Strategies of Church Growth

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BANGALORE – 560025

Strategies of Church Growth

An Assignment

Presented to

Professor Isaac Kallem

In the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Degree

Masters in Divinity - 1 (Ministry)

Due Date: ___________ Submitted Date: ___________

I acknowledge that the assignment is my own work and I haven’t

copied from anyone.

Signature: ____________



(Regd no: 6395)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Growing Churches of the New Testament

2.1. Reason for Growth

2.2. Problem for Growth

3. Principals for Church Growth

4. Church Growth

4.1. Biological Growth

4.2. Transfer Growth

4.3. Conversion Growth

5. The Symbols of the Church

5.1. The church in picture as new man

5.2. What the new man is alike

6. The cell church

6.1. The purpose of Cell Church

7. Officers of the Church

8. God church program

9. The celebration events

10. Discipling

11. The essential kind of disciplines

12. Disciple making through cell groups

13. Discipline within the church

14. The church and the state

15. The type of governance in the Church

16. The need for qualified shepherd leaders

17. The qualification for shepherd leaders

18. Church financing

19. Unity in Adminstration

20. Conclusion
1. Introduction
God wants the church to growth and to glorify Him. The Bible teaches us that the first
church begin in the day of Pentecostal. It’s obviously sure that the begun of Church
was the perfect plan of God’s alone. God want our church to growth stronger, bigger,
influence by spirituality in growing. Christ is the head of the Church. Many churches
multiply good deeds while not growing at all. This is why it is very necessary to have
a Church growth conscience. Christian must regard others as bodies and souls, and
strive to meet the needs of the world man who is made in the image of God. Each
and every individual person has big responsible and accountability to growth Church
wider and bigger, no in term of material like good building or nor the outward
appearance of the Church. It is simple mean to growth in spirituality, the inner being,
how our spiritual relationship with God. Are we doing the well or functioning perfectly
and effectively the Church?
2. Growing churches of the N.T.
The New Testament speaks of, and demonstration, tremendous church growth. In
fact, the church was born in an explore series of conversion. Before the Day of
Pentecost, only 120 were meeting in an upper room; then on the Day of Pentecost,
3000 people turned to the Lord. It’s a marvelous things to known that the apostles
baptizing 3000 people in one day.1

2.1. Reasons for Growth

There are many reasons. A principal one was God’s purpose- His going,
unshakable, unchanging purpose- for the salvation of men. The growth and
expansion of the church throughout the world does not take place in and of itself. It is
God’s will that this should happen. Indeed, the entire Bible from beginning to end
bears testimony to God’s purpose to save men. That underlines the church
expansion recorded in the New Testament. 2

2.2. Problem for Growth

After Pentecost, consider just one problem. Where would the Church meet? Three
thousand had been baptized, and scripture records that they continued in the
fellowship, the teaching of the apostles, the breaking of the bread and prayer. Well,
where did they meet? My assumption is that they don’t meet in one place. These
3000 divided up into maybe scores of meeting, at each of which Christians were
instructed, partook of the Lord’ssupper, worshiped, praised God, prayed and had
fellowship on with another.3

3. Principals of Church Growth

Undergirding all the growth of New Testament Church was a fervent faith in Jesus
Christ. The church believed He had come, lived a victorious life, died on the cross for
people’s sin, resin again, and would return soon. There was a fervent belief in Jesus
Christ. Another principal concerned lay leadership. The church grew because
laymen told others about the good news. Laymen would preach the Gospel. Laymen
would baptize new believers.4

4. Church Growth
God wants the Church to grow! He wants us to be fruitful. God longs to see
multitudes saved all over the world. The church is never too big when there are still
more people to be saved. If the entire city has been saved, only then are churches in
it big enough. Church growth analyze tell us that the Church can grow in three
different ways:
M.C Gavran and Donald A, How to grow church (California: Light Publication, 1974) 17
M.C Gavran, Donald A, How to grow church , 19

4.1. Biological Growth
Biological church growth comes from new babies being born to families already in a
local church. Praise the Lord for children. They are blessing from the Lord. It is
important to raise our Children in the ways of the Lord so that when they are old they
continue to love and serve God.

4.2. Transfer Growth

Transfer church growth comes from people who move to a church after they have
already become Christians through another church or ministry. In a highly mobile
society, it is common to see people moving from place to place and this often
involves finding a new church people move churches for a variety of other reason
also. These include a hunger for more teaching, better programs for children and
youth, doctrinal reason, unresolved conflict or leadership failure. Transfer growth
does happen but it is not kingdom growth. It is simply reshuffling of the saints who
are already saved.

