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School of Business and Accountancy

Solano, Nueva Vizcaya



The purpose of the Marketing Study is to determine the sustainability of this property for

profitable development, and to define optimal products and amenities in accordance with

projected market demand, and to project sales absorption and annual revenues from development

of this property.

Rapsa Tea-Haw Republic will be based in a place that has a mild traffic of passers-by

riders and walking people and students. The target location will be near KFC Solano and

AM/PM Lodge. The residents of the area which can either be a student, employee, business

owner of any member of the household having the capacity to buy our product will be our target


The products will be affordable for everyone and worth its price. Rapsa Tea-Haw will

also use Facebook fan page and advertisements in promoting the products offered by the

business, considering that is free and easy to access. The restaurant will be offering a bundle

promo or barkada bundle that is common to catch the eye of the customers. The restaurant will

also offer a loyalty card for every order they make, they collect points to purchase a product in

existing points they have.

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya


Rapsa Tea-Haw is intended to be wonderful place for friends, workers and students. The

restaurant will suit customers who want to experience a new taste of high-quality food trip.

Grilling is usually done by smoking the meat, which comes in different types such as

pork, chicken, beef and fish over wood or charcoal. Other grilling techniques includes roasting or

baking and braising.

Our business aims to promote a quality yet affordable and healthy food to the customer.

At the same time, be able to help the community by providing employment to the people. RTR

will strive to serve freshly cooked meal with your chosen flavor and cool beverages accompanied

with a warm and excellent service from our crew. RTR also intends to satisfy your preferences

and expectations every time you choose to buy a meal from us.


Our business was named Rapsa Tea-Haw Republic “Sarap, Milk tea and Inihaw”, which

means Tasty and yummy grilled meat which Filipinos usually love. We aim to provide and

produce a bigger and better quality more flavorful taste that you will definitely go back to and a

better service to satisfy your needs. And lastly, to known nationwide and in God’s will,

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Company Logo and Description



Rapsa Tea-Haw aims to provide happiness and joy through our good-tasting, quality and
affordable food. We are committed to provide our customers with service by demonstrating
warmth, respect and great hospitality to have them back again. To ensure that all staff who work
with us with a rewarding and friendly environment which encourages them to do their best in
every way possible.

To serve and let everyone in the country experience the best-tasting pan roasted barbecue
and mouth-watering beverages making it one of the top choices and go-to restaurant anytime and

Type of Business Organization

Rapsa Tea-Haw Republic is a General Partnership consisting of three partners and a

limited partner. The partners agreed to contribute in financing, and in the management of the

business. One of the partners decided to be a managing partner and the other three will be a

sleeping or dormant partner. The profits or losses will be divided among the partners equally.

The establishment of the business requires a capital amounting to P2,000,000. Thus, each partner

will be the source of capital, contributing a total amount of P500,000.

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya


Demand is an economic principle that describes a consumer’s desire and willingness to

pay a price for a specific good or service. Demand refers to how much (quantity) of a product or

service is desired by buyers/customers. The quantity demanded is the amount of a product people

are willing to buy at a certain price, the relationship between price and quantity demanded is

known as the demand relationship. The term demand signifies the ability or the willingness to

buy a particular commodity at a given point of time.

Based on the survey we conducted the demand of grilled products and beverages are

highly needed because there are still establishment lacking that offers a combo of different

grilled meat and ice-cold beverages that offers promo’s and discounts.

Demand Analysis

Table 18. Historical Population of Barangay Roxas and Barangay Quirino

YEAR Barangay Roxas Barangay Quirino

2015 7,954 6,220

2016 8,034 6,282

2017 8,114 6,344

2018 8,194 6,406

2019 8,274 6,468

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Projected Population

Table 20. Historical Population of Barangay Roxas and Barangay Quirino

YEAR Barangay Roxas Barangay Quirino Total Population

2020 8,354 6,530 14,884

2021 8,434 6,592 15,026

2022 8,514 6,654 15,168

2023 8,594 6,716 15,310

2024 8,674 6,778 15,452

2025 8754 6,840 15,594

*Projected Population = Previous Population x (100% + Growth Rate in Population)

*Brgy. Roxas growth rate in 2015 is 0.23% divided 5 years is 0.046%

*Brgy. Quirino growth rate in 2015 is 0.04% divided 5 years is 0.008%

Table 21: Daily Forecasted Demand of Customers

Daily Operation No. of Customers

Sunday 80
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Monday 70

Tuesday 60

Wednesday 40

Thursday 60

Friday 70

Saturday 70

The table above shows the forecasted daily customers.

