Summative Discipline and Ideas in The Social Science

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Manjuyod District I
Basakan, Panciao, Manjuyod, Negros Oriental


SUMMATIVE TEST 2nd Quarter 1st Semester
S.Y. 2020-2021

TEST IA. Matching type. 1 point each.

Direction: Match Column A with Column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer in this
answer sheet.

_____1. These are codified rules, policies, and norms that are considered official,
originating from state laws, government or organizations.
_____2. He was a French political economist and diplomat and is one of the
originators of the European Union. He saw how the needs of the state are to be
achieved through the principle of supranationality.
_____3. This refers to the people who make up society, whose actions are
controlled and regulated by institutions.
_____4. It operates through mimetic isomorphism, which places values on what is
being complied with by others.
_____5. He was a Romanian-born British scholar, historian, and political theorist.
The father of functionlism in international relation under liberal institutionalism.
_____6. He was known as the Father of “Institutionalism”
_____7. Refers to an approach that aims to understand and analyze how actions,
thoughts and meaning penetrate into the social consciousness deeply enough to
embed themselves into the social psyche.
_____8. These are patterns, routines, norms and rules that govern and direct social
thought and action.
_____9. Refers to social practices that have been commonly viewed as acceptable
and more persistent than codified laws.
_____10. It operates through coercive isomorphism, which places value on
expediency as an effect of compliance.
a. Douglas North
b. Environment Systems
c. David Mitrany
d. Institutionalism
e. Cognitive Fucntion
f. Formal Institution
g. Institutions
h. Institutional Actors
i. Informal Institution
j. Jean Monnet
k. Regulative Function

TEST IB. Matching type. 1 point each.

__1. Is an approach to psychological qualitative research with an idiographic focus, which means
that it aims to offer insights into how a given person, in a given context, makes sense of a given

__2. A type of Phenomenology that studies the emergence/genesis of meanings of things within
one's own stream of experience.

__3. It is widely used in social science research as a method to explore and describe the lived
experience of individuals.

__4. This refers to the interpretation asserts that a biblical text is to be interpreted according to
the ―plain meaning‖ conveyed by its grammatical construction and historical context.

__5. This is a third type of hermeneutics that interprets the biblical narratives as having a second
level of reference beyond those persons, things, and events explicitly mentioned in the text.

__6. It is the study of ―phenomena ―: appearances of things, or things as they appear in our
experience, or the ways we experience things, thus the meanings things have in our experience.

__7. This is the theory and methodology of interpretation, especially the interpretation of
biblical texts, wisdom literature, and philosophical texts.

__8. It is a philosophy of and a method for interpreting human experiences to understand the
question of what it is to be human.

__9. This seeks to establish exegetical principles by which ethical lessons may be drawn from
the various parts of the Bible.

__10. He is best known for contributions to phenomenology, hermeneutics, and existentialism.

a. Phenomenology
b. Hermeneutics Literal
c. Descriptive Phenomenology
d. Hermeneutics
e. Allegorical Hermeneutics
f. Hermeneutics Moral
g. Martin Heidegger
h. Interpretative Phenomenology
i. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
j. Genetic Phenomenology

TEST Il. Multiple Choice. Read each statement carefully and write the letter of the correct

___1. This refers to a theory of the mind and its directly connection to personality and behavior.
a. Psychoanalysis c. Institutionalism
b. Rational Choice d. Psychoanalytic practice

___2. It is a method by which the troubling unconscious material, such as memories and desires,
is brought to the level of the conscious mind so that the individual could better understand
himself or herself.

a. Psychoanalysis c. Psychosexual
b. Psychoanalytic practice d. Psychosexual development

___3. It is a framework for understanding the impact of the unconscious on thoughts, feelings
and behavior.
a. Psychoanalytic theory c. Psychosexual
b. Psychoanalytic practice d. Psychosexual development

___4. This theory explains that human action and behavior are products of choice.
a. Rational Choice theory c. Psychosexual
b. Psychoanalytic theory d. Institutionalism

___5. It is something disadvantageous to or what is lost by an individual.

a. Benefit c. cost-benefit analysis
b. Cost d. rationality

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