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Membership Application

ENOLL 5th wave

1. Basic Facts
Living Lab (host) organization

Living Lab short name InteligenciaColectiva.CO

Living Lab full name (title) Laboratorio Vivo InteligenciaColectiva.CO

Host organization name KnowledgeFactory

Host organization VAT number NIT: 811,029,245-6

Host organization type Knowledge Center (Company)

Postal address Calle 11A No. 43D – 95

Post code 05001000, Medellín

City Medellín

Country Colombia

Telephone 311 3581682

Fax n.d.

Web-site (URL)

Living Lab established [year] 2010

Living Lab manager / main contact person

First name Daniel

Last name Cárdenas

Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms) Mr

[1] Postal address Calle 11A No. 43D – 95

Post code, City 05001000, Medellín

Country Colombia


2. Membership Motivation
■ Describe what your Living Lab expects to gain from membership in the European Network of
Living Labs ENoLL.
This project proposes the design and construction of a technology platform that connects ideas, promote
the generation of initiatives that focus on solving social problems and provide a mechanism for transverse
measuring living laboratory of innovation. The platform will serve as a node of people, projects, and
initiatives, and it will also have a focal point for the management of information, ideas, and promotion of
new initiatives. This platform will be serving the ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation in Latin
America and will be available from, socializing from,
providing information and valuable knowledge to identify and characterize high-potential innovative and
entrepreneurial activities. Motivations: Provide knowledge and experiences. Collectively create. Building
solutions or problems’ interpretations as an exercise of collective work. Providing mechanisms to
encourage innovation and entrepreneurship. Providing mechanisms to identify and characterize individuals
and groups that hold high-potential innovative activities.

■ Also describe how your Living Lab can/will contribute to ENoLL, specifically mentioning which of
the Thematic Domain Networks or other Working Groups you are interested in participating in (see
the ENoLL website) and in which year you foresee applying for Effective Membership.

LL Contribution -> ENoLL:

The Living Lab principle is about supporting, promoting, and contributing to the
overall activities (specifically during ENoLL) of innovation, research and development in the use and
application of the TIC in the management of innovation and entrepreneurship in Latin America. Additional
Interest Groups (collaboration): ENoLL Theme Groups: Smart Cities. Future Internet. Internet of Things.
Social Innovation. Social Inclusion. E-Government. E-Participation. Creative Media. User driven contents.
Social Networks. Web 2.0. Thematic Tourism. Culture Services. Regional, territorial and Rural
Development of Smart Regions.

3. Description and Characteristics
■ Describe what you believe to be the most important capability and attributes of your LL.
Considering the research processes that have been asking about the Genesis of ideas and its process to
become self-sustaining projects, this project allows to create a superstructure composed by social
initiatives, implemented and designed by people, with patterns of Recognition and Rewards that supports
and encourage the activity of innovative individuals and groups. This will provide supporting networks for
these people’s activities that can also be informed about the whole process as an instrument to
characterize continuously its consecutive elements and main “drivers”. I expect this discipline brings the
answer to multiple problems that affects the public politics in favor of both entrepreneurship and innovation.
System Operation Principles: The production unit is the initiative. All components of the initiative should
be measured. Every component must have a registration methodology. All records must be part of a
system. Information flows between systems should be automatic. All information systems should be
completed in an object of knowledge.
■ What (unique/special) characteristics does your LL have? wants to become a platform of services that can easily be incorporated and
replicated in multiple environments. Initially, we will be working in the active replication of multi-service
models, in multiple innovation cafes. By doing this, we want to develop the skills necessary to move the
model to other types of environments, where it is necessary to measure entrepreneurial and innovative
activities, as well as providing a social support system.

4. Organization
■ List/Describe your LL’s most important “actors” (e.g. LL owners, investors, sponsors, partners,
user-categories, networks etc).

