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3535 TS.Fashion Bldg., Hagkol, Valencia City, Bukidnon



A Portfolio Presented to the Faculty of

ACLC College of Bukidnon

Valencia City, Bukidnon

In Partial Fulfillment Of the

Requirements for the subject System Integration

and Architecture 1 for the Degree of Bachelor

of Science in Information Technology


Nicole Ann A. Realda

Ernielyn S. Unabia

Alaine D. Bonbon

January 2022


Central Mindanao University – Office of Student Affairs deals with all the student

organizations in institution. This study aimed to develop pointing system module

for student organization liquidation create a user account module for the

administrator to record all the documents submitted by the student organization.

Create a module that can be approved or decline the documents; and create a

module that can record all the remarks. The recognition or accreditations,

supervision, and monitoring of all the student organizations including the

evaluation of the activities and accomplishments. This study aims to the

development of the pointing system for student organization activities of Central

Mindanao University office of student affairs is to chance the productivity of the

system output performance by providing information and quality services that can

easily be used by uses.



Infrastructure, devices, and even methods have become more

innovative. The
arising new idea makes our life easier. Things have become portable,
convenient, and accurate. Applications made better solutions that meet our
Central Mindanao University – Office of Student Affairs deals with all the
student organizations in this institution. The recognition or accreditation,
supervision, and monitoring of all the student organizations including the
evaluation of the activities and accomplishments are part of this unit.
In applying for registration of student organizations, the students should
comply with all the registration requirements and even attend the Strategic
Planning Seminar held before the start of classes. OSA will check the documents
and interview the new organizations. The OSA director will recommend the
qualified student organizations be registered and shall function in the university
abiding by the rules and regulations of the institution. It is of great advantage for
all Registered Student Organizations to be recognized for they can conduct all
their activities on and off-campus if with the approval of the University President
(CMU-OSA, 2019).
In conducting activities student organizations must submit their
communication letter before three working days are conducted. They also have
an evaluation of the activities that the student organization submitted and a
pointing system of all the documents passed on time and late. The best student
organization in this institution will be given at the end of the semester to the
student organization based on the pointing system.
Statement of the Problem

Mindanao University – Office of Student Affairs plays a crucial role in

Keeping track of all the documents submitted by a student organization in

conducting an activity. Only the head of the student organization and activity unit

working on this matter. Also, the liquidation of student activities is manually doing

it. They only have an index card to input the name of the organization, the date of

communication letter received, and the date to be conducted. The date of

liquidation received, activity report, and other remarks.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to develop a Pointing System for

Student Organization Activities of Central Mindanao University – Office of

Student Affairs.

Significant of the Study

The development of the Pointing System for Student Organization

Activities of Central Mindanao University – Office of Student Affairs was to

enhance the productivity of the system output performance by providing

information and quality services that can easily be used by users. Through this, it

will not be a hassle for the head of the student organization to keep in track all

the documents passed by the student organization when conducting the activity

and they will not be able to do a manual process by inputting points to the

student organization and the liquidations of all the activities conducted. The

outcome will lead to efficient and good services that the system can give.
Scope of the Study

The focus of this project is to create a Pointing System for Student

Organization Activities of Central Mindanao University – Office of Student Affairs

that can record all the document activities that are conducted by the student

organization. The system is also capable of calculating the result in each

organization and approve or decline the documents.

The development of this system is limited only to the head of the student

organization and activities unit. All the things that do not mention are not included

in the system

Research Method

This study is conducted in Central Mindanao University – Office of

Student Affairs that has not a pointing system for student organization


Conceptual Framework

shows the flowchart of the proposed system. The head of the

student organization will log in to his or her account. After the log-in, the
head of the organization will receive the documents passed by the student
organization and input the scores.
System Prototype

Shows the use case diagram of the head of the student

organization that has full access to the system. The head of the
student organization can log in to his/her account, view the student
organization, can approve or decline the documents submitted by
the student organization. It can also input the scores and view the
current ranking.

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