Westgard - Practica QC Pe Glob 2017

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The 2017 Great Global QC Survey Results
The 2017 Great Global QC Survey reached over 900 laboratory professionals from more than 105
countries . Learn what we discovered about the world's QC.

The Great Global QC Survey 2017

Sten Westgard, MS
June 2017

From April through June of 2017, Westgard QC conducted a survey that reached out to the more than 25,000
laboratory professionals that subscribe to the Westgard Web e-newsletter, as well as the more than 20,000
LinkedIn laboratory professionals that connect with the Westgards, to gather a comprehensive view of the
Quality Control Practices of the world.

For a free copy of these graphs, go to our download section.

The majority of responses came from outside the US, but the US participation rate was just under 40%. The top
countries who responded were the USA, Serbia, United Kingdom, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates.
There's no way to state this is a perfect statistical representation of all the world's laboratory, but it is one of the
largest surveys that have been conducted and shared publicly.
Most of the reponses came from public, government, or private hospital laboratories.

We had a nice distribution of laboratories in the survey responses. The most answers came from labs that were
running more than 100,000 tests but less than 1 million tests per year. But a third of the labs are high volume
and a third of the labs are low volume.

The labs that responded are running nearly all kinds of testing. But the primary type of testing that the
responding labs were running is chemistry. Given the fact that the Westgard website and "Westgard Rules" are
best known in the chemistry world, that's not surprising.

We first asked the laboratories all the different kinds of testing they perform. Then we asked them to
concentrate on just answering questions on one type of testing.
Similarly to the previous question, the vast majority of the responses reflect what kind of QC is being
implemented on chemistry testing.

For this question, multiple answers were allowed. But the majority of laboratories are using their actual
performance to set their mean and SD. This is encouraging. Less encouraging, however, is the percentage of
labs that are using manufacturer's ranges, peer group ranges, and other non-individual sources for SD. Those
ranges will typically be set too wide, much wider than they would be if based on their actual mean and SD. This
is where labs end up staying "in control" and compliant but in reality could be releasing patient results that are
We asked laboratories if they are using 2 SD control limits on all their tests, but probably we just got the answer
if they use 2 SD limits on any tests. And sadly, the majority of labs are using 2SD limits somewhere in their
labs. This is unfortunate, since the strict application of 2 SD will generate high false rejection rates (Pfr of 9%
for 2 controls, higher for 3 controls, etc.). Either theses labs are drowning in out of control events or they are
using some type of trick to push those limits wider (see above, the manufacturer range, peer group SD, etc.),
which means their 2 SD isn't really a 2 SD. [When we look back at the UK QC survey of 2011, we see this
number is consistent. About half of labs were using  2 SD limtis back then, too]

 Nearly three out of four laboratories report using "Westgard Rules", we suspect not on ALL their tests, but on
many tests. Should we take this as an encouraging sign? It's definitely better than using 2 SD control limits. But
there are many different ways we have seen laboratories implement the "Westgard Rules" so even this finding
may not be an unalloyed good. Indeed, there is also the possibility that some very good methods are being
"over-QC'd" and over-controlled by a blanket application of "Westgard Rules." There are times when
"Westgard Rules" are overkill.
 This is a question where multiple answers were allowed. You can see that the choice of control limits was
heavily driven by regulations and accreditation requirements. Far fewer labs are following the CLSI C24 best
practice guidelines for QC. Nearly 1 in 4 labs also relies on their own professional judgement for choosing their
control limits, which you can interpret variously as a sign of experience or possibly a tendency to value to
tradition over science.
[Again, this was a question where multiple answers were allowed] A bit of a surprising finding in this one.
More than 60% of laboratories are using manufacturer controls. The drawbacks of manufacturer controls are so
well known that even the latest ISO standards strongly encourage the use of independent / third-party controls.
(I speculate that this will become a mandatory requirement in the next version of ISO 15189.) Of the various
types of third-party controls, liquid assayed controls are most common, while lyophilized unassayed controls
are least popular.  With average of normals, it's also surprising to see such a low adoption rate. This technique
has been around for decades, is well known and applied in hematology, and its utility has been demonstrated
many times, but in the rest of the testing world it still seems out of reach.  There have been major informatics
advances to make the average of normals easier to implement, but the hurdles are stlil sufficiently high, the
complexity still sufficiently deep, that the vast majority of laboratories simple don't do it.

