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In my early days I am quite the active person, I participated in a lot of activities like sport,
clubs, and even attended camps as well. I was also thinner than I was in high school and
was even healthy though I was also like to eat sweets it really didn’t affected me at all.
My body structure before was different as of today, I had rather thin arms, small tummy,
and some may call it a body of a regular man but as I grew I kind of let myself go. I turned
fat which is an eye opener in this time due to lack of exercise and before I attended gym
every night just to work out but today it just not comes on my mind. My daily routines
change overtime as I grew older. My daily rituals before was to wake up early like 6 am
in the morning and do some light exercise like pushup, sit-up and do cardio for 10 minutes;
today I wake up in the afternoon like 12 in the afternoon. It gradually changed my daily
routines due to aging especially when I step up and went to college, I think it all started
when I had my freedom from my parent’s daily rants where I was able to wake up freely
without someone yelling me to wake up. The only thing that is waking me up in college is
the schedule of my classes but most of my classes in 1st year are all in the afternoon.
Also my attitude changed before I was compassionate about learning and exploring my
subjects maybe the reason it changed is because the course I took wasn’t my first choice
and wasn’t my ideal course and that learning the subjects would be a drag. But as I
progressed in studying this course I learned to embrace it which gave me a reason to
enjoy it. And also some of my attitude changed I don’t know how to phrase it but
something changed in how I feel about others, like when someone is suffering due to not
having money before I would find ways to find a way to help that person but now I just
keep my own business and ignore it. My face also changed, or how I look in high school
and now. I just changed and I don’t know if it’s for the better but before I don’t even know
if I needed to change.

My new version today or how I look, act and react is that I don’t like it I think I didn’t
change for the better and that every time I go out people will still compare me to I was
before and I agree to them. I think I want to go back to who I was before a lively person
who acts compassionate about others and I also love to be active to lessen these fats in
my body. People will still normalize my previous self rather than accept who I am today
and to be a person who is cautious in every little thing, I want to be who I am before.

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