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3, MAY 1968

A Television Scanning Scheme for a

Detector-Noise-Limited System

Abstract-The signal-to-noise ratio at a single-element detector II. GENERAL DESCRIPTION

scanning a television picture can be improved if the detector receives
light from many picture elements simultaneously. This paper de- A typical multiple-spot scan system, which we will
scribes a scanning reticle, with transparent and opaque elements call area scan, can be implemented as shown in Fig. 1.
chosen according to a binary biorthogonal sequence, that will provide This system can be described by the following steps.
an exact reproduction in the same scanning time as a reticle scan-
ning only one element at a time. For general pictures, the proposed 1) The optical intensities of a number of small spot
system will require greater bandwith, but for pictures consisting of areas of the original picture are simultaneously focused
only a few bright spots, the bandwidth can actually be compressed. on a single detector so that they are added together while
This system provides a “quick look” picture in less than the usual
scanning time, which is of particularly good fidelity if the original being converted into an electrical signal.
picture contains only a few bright spots. 2) The electrical signal is transmitted over a suitable
communication link.
I. INTRODU~T~OK 3) The electrical signal is converted back to optica’l
intensity at small spot areas corresponding to those used
N INFRARED surveillance system is frequently to measure the original picture. (Each reproduced spot
limited by a noisy detector. If such .a detector gets an equal signal, even though the original spot’s may
scans a two-dimensional television picture, then have had unequal signals.)
the signal from each resolution element must be larger 4) The reticle is moved so that a new group of spots
than the noise of the detector during the interval in which is used for both the original and reproduction screen, and
the detector dwells upon that resolution element. In the whole process is repeated. (This motion may be either
many cases, it is impossible to increase the brightness of continuous or discrete-one resolution element at a time.
the picture, while preserving contrast, to overcome a noisy In either case, such a motion constitutes the scanning
detector. process.)
This paper presents a scheme whereby the detector
receives signals from many resolution elements simul- The illumination on each resolution element of the
taneously. This procedure leads to a larger signal at the reproduction screen is integrated over a sequence of these
detector than would be possible with an ordinary single- steps. The spots shown in Fig. 1 are transparent holes in
spot scanning of one resolution element at a time. an otherwise opaque reticle, rather than being the focused
Ii’or a general picture, the larger signal will vary over a electron beams used in conventional television systems.
larger range than would the signal from a single-resolution The system could be made equivalent to spot-scan tele-
element’. Consequently, for transmission of a signal from vision by use of a moving reticle similar to that shown in
detector to receiver, the multiple-spot scan system will Fig. 2. If the holes are assumed to be square and of length
require a greater bandwidth than would a single-spot scan e on a side, then the reticle system is equivalent to any
system of similar resolution and scanning time. It will ordinary spot-scan system of L/e lines.
be seen from the development that follows that the re- The system, as described above, is somewhat imprac-
quired bandwidth is increased by the same factor by which tical because the simultaneously illuminated spots com-
the detector noise is decreased. bine to produce a bright background on the reproduction
It is quite evident that detector-noise suppression could screen, and there is no convenient way to remove this
be purchased at the same cost of increased bandwidth, if background in an actual optical, integrating screen with-
some means could be found to intensify the image before out also reducing the contrast. However, if the repro-
using the detector to convert from optical to electrical duction and integration for each resolution element are
signal. The procedure described here is shown to be performed by a digital computer, then the background
equivalent to such an image intensification without re- can be computed by first averaging over all the resolution
duction of relative contrast. elements, then simply subtracting. In this paper, we
assume that such a subtraction procedure is readily
Manuscript received January 3, 1967. This work was supported The analysis below will be in terms of a one-dimensional
by NASA under Contract NAS 7-100. It was begun at Libra-
scope, General Precision, Inc., Glendale, Calif., and completed at the picture and reticle, such as that shown in Fig. 3. This is
Jet Propulsion Laboratory. not a serious restriction because it is possible to scan a
The author is with the Jet Propulson Laboratory, California
Inst.itute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. 91103 two-dimensional picture in such a manner that it would


Fig. 4. Reticle for two-dimensional area scan.