4.3. Conversion Growth

Conversion church growth comes from people who become Christians as a direct
result of the ministry of a local church. In the early church, the Lord added to the
church daily those who were being saved. Wouldn’t it be great if every church won at
least one convert for every day of the years?5

5. The Symbols of The church

It so happens there are only four symbols of the church that we find in the Bibles. By
symbols we mean something God used to represent and to make clear the meaning
of the church. It so happens that two of them are found in this scripture we will read
it. Ephesians is the only book in the Bible in which all four of these symbols are
mentioned. Remember we dealt with the church as the body of Christ. That is the
symbol or a picture of the church, the body. Then we dealt with the Church as a
bride. All four of these – the body, the bride, the church as a new man and the
church as a spiritual temple – are set forth in the book mentions all four of these
representation of the church except Ephesians, often called “ the Church Epistle.”
Certainly the church is found all through this book of six chapters. 6

5.1. The church is picture as a new man

Mark Conner, transforming Your Church (Secunderabad: OM books,2014) 51
Dr. Tom Malone, Preaches on the church (USA: Sword of the Lord,1989) 37
In the scripture, the church is pictured in two more ways. They are the only four
symbols we find in the Bible representing the church. Some say the church picture
as sheep. That is not true. We know that Jesus said, ‘I am the good shepherd; the
good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep’ John 10:11. But this is talking about
individual believers as a sheep, not as a church. The Church is not pictured as a
sheep in the Bible. Others go as far as to say that the church is pictured as a soldier
in the Bible, especially in the Book of Ephesians, getting that idea from Ephesians 6
where so much is said about the Christian dressing up in the spiritual armor that God
has given him. Paul said, “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of
Jesus Christ” But he is not talking about the church as a corporate body; he is talking
about individuals.7

5.2. What is the new man like

Let us look at that new man, a presentation of the church. First, he is a man of
peace. We have already dealt with that. The Jew and the Gentile knew no peace.
This is not talking about peace between man and God: God does that “Therefore
being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. This
is God talking about making peace between two kinds of people who have hated one
another throughout all of history. Here we read this new man is a man of peace. He
has peace not only with God but peace with every saved child of God. Second, this
man is not only a man of peace, but he is a mysterious man. The Bible says the
church is a mystery. This new man made of a Jew and a Gentile. These twain
becoming one, is a mystery. When you read the word “mystery” in the Bible, don’t let
it bother you. A mystery in the Bible is something we can’t understand. A mystery in
the Bible is something that for a period of time did not make clear, did not give a full
revelation of; but now He has.8

6. The Cell Church

The cell based church is a growing phenomenon because of its emphasis on small
group life as well as the corporate excitement of celebration events. Larry Stockstill
says. Quality small group ministry prepares the church for harvest and hostility. It is
important that we understand why the Church should make this shift of cell groups.
Here are some important reasons:

i). Cells are biblical

ii). Cells promote true Christian community and quality relationships.

iii). Cells are the only way to pastor a growing congregation

iv). Cells are the way to disciple

Dr. Tom Malone, Preaches(USA: Sword of the Lord,1989) 39

Dr. Tom Malone, Preaches(USA: Sword of the Lord,1989) 4
v). Cells are the best way to raise up new leaders.

We believe there are four primary purpose for Cell Groups in the church. These can
be expressed in the following purpose statement. It is a place where Christians can
bring their friends, neighbors and relatives in order for them to experience the life
that is in Jesus Christ.9

7. Offices in Church
There are only officers of the church. Let me say also that there are officers in this
church demanded in the Bible, and some that are not demanded, but neither are
they prohibited. The Lord says in His word, “ Let all things be done decently and in
order.” Some churches feel other officers are necessary other than the two required.
The Scripture refers to them as bishops, elders and one time as pastor. Then the
officer is a deacon. We will talk what the Bible say, in this particular instance, speak
of as a bishop. We will try to show what “bishop” means. We are thinking tonight
about the Pastor. The word “Pastor” is used very slightly in the New Testament and
used numerous times in the Old Testament. “Pastor” always had reference to a
shepherd. We are talking tonight about the preacher, the pastor, the man Godcalled
to be the shepherd of the sheep. I was thinking while I was putting some things
together today.10

8. God church program

God’s works His purposes out through two aspects of church life. The large
gathering and small gathering, these two gathering are like the two wings of a bird
that help the Church keep balance and moved forward effectively. A church with an
sounds emphasis only one these gather will tends to gain more little forward
progress. This balance of large and small gathering is demonstrated throughout the
scripture about the national of Israel.

