12 - Sampling and Data

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Chapter 12

Sampling and Data

Terms to know:
-Data (information on the variables)
-Categorical variable (characteristics can be divided into categories)
-Quantitative variable (characteristic in numerical value)
-Population (the entire individual in a community)
-Census (collection of info from whole population)
-Parameter (numerical quantity in measuring some population aspect)
-Sample (group of individuals from population)
-Survey (collection of info from sample)
-Statistic (quantity from data gathered from sample)

Statistical investigation
-state problem (what we’re investigating)
-choose sample
-collect data
-organize+display data
-calculate descriptive stats
-interpret stats

A Errors in Sampling and Data Collection

Sampling error (random error)
Coverage error (inherent issues with target population)
Non-response error (some sample unresponsive)
Measurement error (inaccuracies in measuring data)

B Sampling Methods
Random sampling (same chance in a population)
Systematic sampling (selecting sample in intervals)
Convenience sampling (selecting samples easy to find)
Stratified sampling (proportional random sampling)
Quota sampling (proportional sampling)

C Writing Surveys [AI]

Guidelines for writing surveys:
-keep questions simple + clear
-ask specific questions (prevent misinterpretation)
-structured vs unstructured questions
-keep questions neutral
-be wary of personal questions
D Types of Data
-Categorical variables (variable based on quality/characteristic)
-Quantitative variables (has numerical value)
>discrete variable:has exact values, result of counting. usually finite.
e.g. number of books, number of phones, card collection, etc.
>continuous variable: can take any range of values, result of measure. data can be infinite.
e.g. body measurements (weight, height), length of tape (after cut into pieces), etc.

E Simple Discrete Data

Organizing discrete:
-frequency table

Displaying discrete:
-column graph
-(and many more in the next chapter)

Describing discrete:
-negatively skewed (negative stretched)
-positively skewed (positive stretched)

Outliers (data that has biG errors, too large/small)

F Grouped Discrete Data

Group data to class intervals when there’s big data
Modal class (highest frequency class)
>make column graphs for this type of data

G Continuous Data
Data with no exact value
Group data into class intervals in equal width
>frequency histogram or histogram

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