The following are the forecasted peak days and lean days of the restaurant:


Monday Wednesday

Tuesday Thursday

Saturday Friday


Projected Demand

Table 20. Projected Demand

Total Number Number
Populati of of people
on of people who will
Year Brgy. who patronize Daily Once a Twice Monthly Total
Quirino buys Rapsa (11%) Week Week (23%) Demand
and grilled Tea-Haw (25%) (32%)
Brgy. meat Republic
Roxas (90%) (82%)
2021 15,026 13,523 11,089 439,124 133,068 340,654 30,606 943,452
2022 15,168 13,651 11,194 443,282 134,328 343,880 30,895 952,096
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

2023 15,310 13,779 11,299 447,440 135,588 347,105 31185 961,318

2024 15,452 13,907 11,404 451,598 136,848 350,331 31475 970,252
2025 15,594 14,035 11,509 455,756 138,108 353,557 31,765 979,186


Supply is the amount of product that producers are willing and able to sell at a given

price all other factors being held constant. Usually, supply is plotted as a supply curve showing

the relationship of price to the amount of product businesses are willing to sell.

Since the proposed business is located at Solano, Nueva Vizcaya, the only forecasted

problem is the shortage occurs, when the availability of meat products and beverages changes its

cost and when supplies decreases.

Table 21: Current Year Supply of the Competitors

Competitors 2020

Mang Inasal 170,000

Andoks 70,000

Chooks to Go 88,320

Others 46,144

Total 374,464

*based on the information given by the representative of each store

Industry Growth: 5.7%

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Table 22: Projected Supply of the Competitors

Competitors 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Mang Inasal 179,690 189,932 200.758 212,202 224,297
Andoks 73,990 78,207 82,665 87,377 92,358
Chooks to Go 93,354 98,675 104,300 110,245 116,529
Others 48,774 51,554 54,493 57,599 60,882
Total 395,508 418,370 442,217 467,423 494,066
*Projected Supply= Competitor’s current year supply *1.057

Table 22: Market Share of Competitors

Market Share of Competitors 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Mang Inasal 0.1662 0.1751 0.1846 0.1943 0.2049

Andoks 0.0684 0.0721 0.0760 0.0800 0.0844
Chooks to Go 0.0864 0.0910 0.0959 0.1009 0.1064
Others 0.0451 0.0475 0.0501 0.0527 0.0556
Total 0.3661 0.3857 0.4060 0.4279 0.4513
*Market Share of Competitors= Supply of the competitor/ Total Demand


Table 23. Monthly Demand – Supply
Year Demand Supply Demand Gap Percent Competitor’s
Unsatisfied Market Share

2021 943,452 395,508 547,944 58.08% 41.92%

2022 952,096 418,370 533,726 56.02% 43.94%

2023 961,318 442,217 519,101 53.99% 46.01%

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

2024 970,252 467,423 502,829 51.82% 48.17%

2025 979,186 494,066 485,120 49.54% 50.46%

*Demand Gap= Total Supply- Total Demand

*Percentage of Unsatisfied Demand= Demand Gap/ Total Demand
*Competitor’s Market Share= Total Supply in unit/ Demand

Table 24. Total Market Share of Rapsa Tea-Haw Republic

Year Demand Gap Market Share Annual Market Daily Market

Supply Supply

2021 547,944 8.34% 45,699 159

2022 533,726 8.79% 46,915 163

2023 519,101 9.27% 48,121 167

2024 502,829 9.75% 49,026 170

2025 485,120 10.29% 49,919 173

*Annual Market Supply = Demand Gap x Market Share of Rapsa Tea-Haw Republic/100
*Daily Market Supply=Annual Market Supply/288 (Number of Working Days)


Product Strategy

Rapsa Tea-Haw will provide its patrons the finest food and beverages. In addition, it will

offer freshly cooked barbecue, ice-cold beverages and other confectioneries prepared by our


Product Description
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Rapsa Tea-Haw provides its customers with the finest quality grilled and beverages. Each

service crew will be trained in the fine art of blending, and serving the highest quality hot and

cold beverages, with exceptional attention to details. Besides grilled meat based food, the shop

will also offer seasonal specialty drinks and other requested drinks of the customers.

