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Analysing and presenting IN BRIEF

• Analysing and presenting qualitative data

qualitative data is one of the most confusing aspects of

qualitative research.
• This paper provides a pragmatic approach
using a form of thematic content
P. Burnard,1 P. Gill,2 K. Stewart,3 E. Treasure4 and B. Chadwick5 analysis. Approaches to presenting
qualitative data are also discussed.
• The process of qualitative data analysis
is labour intensive and time consuming.
Those who are unsure about this
approach should seek appropriate advice.

This paper provides a pragmatic approach to analysing qualitative data, using actual data from a qualitative dental public
health study for demonstration purposes. The paper also critically explores how computers can be used to facilitate this
process, the debate about the verification (validation) of qualitative analyses and how to write up and present qualitative
research studies.

APPROACHES TO ANALYSING framework and uses the actual data
Previous papers in this series have intro­ itself to derive the structure of analy­
duced readers to qualitative research There are two fundamental approaches sis. This approach is comprehensive and
and identified approaches to collecting to analysing qualitative data (although therefore time-consuming and is most
qualitative data. However, for those new each can be handled in a variety of dif­ suitable where little or nothing is known
to this approach, one of the most bewil­ ferent ways): the deductive approach about the study phenomenon. Inductive
dering aspects of qualitative research and the inductive approach.1,2 Deductive analysis is the most common approach
is, perhaps, how to analyse and present approaches involve using a structure or used to analyse qualitative data2 and is,
the data once it has been collected. This predetermined framework to analyse therefore, the focus of this paper.
final paper therefore considers a method data. Essentially, the researcher imposes Whilst a variety of inductive
of analysing and presenting textual data their own structure or theories on the approaches to analysing qualitative data
gathered during qualitative work. data and then uses these to analyse the are available, the method of analysis
interview transcripts.3 described in this paper is that of thematic
This approach is useful in studies content analysis, and is, perhaps, the
QUALITATIVE RESEARCH where researchers are already aware most common method of data analysis
IN DENTISTRY of probable participant responses. For used in qualitative work.4,5 This method
example, if a study explored patients’ arose out of the approach known as
1. Qualitative research in dentistry
reasons for complaining about their grounded theory,6 although the method
2. Methods of data collection in qualitative
research: interviews and focus groups dentist, the interview may explore com­ can be used in a range of other types of
3. Conducting qualitative interviews with mon reasons for patients’ complaints, qualitative work, including ethnography
school children in dental research such as trauma following treatment and phenomenology (see the fi rst paper
4. Analysing and presenting qualitative data and communication problems. The data in this series7 for defi nitions). Indeed,
analysis would then consist of exam­ the process of thematic content analy­
ining each interview to determine how sis is often very similar in all types of
many patients had complaints of each qualitative research, in that the process
Professor of Nursing, Cardiff School of Nursing type and the extent to which complaints involves analysing transcripts, identify­
and Midwifery Studies, Ty Dewi Sant, Heath Park,
Cardiff, CF14 4XY; 2* Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of
of each type co-occur.3 However, while ing themes within those data and gath­
Health, Sport and Science, University of Glamorgan, this approach is relatively quick and ering together examples of those themes
Pontypridd, CF37 1DL; 3Research Fellow, Academic Unit
of Primary Care, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 2AA
easy, it is inflexible and can potentially from the text.
Dean, School of Dentistry/Professor of Dental Public bias the whole analysis process as the
Health, 5Professor of Paediatric Dentistry, Dental Health
coding framework has been decided in DATA COLLECTION
and Biological Sciences, School of Dentistry, Cardiff
University, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XY advance, which can severely limit theme
*Correspondence to: Dr Paul Gill
and theory development. Interview transcripts, field notes and
Conversely, the inductive approach observations provide a descriptive
Refereed Paper
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2008.292
involves analysing data with little or account of the study, but they do not pro­
© British Dental Journal 2008; 204: 429-432 no predetermined theory, structure or vide explanations.4 It is the researcher