Fig. 1. Conceptual arrangement of a reticle scanning system.

r-1 cb REPEAT

Fig. 5. Dissection of two-dimensional reticle pattern, with 12 x 12

resolution elements, into a one-dimensional reticle.
scan system would provide an improvement in this respect,
Fig. 2. Reticle for ordinary spot-scan system.
since photoconductor response time is usually inversely
proportional to intensity of excitation.
PICTURE LENGTH It will be shown that the exact area-scan reproduction,
requiring the same minimum scan time as ordinary spot-
scan television, requires a bandwidth for transmission that
is generally larger than the bandwidth required for spot-
scan television by a factor of the square root of the number
of resolution elements. This increased bandwidth can
Fig. 3. Reticle for one-dimensional area scan.
be partially compensated by a natural data compressive
feature of the area-scan television system. This feature
simulate a one-dimensional picture. For example, the results from the fact that the area-scan picture will
reticle shown in Fig. 4 consists of the chain of squares develop as the reticle moves through one complete scan
with the elements of each successive square cyclically length. This permits one to obtain a relatively noisy
permuted by one row. After a complete cycle, the original picture in less than the total scan time required for the
basic pattern is repeated, and the whole process starts exact reproduction described in the preceding paragraph.
again. This procedure is equivalent to scanning a one- There are certain types of pictures for which this noise
dimensional picture formed by placing the rows of the is small so area scan can provide a reasonable data com-
two-dimensional picture end to end, as shown in Fig. 5. pression scheme.
The equivalent one-dimensional reticle is derived from The character of the final reproduction can be most
the original basic pattern in the same manner. In practice, conveniently demonstrated by considering the reticle to
of course, the one-dimensional reticle is designed first, have elements that are either completely transparent or
and the basic two-dimensional pattern is constructed opaque. In Section III, we first consider such a reticle
from it. to be moved in steps of one resolution element at a time.
It is found that the confusion caused by scanning many We then generalize the treatment, in Section IV, to
spots simultaneously can be eliminated by using a reticle include the more practical, and more efficient, case of
with the location of transparent and opaque regions continuous reticle motion. For simplicity, the treatment
chosen to correspond to the symbols of a word taken from in Sections III and IV will be limited to the exact repro-
a binary pseudo-noise code, with a two-valued autocor- duction and, in Section V, will be generalized to the partial
relation function.“’ The total number of resolution ele- reproduction with potentiality for data compression.
ments must be fitted to one of the possible code-word
lengths.“] III. DISCRETE Momox
The only other requirement for this exact reproduction Let us describe the intensity of a resolution element of
is that the reticle be moved through a total number of the original picture by B(m), where B(m) is t,he average
steps equal to the number of resolution elements in the brightness of one resolution element of the picture:
picture. This is the same number of steps required to
produce an ordinary spot-scan television picture. If we
desire to obtain a picture as rapidly as possible, we will
B(m) = i [cIi” B(Y) dy.

be limited by the response time of the detector (for a The variable m can take on integral values from 1 to M,
single-channel system with only one detector). The area- where M is total number of resolution elements of the
picture. If E << B(y)/,!?(y) over all the picture, then the every value of M = 2” - 1, each sequence merely being
error of this approximation can be determined from B(m) a cyclic permutation of one basic sequence of length ilI
= B(y) + r2/24B”(y). by any number of steps up to 1111.These n/r sequences are
If we describe the reticlc by the function W(m), which almost orthogonal (and the deviation from orthogonalit>
is equal to 1 for a transparent spot and equal to 0 for is uniform, causing only a spurious uniform background)
an opaque spot, and if we let m take on values from 1 to so the scanning process is actually a decomposition of
M, then the signal sent from the detector during the Zth the picture in a series of code words. These code words
step of the reticle is form a group under t,he operation of multiplication; they
If should not be confused with the related PN sequences of
X(Z) c u(m)Tv(nz - 1) + V(Z) (1) O’s and l’s also described in Golomb,’ which form a
rn=l group under modulo 2 addition. In particular, it should
where V(1) is the average noise of the detector during the be noted that the O’s and l’s of the W function described
Zth interval. Since after every ill elements the reticle above do not correspond to the l’s and O’s of the alterna-
repeats, the argument of the reticle function m - 1 must tive PN code description given by Golomb.
be taken modulo M. The intensity of each of the reproduction resolution
If the signal then modulates a light shining through a elements can now be found by substituting (4) into (3)
reticle, identical with the one in front of the original to give
picture and moved in synchronization (or with some fixed-
time delay), then the intensity on the resolution element I(n) = 5” ,g B(m)
of the reproduction screen is proportional to
L(n, I) = ls(Z)W(n - I). + 9 B(n) + 2 W(n - 1) V(Z). (5)
If the reproduction screen integrates this intensity over
The first term of this expression is independent of n and,
ill time intervals, or steps, then the resultant total inten-
consequently, contributes only a uniform background,
sity is proportional to (interchanging orders of summation)
which can be easily removed if the reproduction is done
on a digital computer (as is explained in Section II).
I(n) = g L(n, I)
L=l The second term of the expression reproduces the original
picture with intensity variations smeared out over each
= g B(m) g [TY(m - l)W(n - I) + V(Z)W(n - Z)]. (2) resolution element. The third term represents the noise
due to the detector.
It is most convenient to represent the reticle functions If we square (5), and average over the ensemble of
by W(m) = ($)[l + w(m)] where w(m) then takes on detector-noise voltages, then we obtain the mean-square
values of f 1, as is appropriate. We can then write the intensity at resolution element II, assuming a det,ect,oi
autocorrelation function noise autocorrelation function V(l) V(P) = Vi 6,, 1I

