Applications of Fractal Signals: Dumitru ŞCHEIANU and Ion Tutănescu

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Applications of Fractal Signals

Dumitru ŞCHEIANU * and Ion TUTĂNESCU **

University of Piteşti, Electronics, Communications and Computers Department,
Târgul din Vale Str., No. 1, Postal Code 110040, Piteşti - Argeş, Romania, E-Mail:
Department of Importance,
University of Piteşti, Electronics, Communications and Computers Department,
Târgul din Vale Str., No. 1, Postal Code 110040, Piteşti - Argeş, Romania, E-Mail:

Abstract - "Fractal" term - which in Latin language The components xi(t) are described by the following
defines something fragmented anomalous - was mathematical equations:
introduced in mathematics by B. B. Mandelbrot in 1 2 ; t ∈ T+ = [− τ 0 , τ 0 ]
1975. He avoided to define it rigorously and used it to x 0 (t ) =  (1)
designate some "rugged" and "self-similar" 0 ; t ∉ T+
geometrical forms. Fractals were involved in the theory
of chaotic dynamic systems and used to designate 1 21 ; t ∈ T1 = [− (1 3)τ 0 , (1 3)τ 0 ]
certain specific sets; finally, they were “captured” by x 1 (t ) = − 1 21 ; t ∈ T+ − T1
0 ; t ∉ T
geometry and remarked in tackling of the boundary  +

problems. It proved that the fractals can be of interest 1 2 2 ; t ∈ T2 = [− (7 9)τ 0 ,−(5 9 )τ 0 ] ∪ [− (1 9)τ 0 , (1 9)τ 0 ] ∪ [(5 9)τ 0 , (7 9 )τ 0 ]
even in the signal’s theory. x 2 (t ) = − 1 2 2 ; t ∈ T+ − T2
0 ; t ∉ T
 +

x i (t ) = . . .
In the category of fractals there are included also the
images whose description by conventionally ways of x0 2τ0
mathematics is, in principle, impossible. 1
If to a 2D image (x, y) is added a third dimension (t), we 0
have a bi-dimensional fractal signal. In such a signal, the 2τ0/3
fractal nature is manifested in (x, y) plan, having no 0,5

connection with temporal dimension.

In order to consider a scalar signal as a fractal signal, the t

scalar signal has to fulfill three conditions related to the x2

0,25 2τ0/32
time domain:
- signal’s chart extension on time domain has to be
endless, x3
- scalar signal has to be continuous everywhere and t
T+ T-
- signal has not to have a differential form on time T0

domain. Figure 1 - Fractal signal’s components.

The structure of fractal signal proposed in this paper is
only one from an infinity of structures to be imagined.
If, for the first period, the summation of the signal’s
components is done according to the following relations
FRACTAL SIGNAL x + (t ) = ∑ x i (t ) ; t ∈ T+
i =0

The construction of a fractal signal is realized on the base x − (t ) = − ∑ x i (t − 2τ 0 ) ; t ∈ T−
of some periodic pulses, as shown in Figure 1. i =0
Let’s consider a period of time and the result is divided into periods, we obtain the
T0 = 4τ0 fractal signal:
for the first alternation (half-period) T+ (considered
centered by the axis of the time). [
s f (t ) = x + (t ) + x − (t ) ] T0 (4)
The first component, x0(t), is a continuous signal and its The evolution of signal’s aspect during its making-up is
amplitude is equal with the unit. The following shown in Figure 2.
components, x1(t), x2(t), a.s.o. are bipolar pulses derived
The superscripts "+" and "-" assigned to function x(t),
by division to 3 of the alternation (half-period).
x+(t), respective x-(t), say that these are defined on the continuity and non-differentiability are thoroughly
half-periods T+ and T-, presented in the Figure 1. remarked from its making-up process; also, it is remarked
The described fractal signal does not belong to the class that it integrates a infinity of first rang discontinuity
of the functions defined in this paper as signals. Its points.

s0 2τ0/30

2τ0/31 t


s2 2τ0/32



0,12 5

Figure 2 - Fractal signal’s making-up process.

