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Date: ____/____/________


All the questions have only one correct option.

Choose the correct option:

1. _________you ever been abroad?

a. Do
b. Can
c. Have
d. When
2. ________`s bought a new purse in the mall.
a. They
b. I
c. She
d. It
3. _______you hear me?
a. Does
b. Do
c. Is
d. Are
4. I ______go home.
a. Need
b. Wanna
c. Want
d. Going
5. _____ You think that _____ I ______ tell him the truth?
a. X , should , x
b. Do, should, x
c. Do, x, should
d. X, x, should
6. I_____have two brothers! I’m not kidding!
a. Do
b. Need
c. Shiver to
d. Might to
7. How long _____ studying?
a. Do you
b. Are you
c. Have you been
d. You are
8. I_____locked the door before I went out.
a. Have
b. Should
c. Would
d. Had
9. _____ swimming? You’re wet.
a. Was you
b. Are you going to
c. Have you been
d. You were
10. I_____trying to get concentrated when you interrupted me.
a. Am
b. Would
c. Was
d. Wanted
11. You_____find the content of this material offensive.
a. May
b. Want
c. Need to
d. Struggle to
12. Would you mind _____ me?
a. To help
b. To wait
c. Helping
d. Wait for
13. Could you please_____me outside?
a. Waiting for
b. Talk to
c. Escorting
d. Jamming
14. _____ aware of the time.
a. Don’t
b. Be
c. You’re
d. It’s
15. Get_____the bus at the next station.
a. Out
b. It
c. Off
d. Us
16. _____sure you’re wearing properly to go outside.
a. Have
b. Are you
c. Make
d. Were you
17. Take your shoes_____before coming inside.
a. Out
b. X
c. In
d. Off
18. I’m trying to find_____the solution for this problem.
a. Out
b. Away
c. Forward
d. In
19. I don’t put_____with your mother. She’s unbearable.
a. Down
b. Up
c. In
d. On
20. Don’t _____up your fights!
a. Desire
b. Quit
c. Take
d. Give
21. It’s all lie. I _____up all this story.
a. Confused
b. Made
c. Stand
d. Burped
22. I got used to_____English within two months.
a. Hearing
b. Speak
c. Talk
d. Understanding
23. I’m used to_____out tonight alone.
a. Going
b. Run
c. Celebrate
d. Party
24. This shirt_____in taiwan.
a. Has made
b. Made
c. Has been made
d. Was
25. You’ve done your homework, _____?
a. Don’t you
b. Aren’t you
c. Haven’t you
d. Have
26. You didn’t go to school yesterday,_____?
a. Didn’t you
b. Do you
c. Did you
d. Don’t you
27. A - I’ve got a flu because of this weather.
B- _____.
a. So do I
b. So Have I
c. Neither have I
d. So Get I
28. A - I don’t like vegetables at all.
B - _____.
a. Neither me.
b. Neither don’t I
c. Neither do I
d. Me too

29. The book,____has a good title, is about the history of humanity.

a. Which
b. That
c. It
d. X
30. The pencil_____is on the table is mine.
a. That
b. Which
c. That it
d. Which it
31. The man_____hair is weird was looking for you.
a. Who
b. Whom
c. Whose
d. That
32. You gotta stop_____at once.
a. To smoke
b. To smoke it
c. Smoking
d. Smoke
33. She’s studied a lot_____she didn’t get a good score in the last test.
a. Moreover
b. Therefore
c. However
d. Becouse
34. I’ve been trainig for this competition,_____, I hope I’ll be successful.
a. But
b. As long as
c. As well as
d. Therefore
35. He speaks three languages fluently_____knowing eleven countries.
a. Nevertheless
b. Nonetheless
c. Besides
d. Beyond
36. That politician has a_____speech.
a. Confuse
b. Confusing
c. Confused
d. Confuses
37. I got_____with the level of hability of that pilot.
a. Amazed
b. Amazing
c. Surprise
d. Surprising
38. If I____you, I_____it again.
a. Am, Would do
b. Am, Wouldn’t do
c. Were, Wouldn’t do
d. Was, Do
39. If I____I____the last scene of the movie.
a. Had stayed, Would have seen
b. Have stayed, Would see
c. Stayed, Would seen
d. Stay, Would have seen
40. If you_____a specialist , you_____to make an effort to finish your course.
a. Want to be, Should
b. Wish to be, need
c. Desire being, gotta
d. Are, might
41. The brazilian runner was the_____in this marathon.
a. Most fast
b. Faster
c. Quickest
d. More quick
42. Einsten’s been the_____physicist of the century.
a. Most brilliant
b. Brilliantest
c. More brilliant
d. Brilliant
43. You never do what you’re suppoused to do. You’re_____than me.
a. More lazy
b. Most lazy
c. Much lazy
d. Lazier
44. I know that I’m_____than you are.
a. Most intelligent
b. Intelligenter
c. More intelligent
d. Most intelligenter
45. The food today is free. You can eat as_____as you want.
a. Much times
b. Much
c. Long
d. Well
46. It_____to be a good place to go camping.
a. Looks
b. Is
c. Seems
d. Might
47. Can I_____your pencil while you’re not writing?
a. Borrow
b. Lend
c. Gamble
d. Rent
48. Please,_____to close the windows before we go out.
a. Remember me
b. Remind
c. Remember
d. Don’t forget me
49. I like to drink_____milk. _____milk is a source of proteins.
a. A , x
b. The, the
c. X, the
d. X,x
50. _____word is getting miserable._____politicians need to do something to change this
a. The, the
b. X, x
c. The, x
d. X, the

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