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100 Journal entries

Sl . Transaction Journal entry Group Sub group Dr. Amt. Cr. Amt
Capital Related entries
1 Partnership company Cash 100000 100000
Mr. A introduce capital Rs. Cash-Dr Current Assets
100000/- To A’S capital Capital

Proprtiorship company Cash –Dr Current Assets Cash 50000 50000

Introduce Capital for Business To Capital Capital
Rs. 50000/-

For Company SBI bank-Dr

Issued 100000 equity share @ To Equity share capital Current Assets Bank 1000000 100000
Rs. 10/- each and the said Capital 0
amount deposited to SBI bank
2 Application money Received for SBI Bank- Dr Current Assets Bank 100000 100000
20000/- shares @ Rs. 5/- each To share Application money Capital
and the said amount deposited
to SBI
3 Interest charges on Capital @ Interest on capital –Dr Indirect Exp 5000 5000
5% for Mr. A To Capital Capital
4 Dividend 4% declared by the Dividend –Dr Indirect Exp 400000 400000
company on the face value of To Dividend equalization Capital Reserve &
the share @ Rs. 10/- each for reserve surplus
100000 equity shares
5 Call money received for 20000 SBI –Dr Current assets Bank 100000 10000
shares @ Rs. 5/- per share and To Call money Capital
the said amount deposited to SBI
6 Dividend paid to share holders Dividend equalization reserve-Dr Capital Reserve & 400000 400000
from SBI bank Surplus
To SBI Current Assets Bank

7 20000 equity shares issued to Share application money- Dr Capital 100000 200000
shares holders Call money – Dr Capital 100000
To equity share Capital Capital
Cash & Bank Related entries
8 Open a current account in UBI by UBI-Dr Current Assets Bank 50000 50000
depositing Cash Rs. 50000/- To Cash Current Assets Cash

9 Amount transfer Rs. 20000/- UBI –Dr Current Assets Bank 20000 20000
from SBI to UBI Bank a/c To SBI Current assets Bank
10 Cash with drawl from SBI Bank Cash – Dr Current Assets Bank 10000 10000
Rs. 10000/- for official use To SBI Current Assets Cash
11 Cash Transfer to Petty cash Petty Cash- Dr Current Assets Cash 2000 2000
account Rs. 2000 To Cash Current assets Cash

12 Cash deposited to SBI bank Rs. SBI- Dr Current assets Bank 5000 5000
5000 To cash Current assets Cash
Fixed Assets
13 For Interior of office he paid Furniture & Fixture- Dr Fixed assets 35000 35000
Rs. 35000/- to carpenter towards To cash Current Assets Cash
coast of material & labour
14 Purchase office furniture of Rs. Furniture & Fixture-Dr Fixed assets 10000 10000
10000/- To cash Current Assets Cash
By paying cash
15 Purchase computer for office Rs. Computer & assoceries -Dr Fixed assets 25000 25000
25000/- by paying from SBI To SBI Current assets Bank

16 Purchase a new car Rs 250000/- Motor Car- Dr Fixed Assets 250000 250000
from SBI To SBI Current Assets Bank
17 Land Purchase worth Rs. 100000 Land-Dr Fixed Assets 105000 105000
and registration charges Rs. To SBI Current assets Bank
5000 paid there on from SBI
18 Take new patent right for a Patent-Dr Fixed assets 20000 20000
product by paying from SBI To SBI Current Assets Bank
worth Rs. 20000/-
19 Purchase one HP DeskJet Printer Computer & Assoceries- Dr Fixed assets 5000 5000
from HP associates worth Rs. To HP associates Current Lib. S/creditors
20 Purchase a Xerox machine worth Office equipment-Dr Fixed assets 75000 75000
Rs. 75000/- from Modi Xerox and To SBI Current assets Bank
issued them cheque immediately
from SBI
21 Windows software purchase from Computer & assoceries- Dr Fixed assets 3500 3500
Microsoft by paying a cheque of To SBI Current assets Bank
Rs. 3500/- from SBI
22 For expansion of building Rs. Building Dr Fixed assets 150000 150000
150000 paid to contractors from To SBI Current Assets Bank
SBI bank
23 Purchase a new machinery worth Machinery-Dr Fixed assets 25000
Rs. 25000 and installation charge Installation charges –Dr Fixed assets 1000
Rs. 1000/- has been paid from To SBI Current assets Bank 26000
SBI bank
24 Purchase mobile for office Use Office Equipment- Dr Fixed Assets 15000 15000
worth Rs. 15000 from SBI bank To SBI Current assets Bank

