Unclassified: Bentes, Julianna W

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Bentes, Julianna W
From: CMS TaskForce1-Director[c=US;a= ;p=GOV+DOS;o=Americas101 ;s=Task Force
1;g=Director;ou1 =AM1 02;ou2=SS01-101;]
Sent: Friday, September 16. 2005 5:40 PM
To: Katrina Working Group
Subject: ~~~--i'P1~~~ Issues 9116120051500 RELEASED IN FULL

From: CMS TaskForce1K

Sent: Friday. september 16, 2005 3:03 PM
To:' eMS TaskForce1K
Cc: TaskForce-1
Subject: TF1: EAP Issues 9/16/2005 1500

EAP Issues Task Force 1

September 16,2005
EAP Rep: Gavin A. Sundwall


Brunei: Embassy of Brunei in Washington is awaiting $1 million from Darussalam for hurricane relief. Once the funds are
received the Embassy will deposit them into the Department's account (account information already provided) and notify
us via diplomatic note. The desk will reply to the dip note once it has been received and the deposit confirmed.

French Polynesia: Offer of 100 troops declined. No "no" cables now going out. A1dac on refusal of assistance ofters
likely, but make sure TF US-1 shift coordinator knows.

Japan: Offer of 30 pump trucks will not be formally declined until after Secretary Rice meets with her Japanese
counterpart on Saturday evening. Desk has been notified.

Samoa: TF1 instructed Embassy Apia to have the Samoans make their expressed donation of $10,000 to the Samoan
chapter of the Red Cross who should forward ilto the American Red Cross. Samoan chapter of the Red Cross who will
forward it to the American Red Cross. Desk will need to follow up so that acceptance cable (already drafted) can go out _
after acknowledgement of receipt of donation.

Thailand: 1) The Secretary accepted the offer of Thai Forensic Experts. HHS has declined their services. Desk is
working with HHS to find a way for the team to at least tour the region with a Thai delegation. 2) Confirm the FEMA has
given final approval for the gift of the com and notify Susan Sutton, PolCouns in Bangkok as well as Melanie Higgins, Thai
desk officer (7-0036). The approval is needed before the Thailand ships the com
to Little Rock PJr Force Base. OFDA rep
following up on the approval, EAP rep to notify Embassy Bangkok and Thai desk Officer.


08:30: laos: BCEl will convert bank draft for $25,000 wIthout bank fee. OF-158 will be generated by bank after receipt
of check. Funds will transfer to fund cites provided in State 164963,'

08:40: Thai desk officer reported that there Is no word yet on if the Thai Forensics team will tour affected areas.

09:00: Reconfirmed with OFDA rep that FEMA approval for Thai com donat/on is still pending.

09:20: ,NSC Jed Meline called asking for update onThailand's Katrina Assistance. Thailand portion of Matrix copied and
sent to him via email: jmeline@nsc.eop.gov.


DATE/CASE ID: 10 AUG 2006 200503991 UNCLASSIFIED .• ·.1
10:00: Emailed Tim Harley in Samoa instructions that the Government of Independent Samoa should make its $10,000
~ donation to the local Samoan chapter of the Red Cross who will forward It to the Ameri.can Red Oross, ,(

10:10: Spoke with East Timor desk offlcer.who said that East Timor Is praying for hurricane victims but is not In a position
to make a financial donation. " . .

12:00: Reconfinned with OFDA rep that FEMA approval for Thai com donation is still pending.
12:55: Contributed human interest story from Embassy Beijing to SitRep.

14:18: FEMA approval for Thai com donation is still pending.

Oliva, Amber M
From: CMS TaskForce1-Director
Sent: Friday, September 16,20055:48 PM RELEASED IN FULL
SUbject: FW: TF1: EAP Issues 9/16120051500

>From: Sullivan, Joseph (Katrina)
>Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 5:48:47 PM
>To: 'OMS TaskForce1-Director'i
>Subject: -RE: TF1: EAP Issues 9/16/2005 1500'
>Auto forwarded by a Rule
We have arranged for Thai two to visit affected area on Sat and Sunday to arrive tonight.

