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You are on page 1of 15 Qo DISASTER MANAGEMENT SCIENCE 2, CHAP 10 QUESTION BANK SOLUTION +PYQ ’ \ \ \ & \ \ 9° Q.1. Answer the following: (1) What will you do if the domestic gas cylinder bursts? (a) Sprinkle water (b) Throw soil or sand (c) Cover the cylinder with a wet bed sheet (a) Run away (2) Write the name of disaster described in the following statement: Elephant in the Bandipur forest started running helter and skelter due to smoke. Ans: Forest fire Q.2. (A) Give scientific reasons. (1) One must not panic during a stampede. Ans: (i) Stampede is an act of uncontrolled running by a crowd of people who think that they are in danger. (ii) People run over others in the crowd to save themselves in a panic (iii) Panicking affects the decision making of the person. One cannot find a way to escape out the stampede when he is in fear. (iv) Thus, one must not panic during a stampede. (2) There is fast increase in incidences of disasters in human life after the World War-IL. Ans: (i) After World War-II, there has been vast advancement in technology which has led toa tremendous increase in human disasters. (ii) For example, the advancement in nuclear energy has led to setting up of various nuclear power plants. The radioactive wastes from these power plants are affecting the environment (iii) Also, the set up of various oil factories near the seas are affecting aquatic life and disasters such as oil spills has caused great environmental damage. ? ? 9° (iv) Due to population explosion, the demand for basic needs of people have also increased which has contributed to growing poverty and world hunger. (3) It is essential to get the training in first aid. Ans: (i) The first-aid training is extremely necessary for every citizen. (ii) Use of this knowledge is useful for offering help to the people around facing any disaster or injury. (iii) The first-aid measures differ from person to person according to the type and intensity of disaster. (iv) Victims of disaster need to be offered some primary help before actual medical treatment. First aid is useful in such circumstances. (v) First aid training can help in saving life in actual disaster time (B) Solve the following questions. (1) State any four objectives of disaster management. Ans: Reduced (2) Complete the chart: Reduced Relieving deterioration ofthe |, _/ Objectives condition of First Aid Sse a | Oe |Saving tives improve the id condition ) ? (3) Identify the disaster and-write its destructive effects. Ans: (i) The disaster here is heavy rains and flooding. (ii) The primary effects of flooding include loss of life and damage to buildings and other structures, including bridges, sewerage systems, roadways, and canals, (iii) Floods also. frequently damage power transmission and sometimes power generation, which causes loss of power. (4) Complete the table: Nature and scope of disaster (1) _ Pre-disaster phase 2) Warning phase (3) Emergency phase (4) Rehabilitation phase (3) Recovery phase (6) Reconstruction phase (5) What is mock drill? What are the objectives of mock drill? ‘Ans: (i) Mock Drill is a practice to check the preparedness of facing the disaster as early as possible. A virtual or apparent situation of disaster is created to check the reaction time for any type of disaster. (ii) Objectives of Mock drill are as follows: ? e (a) Evaluating the response to the disaster. (b) Improving the co-ordination between various departments of disaster control (c) Identification of own abilities (d) Checking the competency of the planned actions. (e) Improving the ability of quick response. ({) Identifying the possible errors and risks. (6) Write a short note on - Disaster Management Authority. Ans: Reduced (7) What do the symbols below indicate? Write in brief. "OS Oo ® (i) Toxic or irritant; If toxic or harmful chemical or gas is carried through cylinders. If ignored can cause leakage and lead to severe damage ii) Danger: If there is a danger to life, this symbol is used. If ignored, can cause loss of life. (iii) Explosive material: If a vehicle is carrying explosive material then this symbol is used. If ignored, can cause explosion. (iv) Material causing skin corrosion / burns: Corrosive to metals. If ignored can cause skin corrosion. (v) Inflammable: If any highly inflammable material is carried through a vehicle, then this tag is used. If ignored, can cause fire. ) ? 9° Q.3. (A) Answer the following questions. (1) Suggest remedies/measures. Observe the picture of disaster. What precautions would you take during this disaster? Which type of first aid is offered to the injured people? Ans: Above picture shows disaster of earthquake. Precautions during earthquake: (i) Do not panic. Take shelter under a table to protect yourself, (ii) Stay from bookcase or furniture that can fall on you. (iii) Stay away from windows. (iv) If you are in bed, hold on and stay there, protecting your head with a pillow. (v) If you are outdoors, find a clear spot away from buildings, trees, electric poles and wires (vi) If you are in a car, slow down and drive to a clear place. Stay in the car until the shaking stops. (vii) First aid offered: + Ifa person is bleeding, put direct pressure on the wound, use clean gauze or cloth if available. + Ifa person is not breathing administer CPR. + DO NOT attempt to move seriously injured persons unless they are in further danger of injury. + COVER injured persons with blankets to keep warm. + SEEK medical help for serious injuries. ) ? 