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Tuesday Joining

Owner Tasks

TA team Offer acceptance by canddates

TA team Pushed to onboarding panel

HR Ops Onboard candidates as employees

Handover new joinee list to Sales

HR Ops
Training Ops

Communication with new joinees about

Sales Training Ops
Communication with new joinees about

Onboarding Process
HR Ops

Sales Training Ops Welcoming new joinees

HR Ops Attendance of new joinees

HR Ops HR and Tax session

Ritesh Mehta

HR Ops Communication of email id

HR Ops Communication of email id

HR Ops

Respective training coordinators and HR

Ops Induction feedback
Tuesday Joining
Onboarding Process Cut Off
Call candidates and explain onboarding
process and documents requirements

Add employee
Tag shift
Tag department
Tag Manager Sunday 2 pm
Check the DoJ, change if required, if
access not available, share the details
with HR ops to change the DoJ

Share the onboarding link with

Get onboarding done by candidates

Handover the list to sales training ops Monday 11 am

Creation of whats app group Monday 2 pm

Send mail with induction schedule on

their personal mail id

Continue to get onboarding done

Create Whitehat mail id
Activate Darwin Box access

Welcome new joiners on Zoom call

Float the google sheet and ask new

joinees to mark their attendance. 11:00 AM
Remind them about attendance during
HR session
Share absentees data and remind them
for attendance 11:30 AM
Finally pull attendance and share with
all HoDs and TA team 12:30 PM

Conduct HR session - cover values,

POSH, ethics, leave and attendance,
DW, reimbursement process, laptop and
mobile phone process etc 11:00 AM
Tax Session 12:00 PM

Share the mail id in common google

Share mail id using mail merge
Share the mail id in common google
sheet Tuesday, 1 pm
Share mail id using mail merge Tuesday, 1 pm

Reconcile attendance data against to be

onboarded list Tuesday, 4 pm
Share the no show list with TA and
respective Department heads and
managers Tuesday, 4 pm

Sales, Ops and TR: Friday 10 am; For

Conduct Induction feedback other dptts: Tuesday 3 pm
Sales, Ops and TR: Saturday 10 am; For
Share induction feedback report other dptts: Tuesday 7 pm
Thursday Joinings

Owner Tasks
TA team Offer acceptance by canddates
Pushed to onboarding panel

HR Ops Share to be onboarded list

Onboard candidates as employees

HR Ops Communication with new joinees about induction

HR Ops Onboarding Process

HR Ops Welcoming new joinees

Ritesh Mehta

HR Ops Recon of data

HR Ops Communication of email id

HR Ops Induction feedback

Thursday Joinings

Onboarding Process Cut Off

Call candidates and explain onboarding process and documents requirements
Add employee
Tag shift
Tag department
Tag Manager
Check the DoJ, change if required, if access not available, share the details with Wednesday 11 am
HR ops to change the DoJ

Compile and share the 'to be onboarded list' with TA, concerned HoD and
Share the onboarding link with Candidates
Get onboarding done by candidates

Creation of whats app group and send hangout link for joining session Wednesday 5 pm
Send mail with induction schedule on their personal mail id and hangout link

Continue to get onboarding done

Create Whitehat mail id
Activate Darwin Box access

9:45:00 AM - 10:15
Welcome address am
10:15:00 AM -
Onboarding session 11:15 am
Capture attendance 11:15 AM
Conduct HR session - cover values, POSH, ethics, leave and attendance, DW,
reimbursement process, laptop and mobile phone process etc 11:15 - 12:15 pm
Tax session 12:15-12:45 pm
Thursday, 1:00:00
Dispersal to various departments PM

Compile attendance 12:30 PM

Identify no show cases 12:30 PM
Share no show list with TA team and respective managers 12:30 PM

Share mail id with new joiners using mail merge 1:00 PM

Conduct Induction feedback 1:00 PM

Share induction feedback report Thursday 7 pm

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