Expense Related Entry

25 Postage & courier charges paid Postage & courier- Dr Indirect Exp. 250 250
Rs. 250/- from Petty cash To Petty cash Current Assets Cash

26 Rent paid for office Rs. 20000/- Office Rent-Dr Indirect exp 20000 20000
from cash To cash Current Assets Cash

27 Car hire charges paid for visit of Traveling Exp-Dr Indirect Exp 1000 1000
client Rs. 1000/- for Sales To cash Current Assets Cash

28 Local Conveyance paid to Conveyance –Dr Indirect exp 150 150

employee Rs. 150/- from petty To Petty Cash Current Assets Cash

29 Internet charges Rs. 500 paid Internet Charges-Dr Indirect exp 500 500
from cash to Air Tel To cash Current Assets Cash
30 Paid Rs. 2500/- for Repair work Repair & Maintenance-Dr Indirect exp. 2500 2500
of electrical equipments from To cash Current Assets Cash
31 Rs. 500 paid form petty cash for General charges –Dr Indirect. Exp 500 500
purchase of daily use material To Petty cash Current assets Cash
(phynial, soap, duster etc)
32 Bank debited bank charges as Bank charges –Dr Indirect Exp 300 300
per SBI statement Rs. 300/- To SBI Current Assets Bank
33 Municipal tax paid Rs. 2500 from Municipal Tax-Dr Indirect Exp 2500 2500
cash To Cash Current Assets Cash
34 Donation paid to Charitable Donation-Dr Indirect Exp 500 500
organization Rs. 500 /- from To Cash Current Assets Cash
35 Wages paid to factory worker Wages A/c-Dr Direct Exp 4000 4000
Rs. 4000/- from cash To Cash Current Assets Cash
36 Repairing charges for Car Paid Repairing charges-Dr Indirect exp 2500 2500
Rs. 2500/- from SBI bank To SBI Current Assets Bank

37 Royalty paid for production of Royalty-Dr Direct Exp 25000 25000

new material Rs. 25000 from SBI To SBI Current assets Bank
38 Commission paid on sales Rs. Commission –Dr Indirect exp 4000 4000
4000 from cash To Cash Current Assets Cash
39 Bonus paid to employee Rs. 5000 Bonus –Dr Indirect exp. 5000 5000
from SBI bank To SBI Current Assets Bank

40 Leave salary paid Rs. 5000 from Leave salary-Dr Indirect exp 5000 5000
cash To Cash Current assets Cash

41 Xerox charges paid Rs. 50 from Printing & Stationery –Dr Indirect exp 50 50
petty cash To Cash Current assets cash
42 Lunch coupon provided to Staff welfare-Dr Indirect Exp 600 600
employee Rs. 600 from cash To Cash Current assets Cash
43 Training cost paid to instructor Training Cost-Dr Indirect Exp 2000 2000
Rs. 2000/- from cash To Cash Current assets Cash

44 Hotel rent paid for employee Rs. Tour Expense – Dr Indirect Exp 2000 2000
2000/- from cash for official tour To Cash Current assets Cash
45 Traveling Exp. reimburse to Traveling Exp-Dr Indirect Exp 1000 1000
employee Rs. 1000/- from cash To Cash Current Assets Cash
for official tour
46 Telephone charges paid Rs. Telephone charges –Dr Indirect exp 2000 2000
2000/- from cash To Cash Current assets Cash
47 Incentive paid to sales manager Incentive & Prizes- Dr Indirect exp 2000 2000
Rs. 2000/- from cash To cash Current Assets Cash
48 Rs. 250/- paid for purchase of News paper & journals – Dr Indirect exp 250 250
news paper & journals from To Petty cash Current assets Cash
Petty cash
49 Legal charges paid to advocate Legal charges- Dr Indirect exp 3000 3000
for Income Tax matter Rs. 3000/- To cash Current assets Cash
from cash
50 Mobile bill for directors paid Rs. Telephone charges – Dr Indirect exp 2000 2000
2000/- from cash To Cash Current Assets Cash
51 Courier charges Paid Rs. 400 Postage & Courrier –Dr Indirect exp 400 400
from cash To cash Current assets Cash
52 Salary paid to staff Rs. 15000/- Salary- Dr Indirect exp 15000
after deduction of PF Rs. 600/- & To PF Current Lib 600 Rs. 200/- & Tds Rs. 1000/- To Current lib 200
from cash ToTDS Current Lib 1000
To Cash Current assets Cash 13200