Available Grilled Meat, the shop will offer to choose from:

 Pork
 Beef
 Chicken (Breast and wings/ Thigh and legs)
 Fish ( Squid, Tilapia and Bangus)

Available Grilled Meat flavor, the shop will offer to choose from:
 Originally Classic
 Buttered
 Teriyaki
 Kimchi

Available Beverages, the shop will offer to choose from:

 Juices (Green Apple/ Lemon/ Cucumber and Pineapple)

 Soft drinks (Coke Zero/ Sprite/ Royal/ Mountain Dew/RC)

From the name itself, Rapsa Tea-Haw Republic main dish is everyone’s favorite which
comes in a healthier and more flavorful version. Instead of grilling it directly, our grilled meat
products will be pan-cooked that will make our product healthier and cancer-free. When it
comes to flavor, four flavors that you can choose from. The flavors are made uniquely to provide
more exciting taste to the customers.

To enjoy more of your cancer-free grilled meat experience, our product comes in
different meat types pork, chicken, beef and fish. Per stick, ala carte and rice meal with drinks
are also included in the menu to give you more options for your meal. Our meat will be
marinated long enough for it to be more sweet, savory and flavorful. It will be freshly cooked
and served hot with side dish of tomato and cucumber for dine-in customers.
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Price for Solo Products:

Table 25: Pricing for Originally Classic Pork

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Pork 1 kg P350.00

Soy Sauce 2 cup 20.00

Calamansi 20 pcs 10.00

Brown Sugar 1/8 kg 7.00

Garlic 10 cloves 5.00

Salt 2 tsp 2.00

Pepper 1 tsp 10.00

Banana Ketchup 4 cups 20.00

Sprite 8 ounce 15.00

Stick 30 pcs 15.00

Oyster Sauce 1 sachet 13.00

Subtotal P467.00

Production Cost P115.00

Subtotal P582.00

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 30

Unit Cost 19.40

Add: Mark up @ 30% 5.82

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Price before VAT 25.22

Add: 12% VAT 3.02

Total 28.24


Table 26: Pricing for Buttered Pork

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Pork 1 kg P350.00

Skippy Butter 2 tbsp 10.00

Soy Sauce 1 cup 10.00

Red Wine Vinegar 2 tbsp 10.00

Garlic 10 cloves 5.00

Powdered Ginger 1 tsp 10.00

Sesame Seeds 1 tbsp 12.00

Olive Oil 2 Tbsp 10.00

Ginger root 4 tbsp 10.00

Black Pepper 3/4 tsp 20.00

Subtotal 447

Production Cost 115

Subtotal 562

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 25

Unit Cost 22.48

Add: Mark up @ 30% 6.74

Price before VAT 29.22

Add: 12% VAT 3.51

Total 32.32
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya


Table 27: Pricing for Kimchi Pork

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Pork 1 kg P350.00

Rice Wine Vinegar 1/2 cup 10.00

Soy Sauce 4 tbsp 10.00

Korean hot pepper paste 3/4 cup 10.00

Minced Garlic 4 tbsp 5.00

Ginger root 4 tbsp 10.00

Red Pepper flakes 3 tbsp 12.00

Black Pepper 3/4 tsp 20.00

White Sugar 4 tbsp 10.00

White Onion 4 pcs 10.00

Canola Oil ¼ cup 5.00

Kimchi 1 tub 75.00

Subtotal P527.00

Production Cost 115.00

Subtotal P642.00

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 30

Unit Cost 21.4

Add: Mark up @ 30% 6.42

Price before VAT 27.82

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Add: 12% VAT 3.34

Total 31.16


Table 28: Pricing for Pork Teriyaki

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Pork 1 Kg P350.00

Teriyaki Sauce 24 Ounce 105.00

Minced Garlic 4 tbsp 5.00

Ginger root 4 tbsp 10.00

Black Pepper ¾ tsp 20.00

White Onion 4 pcs 10.00

Subtotal P500.00

Production Cost 115.00

Subtotal P615.00

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 30

Unit Cost 20.5

Add: Mark up @ 30% 6.15

Price before VAT 26.65

Add: 12% VAT 3. 20

Total 29.84


School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Table 29: Pricing for Plain Rice

