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Code : C BA Skill Assessment

Answer All Questions

Duration : 1.5 Hours ( 90 Minutes)

Total Marks : 100 Marks

Pass percentage is 80%


Q1. What are BA Thumb rules 5 Marks

Q2. Write about a relationships in OOA ? 5 Marks
Q3. What is RTM? Give a sample RTM and how it is managed through SDLC? 5 Marks
Q4.What are different Documents that can be used in a project ,you are aware of ? 5 Marks
Q5.Why Projects fail? 5 Marks
Q6. How a BA handles Business Requirements, User Requirements and Functional Requirements
5 Marks
Q7.A customer can make a payment either by credit card or Debit Card or Cash or by Net banking.
Derive Boundary Classes, Controller classes, Entity Classes . Place these classes on a three tier
Architecture and Draw a sequence diagram for payment done by Customer through Credit Card
10 Marks
Q 8. Explain all elements of an Activity Diagram and What is the difference between Fork, Join and
Branch , Merge in an Activity Diagram? What is difference between Guard Condition and Event?
10 Marks

Q 9. What are the various international Bodies of Business Analysis? And what certifications on BA is
available? Name them along with Qualifications and Exam fees. 10 Marks

Q 10.Draw a Use case Diagram and Activity Diagram 15 Marks

Railway Reservation System is a system used for booking tickets over internet. Any Customer Can book
tickets for different trains. Customer can book a ticket only if the tickets are available. Customer
searches for the availability of tickets then if the tickets are available he books the tickets by initially
filling details in a form. Tickets can be booked in two ways by i-ticket or by e-ticket booking.

In case of i-ticket booking customer can book the tickets online and the tickets are couriered to
Particular customer at their address. But in case of e-ticket booking and cancelling tickets are booked
and cancelled online sitting at the home and customer himself has to take print of the ticket but in both
the cases amount for tickets are deducted from customers account.

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Code : C BA Skill Assessment
For cancellation of ticket the customer has to go at reservation office than fill cancellation form and ask
the clerk to cancel the ticket than the refund is transferred to customer account. After booking ticket
the customer has to checkout by paying fare amount to clerk.

Q 11. What are the roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst in given phases? 25 Marks
Phases Tasks of BA and contributions Resources Associated
and Artifacts
Requirements Before Project Kick off
Coding /
Deployment and

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