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A dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for

the degree of Master of Science (Mechanical Engineering)

Kulliyyah of Engineering
International Islamic University Malaysia

November 2018

Pipeline vibration problems are well-known and become significant issues in many
fields especially in the oil and gas sectors. The main goal of this work is to analyse the
fluid-induced vibration phenomena for large pipelines. Understanding the dynamic
characteristics of this kind of span pipelines, which often accommodate axial flow of
gas is very important. This work presents modelling and analysis of fluid-induced
vibration of pipeline systems made of composite materials. Clamped-clamped pipelines
conveying natural gas are investigated. The influence of composite materials layup, the
ratio of pipe radius to pipe-wall thickness, liquid density and viscosity, fluid flow
velocity, and fluid pressure are all considered. The simulations using Computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA) are performed using ANSYS
software. These simulations show the effects of velocity, pipe geometry, fluid-solid
interaction, boundary conditions and fluid properties into the stability of the pipeline.
Based on this work, if the vibration frequency of pipe is high does not mean that the
amplitude will increase.

‫خالصة البحث‬

‫مشاكل اإلهتزازت في خطوط األنابيب معروفة ومشهورة في العديد من المجاالت وخصوصا ً في قطاع‬
‫النفط والغاز‪ .‬الهدف الرئيسي من هذا العمل هو تحليل ظاهرة اإلهتزازات الناجمة عن ضخ السوائل في‬
‫خطوط األنابيب الكبيرة‪ .‬العديد من اإلستخدامات للمواد المركبة مؤخرا ً في الكثير من التطبيقات‪ .‬إن فهم‬
‫الخصائص الديناميكية لهذا النوع من خطوط األنابيب الممتدة مهم جداً‪ ،‬والتي غالبا ً ما تستوعب التدفق‬
‫المحوري للغاز‪ .‬يقدم هذا العمل دراسة و تحليل لإل هتزازات الناتجة أثناء مرور السوائل في األنابيب‬
‫المصنوعة من المواد المركبة‪ .‬تمت دراسة وتحليل لخطوط األنابيب المثبتة من األطراف والتي تنقل الغاز‬
‫الطبيعي‪ .‬تم األخذ بعين اإلعتبار لل عوامل المؤثرة ومنها نوع المواد المركبة وقطر وطول وسماكة‬
‫االنبوب‪ ،‬وكذلك كثافة ولزوجة السائل وسرع التدفق والضغط للسائل‪ .‬تم إجراء تحاليل المحاكاة‬
‫‪ Simulations‬لديناميكا الموائع الحاسوبية ‪ CFD‬و تحليل الجزئيات المحددة ‪ FEA‬بإستخدام برنامج‬
‫‪ . ANSYS‬هذه المحاكاة بينت تأثير العديد من العوامل في إستقرار األنابيب منها سرعة السائل وشكل‬
‫األنبوب والشروط الحدودية لألنبوب وكذلك خصائص السائل‪ .‬وفقا ً لنتائج هذا البحث فإن اإلرتفاع في‬
‫التردد لألنبوب ال يؤدي بالضرورة إلى زيادة اإلزاحة‪.‬‬


I certify that I have supervised and read this study and that in my opinion, it conforms
to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and
quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Master of Science (Mechanical Engineering).

Waleed Fekry Faris

Fadly Jashi Darsivan

I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable
standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a
dissertation for the degree of Master of Science (Mechanical Engineering).

Waqar Asrar
Internal Examiner

Mohamed Elsayed Okasha
Internal Examiner

This dissertation was submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and is

accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science
(Mechanical Engineering).
AKM Mohiuddin
Head, Department of Mechanical

This dissertation was submitted to the Kulliyyah of Engineering and is accepted as a

fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science (Mechanical

Erry Yulian Triblas Adesta
Dean, Kulliyyah of Engineering


I hereby declare that this dissertation is the result of my own investigations, except

where otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently

submitted as a whole for any other degrees at IIUM or other institutions.

Nabeel Yahia Yahia Emran

Signature ........................................................... Date .........................................






I declare that the copyright holders of this dissertation are jointly owned by the
student and IIUM.

Copyright © 2018 Nabeel Yahia Yahia Emran and International Islamic University Malaysia. All
rights reserved.