LL Board: Nodrizza Network S.A.: / Knowledge Factory U.E.N.: /Impacta U.E.N. / MobixConsulting2.0
(@mc2.0). Acting Entities (partners y collaborators): Country of Knowledge foundation.
Tomorrow's territories foundation. Colombian External Commerce Department, Digital Brigade Ministery

■[2] List your LL’s most important persons (LL expertise) and briefly describe the LL-relevant
experience they have (brief CVs).

Team Work

Daniel Julián Electronic Engineer, LL Principal Researcher, University docent and designer of
Cárdenas Ortiz Researcher: Researcher I+D+I processes.

Juan David Software LL Researcher Researcher, University docent, Project Manager,

Correa Toro Development and coordinator with over 10 years experience in the field of New
Specialist Technologies.

Jorge Correa Strategic Corporate Advertisement. Over 10 years experience in the

Toro Management relationships field of New Technologies, promoting Business
Specialist models, models of corporative cooperation, and
models of cooperation for high level technology.

Luis Carlos Designer Design and Web Designer, 3D designer, moving images
Correa Development of designer, designer of Interactive environments, with
Platforms over 8 years experience.
Francisco Javier President of the Consultant in Consultant in the flied of knowledge, with long
Roldán Country of fields of experience in the public/state sector as founder and
Knowledge Knowledge head of the Country of Knowledge Foundation.

■ List/Describe the main organizational entities (functions/roles etc). Include organization scheme
(drawing) at will.

[3] General Organization. System components:

All initiatives must include the following elements: Focal point: Person in charge of managing and
administering the flow of information. Connections of ideas: Ideas generated by connected individuals or
initiatives. Connections entities: Entities (companies, organizations) made up of people and take part in
initiatives. People connections: connecting people through ideas and initiatives. Issues to resolve:
formulation of problems to solve from Solution routes: Proposed solutions (by
individuals and entities) for one or more problems.

■ [4] Describe to what extent your LL is active and collaborates in national and/or international

LL National and International Collaboration Environments: Bogotech:

LikeMind: Mobile Monday Medellín: TEDxBogotá: Ruta N: Medellín Digital.

■ [5] Describe how your LL is constituted and governed, and how decisions are made at the
strategic level.

Government and decisions: LL has a completely flat structure and its entities for decision-making are the
projects themselves and the generated knowledge laboratories. As an institution fully focused to research,
the LL’s core of the strategic decisions is given by the coordination of projects and the efforts towards
building an intelligent system of measurement and characterization of innovative and entrepreneurial

5. Openness
■ [6] Explain/Describe how your LL is committed to, and benefits from “openness”.
Commitment to openness: We understand openness as a fundamental principle of our work. Our
commitment to this principle not only expresses a conviction of its total operability in today's world, but also
a clear philosophical expression of its incorporation into our action. We present a series of concepts that
develop this principle: Information, knowledge and experience for the society. Building collective
intelligences. Information and knowledge to solve problems. These are some of our principal postulates,
which are the base and support of all our approaches. The openness is included in our DNA.

■ [7] Describe the IPR principles applied by your LL, and how this supports openness and LL
capability and efficiency.

IPR Principles (Intellectual Property Rights). Migration Concept: If the current IPR model remains and
does not migrate systematically and intelligently toward solving the problems of society, the gap that
separates us from countries that have established solutions to their problems, necessarily will be
maintained. Effectiveness and Efficiency: When knowledge flows freely and through collaborative networks,
these variables are maximized.
Benefits of Open Innovation. Social Knowledge: A society must generate its own knowledge to properly
diagnose the problems and be effective implementing solutions. Innovation exercises should focus on this
direction. Social Intelligence: Social intelligence is the most important intangible capital that a community
can have, as it represents the value of all relationships, in all connections in terms of solving their own

■[8] Describe how open your LL is for new investors/partners and the principles applied.

Openness to new investors / partners: Applicable principles: As our focus is on the achievement, and we
work for efficient and effective solutions, the addition of new nodes of knowledge and resources to LL is a
fundamental dynamic. In order to realize this task, we apply the following principles: We allow events
change us. We captured accidents. We grow ideas.

