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2018 17th International Ural Conference on AC Electric Drives (ACED)

Possibility to Use Renewable Energy Sources for

Increasing the Reliability of the Responsible Energy
Consumers on the Enterprise
Maria A. Usova, Vladimir I. Velkin
Department of Nuclear Energy and Renewable Energy Sources
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin
620002, Mira str., 19, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Abstract—As the title implies the article describes energy

consumption analysis of the enterprise. This article considers the II. METHODS
possibility of using renewable energy sources to provide The article revievs the potential of using an integrated
emergency needs of the enterprise. The article analyzes the
system which is based on renew-able energy sources (onwards
energy consumption of the enterprise, proposes the possibility of
creating an integrated energy system based on RES. It is
as RES) at the enterprise of "SVEL Power Transformers" that
proposed to reduce energy costs through the use of non- is situated in Yekaterinburg-city. The example of using the
conventional and renewable energy sources as a perspective area computer programs "VizProRES" and "HOMER Pro" which is
of world energy. Much attention is given to the metrological data used for calculating the complex power supply system based
the source of which is the NASA portal received from the on RES (further as CS RES) is given. The data, received
satellite, visual diagrams are constructed. The article presents during the research, can be used to obtain a full picture of the
calculations of the system, graphs of its operation, summarizes enterprise. It can be shown from the energy efficiency point of
the possibility of its creation. It is proposed to reduce energy costs view taking into account the RES installations. The SVEL
through the use of non-conventional and renewable energy
Group is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of
sources as a promising area of world energy.
electrical equipment. The enterprise is located in the city of
Keywords—Energy saving; energy efficiency; renewable energy Yekaterinburg, the micro-district of Himmash. The
sources; integrated systems of RES; emergency power supply; coordinates of the terrain are 54.75 degrees north; 60.73
enterprise; potential RES. degrees east The building consists of four floors where office
premises, meeting rooms, server room, locker rooms, toilet
I. INTRODUCTION and shower rooms are located. During the researching of the
building plan, the locations of emergency lighting, fire alarm
Energy consumption problems, currently, are relevant all and CCTV cameras were identified. The calculation was
over the world. The rapid in-crease in energy consumption is carried out, the constant and variable load necessary to
observed in developing countries. Especially strong changes provide emergency consumers was calculated in kW. The total
in energy consumption are brought up in enterprises in load draws up 6.771 kW. It was concluded that possibility of
connection with the growth of production and equipment using and installing renewable energy sources as a guarantee
[1,9]. The issues of energy saving at the enterprise come first for everyday consumers in emergency operation modes.
in relevance, since one unit of saved energy prevents the Climatic data, taken from the NASA portal for the city of
production of 3 units (according to the Schneider Energy Uni- Yekaterinburg, was used to determine the feasibility of
versity). The overriding task of the Energy Strategy of Russia building CS RES. The obtained information on the RES
is a introduction of systemic measures for Energy saving potential is presented at the fig. 1. The diagram represent the
policy. Creation of a stabilized system of energy supply to averaged information for the predetermined locality for
consumers is a necessary condition for sustainable economic, twenty-two years [7,18].
political and industrial development of the so-ciety [2,13].
Current global and Russian enterprises pay much attention to The "VizProRES" program was used to select and
the reduction of energy consumption in manufacture and calculate the optimal variant of the CS RES for the enterprise.
households. [3,20] This program was developed at the Department of
Nuclear Power Plants and Renewable Energy Sources in the
Ural Federal University.

