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What are the advantages and disadvantages of Free Health Care?

Before the Free Health Care is introduced, there was an insurance system in Germany
(1883) called “Sickness Insurance Law” wherein companies deduct a certain amount from their
salary and save it as their sick funds.
Free Health care is music to the ears to any person because it doesn’t just lessen bills but
saves a lot of lives. People can be healthier as they grow since the healthcare will focus to
everyone with any socio-economic background, and with this access it can increase productivity
thus boosting one’s economy. Competition between the health care facilities is also known, from
the quality care they deliver to the machines they have available.
So, let’s talk about its cons! Free Health care means a lot of patients so there is the
possibility of understaffing between doctors and nurses. Furthermore, the quality of the services
given may not be satisfactory because of increase in patients. Some will disregard healthy ways
of living and less concern about their health because they can just swing by the hospital or clinic
for free. The healthcare system is very expensive for sure meaning the government funds will be
not enough.
Having a Free Health Care System is indeed a must for each nation but it should not be
taken for granted since there is lot of responsibility concerning it.

Napit, R., & Poutintsev, F. (2021, March 9). 11 pros and cons of free healthcare. Honest Pros
and Cons. Retrieved January 11, 2022, from
Kandie, L. (2021, February 23). What are the advantages and disadvantages of Free Health
Care? Briefly. Retrieved January 11, 2022, from

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