2 W(m - I) TV(n - 1)

= F + i $ Iw(m, - I) + w(n - 2) + x(nz - 1)7&z - Z)].

where the uniform background is assumed to have been
subtracted from the reproduction.
(3) The rms signal-to-noise ratio can then be writ’ten as
We now choose M = 2” - 1, where p is an integer, so
t’hat the values of w(m) can bc chosen to correspond to the
symbols of a binary pseudonoise maximal sequence of
length M. An ordinary spot-scan system using the same detector,
Such a sequence consists of (M + 1)/2 minus l’s and the same number of resolution elements, and the same
(M - 1)/2 plus l’s arranged in such a manner that the stationary reticle time between jerks would produce a
autocorrelation function signal-to-rms detector-noise ratio of

z w(m- Ow(n
= r(m - 72) = (Ad + 1) a,,,, - 1 (4) The improvement given by the area-scan system results
where 6,) s is the Kronecker delta function which equals from the increased signal strength at the detector, as
1 when m = n, and equals 0 otherwise. The generation was mentioned in Section I. As a simple verification of this
of such sequences, using shift registers, has been dis- approach, we not’e that the reticle for M = 3 will consist
cussed extensively in connection with information theory of one clear and two opaque elements. This will be identical
coding, and we follow the terminology of the summary with the spot-scan reticle of the same length, and (7) and
given by Golomb.“’ There are n/r such sequences for (8) then give identical results, as would be expected.
IV. C~STISU~US MOTION considerably smaller than the typical dist,ance over which
We consider a reticle of length L = to the picture length, the picture varies significantly, so that the integral of
and we divide this reticle into M resolution elements, this term can be approximated b3
each one of length E = L,lM. We move this reticle over
the one-dimensional picture with velocity u, so that the p(Y)= ; [qy) - 91. (13)
signal from the detector is given as a function of time by
It can be seen that the picture distortion due to nonzero
*S(t) = .I’L B(x) W(n: - vt) dz + v(t). (9) B”(v) is proportional to E2/96 in the case of continuous
motion, while the smearing, inherent in the discrete
If we use this signal to modulate a light shining through motion, will be proportional to the larger ~‘/24.
an identical reticle just as was done in Section III, and The mean-square picture intensity is obtained by squar-
if we integrate over a period T = ME/V, then the intensity ing (10) and averaging over the ensemble of noise voltage
on the reproduction as a function of position is to give (after subtraction of the uniform background)

I(y) = IL B(x) dx IT TV(x - vt)W(y - vt) dt

0 0 (12(~1)
= (~)*P(l,, + NY) (144
+ .I‘T W(y - vt)V(t) dt. (10) where we have taken the detector-noise autocorrelation
function (V(t)V(t’)) = Vie-‘t-t”‘” and have changed
To evaluate this expression, we make the decomposition
variables and interchanged the order of integration so that
similar to that in Section III, W(x - vt) = (i) + (+)w(x -
vt). Now the integral of w(x - vt) over t is simply --7
N(y) = 12 1’ & e-“‘”
where 7 = E/V. The autocorrelation function is given by
1.(z) = w(.? - vt)w(.T + z - vt) c/t ..I“-’ [I + w(y - vt - vx) + w(y - vt)
I0 0
+ w(y - vt)w(y - vt - vz)] dt. (14b)‘
The analysis of this expression for reproduction noise is
I-7 Iz/ > E/2. complicated by the dependence on position y. We can
This autocorrelation for nonintegral Z/E can be understood simplify by noting that in most cases of interest we will
in terms of the results for integral Z/E which correspond want r at least as great as the response time of the detector.
to the resolution element indices for the discrete reticle This implies that 7 > LY,so that cy << T, in which case
motion case discussed in Section III. We simply note the integrand of (14b) will be large only for x << T, so that
t.hat the autocorrelation function for nonintegral values the upper limit of the t integration can be approximated
of z is a linear combination of the autocorrelations of by T. The noise no longer depends on y, and the integral
the two nearest integers above and below. For 1x1> c/2, can be evaluated in a straightforward manner to give
the autocorrelation functions for the two neighboring
integral values are equal, and since the percentage of
each autocorrelation used is such that two percentages add
up to one, the total autocorrelation is the same for in-
1 _ 4 (1 _ e-‘/“)
1 (I4c)