No part of this unpublished research may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,

or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
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By signing this form, I acknowledged that I have read and understand the IIUM
Intellectual Property Right and Commercialization policy.

Affirmed by Nabeel Yahia Yahia Emran

……..…………………….. ………………………..
Signature Date


All Praises be to “ALLAH” (SWT) Almighty who helped me to complete this

project successfully and gave me the strength and patience throughout this project. This
dissertation has given me a lot of experience and teaches me to work with confidence
in conducting an important project. To do the project using engineering software
program, needs many efforts and to spend many hours waiting for simulation. In fact, I
learnt many things about oil/gas filed during this period.
I would first like to thank my supervisor Prof. Dr. Waleed Fekry Faris. The
door to his office was always open whenever I ran into a trouble spot or had a question
about my dissertation or writing. He is very helpful, patient and he steered me in the
right the direction whenever he thought I needed it. Many thanks also to my co-
supervisor Dr. Fadly Jashi Darsivan.
Getting through my dissertation required more than academic support, and I
have many, many thanks to all the people who helped and supported me over the past
two years especially my countrymate Mr. Mohammed Aldheeb. I am glad to have a
friend like him.
To conclude, I would also like to thank my lovely parents and all family
members. Many thanks to department of Mechanical Engineering lectures, staffs and
several colleagues who always support me. Thank in advance for your kindness.


Abstract ...................................................................................................................... i
Abstract in Arabic ..................................................................................................... ii
Approval Page .......................................................................................................... iii
Declaration ............................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................. vi
Table of Contents .................................................................................................... vii
List of Tables ........................................................................................................... ix
List of Figures ............................................................................................................x
List of Abbreviations .......................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................1

1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement ......................................................................................3
1.3 Objectives ....................................................................................................4
1.4 Research Scope ...........................................................................................4

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................5

2.1 Sources of Piping Vibration ........................................................................5
2.1.1 Pressure Pulsations.............................................................................. 6
2.1.2 Flow-Induced Vibration (FIV) ............................................................ 9
2.1.3 Vortex Induced Vibration VIV ......................................................... 15
2.2 Experimental and Theoretical Studies .......................................................19
2.3 Suppression Methods ................................................................................25

CHAPTER THREE: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .................................31

3.1 Equation of Motion ...................................................................................31
3.2 Pipe Flow Calculations..............................................................................37

CHAPTER FOUR: METHODOLOGY .............................................................41

4.1 Research Methodology Flow Chart ...........................................................41
4.2 Pipe and Fluid Specifications ....................................................................43
4.3 Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes .....................................................44

4.4 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) .....................................................44
4.5 Finite Element Analysis ............................................................................45

CHAPTER FIVE: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...........................................46

5.1 Benchmarks ...............................................................................................46
5.2 Sensitivity Analysis ...................................................................................48
5.3 FIV Results ................................................................................................52
5.3.1 Natural Frequency and Mode Shapes ............................................... 52
5.3.2 Pipe 1 ................................................................................................ 54
5.3.3 Pipe 2 ................................................................................................ 56
5.3.4 Pipe 3 ................................................................................................ 57

CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSION ........................................................................62

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................63
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................69
Appendix A: Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes .......................................69
Appendix B: Project Schematic (CFD & FEA) ................................................71


Table 4.1 Properties of materials (Zou et al., 2005) ............................................... 43

Table 4.2 Properties of the fluid.............................................................................. 43
Table 4.3 Pipes specifications ................................................................................. 44
Table 5.1 Natural frequencies (ANSYS Workbench) ............................................. 46
Table 5.2 Compare with the results of Zou et al. (2005) ....................................... 47
Table 5.3 The effect on the pressure due to the change of element size (Pipe 1) ... 49
Table 5.4 Natural frequencies for all cases ............................................................. 52
Table 5.5 Summary of the results for all cases ....................................................... 61


Figure 1.1 View of pipelines (Financial tribune, n.d) ............................................... 2