53 Electricity charges Paid Rs. Electricity- Dr Indirect exp 2000 2000

2000/- from cash To cash Current assets Cash
54 Rs. 3000 paid to painter for Repair & maintenance –Dr Indirect Exp. 3000 3000
coloring of office premises from To cash Current Assets Cash
55 Rs. 300 paid for Refilling of Ink Printing & Stationery –Dr Indirect Exp 300 300
Cartridge of printer from cash To Cash Current assets Cash

56 Bank charges Rs. 200 against a Bank charges –Dr Indirect Expense 200 200
dishonor of cheque To SBI Current assets Bank
57 Rs. 4000 has been paid for Advertisement –Dr Indirect exp 4000 4000
installation of Glow sign board To cash Current assets Cash
from cash
58 Rs. 200 spent for purchase of Printing & Stationery- Dr Indirect exp 200 200
carbon papers, ribbons, pens, ink To Petty Cash Current assets Cash
etc from petty cash
59 Rs. 2000/- paid to municipal staff General charges –Dr Indirect Exp 2000 2000
for putting banners on the road To Cash Current assets Cash
as bribe from cash
60 Rs. 200 paid as installation of Advertisement-Dr Indirect exp 200 200
banners from cash To Cash Current assets Cash
61 Bought mutual fund Rs. 20000/- Investment A/c- Dr Investment 20000 20000
from Sbi bank To SBI Current Assets Bank
62 NSC purchase worth Rs. 5000/- NSC-Dr Investment 5000 5000
from cash To Cash Current Assets Cash
63 Purchase Rel. Industries shares Investment –Dr Investment 30000 30000
worth Rs. 30000/- from SBI bank To SBI Current Assets Bank
64 Rel. Industries shares sold at Rs SBI-Dr Current Assets Bank 350000
35000/- and the said amount To Investment Investment 30000
deposited into bank To Profit on sale of Investment Indirect Income 5000
65 Interest accrued on NSC Rs. 500/- Accrued Interest-Dr Investment 500 500
for this year To Interest on NSC Indirect Income

Income / Receivable entries

66 Commission Received from the Cash-Dr Current Assets Cash 4000 4000
party Rs. 4000 in cash To Commission Indirect Income

67 Interest Credited by SBI bank as SBI bank-Dr Current assets Bank 300 300
per statement Rs. 300 To Interest Indirect income
68 Rent received Rs. 5000/- by UTI SBI-Dr Current assets Bank 5000 5000
cheque from mr Rajan and the To rent Indirect Income
said amount deposited to SBI
69 Rent charge to Mr. Pranab Rs. Rent Receivable from Pranab –Dr Current assets 15000 15000
15000 towards 3months rent To rent Indirect Income
70 Miscellaneous Income received Cash –Dr Current assets Cash 500 500
Rs. 500 in cash To Miscellaneous Income Indirect Income
Loans, Advances & Deposit Entries & their Set off
72 Tour Advance paid to Mr. Hari Tour advance –Dr Current assets Advances 5000 5000
Rs. 5000 from cash To cash Current assets Cash
73 Mr. Hari submitted the expense Tour expense –Dr Indirect exp 4500
4500 / and rest of the amount Cash –Dr Current assets Cash 500
returned back by cash to cashier To Tour advance 5000
74 Advance salary paid to staff Rs. Advance salary – Dr Current assets Advances 5000
5000/- from SBI bank To SBI Current assets Bank 5000
75 Salary paid to Staff Rs. 15000/- Salary –Dr Indirect exp 15000
after adjustment of Advance To Advance salary Current assets Advances 5000
from SBI Bank To SBI Current assets Bank 10000
76 Telephone Deposit paid Rs. MTNL deposit –Dr Current assets Deposit 5000
5000/- to MTNL for connection of To SBI Current assets 5000
New phone from SBI bank
77 Advance Rent of Rs. 50000/- for Advance Rent –Dr Current assets Advances 50000 50000
Office , 6 months paid to land To SBI Current assets Bank
lord from SBI
78 Loan given to sister concern Loans to Sister concern- Dr Current assets Loans 100000 100000
Rs. 100000/- from SBI bank To SBI Current assets Bank
79 Interest charge on the above Interest receivable-Dr Current assets Loans 5000 5000
loan is Rs. 5000/- To Interest Indirect Income

