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24, Following blockage of a cerebral artery, the neurons that die from hypoxia release a neurotransmitter that promotes excessive calcium influ, Isis, and cll death in nearby undamaged neurons. Which ofthe following substances isthe primary cause ofthis cascade of excitotoxicity? O A) hcetyhotine © B) y-Aminobutyric acid O ¢) Glutamate O d) cycine © E) Norepinephrine ‘1, 27-year-old man has hepatomegaly and mild jaundice. Serum alkaline phosphatase and v-glutamyiransferase actives are increased, Which of the following propertes ofthese enzymes allows them to be used to detect defects in bile ow? O A) Present in bile ductules O B) Present on the basal surface of hepatocytes. © ©) Released from the gallbladder © D) Required for bile salt synthesis © E) Required for bitin conjugation O F) Required for heme catabolism 13, AdT-year-old woman comes tothe physician because she wants to "do something about my wrinkles.” Physical examination shows ine wrinkles in ‘hotodamaged skin onthe face. Treatment wth tretinoin is started. Collagen synthesis will most likely be increased in this patient by which ofthe following ‘mechanisms? O A) Aativation of nuctoar gene transcription © 8) Decreased cAMP production © 6) Displaced vitamin A from cellular stores © ©) Increased sebum production O E) Protection of keratinocytes from UVB irradiation 1. The higher incidence of bith defects in children bor to women more than 36 years old may be the result of environmental influences on chromosomes in developmentally arrested oocytes at which ofthe following stages of cel division? © A) Prophase, meiosis | © B) Prophase, meiosis it © C) Metaphase, meiosis | © DP) Metaphase, meiosis I © E) Telophase, meiosis | 2. 50-year-old man collapses and dies while running to catch an airplane. A pholograph of his aortic valve is shown, Which of he folowing best describes the lesion? O Ay) Caleified congenital bicuspid valve O 8) infective endocarditis © C) Myxomatous degeneration © D) Postinflammatory valve stenosis 6. 65-year-old man wih diabetes melitus develops a neuropathy of the cranial nerve brain stem. Which ofthe fellowing ls the most Ikely associate functional deficit? © A completes te pia eye © 8) aby to abut teeta © iat! ensrntra! deaness © 0) Lack otter fomaton inthe stra ee © €) Para ope aw muscles 7. A2-year-ld boy has had recurent bacterial infections with markedly increased absolute neutrophil counts inthe blood (80,000-160,000/mm'). Studies of neutrophils show: ‘Test Substance Patient (% Control) Bacterial kiling ‘Normal ‘opsonized patient serum ‘30820 Patient ‘opsonized normal serum 70815 Phagocytosis ‘Normal ‘opsonized patient serum 95320 Patent ‘opsonized normal serum 60820 Chemotaxis ‘Normal patient C5a 90815 Patient patient CBa 1085 Which of the folowing isthe most tkely agnosis? O A) Chronic granulomatous disease O B) Leukocyte adhesion deficiency O ©) Myeloperoxidase deficiency © D) NADPH oxidase deficiency © E) Neutrophitspeciic granule deficiency 10. AS6-year-old man comes to the physician fo a routine examination. His stool is posive for occult blood. Colonoscopy shows a pedunculated growth that 's coarsely lobulated and 1.4 cm in diameter. The excised lesion is covered by colonic epithelium and composed of branching glands ned by tall hhyperchromatc cols. Some areas appear mildly dysplastic, but there is no evidence of invasion of the stalk. Which of the folowing oncogenes fs most likely tobe activated inthis lesion? O aren O B) fs O ¢) kvas © 0) pss (rP53) Oe)RD OF) se 12, A62.year-old man has had potechiae and easy bruising forthe past month. He has a 2-year history of alcoholic cshosis wth portal hypertension. Laboratory studies show Hemoglobin Hematocit Leukocyte count Neutophis Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophis Basophis Reticuloeye count Mean corpuscular volume Platelet count Prothrombin tne Partial thromboplastin time (activated) Serum Fibrinogen Frin spt products Which ofthe folowing isthe most ikely cause ofthe pancytopenia? © A) Disseminated intravascular coagulation © 8) Hypersplenism O ¢) tron deficiency © D) Vitamin B (thiamine) deficiency O E) Vitamin c deficiency 1091s 30% ‘4000!mm? 65% 30% 4% % 0% 8% of red cals 102 ums 18,000/mm® 16sec 28sec 200 mala. (N=200-400 mL) 10 (Ns 10) 21. An 8-year-old gi is brought to the physician by her parents because of abdominal pain for 3 days. She is atthe 90th percentile for eight and the Both percentile for weight. Breast, pubic har, and axillary hair development is Tanner stage 3. Pelvic examination shows a fm, smooth ight ovarian mass. Uttrasonography of the abdomen coafirms the presence of an 8-cm-diametar ovarian mass. Which ofthe following types of ovarian lesions fs most Ikaly in this patient? © A) cystadenacareinoma O 8) Dermoid cyst © ©) embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma O 0) Fitroma: O E) Granulosa cell tumor O F) Krukenberg tumor O &) Papillary carcinoma 29. 20-year-old woman comes tothe physician because her menstrual periods 1 week late. Menses had occured at regular 28-day intorvas. She had Unprotected sexual intercourse with her boytiend 20 days ago. urine pregnancy test result is positive. Which ofthe folowing best describes the stage of

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