Figure 1.2 View of pipelines (Fae-group, n.d).......................................................... 2
Figure 2.1 Pump-induced pressure pulsations (Vasilyev & Fromzel, 2003) ............ 7
Figure 2.2 Cavitation at a control valve (Olson, 2002) ............................................. 8
Figure 2.3 Fluid element of the pipe with forces and moments ............................. 12
Figure 2.4 Turbulence Eddies in a pipe (Source: ............................. 13
Figure 2.5 Classification of FIV according to Blevins (R. D. Blevins, 1977). ....... 14
Figure 2.6 Velocity vector plot depicting VIV (Schlichting 1968). ....................... 16
Figure 2.7 Vortex shedding at a relief valve (Thomson, 1996) .............................. 17
Figure 2.8 Regimes of fluid flow across smooth circular cylinders (Lienhard, 1966)
.............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 2.9 SDF system ............................................................................................ 21
Figure 2.10 Flowchart for vibrations elimination procedure (Vasilyev & Fromzel,
2003) .................................................................................................... 26
Figure 3.1 Pipe-conveying fluid (R. D. Blevins, 1977) .......................................... 32
Figure 3.2 Pipe carrying fluid, forces and moments acting on elements (Pipe & Fluid)
(R. D. Blevins, 1977). .......................................................................... 32
Figure 3.3 Pipeline model ....................................................................................... 35
Figure 3.4 Moody diagram (plot of the Colebrook’s correlation, Colebrook et al.,
(1939)) .................................................................................................. 40
Figure 4.1 FIV Methodology .................................................................................. 42
Figure 5.1 Frequency vs. Displacement for model 1 & 2 ...................................... 47
Figure 5.2 Frequency vs. Displacement for model 3 & 4 ....................................... 48
Figure 5.3 Comparison of the pressure with the increasing in the number of elements
(Pipe 1) ................................................................................................. 50
Figure 5.4 Mesh set-up for straight pipe ................................................................. 50
Figure 5.5 Comparison of the pressure with the increasing in the number of elements
(Pipe 3) ................................................................................................. 51
Figure 5.6 Mesh set-up for straight pipe (0.007m element size) ............................ 51
Figure 5.7 Mode shape for Pipe 1 ........................................................................... 53

Figure 5.8 Mode shape for Pipe 2 ........................................................................... 53
Figure 5.9 Mode shape for Pipe 3 ........................................................................... 53
Figure 5.10 Pressure load of straight pipe with pinned-pinned supports with fluid
flow inside the pipe (V=20 m/s) .......................................................... 54
Figure 5.11 Residuals for case 1 ............................................................................. 55
Figure 5.12 Frequency response of straight pipe with pinned-pinned supports under
different inlet velocity (Pipe 1) ............................................................ 56
Figure 5.13 Frequency response of straight pipe with pinned-pinned supports under
different inlet velocity (Pipe 2) ............................................................ 57
Figure 5.14 Straight pipe using Solid-work ........................................................... 58
Figure 5.15 Frequency response of straight pipe with pinned-pinned supports (Pipe
3, 30m/s)............................................................................................... 58
Figure 5.16 Frequency response of straight pipe with pinned-pinned supports (Pipe
3, 12m/s)............................................................................................... 59
Figure 5.17 Frequency response of straight pipe with pinned-pinned supports (Pipe
3, 20m/s)............................................................................................... 59
Figure 1 Natural frequencies and mode shapes (Pipe 1 & 2).................................. 69
Figure 2 Natural frequencies and mode shapes (Pipe 3) ......................................... 70
Figure 3 Project schematic (CFD & FEA) .............................................................. 71
Figure 4 Pressure load appearance (Pipe 2) ............................................................ 71


FIV Fluid-Induced Vibration

VIV Vortex-Induced Vibration

FSI Fluid-Structure Interactions

LES Large Eddy Simulation

RANS Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes

CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics

FEA Finite Element Analysis

LNG Liquefied Natural Gas

SDOF Single Degree of Freedom



Various types of pipelines are used in many sectors especially the large

pipelines. In the field of oil and gas sectors, the large pipelines are used to transfer the

oil and/or gas to different locations over long distances and usually put under the

ground. As the pipes are installed under or above the ground, many considerations have

to be taken such as the pipelines have lightweight, strong, non-sparking materials, anti-

corrosion, less vibration etc.