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Rice 1 kg P60.00

Pandan Leaves 3 leaves 15.00

Subtotal 75.00

Production Cost 115.00

Subtotal 190.00

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 20

Unit Cost 9.50

Add: Mark up @ 30% 2.85

Price before VAT 12.35

Add: 12% VAT 1.50

Total 13.83


Table 30: Pricing for Garlic Rice

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Rice 1 kg P60.00
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Minced Garlic 10 cloves 5.00

Canola Oil 1 cup 20.00

Subtotal 85.00

Production Cost 115.00

Subtotal 200.00

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 20

Unit Cost 10.00

Add: Mark up @ 30% 3.00

Price before VAT 13.00

Add: 12% VAT 1.56

Total 14.56


Table 31: Pricing for Originally Classic Chicken

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Chicken 1 kg P220.00

Soy Sauce 2 cup 20.00

Calamansi 20 pcs 10.00

Brown Sugar 1/8 kg 7.00

Garlic 10 cloves 5.00

Salt 2 tsp 2.00

Pepper 1 tsp 10.00

Banana Ketchup 4 cups 20.00

Sprite 8 ounce 15.00

Large Sticks 8 pcs 15.00

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Oyster Sauce 1 sachet 13.00

Subtotal 337.00

Production Cost 115.50

Subtotal 452.50

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 8

Unit Cost 56.56

Add: Mark up @ 30% 16.97

Price before VAT 73.53

Add: 12% VAT 8.82

Total 82.35


Table 32: Pricing for Buttered Chicken

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Chicken 1 kg P220.00

Skippy Butter 2 tbsp 20.00

Soy Sauce 1 cup 10.00

Red Wine Vinegar 2 tbsp 10.00

Garlic 10 cloves 5.00

Powdered Ginger 1 tsp 10.00

Sesame Seeds 1 tbsp 12.00

Olive Oil 2 Tbsp 10.00

Ginger root 4 tbsp 10.00

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Black Pepper ¾ tsp 20.00

Large Sticks 8 pcs 15.00

Subtotal 342.00

Production Cost 115.50

Subtotal 457.50

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 8

Unit Cost 57.19

Add: Mark up @ 30% 17.16

Price before VAT 74.35

Add: 12% VAT 8.92

Total 83.27


Table 33: Pricing for Kimchi Chicken

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Chicken 1 kg P220.00

Rice Wine Vinegar ½ cup 10.00

Soy Sauce 4 tbsp 10.00

Korean hot pepper paste ¾ cup 10.00

Minced Garlic 4 tbsp 5.00

Ginger root 4 tbsp 10.00

Red Pepper flakes 3 tbsp 12.00

Black Pepper ¾ tsp 20.00

White Sugar 4 tbsp 10.00

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

White Onion 4 pcs 10.00

Canola Oil ¼ cup 5.00

Kimchi ½ tub 37.50

Large Sticks 10 pcs 15.00

Subtotal 374.50

Production Cost 115.50

Subtotal 490.00

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 8

Unit Cost 61.95

Add: Mark up @ 30% 18.34

Price before VAT 80.33

Add: 12% VAT 9.64

Total 89.97


Table 34: Pricing for Chicken Teriyaki

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Chicken 1 Kg P220.00

Teriyaki Sauce 24 Ounce 105.00

Minced Garlic 4 tbsp 5.00

Ginger root 4 tbsp 10.00

Black Pepper ¾ tsp 20.00

White Onion 4 pcs 10.00

Large Sticks 10 pcs 15.00

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Subtotal 385.00

Production Cost 115.50

Subtotal 500.5

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 8

Unit Cost 62.56

Add: Mark up @ 30% 18.77

Price before VAT 81.33

Add: 12% VAT 9.76

Total 91.09


Table 35: Pricing for Beef Teriyaki

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Beef 1 Kg P380.00

Teriyaki Sauce 24 Ounce 105.00

Minced Garlic 4 tbsp 5.00

Ginger root 4 tbsp 10.00

Black Pepper ¾ tsp 20.00

White Onion 4 pcs 10.00

Large Sticks 10 pcs 15.00

Subtotal P545.00

Production Cost 115.00

Subtotal P660.00
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 20

Unit Cost 33.00

Add: Mark up @ 30% 9.90

Price before VAT 42.90

Add: 12% VAT 5.15

Total 48.05


Table 36: Pricing for Beef Kimchi

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Beef 1 kg P380.00

Rice Wine Vinegar ½ cup 10.00

Soy Sauce 4 tbsp 10.00

Korean hot pepper paste ¾ cup 10.00

Minced Garlic 4 tbsp 5.00

Ginger root 4 tbsp 10.00

Red Pepper flakes 3 tbsp 12.00

Black Pepper ¾ tsp 20.00

White Sugar 4 tbsp 10.00

White Onion 4 pcs 10.00

Canola Oil ¼ cup 5.00

Kimchi 1 tub 75.00

Large Sticks 10 pcs 15.00

Subtotal P572.00
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Production Cost 115.00