Every time this signal’s amplitude belongs to the interval  ∞

 ∑ x 0 (t − nT 0 ) ; t ∈ [T + ]T0
[-2, 2]. Clearly, its contour length comprises two [x 0 (t )] +
T0 =  n = −∞
constructional parts:
0 ; t ∉ [T + ]T0

- one of them, on the time axis, being finite,  ∞
 ∑ x 1 (t − nT 0 ) ; t ∈ [T + ]T0 (6)
- the other one, made of the amplitudes (the sum of [x 1 (t )]T+ =  n = −∞
; t ∉ [T + ]T
amplitude “jumps”), being infinite.  0

Over a period T0 this length is: [x i (t )]T+ 0

= ...
∞  3 n
L = (T0 + 4u ) + 2 ∑   u = L ∞ (5) The next step consists in determination of Amplitude
n =0 2  Spectral Density Function, ASDF:
where u is the unit amplitude.
Note: The nature of fractal signal is given by the x (t) + 0
{ ∞ 
X 0+ (ω) = F [x 0 (t )]T+ = πSa (ωτ 0 ) ∑ δ ω − n
n = −∞ 
}2π 

T0 

function. Considering function x(t) divided into periods,

we can conclude that some fractal signals could be
“everywhere” and others exist only on given time
X1+ (ω) = F [x1 (t )]T+ = } 2π  4τ0

 τ  τ  ∞  2π 
Sa ω 0  − 0 Sa(ωτ0 ) ∑ δ ω − n 
4τ0  (2 *3)1  3  20 T0 
n=−∞ 

intervals. {
X+2 (ω) = F [x 2 (t )]T+ = } 2π  4τ0 
  cosω
4τ0  (2 *3)2 
− 2τ0
2τ   τ  τ 
+1+ cosω 0 Sa ω 02  − 01 Sa(ωτ0 ) ×
3   3  2 

∞ 
2π 
× ∑ δ ω − n 
n =−∞  T0 
X3+ (ω) = F [x 3 (t )]T+ =
} 2π  4τ0 

− 8τ − 6τ − 4τ − 2τ
 cosω 2 0 + cosω 2 0 + cosω 2 0 + cosω 2 0 +
4τ0  (2 *3)3  3 3 3 3
From spectral point of view, being conceived as a 2τ0 4τ0 6τ0 8τ0   τ0  τ0  ∞  2π 
+1+ cosω + cosω + cosω + cosω Sa ω  − Sa(ωτ0 ) ∑ δ ω − n 
periodical function, to this type of signal corresponds a 32 32 32 32   33  22 n=−∞  T0 
spectrum made from lines. First of all, for its 2π  4τ l 2τ0   τ0  τ0  ∞  2π  3i−1 −1
Xi+ (ω) =  0
∑ cosmω Sa ω i  − i−1 Sa(ωτ0 ) ∑ δ ω − n  ; l =
determination, we will proceed to the dividing into 4τ0 
 (2 *3)
i  
3   3  2 n=−∞  T0 2
periods of xi+(t):
The determination of Fourier Transform FT for xi (t ) T [ ]− 0

functions it will be done similarly. Having in view that

these are the result of inversion and translation of

[xi (t )]T+ functions, we have: 

τ τ0
sin ω 0 sin ω i

0 ∞ 2 π
S fc (ω) = 2∑  3 3 =
− jω
T0 
i =1 (2 * 3)
i τ0 τ0 
X i− (ω) = − X i+ (ω)e 2 (9)  sin ω i ω i  (19)
 3 3 
By summation of components’ contributions on both 4π  τ 
semi-periods, the spectrum generated by a component = Sa  ω 0 
3  3 
[ ]
xi (t ) T is:0 Finally, ASDF of the fractal signal already described is
X i (ω ) = F [x i (t )]T+0 + [x i (t )]T−0 = } done by the relation
4π  τ 0  ∞  2π 
 S f (ω) = Sa  ω  ∑ δω − (2n + 1)  (20)
− jω 0  (10) 3  3 n = −∞ 
4τ 0 
M = X i+ (ω )1 − e 2 
  and is presented in Figure 3.
The spectrum of sf(t) is the summation of components’ The fractal signal being even, its Fourier Transform is
spectra: real. It can be noticed that to the rugged form from the
temporal domain corresponds a conventional convolute
∞   − jω
Sf (ω) = ∑ X i+ (ω)1 − e
 2
(11) function.
i =0   S
The terms containing Sa(ωτ0) function (see relations 8) π
are part of the following expression, A(ω): δ
 ∞ π 
A (ω ) =  π − ∑ i Sa (ωτ 0 ) × π 9π
 i =1 2 
(12) 3