9. The celebration Events

A celebration event is when an entire local church gathers together. Something
special happens when a lot of people gather together with a hunger to meet with
God. It is to be a time of celebration characterized by enthusiasm, excitement,
inspiration and Joy.11

10. Discipling
A discipling is a follower of Jesus Christ. It refers to a student, a learner and
someone who is dedicated to becoming like Jesus in every aspect of life. Intentional

Mark Conner(Secunderabad: OM books,2014) 79

Dr. Tom Malone, (USA: Sword of the Lord 1984)4

mean there needs to be a planned strategy, including a method and a model.
Training implies a prescribe course of study and a specific process that people go

11. The essential kind of discipling

God wants each Christian to be a fervent disciple or follower of Jesus Christ. To be
fervent mean to be passionate, zealous, earnest, enthusiastic, fiery, ardent, intense,
ablaze, burning and hot. We desire to be fervent followers of Jesus Christ,
demonstrating our whole-hearted devotion by praying, worshipping loving and
serving with a spirit of fervency. These are the kind of disciples God wants us to be
and to raise up.

12. Disciple making through cell groups

A cell group is one of the best places for disciple-making to take place. It is a place
where Christian can grow together to become fervent followers of Jesus Christ
through the process of discipling, teaching and mentoring. 12

13. Disciple within the church

Early theologians were obsessed with concern for the purity of the church, often a
missing dimension today. Emphasis on evangelical expansionism has replaced
ethical and moral purity of the church. The nature and essence of God himself, not
human rules, set the standard for purity and discipline. Why do many people not
accept the gospel? Often it is because of the undisciplined, sinful lives of professing
Christians. While there is no perfect church, or for that matter no perfect saint, the
church is responsible to maintain a pure testimony. Early theologians were obsessed
with concern for the purity of the church, often a missing dimension today. Emphasis
on evangelical expansionism has replaced ethical and moral purity of the church.
The nature and essence of God himself, not human rules, set the standard for purity
and discipline. Why do many people not accept the gospel? Often it is because of
the undisciplined, sinful lives of professing Christians. While there is no perfect
church, or for that matter no perfect saint, the church is responsible to maintain a
pure testimony.

14. The church and the state

Today, however, the issue of separation of state and church is a much broader issue
than the simply duty of paying taxes and meeting our financial obligations. It extends
to everything from the use of tax money, to the support of religion, to take up arms in
war. It is right for Christian to persuade governments to make laws consistent with
biblical standard of morality. This is entirely acceptable so long as the laws do not

Mark Conner(Secunderabad: OM books,2014) 100
pray; you will be done on earth. The knowledge that God and God alone works in
everything has tremendous significance for our faith. This fundamental platform of
Luther’s ruled his theology. God is present everywhere, among our enemies and in
creation. He has created everything and rules everything. We should therefore fear
and trust only in God and most certainly believe that nothing can destroy us; for God
is Lord of all the powers that threaten us, wrote Luther. We are in his gracious hand,
no matter what happens us. This is the believer’s royal freedom and joy. 13

15. Type of governance in the church

Churches have historically chosen different kinds of governance. Because practices
vary and the Bible does not require one form, we cannot be overly dogmatic as to
which type is biblical and which is not. Certainty in administrating government has
strengths and weakness, through, as discussed later, I think congregationalism is to
be preferred. Of course, when it is unclear in the Bible what particular model of
governance should be chosen, we do well to allow difference of persuasion. The
Episcopalism system in Protestantism which is most common in Anglican circles,
Methodism, and to some degree among Lutherans, Assemblies of God, and other
groups- emphasizes the role of the bishop. The system is not directly found in the
New Testament, although some groups have found it beneficial in stabling order in
the churches. The word is derived from the Greek term episkopos, meaning over
seer’. Congregationalism is a form of governance based on the independence and
autonomy of the local church. All members of the church, being believers, are
viewed as ‘priests of God’ Congregationalism ‘represent the earliest form of church
order. Congregationalists claim only Jesus Christ as head and place emphasis on a
democratic form of governance by the people of God. Congregationalism as
practiced after the Reformation has evidenced several patterns that may differ from
New Testament patterns. In certain churches, such as in Ephesus, there may have
been a plurality of elders. Baptist and other Congregationalist view the titles of
bishop; pastor is selected in congregational churches, although in recent practice,
church has tended to expand church stuffs to include several pastors or elders. In
such cases there is usually a ‘ senior pastor’s who assumes leadership over the

