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The Hindu Vocabulary 6 January 2022


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 6 January 2022 is from the Editorial titled ‘Transition in peril: on military crackdown in Sudan.’

Part of
Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms Example

A passage from one The transition of the

state to another Decline, Idleness,
Evolution, Conversion, administration of Bush
Transition Noun Beginning,
Growth, Development to Obama was very
(परिवर्तनकाल) smooth.

Something that may be

harmful or cause injury When we went to hills,
or damage. Hazard, Menace, Certainty, we faced the perils of
Peril Noun
Pitfall, Threat Protection, Security landslides and falling

To risk or to expose to
danger. Adventure, He periled all of us into
  Verb Compromise, Menace, the jungle in the name
Protection, Security
(जोखिम उठाना या खतरे में Risk of adventure and fun.

Severe enforcement of The factories that are

laws as a disciplinary Clampdown, Crush,
polluting Ganga are on
Crackdown Noun action to correct a Stop, Repression, Beginning, Start
the radar of a new
problem. Strike

(कार्र वाई)

To lay or cover with

some material like
The contract for paving
Brick, Cobblestone,
Pave Verb To prepare a smooth Dig up, Strip the road to your building
Surface, Tar
and easy way. has been given to me.


Injured or damaged by
repeated attacks or
Decrepit, Ramshackle, Good, Healthy, The victim’s body was
Battered Adjective Worn down by Seedy, Bedraggled Sound, Intact battered brutally.
excessive or rough use.


The state or quality of

being unstable. Insecurity, Shakiness, There was financial
Fastness, Security,
Instability Noun Precariousness, instability in my life till
Stability, Balance
Unstableness last year.
A state of disorder and Disarrangement,
confusion. Disorder, Hell, Jumble, Arrangement, There was chaos all
Chaos Noun Mess, Misorder, Calm, Harmony, around the city after the
Muddle, Anarchy, Peace news broke out.
(अव्यवस्था) Pandemonium

To remove or expel
from a position by legal The democratic leaders
action or by force. Banish, Dismiss, Eject, Fired, Freed, were ousted from the
Ousted Verb
Expel Released, Sacked country after the military

A brilliant and
successful act. Many thought that there
Action, Overthrow, might be a military coup
Coup Noun Failure
A takeover of power. Revolution, Upset in India after the 1971

To place or put back

again to a previous Reelected, He was reinstated into
Reinstated Adjective state. Reestablished, - the police department
Restored, Returned after his suspension.
(फिर से बहाल)

To move by argument
or proof to a certain Assure, Get, Kamlesh convinced
belief. Discourage, Fail,
Convince Verb Persuade, Move, Kamla that the story
Prevent, Stop
Satisfy was true.
Relating to the control
of society or industry by
an elite of technical
experts. The technocratic
planners often have a
Technocratic Adjective (तकनीकी विशेषज्ञों के एक - - conflict with the
अभिजात वर्ग द्वारा सरकार development groups.
या समाज या उद्योग के
नियंत्रण से संबंधित या

One who betrays

another person’s trust.
Conspirator, Deserter,
The traitors of the
One who commits Hypocrite, Informer,
Traitor Noun Loyal, Patriotic country should be given
treason with his country. Backstabber, Quisling,
extreme punishment.
Recreant, Turncoat


To break up.
The members have
To dissolve Disperse, Demobilize, Assemble, Unite,
Disband Verb decided to disband the
Destroy, Scatter Join, Band
(को भंग कर दिया)

Bare, Lacking, She took the decision
Sans Preposition Full, Fill, Complete
Destitute, Vacant sans her husband.
(के बिना)
To bring together. The two sources of
Centralize, Compact, Decentralize, income will be
Consolidating Verb
Polarize, Unify Deconcentrate consolidated into one
(मजबूत) after this financial year.

To weaken.
Disease, Broken, Aid, Assist, Enable, The fever has
Enfeeble Verb
Damaged, Cripple Strengthen enfeebled him.
(कमज़ोर बनाना)

To reach a firm

To make up one’s mind. Cowardice, Fear, He was able to resolve

Agree, Answer,
Verb Weakness, the conflict between
Conclude, Fathom
Question these two friends.
(समाधान करना)


Fixity of a purpose or
determination. The organization has
finally come to a resolve
Boldness, Courage, Irresolution,
Noun Purpose of intent. to eradicate silly
Firmness, Will Vacillation,
mistakes to achieve its

A continuous rise in the

price level related Abridgment,
attributed to an increase The inflation in the last
Boom, Expansion, Compression,
Inflation Noun in the volume of money. quarter was the highest
Hike, Rise, Affectation Reduction,
of the decade.
Abnormal, Affected,
According to law. Appropriate, Certain, I presented all the
Consistent, Fair, possible legitimate
Legitimate Adjective Deceptive, Illegal,
Genuine, Justifiable, documents in favour of
(वैध) Lawless, Wrongful,
Normal, Proper my case.

To fly at a great height.

To rise or increase in The price of onions

Ascend, Escalate, Decline, Decrease,
Soared Verb soared up to Rs. 100
value or price. Mount, Rise Drop, Lessen
per kg.

(बढ़ गई)

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