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32, A44-yoar-old woman comes tothe physician because ofa 3-woek history of severe headache. She is 157 om (5 f.2 in) tall and weighs 86 kg (190 Ib); BMI 's 35 kglm® Funduscopic examination shows papiledema. An MRI ofthe brain shows no abnormalities. lumbar puncture i done. Cerebrospinal fuid (CSF) analysis shows an opening prossuro of 32 om H,0. in adion to racommendations regarding ditary changes and weightloss, atment with ‘acetazolamide is begun. This crug wil most ikely improve the patients symptoms by which ofthe folowing mechanisms? © A) Decreased CSF production by the choroid plexus © 8) Decreased venous pressure around he arachnodgraulatons ©) tnreased pees of ight junctions (zonuae ocdudents) between endothelial cas ©) inroased sodium permesbiltyof the ependyma © E) increas water tanspot by astoryo endoat rocases 38, 42-year-old man has an autoimmune dsocder resulting in proximal muscle weakness ofthe lower extremities, Arrows inthe photomicrograph shown Indicate membranes that contain high concentrations of channels that are targeted by tis condition, Which of the folowing isthe most likely diagnosis? O A) Mutipe scorosis © 8) Myasthenia gravis © ) Myastnenic (Lambert-Eaton) syndrome O D) Periodic paralysis OE) Tetany 34. A6-yoar-old boy is brought tothe emergency department because of coughing, wheezing, and rapid breathing for 6 hours. He was diagnosed with an "upper respiraory tract infection 2 days ago. His temperature is 37.2°C (99°F), pulse is 120/min, respirations are 44/min, and blood pressure is 90/60 mm Hg. Inspiratory and expratory wheazes are heard throughout the lung fields. There is decreased tactile fremitus. Which ofthe following is the most likely diagnosis? OA) Asthma O 8) Atelectasis O ©) Bronchitis O D) Left sided heart fature © E) Pneumococcal pneumonia 36. A0-year-old man comes to the physician because of a 2-week history of progressive shortness of breath wile climbing stairs to his office every morning He reports no other problems, but he is concemed because his father had a major myocardial infarction atthe age of 52 years. His pulse is 110/min and regular, respirations are 16min, and blood pressure is 136195 mm Hg. The lungs are clear to auscultation. Cardiac examination shows normal heart sounds with a physiologic spit ofS Stress echocardiography shows hypokiness of he posterior left ventricle with increasing activity levels. Which ofthe fallowing i ‘mast key cause ofthe posterior loft ventricular findings in this pationt? © A) Disruption of the sympathetic nerves to the let ventricle O 8) Extravascular compression of the coronary arteries. © ¢) Increased left ventricular end-diastolic pressure © 0) nereased myocardial oxygen consumption © E) Stenosis ofthe right coronary artery 38. An 18-month-ol gis brought to the physician because of fallure to thrive and frequent wet diapers. She isa the 3rd percentile for length and weight. Physical examination shows dehydration, decreased muscle tone, and bowing ofthe lags. Sit lamp examination shows crystals in the comeas. Serum studies show hypophosphatomia, hypokalemia, and a nonanion gap metabolic acidosis. Urine studies show a pH ofS, glucosuria, phosphaturia, and (generalized aminoaciduria. Which of the folowing i the most likely cause ofthe metabolic acidosis in his patient? © Ay) Decreased carbonic anhydrase activity inthe distal tubule © B) Decreased carbonic anhydrase activity in the proximal tubule O €) Decreased hydrogen ion secretion in the distal tubule © D) Decreased hydrogen ion secretion in the proximal tubule © E) Decreased sodium bicarbonate reabsorption inthe distal tubule © F) Decreased sodium bicarbonate reabsorption in the proximal tubule 39. Astudy is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of cough medication in ciiron. A total of 120 patients under the age of 12 yaars who ha iagnosed with a viral upper respiratory tract infection are randomly selected to receive dextromethorphan or no treatment. The participants were recruited from several emergency departments in an urban area. Parents complate a rating scale for their children's cough at basoine and 1 day after reclving

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