Nanotechnology Applications: Short Answer Questions

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Short Answer Questions

1 . What is meant by Nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is the term given to those areas of science and engineering where
phenomena that take place at dimensions in the nanometre scale are utilised in the
design, characterisation, production and application of materials, structures, devices and
2 . Why is nano technology required?
Nanotechnology improves existing industrial processes, materials and applications by
scaling them down to the nanoscale in order to ultimately fully exploit the unique
quantum and surface phenomena that matter exhibits at the nanoscale.
3 . What are the important applications of nanosciences?
Nanotechnology Applications
Electronics. Nanotechnology holds some answers for how we might increase the
capabilities of electronics devices while we reduce their weight and power
consumption. ...
Space. ...
Fuels. ...
Better Air Quality. ...
Better Water Quality. ...
Sporting Goods.

4 . What is meant by size dependence of properties of solids?

A size dependent property is a physical property that changes when the size of an
object changes. ➢ Examples of size dependent properties: ➢ Length, Width, Height,
Volume, Mass.
5 . What is meant by crystal structure?
crystal structure is a unique arrangement of atoms in a crystal. A crystal structure is
composed of a unit cell, a set of atoms arranged in a particular way; which is periodically
repeated in three dimensions on a lattice.
6 . What is meant by a lattice point?
A lattice point is a point in a Cartesian coordinate system such that both its - and.
-coordinates are integers. A lattice point is a point at the intersection of two or more
grid lines in a regularly spaced array of points, which is a point lattice.
7 . What is meant by crystal lattice?  
the arrangement of atoms, molecules, or ions of a crystal in the form of a space lattice.
8 . What is a unit cell?
The unit cells which are all identical are defined in such a way that they fill space without
overlapping. The 3D arrangement of atoms, molecules or ions inside a crystal is called
a crystal lattice. It is made up of numerous unit cells. One of the three constituent particles
takes up every lattice point.
9 . Differentiate between primitive and non-primitive unit cells.
Primitive unit cells contain only one lattice point, which is made up from the lattice
points at each of the corners. Non-primitive unit cells contain additional lattice points,
either on a face of the unit cell or within the unit cell, and so have more than one lattice
point per unit cell.
10 . What is an fcc unit cell?
Face-centered Cubic (FCC) unit cells indicate where the lattice points are at both
corners and on each face of the cell. This is a more common type of unit cell since the
atoms are more tightly packed than that of a Simple Cubic unit cell.
What is a bcc unit cell?

Atoms at each corner of the cube ie 8 corner of the cube plus one the center , at
corner 1/8th of a atom , at center 1 atom . total 2 atoms
Give few examples of fcc nano particles.

What is the number of nearest neighbour atoms (Coordination number) for an fcc crystal


Ans- 12

What is atomic radius in fcc unit cell in terms of cube edge?

Ans- r=a/two root 2 , a atomic radius , b length of edge of cube

What are tetrahedrally bonded semiconductor structures?

Give two examples of tetrahedrally bonded semiconductor structures.

What is meant by lattice vibrations?

18 . What is meant by normal modes of lattice vibrations?

19 . What is meant by acoustic modes of lattice vibrations?

20 . What is meant by optical modes of lattice vibrations?

