Science 1, Chap 1 Question Bank Solution

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Science 1, chap 1
Question Bank solution

Q.1. (A) Choose the correct alternative.

(1) If a man weights 60 kg on the surface of Earth, what will be his weight when he is
taken to the centre of Earth?
(a)120 kg (b) 6 kg (c) 0 kg (d) 30 kg
(2) According to Kepler's third law T2 /rn, where n = ____________ .
(a) 3 (b) 13 (c) 2 (d) 12
(3) The gravitational force between two particles separated by a distance r varies as
___________ .
(a) 1/𝑟 (b) r (c) r2 (d) 1/𝑟2

(B) Answer the following questions.

(1) State whether the following statement is true or false, and state why it is so.
For a freely falling object, we can write the Newton’s second equation of motion as,
S= ½ gt2
Ans: True
Reason: For a freely falling object, the initial velocity u = 0 and the acceleration
a = g. Thus we can write the equation S= ut + ½ at2 as S= ½ gt2.

(2) Make pairs.

(a) Acceleration due to gravity (1) v = gt
(2) GM/R2
(b) Escape velocity (3) −GMm/R
(4) (2GM/R)1/2

(3) State whether the following statement is True or False:

If the separation between two particles is doubled, the gravitational force between the
particles becomes half the initial force.
Ans: False. If the separation between two particles is doubled, the gravitational force
between the particles becomes 1/4th the initial force.

(4) Write the correct answer in the square:

If this F = x [Fig. (i)] then, [Fig. (ii)] F = x/4

(5) Match the columns :

Column 'A’ Column 'B’
(1) Force (a) N.m2/ kg2
(b) m/s2
(c) N

Q.2. (A) Give Reasons.

(1) The constant of gravitation is called universal constant.
Ans: (i) Gravitational constant is the force of attraction between two unit masses placed
at unit distance apart from each other.
(ii) It has SI unit Nm2/kg2, and its S.I. value is 6.673 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2 .
(iii) It is always denoted by ‘G’.
(iv) Its value is fixed and does not change with conditions, hence it is called universal

(2) With a specific initial velocity, we can jump higher on the moon than on the
Ans: (i) The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is about 1/6 th of that on the earth.
(ii) Hence, with a specific initial velocity, we can jump higher on the moon than on the
(iii) This can be seen from the equation *h = u2 . This equation can be derived using

Newton’s third equation of motion. *(page 13- escape velocity)

(3) An object released from the hand, falls on the earth.

Ans: (ii) When an object is held in the hand, the gravitational force acting on the object
due to the earth is balanced by the person holding the object. As a result, the object
remains at rest.
(ii) Once the object is released from our hands, the only force that acts on it is the
gravitational force of the earth and the object falls down under its influence.

Q.2. (B) Answer the following questions.

(1) A metal ball of mass 5 kg falls from a height of 490m. How much time will it
take to reach the ground? (g = 9.8 m/s2)
Ans: Given:
Mass (m) = 5 kg
Displacement (s) = 490 m
g = 9.8 m/s2
Initial velocity (u) = 0 m/s
To find:
Time (t) = ?
Formulae: s = ut + ½ gt2
490 = 0 × t + ½ × 9.8 × t2
490 = 4.9 × t2
t2 = 490 / 4.9
t2 = 100
t = 10 seconds

(2) Write a short note on - Free fall

Ans: (ii) When an object is held in the hand, the gravitational force acting on the object
due to the earth is balanced by the person holding the object. As a result, the object
remains at rest.
(ii) Once the object is released from our hands, the only force that acts on it is the
gravitational force of the earth and the object falls down under its influence.
(iii) Whenever an object moves under the influence of the force of gravity alone, it is
said to be falling freely. Thus the released object is in a free fall.

(iv) During free fall, the frictional force due to air opposes the motion of the object and
a buoyant force also acts on the object. Thus, true free fall is possible only in vacuum.

(3) Mahendra and Virat are sitting at a distance of 1 meter from each other. Their
masses are 75 kg and 80 kg, respectively. What is the gravitational force between
(G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2)
Ans: Given:
m1 = 75 kg
m2 = 80 kg
G = 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2/kg2
To find: Force (F) = ?
Formula: F = Gm1m2
F = 6.67 × 10–11 × 75 × 80
F = 6.67 × 10–11 × 6000
F = 6.67 × 10–11 × (6 × 103)
= 40.02 × 10-8 N
The gravitational force between Mahendra and Virat is 40.02 × 10–8 N
OR 4.002 × 10-7 N

(4) An object takes 5 s to reach the ground from a height of 5 m on a planet.