9° (2) It is essential to always have a first aid kit with us. Explain the statement. Ans: It is essential to always have a first aid kit with us for following reasons: (i) First-aid kits help you handle the medical emergencies as quickly as possible. In an emergency, a delay of just a single minute can cause irreconcilable damage. These kits offer basic and instant care for common medical injuries like injuries, burns, cuts etc. (ii) A first-aid kit contains all vital medical products in one easy location. So, in case of emergency, you do not have to waste valuable time assembling the appropriate medical items. (iii) A well-equipped first-aid kit, in most cases, can prevent further complication with the injury or medical condition. Keeping a medical kit handy can be cost effective because it’s less likely a wound treated immediately with a first-aid kit will require complex attention in the future. (3) Effective disaster management makes us well prepared for the future. Explain the statement. Ans: (i) Disaster Management is achieving or time to time improving the ability to face the disasters through scientific and careful observations and analysis of data. (ii) It involves collecting the information about intensity of disaster and probable sites of disaster through predictive intensity maps and hazard maps respectively. (iii) It also includes getting special training for disaster management. (iv) Preparedness is a plan chalked out so as to get the quick response from general public and administration. (4) Explain the various effects of a railway accident disaster. Ans: The various effects of rail accident are as follows: (i) Economic effect: the destruction of the railway property as well as the expenditure required to restore the same results in huge economic loss. ? ? 9° (ii) Social effect: There is loss of life. The injured people may not be able to lead a normal life easily thereafter. Also, the destruction of belongings leads to financial loss to the passengers. (iii) Environmental effect: Crude oil and other chemicals spilled during accident from the train can cause soil pollution. If such hazardous chemical get mixed in rivers or streams it can lead to water pollution. (iv) Administrative and management effect: Transport system collapses, the railways are forced to reinstate the system at the earliest which stresses the workers. (v) Political effect: People lose their trust on the existing government, affecting the ruling political party. (5) Suggest remedies/measures. Picture of disaster is given below. a3 What precautions would you take during the following disaster? Ans: (i) Remain calm (ii) Feel if the door handle is hot, before exiting. (iii) Close the door behind you to keep the fire from spreading. (iv) If your clothes catch fire: stop, drop and roll (v) Cover yourself with a woolen blanket. (vi) Do not use elevators to come down from a building, (vii) Immediately pull the nearest fire alarm. (viii) If there is smoke in the air, stay close to the ground to reduce inhalation. (ix) Help to evacuate persons with special needs. ) ? (x) Once clear and away from danger, call Fire Fighting Force on number 101. Which type of first aid is offered to the injured people? Ans: First aid offered: + For all bums apply cold running (tap) water for at least 20 minutes + If running water not available, wet 2 cloths and alternate them onto the bum every 2 minutes. + Keep the rest of the body warm + Do NOT use ice, butter, creams, ete. + Remove clothing and jewelry as they can hold heat on the bum and jewelry can stop blood flow to the burn * Seek medical attention if the burn blisters or if there are any concerns. (6) Mock drill is useful. Explain the statement. Ans: (i) Mock Drill is a practice to check the preparedness of facing the disaster as early as possible. (ii) Virtual or apparent situation of disaster is created to check the reaction time for any type of disaster. (iii) Mock drill helps to check the efficiency of the system prepared for disaster redressal. (iv) Mock Drill is observed and performed under trained personnel who check execution of plan designed for disaster redressal (v) It is arranged in various schools by the fire fighters to create awareness during fire (vi) It includes demonstrations like extinguishing fire, rescuing the people trapped at higher floors of buildings, rescuing the persons whose clothing have caught fire, etc (vii) Such activities are also organized by police force and voluntary organizations. ) ? 9° (7) Suggest remedies/measures. What precautions would you take during the following disasters? Which type of first aid is offered in case of such incidence? Ans: Precautions to be taken: (i) Move the person beyond striking distance of the snake. (ii) Have the persons lie down with wound levelled below the heart (iii) Keep the person calm and at rest, remaining as still as possible to keep venom from spreading. (iv) Remove any jewelry from the area that was bitten. (v) Remove shoes if the leg or foot was bitten. (vi) Be ready to describe the snake to emergency staff. First aid offered: (1) Cover the wound with loose, sterile bandage. (ii) Tightly wrap a bandage two to four inches above the bite to reduce the flow of venom. (iii) Call for medical help immediately if there is any chance that the snake is venomous Or the person has difficulty breathing Or there is loss of consciousness. af wD 9° (8) Which precaution is shown by