What are phonons?
a phonon is a collectie eecitaton in a periodic, elastc arrangement
of atoms or molecules in condensed mater, specifcalll in solids and
some liquids
What is meant bl energl band?
When a solid is formed the energl leiels of the atoms
broaden and form bands with forbidden gaps between them
Differentate between energl band and energl leiel.
Energl leiel is a quantied energl ialue of an atom. Energl band is a
contnuous combinaton of energl leiels of electrons in a molecule. Hence, the
kel difference between energl leiel and energl band is that energl leiels eeist
at the atomic leiel and energl bands eeist at the molecular leiel
Describe insulators in terms of energl bands.
Insulators haie a large forbidden gap between the energies of the ialence
electrons and the energl at which the electrons can moie freell through the
material (the conducton band)
Describe semiconductors in terms of energl bands.
In the case of a semiconductor the gap between the ialence and conducton
bands is much less. the heat content of the material at room temperature can
bring about the thermal eecitaton of some electrons from the ialence band to
the conducton band where thel carrl current.
Describe conductors in terms of energl bands.
A conductor is a material with a fll ialence band, and a conducton band partll
fll with delocaliied conducton electrons that are effcient in carrling electric
current. The positiell charged metal ions at the latce sites haie giien up
their electrons to the conducton band, and consttute a background of positie
charge for the delocaliied electrons
What are intrinsic semiconductors?
An intrinsic semiconductor, also called an undoped semiconductor or i-tlpe
semiconductor, is a pure semiconductor without anl signifcant dopant species
What is meant bl reciprocal space?
##Reciprocal space (also called k-space) proiides a wal to iisualise the results
of the Fourier transform of a spatal functon.
What is Brillouin ione
In mathematcs and solid state phlsics, the frst Brillouin ione is a uniquell
defned primitie cell in reciprocal space. In the same wal the Braiais latce is
diiided up into Wigner–Seiti cells in the real latce, the reciprocal latce is
broken up into Brillouin iones
What are direct band gap semiconductors?
The band gap is called "direct" if the crlstal momentum of electrons and holes
is the same in both the conducton band and the ialence band; an electron can
directll emit a photon.
44 . What are excitons?
Ans - Exciton, the combination of an electron and a positive
hole (an empty electron state in a valence band), which is free
to move through a nonmetallic crystal as a unit.

45 . Differentiate between Mott-Wannier and Frenkel excitons.

Ans -

A comparison between Wannier-Mott and Frenkel excitons.

Wannier-Mott excitons have a much larger exciton radius as
compared to Frenkel excitons (not to scale). Frenkel excitons
are typically located on a single molecule. The full dispersion of
Wannier-Mott exciton is not shown in the band diagram. In
comparison, however, the dispersion of both the HOMO/LUMO
and of the Frenkel exciton are relatively flat.

46 . What is de-Broglie hypothesis?

Ans - Louis de-Broglie suggested that similar to light dual nature
"every moving matter has a associated wave"
The wave associated with the moving particle is known as
matter wave or de-Broglie wave.
As a photon travels with a velocity c, we can express its
momentum as

47 . What is wave-particle duality?

Ans - Wave-particle duality can be explained through light
behavior. Interference and diffraction of light prove that it can
behave as a wave while other aspects, such as the photoelectric
effect of light treat it as it is made up of particles. This
phenomenon defined wave-particle duality.

48 . What is steady state form of Schrodinger Equation?

Ans – The Schrödinger equation is a linear partial differential
equation that describes the wave function or state function of a
quantum-mechanical system. ... Those two parameters are
sufficient to describe its state at each time instant. In quantum
mechanics, the analogue of Newton's law is Schrödinger's
49 . What will be steady state Schrodinger Equation for a free
Ans - The wave function Ψ(x, t) = Ae^[i(kx−ωt)] represents a
valid solution to the Schrödinger equation. The wave function is
referred to as the free wave function as it represents a particle
experiencing zero net force (constant V or zero ).

50 . What does the wave function PSI represent?

Ans -Ψ^2(psi) , the wave function represents the probability of
finding the electron.
51 . What is the potential function for particle in one
dimensional box?
Ans - The potential energy is 0 inside the box (V=0 for 0<x<L)
and goes to infinity at the walls of the box (V=∞ for x<0 or x>L).
We assume the walls have infinite potential energy to ensure
that the particle has zero probability of being at the walls or
outside the box.

52 . What are eigen values for particle in one dimensional box.

Ans - the eigenvalues will be of the form
E = (ℏ^2 π^2 l^2)/2mL^2
l is integer, l =1,2,3…….

53 . What is the equation for eigen function for particle in one

dimensional box?
Ans - E = ℏ2 π2 l2/2mL2
54 . What is the potential function for potential step?
Ans -

55 . What is the transmitted current when energy of the

incident particles is less than the height of potential step?
Ans –

56 . What is the potential function for barrier penetration

Ans -
57 . What is tunnel effect?
Ans - A quantum-mechanical process by which a particle can
pass through a potential energy barrier that is higher than the
energy of the particle.

58 . What is the potential function for potential box in 3D?

Ans - ZERO
59 . What is the expression for energy of the particle inside a
potential box (in 3D)?
Ans –
60 . What is the expression for ground state energy of the
particle inside a potential box (in 3D)?
Ans - 3π2h2/2ma2

61 . Which energy state is non-degenerate in case of the

particle inside a potential box (in 3D)?
Ans - Ground Energy State

62 . What is meant by degeneracy of the energy levels, in case

of the particle inside a potential box (in 3D)?
Ans -

63 . What is quantum confinement effect?