You can also see that, while IQCP and EP23 was all the rage in the US, there has been very little shifting of QC
into the electronic realm. Only the POC market has been embracing these techniques, and then probably only
because the small devices are just not well designed to perform traditional QC.

This is a question where multiple answers were allowed. This is a conceptual question about how laboratories
schedule their QC. Nearly a majority place their controls only at the beginning of a run. The next most popular
QC schedule is to run controls throughout the day. A much smaller portion of labs are performing a kind of
"bracket QC", placing controls at both the beginning and the end of the run.  Even fewer laboratories are
spacing the controls out based on the testing volumes. This of course is probably the most scientific approach:
to determine how many patient samples can be run in between controls without raising the risk of reporting a
bad result too high. This is also the option that is informed by the work of Curt Parvin.
While the previous question asked about the placement of controls within a run, this question asked more
directly about how many controls were run in a time period. Most of the labs around the world are meeting the
"minimum standard" from CLIA and other regulations: once a day. QC frequency remains primarily based on
the rotational speed of the earth, not driven by needs of the clinician and patient.
Again, this is  question where multiple answers were allowed. The most common reason used to set the
frequency of QC are the regulatory and accreditation requirements. But almost the manufacturer QC
recommendations and professional judgment play an almost equally important role.

Only about 1 in 4 laboratories are using the actual volume of testing guide their QC frequency. And only about
1 in 6 are using either EP23 or IQCP as the rationale for setting QC frequency.

 Multiple answers were allowed to this question. Most laboratories are relying on the on-board instrument
informatics to support their QC charting. After that, labs find LIS charting programs and peer group software
most practical.  Less than 1 in 5 laboratories are handling their charting at the middleware level (even though a
lot of the middleware I see has the most advanced features for QC).

It's significant to see how many labs are using Excel spreadsheets as their primary QC tool, or standalone QC
programs, or even using good old paper and pen.  That may be a reflection of the variety of informatics
capabilities around the world. In the US and Europe, informatics is overwhelmingly available and the resources
are also available to pay for it. Elsewhere, neither of those points may be true.

Here's one of those moments of truth. Multiple answers were allowed. The good news is the most common
response (nearly 3 in 4 laboratories) was that laboratories troubleshoot first, seeking out the root cause of the
problem, before they repeat any controls. However, not far behind is the simple knee-jerk response of the
repeating the control (3 of 4 labs). This is following by more than 60% of labs simply willing to run a new
control. Then nearly 1 in 5 labs will repeat the new control to try and get it "in."   Strangely, 3% of laboratories
were honest enough to admit that they simple repeat the control until it falls back "in," defeating the entire
purpose of running controls.  About 1 in 6 laboratories also have a bad habit of reflexively recalibrating the
method before doing any trouble-shooting, a practice which pads the profit margins of the companies making
calibrators, but not necessarily providing any real solution to laboratory problems (recalibrating without
troubleshooting first may mean you are recalibrating when the error was simple random, or when the error was
a false rejection).

Another moment of truth. More than 1 in 6 labs has multiple out-of-control flag  every day. Another roughly 1
in 6 labs has an out-of-control event every day. More than a quarter of laboratories have an out-of-control flag
every few days. And then another roughly 1 in 6 labs has just one QC flag per week. A tiny number of labs
report having very few and very rare QC flags, and we will detail later how many of those labs are just reporting
on their POC and IQCPs.