80 Rs. 10000/- has been received Cash-Dr Current assets Cash 10000 10000
from sister concern against To Loan from Sister Concern Current assets Loans
repayment of loan in cash
81 Advance Tax Paid for this year Advance Tax-Dr Current assets Advance 10000 10000
Rs. 10000/- from SBI To SBI Current assets Bank
82 Rs. 50000/- paid from SBI Rental Deposit-Dr Current assets Deposit 50000 50000
towards security Deposit money To SBI Current assets Bank
of New office
TDS- Payable/Receivable & their Set of
83 Labour charges paid to Labour charges –Dr Direct Expense 6000
contractor Rs. 6000 after To TDS Payable Current Lib Payable 60
deduction of TDS 1% from SBI Top SBI Current assets Bank 5940
84 Tds deducted on labour charges TDS payable –Dr Current Lib Payable 60 60
has been paid through TDS To SBI Current assets Bank
challan to Income tax
departments from SBI bank
85 Advertisement Contract Rs. SBI –Dr Current assets Bank 29700
30000/- received from a party TDS Receivable –Dr Current assets Deposit 300
after deduction of TDS 1% there To Advertisement contract Indirect income 30000
on and the said amount
deposited to SBI
86 Professional charges paid to Professional charges –Dr Indirect exp 5000
auditors Rs. 5000/- and Tds To TDS payable Current Lib Payable 250
deducted there on Rs. 250/- from To Cash Current assets Cash 4750
Current Liabilities/Provision /Expense payable/Loans
87 Loan taken from parties Rs. SBI-Dr Current Assets Bank 10000 1000
10000/- and the same has been To Short term loan Current Lib Exp. payable
deposited to SBI bank
88 Interest charge on the loan Rs. Interest on loan –Dr Indirect Exp 1000 1000
1000 To Interest payable Current . Lib Exp. Payable
89 Audit fees charge this year by Audit fees – Dr Indirect exp 5000 5000
auditor Rs 5000/- To Audit Fees payable Current Lib Exp. Payable
90 Salary for march payable this Salary-Dr Indirect exp 25000 25000
year Rs. 25000/- for march To salary payable Current lib Exp Payable
91 Provision for bad debt done this Bad debt- Dr Indirect Exp 10000 10000
year Rs. 10000/- To Provision for doubtful debts Current Lib Provision

Purchase/ Sales & Taxes , their Set off

92 Purchase goods worth Rs. Purchase –Dr Direct exp Purchase 10000
10000/- , and tax charge there Input VAT-Dr Current assets Deposit 400
on Vat RS. 400 and excise duty Excise-Dr Current assets Deposit 1600
Rs. 1600 from Mr. Asif To Mr Asif Current Lib S/ creditors 12000
93 Goods returned to Mr. Asif Rs. Mr. Asif – Dr Current lib S/creditors 6000
5000/- To Purchase return Direct expense 5000
To excise Current assets Deposit 800
To Input Vat Current assets Deposit 200
94 Goods Purchase on cash RS. Purchase – Dr Direct expense Purchase 2000 2000
2000/- To Cash Current assets Cash
95 Goods sold on Cash RS. 20000/- Cash-Dr Current assets Cash 20000 20000
To sales Direct income Sales
96 Goods sold to Ram Rs. 20000/- Ram -Dr Current assets S/debtors 24000
and VAT charge 800/- and excise To Excise Current Lib Exp. Payable 3200
duty RS. 3200/- To out put Vat Current lib Exp. Payable 800
To sales Direct Income Sales 20000
97 Goods returned to Ram RS. Sales Return-Dr Direct income Sales 10000 12000
10000/- , Vat 400, Excise 1600 Excise-Dr Current Lib Exp. Payable 1600
there on Output Vat-Dr Current Lib Exp. Payable 400
To Ram Current assets S/debtors
98 Amount received from Ram Rs. Cash –Dr Current assets Cash 12000 12000
12000/- from cash To Ram Current assets S/debtors
99 Amount Paid to Mr. Asif Rs. 6000 Mr. Asif- Dr Current Lib S/Creditors 6000 6000
from SBI bank To SBI Current assets Bank
100 VAT liability paid to Sales Tax Output vat –Dr Current Lib Exp. Payable 400
dept from SBI To Input Vat Current assets Deposit 200
To SBI Current assets Bank 200

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