Subtotal P687.50

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 20

Unit Cost 34.38

Add: Mark up @ 30% 4.47

Price before VAT 38.85

Add: 12% VAT 4.66

Total 43.51


Table 37: Pricing for Grilled Squid

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Squid 1 kg P180.00

Soy Sauce 2 cup 20.00

Calamansi 20 pcs 10.00

Brown Sugar 1/8 kg 7.00

Garlic 10 cloves 5.00

Salt 2 tsp 2.00

Pepper 1 tsp 10.00

Banana Ketchup 4 cups 20.00

Sprite 8 ounce 15.00

Large Sticks 8 pcs 15.00

Oyster Sauce 1 sachet 13.00

Subtotal 297.00

Production Cost 115.50

Subtotal 412.50
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 4

Unit Cost 103.13

Add: Mark up @ 30% 30.94

Price before VAT 134.07

Add: 12% VAT 16.09

Total 150.16


Table 38: Pricing for Buttered Squid

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Squid 1 kg P180.00

Skippy Butter 2 tbsp 20.00

Soy Sauce 1 cup 10.00

Red Wine Vinegar 2 tbsp 10.00

Garlic 10 cloves 5.00

Powdered Ginger 1 tsp 10.00

Sesame Seeds 1 tbsp 12.00

Olive Oil 2 Tbsp 10.00

Ginger root 4 tbsp 10.00

Black Pepper ¾ tsp 20.00

Large Sticks 8 pcs 15.00

Subtotal 302.00

Production Cost 115.50

Subtotal 417.50

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 4

Unit Cost 104.38

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Add: Mark up @ 30% 31.31

Price before VAT 135.69

Add: 12% VAT 16.28

Total 151.97


Table 39: Pricing for Kimchi Squid

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Squid 1 kg P220.00

Rice Wine Vinegar ½ cup 10.00

Soy Sauce 4 tbsp 10.00

Korean hot pepper paste ¾ cup 10.00

Minced Garlic 4 tbsp 5.00

Ginger root 4 tbsp 10.00

Red Pepper flakes 3 tbsp 12.00

Black Pepper ¾ tsp 20.00

White Sugar 4 tbsp 10.00

White Onion 4 pcs 10.00

Canola Oil ¼ cup 5.00

Kimchi ½ tub 37.50

Large Sticks 10 pcs 15.00

Subtotal 334.50

Production Cost 115.50

Subtotal 450.00
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 4

Unit Cost 112.5

Add: Mark up @ 30% 33.75

Price before VAT 146.25

Add: 12% VAT 17.55

Total 163.80


Table 40: Pricing for Grilled Bangus

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Bangus 1 kg P230.00

Soy Sauce 2 cup 20.00

Calamansi 20 pcs 10.00

Brown Sugar 1/8 kg 7.00

Garlic 10 cloves 5.00

Salt 2 tsp 2.00

Pepper 1 tsp 10.00

Sprite 8 ounce 15.00

Oyster Sauce 1 sachet 13.00

Subtotal 312.00

Production Cost 115.50

Subtotal 427.50

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 4

Unit Cost 106.75

Add: Mark up @ 30% 32.03

Price before VAT 135.78

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Add: 12% VAT 16.30

Total 152.07


Table 41: Pricing for Originally Classic Grilled Tilapia

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Piece

Tilapia 1 kg P150.00

Soy Sauce 2 cup 20.00

Calamansi 20 pcs 10.00

Brown Sugar 1/8 kg 7.00

Garlic 10 cloves 5.00

Salt 2 tsp 2.00

Pepper 1 tsp 10.00

Sprite 8 ounce 15.00

Oyster Sauce 1 sachet 13.00

Subtotal 232.00

Production Cost 115.50

Subtotal 347.50

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 4

Unit Cost 86.88

Add: Mark up @ 30% 26.06

Price before VAT 112.94

Add: 12% VAT 13.55

Total 126.50


School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Table 42: Pricing for Juices