the following symbols? Which disasters may occur it following symbols are ignored? © & ®& Ans: (i) Explosive material: If a vehicle is carrying explosive material then this symbol is used. If ignored, can cause explosion. (ii) Inflammable: If any highly inflammable material is carried through a vehicle, then this tag is used. If ignored, can cause fire. (iii) Oxidiser : This symbol on a chemical label means that the substance is an oxidizer. Oxidizers may cause a fire by increasing the concentration of oxygen in the air (9) Following are the pictures of some disasters. How will be your post disaster management in case you face any of these disasters? a 2 Ans: (a) (i) Here the disaster is fighting between children. (ii) There may be abusive language used and can lead to noise pollution. Also, it can lead to serious injuries. (iii) We will stop them immediately and separate them. (iv) Understand the root cause of quarrel and guide them accordingly. (v) We will try to explain to them the importance of friendship. (vi) If anybody is hurt first aid should be provided. ) ? 9° (b) (i) The disaster is a leakage of cooking cylinder gas: (ii) This may cause suffocation, difficulty in breathing and can lead to fire. (iii) Open the door and windows, switch off electric supply and close the cylinder knob (©) (i) The disaster here is heavy rains and flooding. (ii) To prevent water logging we should keep man-holes open for drainage. (iii) Rescuing people from the water logged areas by using ropes, boats etc. (iv) Temporary shelter should be given to effected people. Essential commodities should be provided. (v) Electric supply should be restored at the earliest. (10) Write effects and remedy for following disasters: (a) Forest fire Ans: Effects- Loss of biodiversity and extinction of plants and animals. Loss of wildlife habitat. Loss of natural regeneration and reduction in forest cover. Global warming. Remedies- Listen to emergency officials. If you see a fire, report it. Shut off the gas. Make your home easier to spot. Try to extinguish fire as early as possible. (b) Epidemic Ans: Effects- Pandemic causes a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and presents an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems and the world of work. The economic and social disruption caused by the pandemic is devastating. Remedies- Physical or social distancing, quarantining, ventilation of indoor spaces, covering coughs and sneezes, hand washing, and keeping unwashed hands away from the face. ) ? 9° The use of face masks or coverings has been recommended in public settings to minimise the risk of transmissions. (©) Locust attack Ans: Effects- Locust swarms are infamous for feeding on agricultural crops, trees, and other plants. In fact, this feeding can devastate crops and grasses grown for people and livestock, causing famine and starvation in communities that depend on their crops for survival Remedies- To destroy locusts, the first and most important activity is to locate and destroy the locusts’ eggs in an organised manner by ploughing, harrowing and digging, Also, spray suitable insecticide and pesticide to kill locusts Q.4. Solve the following questions. (1) (a) Following are some pictures of disasters. Which precautions would you take during those disasters? Ans: a) During earthquake: (i) Do not panic. Take shelter under a table to protect yourself. (ii) Stay from bookease or furniture that can fall on you. (iii) Stay away from windows (iv) Ifyou are in bed, hold on and stay there, protecting your head with a pillow. (¥) If you are outdoors, find a clear spot away from buildings, trees, electric poles and wires. (vi) If you are in a car, slow down and drive to a clear place. Stay in the car until the shaking stops. ? e (b) Precautions during fire: (i) Remain calm (ii) Feel if the door handle is hot, before exiting, (iii) Close the door behind you to keep the fire from spreading. (iv) If your clothes catch fire: stop, drop and roll. (v) Cover yourself with a woolen blanket. (vi) Do not use elevators to come down from a building (vii) Immediately pull the nearest fire alarm. (viii) If there is smoke in the air, stay close to the ground to reduce inhalation. (ix) Help to evacuate persons with special needs. (c) Precautions during Snake-bite: (i) Move the person beyond striking distance of the snake. (ii) Have the persons lie down with wound levelled below the heart. (iii) Keep the person calm and at rest, remaining as still as possible to keep venom from spreading. (iv) Cover the wound with loose, sterile bandage. (v) Tightly wrap a bandage two to four inches above the bite to reduce the flow of venom. (vi) Call for medical help immediately. (b) Define: Disaster management Ans: Disaster Management is achieving or time to time improving the ability to face the disasters through scientific and careful observations and analysis of data. (c) Write any two man-made disasters. Ans: War, Bomb blast, Forced migration ? Previous Year Questions dd) is man-made disaster. (A) Earthquake (B) Flood (C) Leakage of poisonous gas (D) Meteorite (2) First aid training is essential. Why? - Solved (3) State any four objectives of disaster management. - Reduced (4) By observing given picture, write any two effects of this disaster: Ans: Solved (5) The building in which you are residing has caught fire on the ground floor. What necessary rescue steps will you take? - Solved )

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