2 π  
∞  − jω 0
=0 1π 5π
× ∑ δ  ω − n  1− e 2 3π
n = −∞  T0  
2τ 2τ
  2τ
This expression is equal to zero due to the first factor.
Thus, the relation (11) should be written as we can see Figure 3 - Spectral presentation of the fractal signal.
∞  2π  ∞  2π  
l 2τ   τ0 − jω 0

S f (ω) = ∑  Sa  ω  ∑ δ ω − n  1− e 2 IV. PROBABILITY ANALYSIS OF FRACTAL
 (2 * 3)i m∑
cos mω i0 
i =1  3   3i  n = −∞  T0  
 = − l    SIGNAL
Taking into consideration that this relation is unequal to It is interesting to analyze this type of signal from
zero on frequencies probabilistic point of view. Therefore, if we consider the
ωn = n

(14) set of time intervals τ 0 3i whereon si signal doesn’t
T0 change its value (see Figure 2) and accept the idea that
and that their distribution is uniform on t axis, it is possible to
− jω n
T0 define fractal signal’s probability density function p(s) as
1− e 2 = 1 − e − jnπ = ... 0, 2, 0, ... (15) a weight of the temporal intervals length in which the
signal takes a certain value on the temporal axis’ length.
the signal’s spectral function may be written as the
multiplication of convolute function Sfc(ω) by Dirac By successive summation, our result is the percentile
impulse series P(s), as we can see in Figure 4. Because the structure of
fractal signal is similar in both positive and negative
∞  π 
Sf (ω) = Sfc (ω) ∑ δ ω − (2n + 1)  (16) domain, these function’s form were presented in Fig. 4 in

n = −∞ 2τ
0 positive domain only.
The expression of convolute function is: Given the signal’s nature, the probability density function
is formed by weighted Dirac impulses, and the percentile
∞  2π l 2τ 
S fc (ω) = 2∑  i ∑
cos mω i0  × by a multi-stage function.
 3 
 (2 * 3) m = − l
i =1 
Construction of the probability density function begins
from the case of s1 density probability function (which
 τ 0 
× Sa  ω i  presents two lines of amplitude 0,5δ ) and is realized
 3  according to the following rule: every line corresponding
Because to the signal si generates two lines for the signal si+1,
τ delayed with ±2-I from the line corresponding to the
sin ω 0
l 2τ 0 3 signal si . Their size is in a ratio of ½, the biggest line
∑ cos mω i = τ0
(18) being that one which is situated on s axis.
m=−l 3 sin ω i When the index i is in infinite sub-domain, the lines’
amplitudes which forms the probability density function
we can write: becomes finite, and the distance between them becomes
The percentile function, beyond the aspect relatively With other words, to the fractal signal we can associate -
common, does not show a characteristic of the fractal by construction - the pair formed by the probability
signal, because its bent can vary from a line to another; density function and the percentile function; but, going
when the index i comes into infinite values sub-domain, from one to other function is not possible.
P(s) becomes a non-differentiable function.
p P
4 /1 8 δ

s2 2 2/1 8

1 /1 8

s 0,5 s
0 1 /4 7 /4 2 0 1 /4 7 /4 2

8 /5 4

6 2/5 4

1 /5 4
s 0,5
0 1 /8 1 3/8 2 0 1 /8 1 3/8 2

1 6/1 62 δ

1 78 /16 2

1 /1 6 2 s 0,5 s
0 1 /1 6 2 9/1 6 2 0 1 /1 6 2 9/1 6 2

Figure 4 - The construction of probability density function and percentile function

associated to the fractal signal.