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price/ Cup

Green Apple 1 kg 150.00

Four Season 1 kg 170.00

Lemonade 1 kg 105.00

Pineapple 1 kg 110.00

Mineral Water 4 gal 120.00

Subtotal 655.00

Production Cost 115.50

Subtotal 770.50

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 100

Unit Cost 7.71

Add: Mark up @ 30% 2.31

Price before VAT 10.02

Add: 12% VAT 1.20

Total 11.22


Table 43: Pricing for Soft drinks

Ingredients Quantity Unit Price

Coke Zero 1.5 liter 135.00

Coke 1.5 liters 120.00

Sprite 1.5 liters 125.00

Royal 1.5 liters 120.00

Ice 1 pack 80.00

Subtotal 580.00

Production Cost 115.50

School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Subtotal 695.50

Divide: Total No. of Servings per Batch 40

Unit Cost 17.39

Add: Mark up @ 30% 5.22

Price before VAT 22.61

Add: 12% VAT 2.71

Total 25.32


Ala Carte Products:

Table 31: Pricing for Originally Classic Pork Ala Carte (2pcs+ Rice)

Quantity Unit Price

Pork BBQ 2 pcs MEAL #1

Rice 1 cup


Table 32: Pricing for Buttered Pork Ala Carte (2pcs+ Rice)

Quantity Unit Price

Pork BBQ 2 pcs MEAL #2

Rice 1 cup


School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Table 33: Pricing for Kimchi Pork Ala Carte (2pcs+ Rice)

Quantity Unit Price

Pork BBQ 2 pcs MEAL #3

Rice 1 cup


Table 34: Pricing for Teriyaki Pork Ala Carte (2pcs+ Rice)

Quantity Unit Price

Pork BBQ 2 pcs MEAL #4

Rice 1 cup


Table 35: Pricing for Teriyaki Beef Ala Carte (2pcs+ Rice)

Quantity Unit Price

Beef BBQ 2 pcs MEAL #5

Rice 1 cup


Table 36: Pricing for Kimchi Beef Ala Carte (2pcs+ Rice)

Quantity Unit Price

Beef BBQ 2 pcs MEAL #6

Rice 1 cup


School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Table 37: Pricing for Originally Classic Chicken Ala Carte (2pcs+ Rice)

Quantity Unit Price

Chicken BBQ 2 pcs MEAL #7

Rice 1 cup


Table 38: Pricing for Buttered Chicken Ala Carte (2pcs+ Rice)

Quantity Unit Price

Chicken BBQ 2 pcs MEAL #8

Rice 1 cup


Table 39: Pricing for Kimchi Chicken Ala Carte (2pcs+ Rice)

Quantity Unit Price

Chicken BBQ 2 pcs MEAL #9

Rice 1 cup


Table 40: Pricing for Teriyaki Chicken Ala Carte (2pcs+ Rice)

Quantity Unit Price

Chicken BBQ 2 pcs MEAL 10

Rice 1 cup


School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Table 41: Pricing for Bundle 1

Quantity Unit

Squid 1 pc

Pork 2 pcs

Beef 2 pcs Barkada Bundle

Bangus 1 pc (3-5pax)

Beverages 1 bottomless

Rice - unlimited

Soup - unlimited

Grilled Veggies 1 Plate



School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Table 42: Pricing for Bundle 2

Quantity Unit

Tilapia 3 pcs

Chicken 4 pcs

Pork 3 pcs Family Bundle

Beef 3 pcs (6-8 pax)

Beverages 1 bottomless

Rice - unlimited

Soup - unlimited

Grilled Veggies 1 plate




Rapsa Tea-Haw will purchase its supplies from various suppliers such as Sibung

Corporation , Ayang Fisheries and JanJan Chicken House since they have good reputations.
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

These international suppliers deliver quality and affordable products. Other emergency purchases

will be from nearby supermarkets.


Rapsa Tea-Haw will use state of grilling machines and other equipment in order to

deliver and provide quality products and services.

Future Products

As seasons change, the shop will be offering products that will enhance sales and satisfy

its customers' desires. The shop will also have special desserts during holiday seasons, such as

Halo-Halo, Mais conyelo and new meat flavor depending on the season. The shop will also take

note of the peak sales during pay day and school events to offer more products. Its primary desire

will be to listen to its customers to ascertain what they are looking for most and provide it.