■ [9] Describe how your LL uses media/channels (web etc) for public visibility, communication and
Strategy 2.0 (KnowledgeFactory.TV): Visibility: The LL-InteligenciaColectiva.CO has as its fundamental
principle that all knowledge, ideas, concepts, expertise, laboratory must be documented, registered and
available online. Communication: The LL-InteligenciaColectiva.CO has a multi-platform communications
(voice, video, teleconferencing, documents, presentations, etc.) for internal communications management
(teams, initiatives) as well as the external communications (networks of innovation and innovators).
Interaction: Physically through the Innovation Cafés, and through the virtual platform
InteligenciaColectiva.CO (KnowledgeFactory.TV)

6. Resources
■Describe if certain technology/infrastructure is essential/critical in usage contexts or for your LL

Relationship Infrastructure/Technology and LL Operation: Infrastructure Operation: Platforms for

techno-scientific monitoring. 2.0 Platforms. Application servers. Communication tools (coordination).
Operation Technologies:, Mobile Technologies, P2P, P2M, M2M. LBS (location based services). Internet.
Automation. Collaboration platforms and crowsourcing.
■Describe your LL’s status and plans when it comes to your LL business model and
financial sustainability.

Business Model: Validation of prototypes. Brand experience. Market tests. Map of projects. Project
formulation. Special projects. Sustainability Model: Recognition: social, collective, awards, community.
Reward: money, goods, and services. Interaction with real service platforms (Cafés) in order to generate
sustainable revenue models in time for the operation of the model.

■Describe the experience and capability your LL has, when it comes to international networking;
mention, if relevant, participation in initiatives such as Smart Cities, Future Internet, Internet of
Things, etc.

Initiatives where InteligenciColectiva.CO collaborate: Ministry of Industry and Commerce:

Business Development Programs:
Bogotech: LikeMind:
Mobile Monday Medellín: TEDxBogotá:

■ List/Describe your LL’s most “labour-intensive” activities and how many persons (full-time
equivalents) are working for your LL.

Operating Activities in InteligenciaColectiva.CO: Design of methodologies to measure ideas (potential

target). Design of methodologies to measure initiatives (successful and failed). Design of methodologies for
the characterization of innovative and entrepreneurs individuals and communities. Design of methodologies
for the characterization of innovative activities (with an open and experimental approach: we do not
preconceive models, we want to detect models that arise spontaneously). Design of methodologies for the
visualization of complex systems. Strengthening the Social Energy theory, as a tool that supports all
measurement processes proposed in these terms. It should be noted that this theory is an original
development of Knowledge Factory.

7. Users and Reality
■ List/Describe the main principles for how users are involved in your LL.

Participation Principles LL: In the flow of ideas: Allow the ideas flow grow in its effectiveness and
efficiency. In the flow of initiatives and high-impact projects: allowing the flow of initiatives and projects with
high impact keep growing in its effectiveness, and efficiency. Identification and characterization of
innovative individuals and communities: Allow that those working actively on issues of entrepreneurship
and innovation can be clearly identified and characterized. Models of reward and recognition: Increase the
generation of social impact initiatives, from recognizing and rewarding individuals who are active in the
ecosystem to create civic value. Characterization of entrepreneurial and innovative activities: A large part of
the impact of public policies to promote innovation and entrepreneurship, is diluted because it works on
static models of enterprise and innovation, which limit its frame in dynamic models generated naturally.
■ [11] Describe important real-life/work environment(s) and your LL arrangements to achieve
The LL-InteligenciaColectiva.CO interact in physical spaces such as Cafés (fixed areas) and/or spaces
designed temporarily (fairs, offices). Among the activities where the community can participate are the
Laboratories of knowledge, ICT Ownership workshops, debates, forums, or simply sharing ideas freely.