To determine the temporal moments is relative easily. So, assimilated to a stochastic process’ trajectory. Anyway,
starting from the construction of the signal, we can there is a very important difference.
directly affirm that the average value is zero and, It is well known that a certain trajectory of a stochastic
consequently, the centered moments will be equal with process can’t be recovered on the base of an value set, as
the direct moments. Therefore, the dispersion will be much and as well this set is chosen. In the case of the
equal to the second order moment and - because of the fractal signals, besides a values set, it is known a very
signal’s similitude on the space of T+ and T+ - it may be important thing – the construction’s algorithm. The
calculated on the positive alternation problem is to find the best way for enlarge its cognition in
1 2 τ0 2 1 ∞ 1  comparison with the case of a certain trajectory of a
σ2 = ∫ s f (t )dt = 2τ ∑  i 
2τ 0 0
stochastic process.
0 i=0  2 

and it has the finite value 2/(3τ0).

Some applications of the fractal signals:

The study of fractal signals has proved to be important in

several scientific domains. The examples of processes
described by such functions include: bio-signals (by
A thought-provoking problem is to frame this signal into
example, heartbeat oscillations), elementary cellular
an ordinary class.
automata, speech signals, communications (by example,
If the index i is finite, the signal is determined, this network traffic), etc. These possible applications are
meaning that the signal is altogether knowable, on its shortly presented below:
entire evolution. - Using analysis methods for quantify long-range
If the index i is situated into infinite values sub-domain, power-law correlations in noisy heartbeat fluctuations, the
the signal is one of fractal type and the associated human heartbeat dynamics under healthy and pathologic
probability density function and percentile function take conditions can be analyzed. There were found power-law
some specific characteristics from the fractal signal. correlations which indicate the presence of scale-
This signal isn’t a stochastic process, its values domain invariant, fractal structures in the human heartbeat. There
being not a set of random variables. But, because it is is recent work that quantifies multi-fractal features in
possible to be known in its any point, it may be cascades. The multi-fractal structure of healthy dynamics
is lost with congestive heart failure [5]. These analytic
tools may be used also on a wide range of other [7] P. Maragos, A. Potamianos, “Fractal dimensions
physiologic signals and the findings may lead to new of speech sounds: Computation and application to
diagnostic applications. automatic speech recognition”, Journal of
- Computing the power spectra of the one-dimensional Acoustical Society of America, No. 105 (3), March
elementary cellular automata, some interesting results can 1999;
be obtained: on the one hand, the analysis reveals that one [8] R.H. Riedi, M.S. Crouse, V.J. Ribeiro, R.G.
automaton displays 1/f spectra though considered as Baraniuk, “A Multifractal Wavelet Model with
trivial; on the other hand, various automata classified as Application to Network Traffic”, IEEE Transactions
chaotic or complex display no 1/f spectra. Generalizing on Information Theory, Vol 45, No. 3 April 1999.
the Sierpinski signal to a class of fractal signals that are
tailored to produce 1/f spectra, a model of the one-
dimensional elementary cellular automata results can be
obtained. From the widespread occurrence of elementary
cellular automata patterns in chemistry, physics, and
computer sciences, there are various candidates to show
spectra similar to these results [6].
- Fractals can model many classes of time series data.
An important characteristic is fractal dimension that
represents the complexity of the time series data. In
particular, in analysis of speech signal, the fractal
dimension represents a powerful tool for identification of
some key features of speech signal (vocals, consonants,
transition from vocal to consonant and vice versa). For
measuring the fractal dimension of speech signals several
algorithms can be used (Higuchi algorithm,
morphological covering, wavelet based method, etc.). The
multi-scale fractal dimension can potentially be used to
discriminate among phonetic classes, with applications in
automatic speech recognition [7].
- Fractal models have made a major impact in the area
of communications, particularly in the area of computer
data networks. Several studies have demonstrated that
network traffic loads exhibit fractal properties. These
properties strongly influence network performance. For
instance, performance predictions based on classical
traffic models are often far too optimistic when compared
against actual performance with real data. Fractal traffic
models allow exciting new insights into network behavior
and promise new algorithms for network data prediction
and control [8].


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