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Digos City National High School



Name: _______________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Date: ______________

Nuclear Physics
Definition & Overview:

Nuclear physics is the field of physics that studies atomic nuclei and their constituents and
interactions. Other forms of nuclear matter are also studied. Nuclear physics should not be confused
with atomic physics, which studies the atom, including its electrons.

Research in nuclear physics is an integral part of the search for knowledge and understanding
of the world in which we live. All matter is composed of a hierarchy of building blocks. Living
creatures, as well as our inanimate surroundings, are made of molecules, which are in turn made of
atoms, whose mass resides almost entirely in the nuclei. The nuclei are composed of protons and
neutrons, which ultimately consist of quarks and gluons. In the recent past, as our progress in
understanding has reached down to ever smaller scales, each hierarchical level has developed its own
sub-discipline, with its own distinct experimental and theoretical endeavors and new insights. Each
sub-discipline has produced its own range of applications, benefiting the development of society and
contributing to the scientific and technological base on which our industrial and economic strength

The science of nuclear physics concerns itself with the properties of “nuclear” matter. Such
matter constitutes the massive centers of the atoms that account for 99.9 percent of the world we see
about us. Nuclear matter is within the proton and neutron building blocks of these nuclei, and
appears in bulk form in neutron stars and in the matter that arose in the Big Bang. Nuclear physicists
study the structure and properties of such matter in its various forms, from the soup of quarks and
gluons present at the birth of our universe to the nuclear reactions in our Sun that make life possible
on Earth.

Activity 1:
Exploring Nuclear – A History of Pioneers in Nuclear Physics

I. Task 1

There have been many famous scientists and discoverers in nuclear history. Do a research to
find out those who paved the way in the field of Nuclear Physics. You may limit it to 5
significant scientists. Be sure to indicate your sources/references for proper acknowledgement.

Your gathered information will be useful in accomplishing the next task.

II. Task 2

Match the physicist given below with their contributions in the nuclear world.

Scientists Contributions
a. discovered the chemical elements radium and polonium.
The Curies’ study of radioactive elements contributed to the
1. Henri Becquerel
understanding of atoms on which modern nuclear physics is
2. Marie and Pierre Curie b. Father of nuclear physics: named and characterized alpha,
beta and gamma particle
3. Ernest Rutherford c. discovered radioactivity, the spontaneous emission of
radiation by a material.
4. Wilhelm Conrad d. Provided the theory explaining Rutherford’s model of atom
5. Niels Bohr e. discovered X-rays, a momentous event that instantly
revolutionized the fields of physics and medicine.

III. Task 3

Using the information you gathered previously, make a comics strips/ memes of the
contributions of the following scientists. (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

1. Henri Becquerel
2. Marie and Pierre Curie
3. Ernest Rutherford
4. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
5. Niels Bohr

NOTE: You may write/ prepare your answers on the following options;

1. Computerized, send the document file online.

2. Hand written, take a photo of your answers/output then send online.

*Link on where to submit the files and photos will be posted on the GC.*

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