxiety). It was a bit challenging to find pieces or artefacts due to the
fact that some artefacts weren’t giving enough or instructive information. We
decided on the three pieces because it each was very understandable and
seemed the, most interesting of all the pieces we collected. In all the entire group
had nine artefacts and the three we decide on using are ‘Eating Disorder’ article
by Alina Peters , ‘Questions you are too afraid to ask someone with an Eating
Disorder’ a youtube by As/Is channel and ‘What is Depression ‘by Helen .M.
We learnt a lot on the different pieces that we studied .From the article ‘Eating
Disorder ‘By Alina Peters we learnt although eating is in the name it has a lot
more to do with your mental Health ,we also the different types of Eating
Disorder ,Symptoms ETC. From the youtube video ‘ Questions we are too afraid to
ask someone with an Eating Disorder ‘ we learnt of Eating Disorder from a
different perspective with from someone who had and recovered from a Eating
Disorder .We learnt from each question asked and how they respond we .The
main idea of the video was to prove that Eating Disorder doesn’t effect one group
of people meaning it affects different race ,Gender, Age ETC. From the youtube
video ‘What is Depression ‘ we learnt that it Depression is quite different to
understand than other Mental illness and we also learnt about the difference
between feeling depressed and having depression .Each of the artefacts collected
was beneficial .
From working with the different Mental Health it was a very beneficial outcome
because we got to learn from each other about the different Mental Health
Disorder that we studied . We learnt a lot from each piece but there is always
room to learning more .There was a bit of a problem upon finish our SBA because
one of our group members had leave to the group because they had
migrate .From working in a group we learnt that we need to work on our
communication and that we will have to depend on each other to accomplish our
common goal which is to finish our School Based Assessment .Our language skills
has improved a lot because of many new words and there meaning and also when
to use them correctly .

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