The stark fact is that a third of laboratories are out-of-control every day. Now we can rationalize this by
realizing that there are hundreds of tests being run in these labs, with so many controls being run every day, that
false rejections are inevitable. In that way, we can tell ourselves that the constant failure isn't something that's
impacting the patients, but is simple the product of our hyper-sensitive QC process. But even that reasoning has
a depressing end - if we're really drowning ourselves in out-of-control flags that don't reflect any impact to
patient results, this is going to generate a type of alert fatigue, where we being to grow deaf to the controls and
stop troubleshooting and maybe even feel the impulse to ignore the QC flags completely. This is what alert
fatigue means in other healthcare processes.

a constant series of alarms going off is not not something to be proud of, is not proof that you're doing QC
correctly. It's probably evidence that you are over-controlling, or mis-interpreting QC. And if all those flags are
driving repeats, new controls, and recalibations, this is a practice that is draining the resources and effort of the
laboratory, and padding the profit margins of the control and calibrator vendors without improving patient care
one iota.
Given the constant peal of alarms, it makes sense to wonder how laboratories implement their patient sample

About a third of laboratories will only retest small groups of patients in sequence, for example checking to see if
the most recent 10 patient samples are the same before and after the QC problem was fixed, and if there is any
significant difference, testing the next 10 patient samples, and so on until they can find a batch of retesting that
shows no significant difference between the previous run and the retesting.

Another third of laboratories will adopt the standard approach: retest all patient samples from the previous run.
This is how it used to be done in the old days, when run sizes were small. Most large volume laboratories don't
even have the capacity to try that kind of retesting.

Less than 1 in 5 laboratories narrow their retesting even further, by either focusing only on patient results that
were abnormal, or results that were near the same level as the control that was "out."
Here's the problem with all of these poor control limit settting and control repeating and repeating habits and
never-ending out-of-control flags: they corrode our trust in our own QC.  Ultimately, laboratories begin to
distrust their own QC flags and start releasing results despite out-of-control flags.  1 in 10 laboratories are
releasing patient results at least once a month, once a wek, or once a day, in defiance of the QC signals.  It's sad
to think all that QC effort is being expended, only to be ignored. Thankfully, there are a majority of laboratories
that report they NEVER do this, and another nearly third of laboratories that do it rarely.
Out of curiousity, we decided to ask laboratories what they suspect is the rate of false rejection in their control
results. That is, how many of their controls do they believe are false flags?  There are 10% of laboratories that
believe there are no false rejections - that is sweet but untrue. Another near-quarter of laboratories think that
false rejection rate is below 1%. Also still entirely too optimistic.

Another quarter of laboratories have a more realistic sense of false rejection: between 2 and 5%, which is
probably where we should hope our false rejection rates should be. But another quarter of laboraties think the
false rejection rates are 5%, 10%, or even higher. If this is true, those laboratories should be taking action to try
and save themselves from this tidal wave of false rejections. Any process that has a built-in false rejection rate
higher than 5% or 10% is consuming a very large amount of your time with self-inflicted, non-value-added
waste. Chasing down all these false rejections is an expense that no laboratory can afford to indulge.

 Finally, we asked laboratories if they had taken any steps to try and manage the costs of their Quality Control
practices. 60% of laboratories have taken NO steps toward managing the cost of their quality efforts. 1 in 6
laboratores have consolidated their QC into fewer controls. Andother 1 in 6 laboratories have reduced their QC
frequency. 1 in 8 laboratories have switched to cheaper controls. Less than 1 in 10 laboratories have changed
their QC rules or widened their limits in an effort to manage costs.

Some of these changes might be warranted or not. Some labs may need to invest MORE in QC rather than less,
if they are exhibiting poor practices. The survey was not designed to assess the state of any individual
laboratory, but merely to get a holistic sense of the global laboratory marketplace.


In an era of shrinking budgets and constrained staffing, most laboratories around the globe are going to have to
figure out how to implement Quality Control more efficiently and effectively. The Global QC Survey tells us
that there are a lot of inefficient or imperfect implementation of Quality Control. There is huge room for
improvement in QC practices. Given the financial futures of testing reimbursement for most laboratories, this
opportunity for improvement is really an imperative for change. Like so many parts of current healthcare, the
current state of QC is unsustainable. Laboratories must change and adopt better approaches, or they will risk
their continuing viability, or worse still, risk the patients with poor quality results.

For a free copy of these graphs, go to our download section.

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