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Write sentence of asking for permission based on the situation!


The phone is ringing. Offer to answer it.

> Would you like me to answer the phone?

1. Someone is carrying heavy bags. Offer to help.


2. You are writing a letter to a travel company. Request their brochure.


3. You are in a friend’s house. It’s hot. Ask permission to open the window.


4. Your friend needs to go to the airport. Offer to drive him / her there.


5. You are at a restaurant table with friends. Request the salt.


6. You need a day off work. Ask your boss for permission.


7. Your brother has a broken arm. Offer to tie his shoelaces.


8. Your neighbour is playing the music out loud at night. Ask her to turn it down.


III. Think of a suitable negative response to the requests and requests for permission
(number 1-8).

Complete the dialogs using expression of accepting or rejecting invitation!

I’d like to borrow your minidisc player if it is not too much trouble.

> Oh, I am sorry. I will be using it this weekend.

1. I need some fresh air. Is it Ok if I open the window?


2. Oh I have just remembered. I need to call Jan. I do not suppose it would be possible to
use your mobile for a few minutes?


3. You are going out are you? Can you just post these letters for me, please?


4. Can you take these tables and chairs and move them to the other room, please?


5. I wonder if you could help me getting the food ready tomorrow night? I have got a lot
of people coming for dinner.


Exercise 3

Lenny : our class will be end in this month, we have spent much time in our beloved
school, don’t we?

Gina : yes, our friends have discussed to make a farewell party in our school. Will you
come to the farewell party?

Lenny : it sounds great but I have to come back to my hometown in Pringsewu.

Gina : are you serious? It will be the unforgettable moment for us. please, cancel it for

Okta : we will be less happy without you.

Lenny : but my mother has sent me a flight ticket for 17 August.

Okta : the farewell party will be held on August 20th, you have time to come back Jogja

Gina : Lenny, tell to your mother that we will have a party at school.

Lenny : forgive me, I can not join you. I will go there with my niece from Jogja, it is
impossible to cancel it .

Okta : what will you do there?

Lenny : there will be a wedding party of my elder brother on August 18th. It is

impossible to get Jogja on August 20th .

Gina : oh I see. I will call you by video call s you can see the farewell party.

Okta : it is a good idea

Lenny : Thank you, the actually it is difficult choice to me.


How many people are in the dialogue? Mention

What will be held in the school?

Will Lenny follow the party? mention your answer!

Where is Lenny home?

Why will Lenny go to her home?

What will Gina do to show the farewell party to Lenny?

When will Leny go to her home?

When will the school’s party be held?

What is the synonym of the italic and bold word, “the farewell party will be held on
August 20th, you have time to come back Jogja again.”?

Why Lenny can not cancel to go to her home?

Activity 1. In pairs, Read the following dialogues then identify expressions of inviting
people, accepting, and refusing invitations.

1. A : I’d like to invite you to come the “Save our Earth” charity activity on Sunday.

B : I’d love to come. Thanks.

2. A : Would you mind coming to my house this evening?

B : I’d like to, but I’ve already planned to visit my parents.

3. A : Would you like to go to Botanical Garden ?

B : Thanks, I’d love to. What time is it?

4. A : Let’s just meet at the GREEN HOUSE, around 7:30.

B : That sounds fine.

5. A : Can you and Susan come to the eradicating mosquito breeding activity?

B : We’d love to but I’m afraid we can’t. We’re going out with friends for dinner.

Activity 2. In pairs, read the dialogues below, and then identify the expressions of inviting
people, accepting and refusing invitations.

1. At the office.

Staff : I’d like to invite you to come to my engagement party on Sunday.

Supervisor : I’d love to come. Thanks. What time is the party?

Staff : In the afternoon at 4, and please come with your spouse.

Supervisor : Okay. I’ll be there.

2. Mrs. Brown comes to Mrs. Burke’s house.

Mrs. Brown : Would you mind coming to my house this evening?

Mrs. Burke : I’d like to, but I’ve already planned to visit my parents.

Mrs. Brown : Actually, I’ll have a dinner party. We’ll celebrate our wedding anniversary.

Mrs. Burke : Oh, congratulations to you. Hopefully your wedding will

last forever.
Mrs. Brown : Thank you very much.

3. On the way home.

David : I have two tickets to Environtment charity concert on Saturday night. Would you
like to go?

Alex : Thanks, I’d love to. What time is it?

David : It’s at 8:00.

4. At school.

Jacky : There is a scientific environtment exhibition in Java Mall. It is from Thursday to

Sunday.Would you like to come with me?

Edwin : I’d love to. When will we go?

Jacky : I’ll pick you up at 4:00 p.m. Is it OK?

Edwin : That’s fine.

Activity 3 .Complete the dialogues with expressions of inviting, accepting and refusing an

1. In a doctor office.

Ronald : We would _____________ to the community services activity.

Dr. Wayne : I’d really _______ come. _________ the community services activity.

Ronald : It’s in our school hall on Sunday morning? _________invite your colleagues to
come with you?

Dr. Wayne : Oh, I’ll try. I’m proud of you, Boy. You really do a good deed.

Ronald : __________, Sir.

2. In an office.

Andrew : I have two tickets for a football game on Saturday afternoon.

___________ go with me?

Teddy : I’m sorry _______. I promised to help Diky fix his motorbike.

Andrew : Oh, it’s _______. I’ll ask another friend.

3. At school canteen

Peter : I’m having a party on Saturday, Bob. Can you and Susan ______?

Bobby : We’d ______ but I’m afraid _______. We’re going out with friends for dinner.

Peter : Oh, that’s okay.

Bobby : _______ for the invitation.

4. On the way home.

Susan : There’s a charity concert at the city hall tonight. It is at 7:30 p.m. Would

Becky : _________. But I have to go to the hospital with my mother.

We have to see my neighbour.

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