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who has to make sense of the data that

have been collected by exploring and Table 1 An example of an initial coding framework
interpreting them.
Interview transcript Initial coding framework
Quantitative and qualitative research
differ somewhat in their approach to Interviewer: ‘Can you tell me about what you like to eat?’
data analysis. In quantitative research,
Child: ‘I like crisps, chips, sweets. I like sweets and chocolate
data analysis often only occurs after the most. I like apples, grapes and oranges. Oh and pizza, Food preferences
all or much of data have been collected. I really like pizza.’
However, in qualitative research, data
Interviewer: ‘What do you like about those things?’
analysis often begins during, or imme­
diately after, the first data are collected, Child: ‘…Well the apples and the other fruit I just really like Food preferences
although this process continues and is the taste and they are healthy I suppose. We eat those in Healthy foods
modified throughout the study. Initial school now and my friends like them, so I eat them with Food choices in school
my friends. Peer influence
analysis of the data may also further ‘I really like sweets and chocolates though, they are my
inform subsequent data collection. For favourites but I know they aren’t really good for you. If you Effects of sweets and chocolate
example, interview schedules may be eat too many they can be bad for your teeth. They can make
them go brown or drop out.’
slightly modified in light of emerging
findings, where additional clarification
may be required. Table 2 An example of a final coding framework after reduction of the categories
in the initial coding framework
Computer software for Final coding framework Initial coding framework
data analysis
• Perceptions of food
The method of analysis described in this • Positive notions of food and consequences
1. Contrasts and contradictions
paper involves managing the data ‘by • Negative notions of food and consequences
hand’. However, there are several com­ • Healthy/unhealthy foods

puter-assisted qualitative data analysis • Peer influence

software (CAQDAS) packages available 2. Copying friends • Copying
that can be used to manage and help in • Food choices in school
• Food choices and preferences of friendship groups
the analysis of qualitative data. Com­
mon programmes include ATLAS. ti and • Diet in childhood
NVivo. It should be noted, however, that
• Food preferences
3. Diet in adulthood and childhood • Expected diet as a ‘grown up’
such programs do not ‘analyse’ the data • Perceptions of adult/child diets
– that is the task of the researcher – they • The need to be ‘healthy’ as an adult

simply manage the data and make han­ • Effects of sweets and chocolates
dling of them easier. 4. Single item consequences • Effects of ‘junk food’
For example, computer packages can
• Effects of fizzy drinks

help to manage, sort and organise large

volumes of qualitative data, store, anno­ discovering themes in the interview are deviations) can simply be uncoded.
tate and retrieve text, locate words, transcripts and attempting to verify, Such ‘off the topic’ material is sometimes
phrases and segments of data, prepare confirm and qualify them by search­ known as ‘dross’.9
diagrams and extract quotes.8 However, ing through the data and repeating the Table 1 is an example of the initial
whilst computer programmes can facili­ process to identify further themes and coding framework used in the data gen­
tate data analysis, making the proc­ categories.4 erated from an actual interview with
ess easier and, arguably, more flexible, In order to do this, once the inter­ a child in a qualitative dental public
accurate and comprehensive, they do not views have been transcribed verbatim, health study, exploring primary school
confirm or deny the scientific value or the researcher reads each transcript and children’s understanding of food.10
quality of qualitative research, as they makes notes in the margins of words, In the second stage, the researcher
are merely instruments, as good or as theories or short phrases that sum up collects together all of the words and
bad as the researcher using them. what is being said in the text. This is phrases from all of the interviews onto
usually known as open coding. The aim, a clean set of pages. These can then be
Stages in the process however, is to offer a summary state­ worked through and all duplications
Regardless of whether data are analysed ment or word for each element that is crossed out. This will have the effect
by hand or using computer software, the discussed in the transcript. The excep­ of reducing the numbers of ‘categories’
process of thematic content analysis is tion to this is when the respondent has quite considerably.11,12 Using a section of
essentially the same, in that it involves clearly gone off track and begun to move the initial coding framework from the
identifying themes and categories that away from the topic under discussion. above study,10 such a list of categories
‘emerge from the data’. This involves Such deviations (as long as they really might read as follows:


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• Children’s perception of food However, researchers wishing to use such health, and perhaps even as a result of
• Positive notions of food and their software should first undertake appro- participation in the study.15
consequences priate training and should be aware that Some respondents may also want to
• Negative notions of food and their most programmes often do not abide by modify their opinions on re-presenta­
consequences normal MS Windows conventions (eg, tion of the data if they now feel that, on
• Peer influence most interview transcripts have to be reflection, their original comments are
• Copying converted from MS Word into rich text not ‘socially desirable’. There is also the
• Healthy/unhealthy foods format before they can be imported into problem of how to present such informa­
• Effects of sweets and chocolates the programme for analysis). tion to people who are likely to be non­
• Effects of ‘junk food’ academics. Furthermore, it is possible
• Food choices in school Verification that some participants will not recognise
• Diet in childhood The analysis of qualitative data does, of some of the emerging theories, as each
• Food preferences course, involve interpreting the study of them will probably have contributed
• Expected diet as a ‘grown up’ findings. However, this process is argu­ only a portion of the data.16
• Food choices and preferences of ably more subjective than the process The process of peer review involves
friendship groups normally associated with quantitative at least one other suitably experienced
• Effects of fi zzy drinks data analysis, since a common belief researcher independently reviewing
• Perceptions of adult/child diets amongst social scientists is that a defi ni­ and exploring interview transcripts,
• The need to be ‘healthy’ as an adult. tive, objective view of social reality does data analysis and emerging themes. It
not exist. For example, some quantita­ has been argued that this process may
Once this second, shorter list of cate­ tive researchers claim that qualitative help to guard against the potential for
gories has been compiled, the researcher accounts cannot be held straightfor­ lone researcher bias and help to provide
goes a stage further and looks for over­ wardly to represent the social world, additional insights into theme and the­
lapping or similar categories. Informed thus different researchers may interpret ory development.14,16,17 However, many
by the analytical and theoretical ideas the same data somewhat differently.4 researchers also feel that the value of
developed during the research, these cat­ Consequently, this leads to the issue of this approach is questionable, since it is
egories are further refined and reduced the verifiability of qualitative data anal­ possible that each researcher may inter­
in number by grouping them together.4 ysis. pret the data, or parts of it, differently.8
A list of several categories (perhaps up to There is, therefore, a debate as to Also, if both perspectives are grounded
a maximum of twelve) can then be com­ whether qualitative researchers should in and supported by the data, is one
piled. If we consider the above example, have their analyses verified or validated interpretation necessarily stronger or
we might eventually come up with the by a third party.13,14 It has been argued more valid than the other?
reduced list shown in Table 2. that this process can make the analysis Unfortunately, despite perpetual
This reduced list forms the fi nal cat­ more rigorous and reduce the element debate, there is no definitive answer to
egory system that can be used to divide bias. There are two key ways of hav­ the issue of validity in qualitative analy­
up all of the interviews.12 The next stage ing data analyses validated by others: sis. However, to ensure that the analysis
is to allocate each of the categories its respondent validation (or member check) process is systematic and rigorous, the
own coloured marking pen and then – returning to the study participants and whole corpus of collected data must be
each transcript is worked through and asking them to validate analyses – and thoroughly analysed. Therefore, where
data that fit under a particular category peer review (or peer debrief, also referred appropriate, this should also include the
are marked with the according col­ to as inter-rater reliability) – whereby search for and identification of relevant
our. Finally, all of the sections of data, another qualitative researcher analyses ‘deviant or contrary cases’ – ie, fi nd­
under each of the categories (and thus the data independently.13-15 ings that are different or contrary to the
assigned a particular colour) are cut out Participant validation involves return­ main findings, or are simply unique to
and pasted onto the A4 sheets. Subject ing to respondents and asking them to some or even just one respondent. Quali­
dividers can then be labelled with each carefully read through their interview tative researchers should also utilise a
category label and the corresponding transcripts and/or data analysis for process of ‘constant comparison’ when
coloured snippets, on each of the pages, them to validate, or refute, the research­ analysing data. This essentially involves
are filed in a lever arch file. What the er’s interpretation of the data. Whilst reading and re-reading data to search
researcher has achieved is an organised this can arguably help to refi ne theme for and identify emerging themes in
dataset, filed in one folder. It is from this and theory development, the process is the constant search for understanding
folder that the report of the fi ndings can hugely time consuming and, if it does and the meaning of the data.18,19 Where
be written. not occur relatively soon after data col­ appropriate, researchers should also pro­
As discussed earlier, computer pro­ lection and analysis, participants may vide a detailed explication in published
grammes can be used to manage this have also changed their perceptions reports of how data was collected and
process and may be particularly useful in and views because of temporal effects analysed, as this helps the reader to crit­
qualitative studies with larger datasets. and potential changes in their situation, ically assess the value of the study.


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It should also be noted that qualitative these supporting chapters would also undertaking this process for the fi rst
data cannot be usefully quantified given be used to develop theories or hypoth- time, we recommend seeking advice from
the nature, composition and size of the esise about the data and, if appropri­ experienced qualitative researchers.
sample group, and ultimately the episte­ ate, to make realistic conclusions and
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14. Barbour R S. Checklists for improving rigour in
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‘My mother says drink juice because it’s process of thematic content analysis as of individual researcher perspectives within col­
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