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Step 1: Create your Wizarding School!

● Our school is called ______.

● Our school is located ______.
● The head of our school is named __________ and is best known for ______.
● One of our favorite pastimes is a magical combination of ______ and ______.
● A notable landmark in the school is ______.
● One of the most unconventional classes we have at the school is ______.
● One of the rumors you are likely to hear about the school is _________.

Step 2: Create your Student or Teacher!

● Are you:
○ A Junior Study? (1st or 2nd year)
○ A Senior Study? (3rd or 4th year or more!)
○ A teacher or member of the faculty
● What are you really good at? What are you not-so-good at?
○ In this game, there are Six Skills
■ Brains, Brawn. Fight, Flight, Charm, and Grit.
○ There are also Six Dice
■ 20 sided, 12 sided, 10 sided, 8 sided, 6 sided, and 4 sided.
○ The higher number the dice, the better you are with the Skill.

What are your skills?

Every wizard/witch at the school has a wand and takes classes. Here are how certain skills can
help you with certain types of magic, how your wand might help you with certain skills, and in
what classes your skill might prove useful!

Brains: Book smarts. This helps you cast spells like finding hidden passages, astral
projection, or decoding magical messages.
❏ Classes: History of Magic, Divination, and Astronomy.

Brawn: Brute strength. This helps you cast spells like levitation, magically locking
doors, or binding opponents.
❏ Classes: History of Magic, Charms, and Brooms.

Fight: Weapons and fighting. This helps you cast spells like disarming an opponent,
causing a target harm, or making something explode.
❏ Classes: Defense Against Malicious Magic, History of Magic, and Potions.
Flight: Speed and reaction time. This helps you cast spells like deflecting
dangerous magic, moving in magical ways, or blending into your surroundings.
❏ Classes: Defense Against Malicious Magic, Transfiguration, History of Magic, and

Charm: Social talents and persuasion. This helps you cast spells like disguising
yourself, being allowed into somewhere you normally aren’t, or projecting images from your
mind into reality.
❏ Classes: History of Magic, Charms, and Transfiguration.

Grit: Endurance/Composure. Spells like blocking your mind from being peered into,
dispelling magic that’s already been cast, or healing someone who has been hurt.
❏ Classes: History of Magic, Potions, and Defense Against Malicious Magic.

What’s your Age?

● Junior students get a +1 bonus to Flight and Charm skills
● Senior students get a +1 bonus to Fight and Brawn skills
● Teachers/faculty get a +1 bonus to Brains and Grit skills

Step 3: Assign your Dice to your Skills

● Everybody has things they are good at! Some students are bad at making potions, but
excellent at flying on a broom! Pick a skill and decide which die it gets. Everyone will be
terrible at something!
Die Strength in a Skill
20 Superb
12 Impressive
10 Above Average
8 Below Average
6 Bad
4 Terrible

When you need to use a skill, roll the die that corresponds to it. The GM will pick a “target
number” depending on how hard the task is. If you roll under it, you fail! If you roll that number
or higher, then you succeed!

Step 4: Pick a Familiar

● Every student or teacher has a magical relationship with an animal. It might be an owl,
frog, cat, dog, bird, or mouse! You can ask them to do simple tasks for you, like, take this
rolled-up letter to my friend down the hall, or, fly my homework to my Transfiguration

Step 5: Make your Wand

Every wand has a Wood and a Core. Depending on what your wand is made of, you will get a
bonus to your dice rolls for certain skills. The Wood bonus is +1, and the Core bonus is +1.

+1 to Brains:
❏ Wand Woods: wisteria, hawthorn
❏ Wand Cores: parchment, phoenix’s feather, owl’s feather
+1 to Brawn:
❏ Wand Woods: pine, oak
❏ Wand Cores: gorilla’s fur, ogre’s fingernail, hippo’s tooth
+1 to Flight:
❏ Wand Woods: crabapple, dogwood
❏ Wand Cores: dragon’s heartstring, wolf’s tooth, elk’s antler
+1 to Fight:
❏ Wand Woods: birch, bamboo
❏ Wand Cores: hawk’s feather, air, bat’s bone
+1 to Charm:
❏ Wand Woods: lilac or cherry
❏ Wand Cores: changeling’s hair, gold, mirror
+1 to Grit:
❏ Wand Woods: ironwood, maple
❏ Wand Cores: steel, diamond, lion’s mane

Step 6: Who are your classmates?

● Pick one other player. Your character knows them and is friends with them! Come up
with a story about how you met, what you like to do together, what your favorite classes
● Pick another player! You don’t know them yet. What do you want to learn about their
● Depending on how many players there are, you could pick a third player and decide that
you have a rivalry with them. Did they beat you in a sport recently? Are you jealous of
their broom? Are they a favorite pupil of your least favorite teacher?

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