What is the value of 'g' on the planet?
Ans: Given:
u = 0 m/s, s = 5 m, t = 5 seconds
To find: g = ?
Formula: s = ½ g t2
5 = ½ x g x (5 )2
10 = g x 25
g = 10 / 25 = 2/5 = 0.4
g = 0.4 m/s2 (on the planet)

(5) Distinguish between:

Universal gravitational constant and gravitational acceleration.

Universal gravitational constant Gravitational acceleration

1. The universal gravitational 1. The gravitational acceleration of

constant numerically equals the force the earth is the acceleration produced
of attraction between two unit in a body due to the gravitational
masses separated by a unit distance. force of the earth.
2. Its value remains constant 2. Its value changes from place to
throughout the universe. place.
3. It has magnitude but not direction. 3. It has both magnitude and
4. Its SI unit is N.m2/kg2. 4. Its SI unit is m/s2

Q.3. (A) Answer the following questions.

(1) What would be the value of 'g' on the surface of Earth if its mass was twice and
its radius half of what it is now?
Ans: Given:
M' = 2M
R' = R

To find: g' = ?
Formula: g = GM

Solution: g' = GM’


= G × 2M = G × 2M = 4 × 2 × GM
R 2 R2 R2
2 4

= 4 × 2 × g ................ g = GM
g' = 8 g R2

The value of g will become 8 times.

(2) An object thrown vertically upwards reaches a height of 500 m. What was its
initial velocity? How long will the object take to come back to Earth? (g = 10m/s2)

Ans: Given:
Displacement (s)= 500 m
Gravitational acceleration (g) = -10 m/s2 (since the ball is thrown upwards, g is negative)
Final velocity (v) = 0 m/s
To find: Initial velocity (u) = ?
ttotal = ?
Formulae: v2 = u2 + 2gs, ttotal = 2t, v = u + gt
∴ v, g and s is given,
to find u, we use 3rd equation
Solution: v2 = u2 + 2gs
0 = u2 + 2 x (-10) x 500
0 = u2 - 10000
10000 = u2
u = 100 m/s
Since, we have v, u and g, to find t, we use 1st equation.
v = u + gt
0 = 100 + (-10) × t
0 = 100 – 10t
10 t = 100
t = 10 seconds
Time of ascent = Time of descent
∴ ttotal = 2 × 10
∴ ttotal = 20 seconds

Initial velocity was 100 m/s and time taken to come back to Earth is 20s.

(3) A ball falls off a table and reaches the ground in 1s. Assuming g =10 m/s 2,
calculate its speed on reaching the ground and the height of the table.
Ans: Given:
Time (t) = 1 s
Gravitational acceleration (g) = 10 m/s2
Initial velocity (u) = 0 m/s
To find: Final velocity (v) = ? Displacement (s) = ?
Formulae: v = u + gt, s = ut + ½ gt2
Solution: v = u + gt
v = 0 + 10 × 1
v = 10 m/s
Now, s = ut + ½ gt2
s = 0 × t + ½ × 10 × 12
s = 5 metres
Speed on reaching ground is 10 m/s and height of the table is 5 m.

(4) What does the following figure depict? State Kepler's laws with the help of this

Ans: Figure shows the elliptical orbit of a planet revolving around the Sun (S).
(i) Kepler’s first law : The orbit of a planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the foci.
(ii) Kepler’s second law :
The line joining the planet and the Sun sweeps equal areas in equal intervals of time.
AB, CD and EF are the displacements of the planet in equal intervals of time.
The straight lines AS, CS and ES sweep equal areas in equal intervals of time.
Area ASB = Area CSD = Area ESF.
(iii) Kepler’s third law :
The square of the period of revolution of a planet around the Sun is directly
proportional to the cube of the mean distance of the planet from the Sun.

Thus, if r is the average distance of the planet from the Sun and T is its period of
revolution, then,
T2 α r3
i.e., T2 = constant = K.

(5) The radius of planet A is half the radius of planet B. If the mass of planet A is
MA, what must be the mass of planet B so that the value of g on planet B is half that
of its value on planet A?
Ans: Given: RA = ½ RB ∴ RA = ½

gB = ½ g a ∴ gB = ½

To find: Mass of planet B, MB = ?