978-1-5386-2422-7/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

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2018 17th International Ural Conference on AC Electric Drives (ACED)
This program is a engine for the development and analysis
of complex energy systems, which contain: photo-electric
converter (onwards PC), wind power turbines (onwards WT)
and others.
Also the functional of the program includes is the
construction of graphs and analysis of the received systems.
Equipment for the calculation of the CS RES was selected/
The main equipment of the project of the CS of RES are PC,
WT and rechargeable batteries. Also, as a reserve power
source, it was suggested to consider diesel generator (onwards
The example of table 1 is used to show how program is
working and the possibilities of the program "VizProRES".
The program calculates the optimal equipment. CS RES
includes: six PC marks Exmork FSM-300M 300 W and three
pairs of batteries brand Delta DTM 12250 L and one WT 4/7.
To ensure the stable operation of the resulting system,
ancillary equipment is necessary. Such equipment is the
controllers for PC and WT, as well as an inverter. The diagram
of the equipment operation is shown in Figure 3. Conclusions
were made about the joint operation of the PC and the WT
were drawn from the analysis of the data obtained.
The united work of PV and WT compensates for the un-
evenness of the climatic characteristics, which makes it
possible to keep the battery charge almost constantly at the
maximum level (with the exception of one month per year).
[4,10] Summing up the results of calculations, the variant of
the joint operation of the fotoelectric converters and wind
turbines is more reliable.
Fig. 1. Data of the incoming of solar insolation on a horizontal surface and
wind speed in the city of Yekaterinburg.

Functionality of the program "VizProRES" [18] :

• This program allows you to find the optimal
composition of equipment based on RES, taking into
account the full provision of an autonomous consumer
for a certain geographical area.
• Program calculates the amount of equipment of each
type based on the technical and economic comparison
of various options.
• When program is calculating the optimal cluster, it
simulates the behavior of the system during the year,
taking into account daily or hourly fluctuations in
energy production.
• Allows you to see the graphical analysis of different
options for linking the system.
• It is possible to save the calculated version for
subsequent downloading and continue the work
without losing data. Fig. 2. The diagram of CS RES working during the year, calculated in the
software "VizProRES".

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2018 17th International Ural Conference on AC Electric Drives (ACED)
The possibility of creating a project in the software "HOMER TABLE II. FULL LIST OF EQUIPMENT TO THE BUILDING CS RES.
Pro" was considered during the development of the CS RES. This
program is a global system for optimizing the creation of integrated
systems in all sectors, from rural sources and autonomous communal
services to campuses and military bases connected with the network
The program presents a large selection of equipment to create an
optimal power supply system for the facility. Among the list of
various PV’s and WT, it is possible to match the optimum option for
a particular CS RES [12,18].
25 options were chosen in the program for possible CS RES to
the given conditions. Among of them, only one optimal version of the
CS RES was chosen.
The most suitable option for the given conditions can be
considered : 6 PV, 3 pairs of batteries and 1 WT (Figure 3).
It follows, that this version of the CS RES is optimal. Thus, there
is a need to estimate the costs for the construction of the CS RES.


The design of the electrical diagram of CS RES is shown in
Figure 4. The calculation of the economic efficiency was carried out
taking into account the capital costs for the purchase of equipment
and construc-tion of CS RES, including transportation costs,
Total costs including delivery and installation is amounted
procurement and storage costs, as well as installation costs and
to 1241883,76 rubles.
construction costs. [5,16,17]
The full list of equipment, its cost and total costs for the IV. CONCLUSION
equipment are presented in Table 2.
The calculation of technical and economic indicators of the
system was made. As a result, CS RES payback period equal
to 15 years was calculated. The cost of electricity from the
received system is 11.86 rubles / kWh. The emergency power
supply system is effective that was concluded in the analysis
of the results.
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
The obligatoriness to use CS on the basis of RES to ensure
the emergency needs of the enterprise can be caused firstly by
Fig. 3. The diagram of CS RES working during the year, calculated in the increasing the reliability of power supply; secondly, a
software "HOMER Pro".
reduction in the likelihood of emergencies. Successful
implementation of CS RES in enterprises takes place in many
developed countries. For Example, in Sweden, a "Program for
Energy Efficiency in Energy-Intensive Industries" has been
obtained since 2005. This type of program is voluntary. The
program is under the control of the Swedish Energy Agency in
cooperation with the Swedish Tax Administration and the
Board of the program, which includes representatives of
various industries. The basis of the Program is the voluntary
participation of companies that have the financial means to
implement the measures provided by this program.
Adhering to the program, companies assume the following
obligations: 1) to introduce systems of regulation of energy
consumption; 2) conduct an in-depth analysis of the energy
consumption of your company; 3) to invest in energy
efficiency associated with the consumption of energy
efficiency, the maximum payback period is 3 years.
Fig. 4. Flowchart of power supply of the facility powered by.

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2018 17th International Ural Conference on AC Electric Drives (ACED)
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