tegral and nonintegral values of X/E. For 1x1 < e/2, one where we have neglected a: and T in comparison with T,
of the two nearest integers is zero and the two autocor- but have retained the ratio T/CYin comparison with terms
relation functions must be averaged accordingly. Sub- of order 1. The rms signal-to-noise ratio can then be
stitution of (11) into (10) gives the intensity on a resolu- writt,en as
tion element of the reproduction screen

I(y) = ‘p IL B(x) dx
T+ T.I‘
y+(a’ B(x) 2)
+-c v- (r/2)
1- =
fz- 1
If we simulate an ordinary spot scan by continuously
moving a reticle with only one hole of length E, then the.
+ iT W(y - vt)V(t) dt. 02) analogous signal-to-noise ratio is
The meaning of these three terms is the same as in (5)
for the case of discontinuous motion.
dc (164
To estimate the faithfulness of the reproduction rep-
resented by the second term, we again assume e to be
where, for convenience of comparison, we have written any given picture. If we neglect the detector noise, for
simplicity, then the reproduction can be expressed as
(16b) follows:

A comparison of (16a) and (16b) with (13) and (15)

shows that the area-scan signal-to-noise ratio is larger
than the spot-scan signal-to-noise ratio by a factor pro-
portional to .\/T/T. If we further compare with (7) and + i 5 [w(i + m - I) + w(j + n - I)
(S), and if we remember that T/T is just the number of
resolution elements, then the continuous and discontinuous + w(i + n - Z)w(j + n - Z)lB(m)
motion cases are seen to give similar results. where the answer depends on the starting point j of the
Another feature to be seen by comparing (16b) with code word. If we average over i, applying the methods of
(13) is that the area-scan reproduction, after subtracting Section III in a straightforward manner, the result is
the background, has less distortion due to nonzero curva- completely analogous to (5):
ture B”(y). This arises because the correlation between
original and reproduction reticle has only width e/2 for (IL(~))~ = $ (Mi 3, mz B(m) + j& (M + l)B(n). (17)
the area scan with pseudo-noise sequence, while the
analogous width for the spot-scan correlation is E. If a To estimate the noise in this reproduction, we square
digital computer is used to reproduce the received picture, I,(n) and average over j, using the relation
then either case of curvature distortion could be corrected
w(j + m - Z)to(j + n - 1)
, + w(j - 2 + R)(l -
= 6mn 6,,,)
DEVELOPED PICTURES to reduce the w products. It should be noted that k is a
function of m - n such that, as m - n takes on all
In the area-scan system, with M resolution elements per
possible values for the code word, k also takes on all
picture and an average of M/2 elements simultaneously
possible code difference values and k # m - n. If the
focused on the detector, we will have an average signal
summations over 1 are then performed, the result is
M/2 times larger than would be present for an ordinary
spot-scan system. The fluctuations of signal about this
average will be of the order of a times the spot-scan
signal. If we assume that the average brightness does not
change appreciably from picture to picture, then the
area-scan system does not have to transmit the larger
amount of information required to describe the average + B*(n)L’(M + 1) + M + 1 F
signal. The average signal can be subtracted at the trans- 16M M (18)
mitter, and then the remaining fluctuations, of order
dz larger than those for the spot scan system, will
require a bandwidth dn/r times larger than would be m,m’=l2.1’=1
required for spot scan. *(l - 6,,,)(1 - 6,!,,) + 2 8m’-n,l’--l + 2 8m’.-k,2-2’
This difficulty can be overcome for pictures consisting
primarily of a relatively small number of bright points .(l - LA + 2 L-n.l--14 - &dlB(m)B(m’). (19)
by using the data compressing capability of the partial The summations over Z and 1’ in this expression for
reproduction. This can be most conveniently illustrated F can be evaluated most conveniently by changing varia-
by reconsidering the discrete-motion analysis of Section bles to x = 1 + I’, P = Z - Z’, since the summand is
III with the reticle moved only L (less than M) steps for independent of X. The result is then