Formula: g = GM

Solution: For planet A

gA = GMA . . . (i)
gB = GMB . . . (ii)
Dividing equation (ii) by (i),
gB = GMB ÷ GMA
gA RB2 RA2
gB = GMB × RA2
gB = MB × RA

½ = MB × 1 . . . from ‘given’
MA 4

4 = MB ∴ 2MA = MB
2 MA

MB = 2MA
The mass of B is twice mass of A

(6) The mass and density of Mars are 6.42 x 1023 kg and 3,940 kg/m3, respectively.
What is the escape velocity? (Take g = 3.8 m/s2)
Ans: Given:
Mass = 6.42 x 1023 kg
Density = 3940 kg/m3
g = 3.8 m/s2
To find: Vesc = ?
Formula: Density = Mass / volume,
Volume of sphere = 4 π R3

Escape velocity, Vesc = 2gR

Solution: Density = Mass / volume
3940 = 6.42 x 1023
4 x 3.14 x R3

3940 = 6.42 x 1023

4.19 x R3

R3 = 6.42 x 1023
4.19 x 3940
R3 = 39 x 1018
R = 3 39 x 1018
R = 3.39 x 106 m
Vesc = 2 x 3.8 x 3.39 x 106
Vesc = 5.07 x 103 m/s
Vesc 5 km/s

(7) State Newton's universal law of gravitation. Explain it in mathematical form.

Ans: Newton’s universal law of gravitation: Every object in the Universe attracts
every other object with a definite force. This force is directly proportional to the
product of the masses of the two objects and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between them.

Mathematical form:

Consider two objects of masses m1 and m2. We assume that the objects are very small
spheres of uniform density and the distance r between their centers is very large
compared to the radii of the spheres.
The magnitude ( F ) of the gravitational force of attraction between the objects is
directly proportional to m1m2 and inversely proportional to r2
F α m1m2 therefore, F = G m1m2
r2 r2
where G is the constant of proportionality, called the universal gravitational constant.

(8) In the following figure, an orbit of a planet around the Sun (S) has been shown.
AB and CD are the distances covered by the planet in equal time. Lines AS and CS
sweep equal areas in equal intervals of time. Hence, areas ASB and CSD are equal.

(a) Which laws do we understand from the above description?
(b) Write the law regarding area swept.
(c) Write the law T2 / r3 in your words.
Ans: (a) From the given description we understand Kepler’s three laws.
(b) Kepler’s law of areas : The line joining the planet and the Sun sweeps equal areas in
equal intervals of time.
(c) Kepler’s law of periods : The square of the period of revolution of a planet around the
Sun is directly proportional to the cube of the mean distance of the planet from the Sun.

(9) Express escape velocity in terms of g and R.

Ans: Escape velocity, Vesc = 2GM

Now, g = GM

So, GM = gR2
Thus, Vesc = 2gR2 = 2gR

When a body is thrown vertically upward from the surface of the earth, the minimum
initial velocity of the body for which the body is able to overcome the downward pull by
the earth and can escape the earth forever is called the escape velocity.

(1) Explain why value of g changes if we go inside the earth.

Ans: (i) The value of g also changes if we go inside the earth.
(ii) The value of R in equation GM/ R2 decreases and one would think that the value of g
should increase as per the formula.
(iii) However, the part of the earth which contributes towards the gravitational force felt
by the object also decreases. Which means that the value of M to be used in equation
GM/ R2 also decreases.
(iv) As a combined result of change in R and M, the value of g decreases as we go deep
inside the earth.

(2) A metal ball of mass 5 kg falls from a height of 490 m. How much time it will take
to reach the ground? (g = 9.8 m/s2) – SOLVED

(3) The weight of an object changes from place to place though its mass is constant.
Ans: (i) Mass is the amount of matter present in the object. The SI unit of mass is kg. Its
value is same everywhere. Its value does not change even when we go to another planet.
(ii) The weight of an object is defined as the force with which the earth attracts the
object. The force (F) on an object of mass m on the surface of the earth can be written
using equation, W = F = m g.

(iii) As the value of g is not same everywhere, the weight of an object changes from
place to place, though its mass is constant everywhere.

(4) An object thrown vertically upwards reaches a height of 500 m. What was its
initial velocity? How long will the object take to come back to the earth? (g = 10
m/s2) – SOLVED

(5) What would be the value of ‘g’ on the surface of the earth if its mass was twice
and its radius half of what it is now? - SOLVED

(6) Observe the given figure showing the orbit of a planet moving around the Sun
and write the three laws related to it: - SOLVED

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