Service Strategy

Rapsa Tea-Haw Republic competent and certified service crews will be giving quick and

quality Dine-In and Take-out Service to our valuable clients. To further maximize the daily

market, operating hours will have an early shift to meet the high demand during mornings.

Pricing Strategy
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

The Shop’s pricing will be comparable to the competition, but with the value-added

feature of immediate service and convenience. The recipe costing, price list and direct costing

are shown in Appendices respectively. Based on the recipe costing and price list, the direct

material cost is % of the retail price while % is allocated to the direct labor cost. The remaining

is broken down to 30% markup. Buffer in this case means additional cushion for increases in

prices of inputs. The mark-up is the value added to the cost price of the product which then

becomes the retail price. Majority of the retail prices fall under peso range to present

affordability for high quality food and beverage. In order to entice potential customers, a “ food

and beverage of the day” on discounted price can be scheduled on off peak months of December

to March.

Promotion Strategy

Strategically, Rapsa Tea-Haw Republic has a very convenient location in a great ease of

access. The shop will be implementing a low cost advertising/promotion campaign which could

involve distributing flyers and also word of mouth that has always proven to be the greatest

advertising program a company can instill. There will also be banners, panaflex advertisements

and tarpaulins installed in a number of strategic parts of the Municipality. There will be several

sales strategies which can be put into by giving coupons to regular clients, the shop will also give

free drinks to clients who will purchase 30 meals within a month. To further boost presence

online, a social media page in Facebook or Instagram can be setup to highlight the same

advertisements. Promotional activities that highlight shares and likes of Rapsa Tea-Haw’s

products will also be conducted. Moreover, visibility of products and services around the

municipality can be boosted by providing the price list in each building or office. This can lead
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

potential customers to try out the products and remind current customers to make daily



Sales Plan Demand Gap % of Market Share Market Share

2021 547,944
2022 533,726
2023 519,101
2024 502,829
2025 485,120

Pork: In Unit Price In Pesos
Originally Classic Pork per P29.00
Originally Classic Pork Ala P76.00
Subtotal 100.00%
In Unit Price In Pesos
Buttered Pork per Stick P33.00
Buttered Pork Ala Carte P83.00
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Subtotal 100.00%
In Unit In Pesos
Kimchi Pork per Stick P32.00
Kimchi Pork Ala Carte P81.00
Subtotal 100.00%
In Unit In Pesos
Teriyaki Pork per Stick P30.00
Teriyaki Pork Ala Carte P77.00
Subtotal 100.00%
Chicken: In Unit Price In Pesos
Originally Classic Chicken per P
Originally Classic Chicken Ala
Subtotal 100.00%
In Unit In Pesos
Buttered Chicken per Stick
Buttered Chicken Ala Carte
Subtotal 100.00%
In Unit In Pesos
Kimchi Chicken per Stick
Kimchi Chicken Ala Carte
Subtotal 100.00%
In Unit In Pesos
Teriyaki Chicken per Stick
Teriyaki Chicken Ala Carte
Subtotal 100.00%
Beef: In Unit In Pesos
Kimchi Beef per Stick
Kimchi Beef Ala Carte
Subtotal 100.00%
In Unit In Pesos
Teriyaki Beef per Stick
Teriyaki Beef Ala Carte
Subtotal 100.00%

Pork: In Unit Price In Pesos
Originally Classic Pork per Stick P29.00
Originally Classic Pork Ala Carte P76.00
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

Subtotal 100.00%
In Unit Price In Pesos
Buttered Pork per Stick P29.00
Buttered Pork Ala Carte P76.00
Subtotal 100.00%
In Unit Price In Pesos
Kimchi Pork per Stick P29.00
Kimchi Pork Ala Carte P76.00
Subtotal 100.00%
In Unit Price In Pesos
Teriyaki Pork per Stick P29.00
Teriyaki Pork Ala Carte P76.00
Subtotal 100.00%

In Unit Price In Pesos
Originally Classic Pork per Stick P30.00
Originally Classic Pork Ala Carte P77.00
Subtotal 100.00%

In Unit Price In Pesos
Originally Classic Pork per Stick P31.00
Originally Classic Pork Ala Carte P79.00
Subtotal 100.00%

In Unit Price In Pesos
Originally Classic Pork per Stick P32.00
Originally Classic Pork Ala Carte P81.00
Subtotal 100.00%

Sales Forecast
School of Business and Accountancy
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya


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