163’ = ,,,,&,<,
2 CL -I m - m’l)B(m)B(m’)(l - &,,,I + L %g @(ml@ - L$

+ 2,,,z,,(L- Ik’
- kl)B(m)B(m’
- &,J(l
- L,Jl
)(l - &,F)
+2Wn) mz B(m)+4[m$ nO],,,z,,CL
- Im’- nl)B(m’
- S,r,,J
)(l+ rn=l
5 B(@B(m)(l
- CL,,> 2%

CL - Im’- kl)B(m’-)B(m)(l
&A(1- L~,k)
( ‘1 B m &+(l - S,,,,)
1 B(m’)(L - 1%- Vl)(l - &t,J(I - &,,r)

for L < M/2, (204


16F = L 2 B2(m)(2 - 6,,,) + (2L - M) c B(m)B(m')(l - Lmr)

w,=I L,,7l-l7L,t‘l-L
+2 ,v,,mT~fi,-rCL - lm - m’lMm)B(m’)(l - &w> + (2L - M>
B(m)B(m')(l - &,,,)(l - &,,A(1 - smzm,)

.,,,mkz,$f-, (L - Ik - Ic'j)B(m)B(m')(l - &,A(1 - &,,J(l - Sm.,,)

+ 2LB(n) 2 B(m) + 2(2L - M)[g B(m)] I,,m,& B(m')(l - 6,,a,)

m=1 m=l
+ 4 ,,,m~,I-, (L - lm’- nl>B(m’)(l- LT.~~

+ 2~ c B(lc)B(m)(l - L,,) + 2(2L - M) c B(m)B(m’)(l - 6,,,)(1 - LJ,,)

m=l L>lWL’-kl>J-I.

+ 4 ,,r-&-L CL- lm’- kl)B(m)B(m’)U

- L,,)(l - L,,,>
c B(m') a,,,*(1 - a,,,,) + 2(2L - IV) c B(m’)(l - S,,,,n)(l - Sk<,,)

+4[gn(m)] ,,._,,gaf-, CL - In - fc’l)B(m’)(l - Lf,,)(l - h,,) for L > M/2. Wb)

These rather cumbersome expressions can be simplified show that for L = ilil the mean-square noise is identically
in a few cases. If we take B(m) = 1 at m = n,, and B(m) = zero, as would be expected from the analyses of Sections
0 for m # n, (a picture with only one bright spot), and III and IV.
examine a relatively undeveloped picture with L << M,
then the mean-square picture noise can be approximated VI. CONCLUSION
by We have shown that the area-scan system provides
exact reproduction when used with the same number of
(Ii(n)>, - (IL(n))? = F + j$ (21) scan steps as with ordinary spot scan L = M. Unfor-
tunately, exact area scan requires a bandwidth 4%
where times larger than the spot-scan system. We have also
16F = 2L + LB(n) + 2L 6,,k,(l - 6,,,&) shown, however, that a reasonably good, inexact picture
can be obtained with L << M if the picture consists of
+ 4G - Ino - nl>(l - &,Jh(L - Ino - nl> a relatively few bright spots. This type of underdeveloped
+ 4(L Ino - &I)(1 - bJ(l - LJW - Ino - hl) picture permits the bandwidth time product to be com-
pressed by a factor of L/M relative to the exact area
+ ?(L - In - &I)(1 - L,J(l - L&(L - In - kOl), scan (with L = M), and by a factor of L/ dM relative
with k, a function of n, - 1~having the same functional to spot scan.
form as k described above, and with h(y) being the unit The main advantage which area scan offers is the sup-
step function defined by pression of detector noise. The cost is an increase in
transmission channel bandwidth or a decrease in picture
h(y) = 1 if y > 0: h(y) = 0 if g < 0. quality. Both these costs will be small if the picture has
Since the mean square picture noise is now seen to be a relatively small fraction of bright elements.
proportional to L, and the actual picture brightness
changes squared are proportional to L', the standard ,k'KXOWLEIXMENT
deviation will be proportional to l/-\/z, and there will The author would like to thank Dr. E. C. Posner for
be fairly true reproduction for 1 << L << M. Similar his helpful comments on the manuscript.
results can be obtained for pictures with only a few bright
spots, or a small fraction of the total area lighted, but REFERENCES
the noise increases approximately with the square of the 111A. W. Golomb, Ed., Digital Communicutions. Englewood
number of bright elements. Equations (20) and (21) also Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1964.

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