Pipeline vibration problems are well-known at onshore/offshore pipeline

stations, petrochemical plants, and refineries stations. Mainly, Oil/Gas industries are

extremely sensitive to vibration risks due to the major consequences which lead to

environmental damage, loss of human life as well as explosions. Vibration can be

happened in onshore/offshore pipelines due to many causes such as winds, harsh

environmental conditions, piping structure which causes the failure, and high fluid flow


Piping vibration is a main factor that makes pipeline system can't function

properly and flow-induced vibration phenomena (FIV) is one of the important factors

to cause failure that happens when the interaction between fluid and pipe structure

causes to correlate the natural frequency with fluid frequency. The variety of pipe spans

and sizes between supports has created a lot of problems in controlling piping vibration

and developing dampers to accommodate the vibrations. The following figures show

the side view of the pipelines.

Figure 1.1 View of pipelines (Financial tribune, n.d)

Figure 1.2 View of pipelines (Fae-group, n.d)

FIV affects many engineering applications where fluid and structure subjected

to each other such as power plants stations, Oil/Gas stations, bridge decks and

skyscrapers (Sarpkaya, 2004).

Gorman (2000) states that unsteady flow-induced vibration can occur due to

pumping and valve operations in pipeline systems and it is one of the main concern of

the hydropower and petroleum industries and many engineering researchers.

The area of flow-induced vibration (FIV) has been aggressively studied in

various industrial applications and many experimental studies as well. In this research,

the investigation and validation analysis for the previous studies and the impact of fluid

flow effect to overall vibration shall be one of the significance in this research using

Engineering Simulation Software called ANSYS.


Nowadays, with the rapid development of the industry, the demand for oil,

natural gas and other energy sources are growing. Therefore, the pipeline system plays

an important role in the petroleum industry. In pipeline system, the piping vibrations

cause the pipeline attachment and the connection of the pipeline to be loosened and

broken. If the influence is slight, it can cause pipeline leakage and reduce the pipeline

transportation efficiency and life. Meanwhile, if the influence is serious, it will cause

the pipeline to explode, causing serious safety accidents (Wang et al., 2013).

It is estimated that labor utility industries spend thousands of dollars every year

in repair or replacement of tubes in steam generators and other heat exchangers

damaged by vibrations. Pluvinage and Elwany (2007) recorded that, 30% of water is

lost by leak or break. The same problem goes for pipes when they are used to convey

and transport oil and gas from one place to another, however, the leakage of oil and/or

gas is more dangerous than water.

Guo et al. (2013) investigated that the transport of oil in high fluid pressure in

offshore pipeline causes FIV. There are various shapes of pipes used in oil/gas field and

the geometry of each shape definitely will affect the vibration intensity.

Fluid flow inside a certain pipe can initiate vibration under various conditions.

If the vibration intensity is high, pipes can strike against supports which lead to fatigue

failure and cracks (Wood & Wollenberg, 2012).

There are certain factors which have vital roles in increasing or decreasing

piping vibration such as Pipelines geometries and shapes, pipeline materials, supports,

boundary conditions, types of fluid, flow rate ratio and environmental conditions. In

this research, the study will focus on how to increase the efficiency of straight pipelines

for different geometry to resist the vibrations problems in oil and Gas sector.


The research mainly focuses on the modeling and analysis of flow-induced

vibration (FIV) of oil and gas pipeline using Engineering simulation software called


The objectives of the work are summarized as below:

a. To investigate vibration characteristics of the pipelines.

b. To simulate flow-induced vibration of large pipelines with higher

geometrical complexity for the characterization of dynamic response.

c. To investigate methods to reduce vibration in pipelines.


This project focuses on improving the pipelines durability, efficiency and

lifetime by finding solutions to reduce piping vibrations and its effects. The main

significance properties to be taken in consideration are flow velocity, pipe diameter,

length and wall thickness as well as the density and the viscosity of the fluid which

surely effect flow-induced steady state characteristics in pipelines. This research

utilizes engineering simulation software (ANSYS) to model and analyze of FIV in large



Failures in the industrial plants occur due to many causes. 30% of those failures

happened due to damaged pipelines. As many articles stated, damaged pipelines caused

by three reasons; (1) 22% from leaking seals, (2) corrosion, and erosion with 21% and

(3) 6% from vibration. Thus, for every three damages of pipeline, one damage results

from vibration. However, there is no clear guidance on the limits of vibration

(Drozyner, 2011; Swindell, 2012).