16. The need for qualified shepherd elders

Congregationalism is a form of governance based on the independence and
autonomy of the local church. All members of the church, being believers, are
viewed as ‘priests of God’ Congregationalism ‘represent the earliest form of church
order. Congregationalists claim only Jesus Christ as head and place emphasis on a
Hyes, Edward L, The Church ( Nashville: A Thomas Nelson Company, 1999) 126
democratic form of governance by the people of God. Congregationalism as
practiced after the Reformation has evidenced several patterns that may differ from
New Testament patterns. In certain churches, such as in Ephesus, there may have
been a plurality of elders. Baptist and other Congregationalist view the titles of
bishop; pastor is selected in congregational churches, although in recent practice,
church has tended to expand church stuffs to include several pastors or elders. In
such cases there is usually a ‘ senior pastor’s who assumes leadership over the

17. The qualification for shepherd elders

When we speak of the elders’ qualifications, most people think these qualifications
are something different from those of the clergy. The New Testament, however, has
no separate standards for professional clergy and lay elders. The reason is simple.
There aren’t three separate offices – pastor, elders, and deacons – in the New
Testament Local Church. 15

18. Church Financing

Every Local church needs adequate financial resources. It likewise needs
democratic financing. The purpose of Church finance is not simply to get the money.
It is to create a responsibility for the obligation of the Church to the membership. The
wide and more evenly that responsibility are spread, the better for the local church.
Nothing impoverishes the spiritual life of a church so much as having the financial
burden borne by a few individuals. The above statement is true if a church has a few
wealthy members who are willing to carry the financial burden. It is likewise true if
the church has a group of tithers who contribute most of the money, while the rest of
the people give but little. It is true if a church has a few hardworking women raise the
funds by parties, supper, and bazaars. For real financial health a church needs
adequate financing, but it should be democratic financing. 16 Every Local church
needs adequate financial resources. It likewise needs democratic financing. The
purpose of Church finance is not simply to get the money. It is to create a
responsibility for the obligation of the Church to the membership. The wide and more
evenly that responsibility are spread, the better for the local church. Nothing
impoverishes the spiritual life of a church so much as having the financial burden
borne by a few individuals. The above statement is true if a church has a few wealthy
members who are willing to carry the financial burden. It is likewise true if the church
has a group of tithers who contribute most of the money, while the rest of the people
give but little. It is true if a church has a few hardworking women raise the funds by
parties, supper, and bazaars. For real financial health a church needs adequate
financing, but it should be democratic financing. 17

Alexander Strauch, Biblical Leadership(Secunderabad: Authentic Media,1995)68

William H. Leach, Toward a More Efficient Church(New York: Fleming H. RevellCompany,n.d)98
19. Unity In Administration
Most Denominations were born before the term “Executive procedure” had been
created. The terminology used in their theology, the concepts of church organization
and their plans for promotion came out of the era of their birth. Most of the plans
utilized the best of their period. But with changing society there has been little
change in the basic plans of organization. Because so often people claim that the
particular form of organization of the denomination is scripture there is a hesitancy to
make radical changes. As a result we have churches coming out of the past which
are trying, against tremendous odds, to serve in a executive age. The Church council
was one of the earlier efforts to get unity in the church board. The plan is to have
phase of church activity represented in a central body. Not only the trustees, the
spiritual officers, the leaders of the church school, but also the Boy Scouts, ladies
aid, men’s club, and other groups send their representative to the church cabinet.
Many churches have been able to get unity for executive procedure by unifying the
two or three boards of the church into one body. In the Presbyterian church that
mean having the church session (elders) take over the duties of the trustees. In the
Baptist and Congregation churches the duties of the trustees would be merged with
the board of deacons.18

20. Conclusion
In order to grow our church in spirituality and to function smoothly, it is highly
necessary to focus in Christ alone. The Pastor, Deacon, and the leaders need to
admit themselves first as true believers and show them the other believer’s good
examples. Why it’s so perpetually happened Church split in many countries?
Perhaps, the main root cause from the leaders of the churches. Leaders are finding
William H. Leach, Toward a More Efficient Church, n.d. 36
difficult to show them and influence the good example toward believer. The church is
the Body of Christ; it’s also included the sub-part of our body as well. Likewise, in
order to function it well, it’s must and compulsory even to all the members, and
everyone must know their own accountability or their stewardship, for the effective
function of church and Glorified God.

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