Ans - Quantum confinement effects describe electrons in terms
of energy levels, potential wells, valence bands, conduction
bands, and electron energy band gaps. The quantum
confinement effect is observed when the size of the particle is
too small to be comparable to the wavelength of the electron.
Obviously, the confinement of an electron and hole in
nanocrystals significantly depends on the material properties,
namely, on the Bohr radius aB.
64 . What is quantum well?
Ans - A quantum well is a potential well that confines particles,
which were originally free to move in three dimensions, to two
dimensions, forcing them to occupy a planar region.

65 . What is quantum wire?

Ans -Quantum wires are extremely narrow structures where

electron transport is possible only in a very few transverse
modes (with energies less than the Fermi energy). Quantum
wires can be used as electron waveguides. Semiconductor
quantum wires have been used to make switchable high-speed

66 . What is quantum dot?

Ans - A quantum dot is a nanometer-sized semiconductor
particle traditionally with a core-shell structure. Quantum dots
are widely used for their unique optical properties, as they emit
light of specific wavelengths if energy is applied to them.

67 . What are the two approaches for the preparation of

quantum nanostructures?
Ans - Two main approaches are used in nanotechnology. In the
"bottom-up" approach, materials and devices are built from
molecular components which assemble themselves chemically
by principles of molecular recognition. In the "top-down"
approach, nano-objects are constructed from larger entities
without atomic-level control.

68 . What is meant by lithography?

Ans - the process of printing from a plane surface (such as a
smooth stone or metal plate) on which the image to be printed
is ink-receptive and the blank area ink-repellent.

69 . What does a quantum dot array do?

Ans - fabricate using a multi-layer technique to achieve tightly
confined quantum dots and compare integration processes.

70 . What is the effect of size on resistivity of the material?

Ans – As size reduces ,resistivity increases.
80. What are structural magic numbers?

ANS : For large clusters stability is determined by structure and the magic numbers are reffered to as
structural magic numbers.

81. What are the two theoretical models to calculate the properties of clusters?

1.The jellium model

2.The density functional Model (based on the molecular orbital theory)

82. What is the difference between bulk structure and crystal structure of large

Ans: Generally the crystal structure of large nanoparticles is the same as the bulk structure
with somewhat different lattice parameters.

EX: 80-nm Aluminum particles has the Face Centered cubic cell, which is the structure of
the unit cell of bulk aluminium.

83. What is the difference between bulk structure and crystal structure of small

Ans: For small nanoparticles having diameter of less then 5-nm has different structures.

Ex. 3-5nm gold particles have an icoshaderal structure rather then the bulk FCC structure.

84. What is meant by quantum size effect?

ANS: When the size is reached where the surfaces of particles are separated by distances
which are in order of the wavelengths of electrons in this situation the energy levels can be
modelled by the quantum mechanical treatment of a particle in a box. This is referred to as
Quantum size effects.

85. What is the behaviour of reactivity for nano clusters?

ANS: Electronic structures of nano particles depends on the size of the particles, the ability
of the cluster to react with other species should depend on cluster size. This has important
implications for the design of catalytic agents.

86. How does cluster size affect electronic structure?

ANS: When cluster size reduces the density of states in the conduction band changes
dramatically. And the range of momentum increases.
87. What are magnetic clusters?

Ans: In a cluster the magnetic moment of each atom will interact with the moments of
other atom and can force all the moments to align in one direction with respect to some
symmetry axis of the cluster. The cluster will have a net moment and is said to be
magnetized. (measured by Stern Gerlach experiment )

88. What is meant by coulombic explosion?

ANS: Multiple ionizations of a Cluster cause a rapid redistribution of the charges on the
atoms of the Cluster, making each atom more positive. When the Columbic Repulsion
between the atoms in a cluster grows beyond the binding energy between the atoms, the
cluster explodes and the atoms fly apart with great velocities. The phenomenon is called
Coulombic explosion.

89. What are superfluid clusters?

ANS: superfluid is a state of matter in which matter behaves like a fluid with zero viscosity.
Superfluid helium-4 is the superfluid form of helium-4.

90. What is meant by Bose-Einstein condensation?

ANS: The state where all the bosons occupy the lowest energy levels.

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