Many scholars carried out several researches including experimental and

theoretical studies on the pipelines area such as materials effects, vibration causes,

suppression methods, and the efficiency and lifetime of the pipeline. Therefore, this

chapter is divided into three sections. The first section reviews the main sources of

vibrations, the second section displays out the previous experimental and theoretical

studies and the third section discusses the various suppression solutions used.


Vibration is divided into two character types: steady-state and dynamic transient

vibration. In various sources, piping steady-state vibration known as a repetitive

vibration that occurs for a relatively long time period. However, the dynamic transient

occurs for relatively short time periods and is usually generated by much larger forces.

The primary cause of dynamic transients is a high- or low-pressure pulse traveling

through the fluid (Olson 2002).

Many investigations stated that dynamics transient vibration is subject to the

changes of the flow velocity which is based on the properties of the fluid and the

geometry of the pipes which includes fittings, valves, bending and other shapes (S

Chen, 1971; Olson, 2002; Pittard, 2003).

This section will elaborate the main sources of pipeline vibration such as

pressure pulsations, Cavitation and flashing, Flow-induced vibration (FIV), and

Vortex-induced vibration (VIV).

2.1.1 Pressure Pulsations

The pressure pulsation of the flow is an important factor of pipeline vibration

causes. Many researchers investigated that the main sources of pulsations are vortex

shedding, high flow turbulence, pumps and centrifugal compressors.

As shown in figure 2.1, the unbalanced forces occur usually in the elbows, tees,

throttles and pipe reducers due to the pressure pulsation effects where a direction of

flow and its velocity are changed. In addition, pressure pulsations cause forces acted

along pipe axis (Vasilyev & Fromzel, 2003).

Vortex shedding is proportional to the pressure pulsations. Therefore, the

frequency will vary based on the flow velocity which at the same time affects the

pulsation frequency (Ibrahim, 2007).

Large piping vibration caused due to pressure pulsation in which the control

valve generated turbulence at the Strouhal frequencies. However, the change in the

mechanism of the control valve to variable frequency motor drive eliminates harmful

pulsations and vibrations caused by standing waves (Lewis et al., 1997).

Figure 2.1 Pump-induced pressure pulsations (Vasilyev & Fromzel, 2003)

Liang et al. (2015) state that to investigate whether vibration is caused by

pressure pulsation or not, compare vibration severity under the two different working

conditions (idle load, load). He found that vibration is mainly caused by pressure

pulsation if vibration severity is weak under idle load condition, but it is strong under

load condition.

Pumps may induce pressure pulsations over a wide range of possible

frequencies. Pump-induced pressure pulsations may be produced at multiples of the

pump-operating speed and multiples of the number of pump plungers, blades, volutes,

or diffuser vanes. The potential pulsation frequencies are defined by equation (2.1)

(Wachel et al., 1990a):

nX nXY
A , or A  (2.1)
60 60


A: frequency of pressure pulsation, cycles/sec. (Hz)

n: 1, 2, 3, and so on

X: pump rotating speed, rpm

Y: dependent on pump type: number of pump plungers, blades, volutes, or

diffuser vanes.

Fluid pulsations can be generated from the intermittent flow of a fluid through

the compressor or pump cylinder valves. Fluid pulsations are related to number of

parameters, including operating pressures and temperatures, horsepower, capacity,

pressure ratio, clearance volumes, phasing between cylinders, fluid thermodynamic

properties and cylinder and valve design (Wachel, 2000). Pressure pulsations resulting

from vortex shedding occur at distinct frequency bands.

Too large pressure drop caused cavitation and flashing. At such flow restrictions

such as a flow orifice or a control valve; the flow restriction increases the fluid velocity

and as a result, decreases its pressure. Cavitation or flashing commonly results when

the fluid's static pressure reaches its vapor pressure and the fluid vaporizes also result

from over-throttling of control valves as illustrated in Fig.2.2 (Olson, 2002).

Figure 2.2 Cavitation at a control valve (Olson, 2002)

Theoretical investigation and mathematical modeling of pipelines, simulation

of pressure pulsation, parameters calculation and fluid-structure interaction (FSI) have

been studied by many researchers such as Loh et al. (2011) and B. Xu et al. (2009).