■ [12] Describe how actively and deeply users are involved in your LL activities. Are LL activities
performed for, with or by users?
Users and Network users connected to the platform InteligenciaColectiva.CO participate in the following
activities: Measurement models of chaotic environments: the dynamic measurement methodologies such
as those we are called for (entrepreneurship, innovation) that have been traditionally performed by static
instruments, time-limited and highly controlled environments. creates a background
of knowledge that allows us moving towards measuring these aspects in chaotic environments. Sustainable
models to support entrepreneurship and innovation: aims to create a self-
sustaining alternative model that can be a valid vehicle to sustain, support and encourage those needed
entrepreneurship and innovation dynamics. Promotion of innovative business values which promote safety,
prosperity, justice and sustainability, it is imperative for our society to build dynamic developments based
on correct values.

■ [13] Describe briefly important methods and tools that are utilized by your LL for user
Participants Interaction: Virtual: Using virtual environments ( will be held the
record of ideas, conversations, discussions, and collectively building initiatives (diagnosis of problems
and/or possible solutions). In site: This interaction focus on freely sharing ideas and initiatives, consolidate
personal relationship that strengths trust among participants. Methods of participation by roles: Regardless
of the degree of knowledge, age, or gender, all individuals and/or institutions have a role in
inteligenciacolectiva.CO. These individuals and/or institutions will have the proper tools to perform the
specific role.
Tools and Methods: The methods and tools used to interact with individuals and entities in the Innovation
and entrepreneurship ecosystem are seen from 3 stages: Methodology to know. Methodology to interact.
Methodology to create.

8. [14] Value
In the section “Organization”(above) you have listed your LL’s most important “actors”. Describe
here the most important assets, values and services being exchanged and/or generated within your
LL. Cover, as applicable and appropriate, the following:

■List/Describe assets/values/services that your LL actors offer/provide to your LL.

Goods and services provided to LL actors: Government: Incentives and contributions to the model of
recognition and reward. Private Sector (Trade): Sponsorship of innovative activities and tools for
innovators. Innovators: Networks. Ideas: Platforms of ideas connected by people and initiatives. Initiatives:
Platform or initiatives connected by individuals and companies. Work and Innovation networks: Analysis of
problems and possible solutions.

■ List/Describe assets/values/services that your LL offers/provides to your LL actors (including the

The community, researchers, Government, and NPOs will get benefit from the free knowledge, the
innovators and innovation networks, interaction scenarios for brands, maps of projects. Undergraduate
researchers, graduate, media, and community will benefit from the services of ideas, initiatives, case
studies, and workshops.

■ List/Describe assets/values that are collaboratively generated (co-created) in your LL: Solutions to
social problems. Proof of concept and market. Pilot testing and prototypes. Bank of individuals, ideas, and
collective, innovative projects.

■List/Describe what parts of a full product/service life-cycle that your LL supports: 1- Ideas. 2-
Iniciatives. 3- Formulated Projects. 4- Networks.

■ Describe LL-relevant value chains and which parts of the value-chains your LL supports.
Ownership’s Value chain link and Use of ICT: Innovation exercises and training workshops. Value chain
link of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: Forums, project formulation, networks activation,
market testing. Value chain link of recalls support of innovative ideas and projects: Pipeline projects and
social initiatives made by the community.

9. Direction and Plans for the Future
■[17] Describe your LL’s strategic direction, mid-long term objectives and concrete plans for the
Strategy and Future Plan: The LL InteligenciaColectiva.CO will focus on knowledge transfer and adoption
of concepts about using technology for innovation and entrepreneurship management. Thus our main
strategic objective is to connect individuals and communities to properly formulate their problems and route
the solutions.
■ [18] List/Describe critical success factors and risks.
Critical Success Factors: Reduced time to consolidate ideas and generate social impact initiatives.
Characterization of activities, innovative individuals and groups, as an important factor to develop public
politics in this field. Increase the visibility of innovative and high-impact projects in order to facilitate their
support and promotion. Provide social infrastructure to support entrepreneurship and innovation activities.
Collective formulation of problems. Collective construction of solutions.

Project Risks: Diversity of initiatives and people who make it. Diversity in the timing of implementation of
each initiative. Diversity in the scope and relevance of each initiative. The complexity of the system can
generate negative impacts (confusion, misunderstandings, stress).

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