From: eMS TaskForce1-Director

Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 4:40 PM
To: Katrina Working Group
Subject: FW: TF1: EAP Issues 9/16/2005 1500

From: . eMS TaskForce1K

Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 3:03 PM
To: CMS TaskForce1K
Cc: TaskForce-1
Subject: TF1: EAP Issues 9/16/2005 1500

Issues Task Force 1

September 16, 2005

EAP Rep: Gavin A. Sundwall


Brunei: Embassy of Brunei in Washington is awaiting $1 million from Darussalam for

hurricane relief. Once the funds are received the Embassy will deposit them into the
Department's account (account information already provided) and notify us via diplomatic
note. The desk will reply to the dip note once it has been received and the deposit

French Polynesia: Offer of 100 troops declined. No nno" cables now going out. Aldac on
refusal of assistance offers likely, but make sure TF US-1 shift coordinator knows.

Japan: Offer of 30 pump trucks will not be formally. declined until after Secretary Rice
meets with her Japanese c~unterpart on Saturday evening. Desk has been notified.

Samoa: TFl instructed Embassy Apia to have the Samoans make their expressed donation of
$10,000 to the Samoan chapter of the Red Cross who should forward it to the American Red
Cross. Samoan chapter of the Red Cross who will forward it to the American Red Cross.
Desk will need to follow up so that acceptance cable (already drafted) can go out after
acknowledgement of receipt of donation.


DATE/CASE ID: 03 NOV 2006 200503991
Th~1 an~:
) h UNCT ·AS~IJi'IED ,
1 T e Secretary accepted the o((er 0~Tha1 Forens1c Experts. HHS has declined
their services. Desk is working with HHS to find. a way for the team to at least tour the
region with a Thai delegation. 2) Confirm the FEMA has given final approval for the gift
of the corn and notify Susan Sutton, PolCouns in Bangkok as well as Melanie Higgins, Thai
desk officer (7-0036). The approval is needed before the Thailand ships the corn to Little
Rock Air Force Base. OFDA rep following up on the approval, EAP rep to notify Embassy
Bangkok and Thai desk Officer.


08:30: Laos: BCEL will convert bank draft for $25,000 without bank fee. OF-158 will be
generated by bank after receipt of check. Funds will transfer to fund cites provided in
State 164963.

08:40: Thai desk officer reported that there is no word yet on if the Thai Forensics team
will tour affected areas.

09:00: Reconfirmed with OFDA rep that FEMA approval for Thai corn donation is still

09:20: NSC Jed Meline called asking for update on Thailand's Katrina Assistance.
Thailand portion of Matrix copied and sent to him via email: jmeline@nsc.eop.gov.

10:00: Emailed Tim Harley in Samoa instructions that the Government of Independent Samoa
should make its $10,000 donation to the local Samoan chapter of the Red Cross who will
forward it to the American Red Cross.

10:10: Spoke with East Timor desk officer, who said that East Timor is praying for
hurricane victims but is not in a position to make.a financial donation.

12:00: Reconfirmed with OFDA rep that FEMA approval for Thai corn donation is still

12:55: Contributed human interest story from Embassy Beijing to SitRep.

14:18: FEMA approval for Thai corn donation is still pending.

Oliva, Amber'M
From: Ried. Curtis R(DiIi) RELEASED IN PART
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 20054:03 AM B6
.To: CMS TaskForce1K; Sheth, Sameer V (EAP/IET); TaskForce-3
Cc: TaskForce-1
Subject: RE: Timor's contribution?

A local company in Timor made a contribution but the GOET did not. Should that be

Curtis R. Ried
Charge d'Affaires
Embassy of the United States of America
Av. de Portugal
Praia dos COqUeiros
Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670 332-4684 ext. 2028
Fax: +670 331-3206
Mobile: I . I B6
E-mail: RledCR@state.gov
IVG: 684-2056

> -----original Message-----

>From: CMS TaskForce1K(SjES-OjTF)
.>Sent: . Friday, September 16, 2005 7:38 PM
>To: Ried, Curtis R(Dili)i Sheth, Sameer V (EAPjIET)i TaskForce-3
>Cc: TaskForce-l
>Subject: Timor's contribution?
>The matrix listing international offers of assistance doesn't have an entry for Timor.l:~:.~" .'
Didn't Timor make 'a: corrt r Lbution> :1, ""r'
>Sean Stein
>TFl EAP Rep


DATE/CASE I D: 09 NOV 2006 200503991

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