The acoustic wave theory, transfer matrix method, and finite element method

have been proposed to analyze gas pulsation in the piping system (Nakamura et al.,

2013; Trebuňa et al., 2013).

Furthermore, the pressure drop along the pipes and the effect of temperature on

pressure was investigated by Eiamsa-ard et al. (2008). They conducted numerical study

that shows the variation of the flow discharge and pressure drop. There are many

theoretical and experimental studies concerning mainly on pipeline vibration and

pressure pulsation.

2.1.2 Flow-Induced Vibration (FIV)

The interaction occurs due to fluid flow in or around a body causes vibration is

known is Flow-induced vibration (FIV)."FIV best describe the interaction that occurs

between the fluid’s dynamic forces and a structure’s inertial, damping and elastic

forces "(Moussou et al., 2004).

FIV is known as FSI in many works of literature which stand for fluid-structure

interaction. However, FSI is used for unsteady flow inducing piping vibration which

called two-way FSI, in compare with FIV which used often for stationary flow and it is

known as one-way interaction. Fluid-structure interactions (FSI) occurs due to internal

flows which have a major concern in many industries. Therefore, piping systems and

valves can generate strong vibrations, transient pulses, cavitation effects and many

types of flow instabilities (Moussou et al., 2004).

Under certain conditions, fluid flow inside a pipe can initiate vibrations of the

pipe which known as FIV. Flow-Induced Vibrations and the physical parameters that

control them are of significant importance of piping engineering systems and operators.

The offshore industry also is one of the most susceptible fields to FIV due to the wide

constructions in flowing water. For Examples, drilling risers, catenaries, marine cables

and underwater pipelines are highly susceptible to FIV (Cen, 2015).

Piping systems used for transfer of highly pressurized gas often operate under

time-varying conditions imposed by pumps and valves operations and thus may

experience severe vibration induced loading. Examples of such problems are flow-

induced vibration (FIV) of a pipeline supported above ground level, as well as

conveying internal flow. In fact, the first investigation in this area was made by Ashley

and Haviland (1950) who investigated the vibration characteristics of the Trans-

Arabian pipeline.

FIV is driven by flow velocity (ρv 2 ) and results from turbulent mixing with

boundary layer separation and pressure pulsations at bends, tees, reducers etc. This

results in shaking forces at the bend, or tee, that generates a low frequency (<100 Hz),

longitudinal beam mode vibration in the piping with visible pipe movement or shaking.

FIV affects on the small diameter of low-frequency vent systems. FIV is a significant

issue for many applications such as liquefied natural gas projects (LNG) which

indicates a risk of piping failure and loss of containment and many other effects such

as safety, plant operation, production and the overall economics of the project

(Cowling, 2016).

Keramat et al. (2012) studied fluid-structure interactions (FSI) caused by water

hammer in a pipeline which has viscoelastic wall behavior. He concluded that there are

four important parameters that may affect classical water-hammer results such as

unsteady friction (UF), column separation (CS), (FSI) and viscoelasticity (VE).

When dealing with the transportation of fluid in a pipe, vibrations can occur if

large pressure fluctuations are imposed on the pipe wall. This FSI phenomenon is

known as flow-induced vibration (FIV). Instability of the pipe due to these vibrations

depends on the end condition of the pipe. A straight pipe with both ends fixed is likely

to fail first due to buckling when the critical velocity is exceeded.

 EI 2
vo  ( ) (2.2)
L A


𝑣𝑜 is the critical velocity

EI is the constant flexural rigidity;

ρ is the density of the fluid;

A is the internal area of the pipe; and

L is the length of the pipe.

The M-shaped jumper has a span equal to the distance from the PET end to the

PLEM end, and its maximum deflection is most likely to occur at the middle section

when a pipe is supported in both ends. Adding all the forces acting on a fluid element

in the vertical direction shown in Figure 2.3, the following relation applies:

 2Y   

F  A 2  A  v  Y (2.3)
t  t x 

The centrifugal force due to the curvature of the pipe opposes the vertical

component of the fluid pressure and the force F applied to the wall on the fluid. Adding


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