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Electrochemical Sensing of Dopamine at the Surface of Dopamine Grafted

Graphene Oxide / Poly (Methylene Blue) Composite modified electrode

Article  in  RSC Advances · January 2016

DOI: 10.1039/C5RA25541D


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2 authors:

Demudu Babu Gorle Anbu Kulandainathan

Central Electrochemical Research Institute

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RSC Advances
Published on 29 January 2016. Downloaded by Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI) on 15/06/2017 05:17:36.

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Electrochemical sensing of dopamine at the surface

of a dopamine grafted graphene oxide/
Cite this: RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 19982
poly(methylene blue) composite modified
Demudu Babu Gorle and Manickam Anbu Kulandainathan*

The simultaneous electrochemical reduction of graphene oxide (GO) and oxidative polymerization of
methylene blue yielding a polymer composite on a glassy carbon electrode surface is demonstrated.
The stability of the reduced graphene oxide (ERG)/poly(methylene blue) (PMB) composite in buffer
solution is also studied in detail. Interestingly, methylene blue initially forms a radical cation, which
donates an electron to GO, then GO undergoes reduction and during the subsequent cycles, it forms
the polymer composite through covalent interactions between simultaneously reduced GO and oxidized
methylene blue. The formation of the polymer composite is characterized using electrochemical
impedance spectroscopy, laser Raman spectroscopy, SEM and UV-Visible absorption studies. Dopamine
is a neurotransmitter with primary amine and phenolic functional groups. The electrografting of
dopamine onto an ERG/PMB composite modified electrode is carried out and is evaluated by FT-IR and
XPS studies and the electrochemical stability of the grafted dopamine is demonstrated using CV studies.
Differential pulse voltammetry studies reveal that the modified electrode shows a high selectivity and
sensitivity towards the detection of dopamine in the presence of ascorbic acid (AA) and uric acid (UA)
Received 1st December 2015
Accepted 26th January 2016
with a detection limit of 1.03  106 mol L1 from a calibration curve with a linear range of 0.96  106
mol L1 to 7.68  106 mol L1. Hence, this dopamine grafted on polymer composite modified
DOI: 10.1039/c5ra25541d
electrode provides an attractive platform for the selective sensing of dopamine in the presence of interferents.

reduction of graphite oxide and GO.18,19 Large scale synthesis of

1. Introduction graphene has been carried out through chemical, thermal and
Graphene1 is a single layer of graphite consisting of sp2 carbon electrochemical reduction methods.20,21 Among these methods,
atoms packed in a 2D honeycomb lattice, which has been electrochemical reduction is one of the nest routes because it
studied and used for remarkable applications such as in poly- is a simple, time saving and eco-friendly process and through
mer nanocomposites,2,3 for energy applications,4 in sensors,5 this method one can avoid the usage of environmentally
biomedicine,6 liquid crystal devices,7 eld effect transistors,8 harmful reductants.
exible materials9 and mechanical resonators10 due to its Electropolymerization is an effective method for the
unique properties11–16 which include mechanical, electrical, synthesis of polymeric thin lms of dye,22 heterocyclic
thermal, electronic and optical properties. The hydrophobic17 compounds23 etc. Methylene blue (MB) is a cationic water-
nature of graphene tends to cause irreversible agglomerations soluble phenothiazine dye. Many research groups have
in aqueous solution due to the strong p–p stacking interac- prepared graphene/MB polymer composites using electro-
tions. This explains the poor solubility of graphene in polymer chemical methods and it has been used as a catalyst in bio-
matrices, which limits its applications. Graphene can be logical applications. Barsan et al. prepared phenazine polymers
synthesized by both top-down and bottom-up approaches, and used them in biosensors.24 Sun et al. fabricated poly(MB)
which includes Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), micro- functionalized graphene modied carbon ionic liquid elec-
mechanical cleavage, epitaxial growth on metal surfaces and the trodes for dopamine detection.25 Erçarıkcı et al. synthesized
poly(MB)/graphene nanocomposite thin lms for the oxidation
of nitrite.26 Wojtoniszak et al. functionalized graphene oxide
Electrochemical Process Engineering Division, CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research with MB and investigated its performance in singlet oxygen
Institute, Karaikudi, India. E-mail: generation.27
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI:

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The term electrograing refers to an electrochemical reac- Preparation of GO

tion between organic molecules and solid conducting materials.
Graphite oxide was prepared from graphite powder following
Furthermore, it was extended to reactions involving an electron
the procedure adopted in Hummers’ method.33 5 g of graphite
transfer between the reagent and substrate in modied elec-
Published on 29 January 2016. Downloaded by Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI) on 15/06/2017 05:17:36.

powder (99.9%) was added to 115 mL of concentrated sulfuric

trode surfaces. Electrograing applies to many functional
acid containing 2.5 g of sodium nitrate in a 500 ml beaker under
groups like amines, carboxylates, alcohols, Grignard reagents,
vigorous stirring. Once the addition was completed, it was kept
vinylics, diazonium salts, ammonium salts, phosphonium salts
in an ice-bath and the temperature was maintained below 10  C.
and sulfonium salts, etc.28,29 Electrograing is a well-established At this temperature, 15 g of potassium permanganate was
method for surface modication and is used in various appli- added to the solution mixture carefully to prevent the increase
cations such as sensors, biomolecules, energy storage devices
of the solution temperature beyond 20  C. The solution was
and industrial applications.30 The reactive pathway in electro-
removed from the ice-bath and kept for 30 min at a temperature
graing can either be oxidative or reductive depending upon
of 30–35  C. A brownish yellow colored paste was formed at the
the redox behavior of the molecules.
end of 20 min by the elimination of gas. Aer 30 min, 230 mL of
In this communication, initially we prepared an ERG/PMB
water was added slowly and the temperature was raised to 90  C
composite electrochemically and demonstrated the electro-
and maintained for 15 min. Later, this was further diluted with
graing of dopamine onto the prepared polymer composite 700 mL of warm water and eventually the removal of residues
surface, which was expected to enhance the electron transfer was carried out by the addition of 30% hydrogen peroxide.
kinetics of the modied surface. The electrograing of dopa-
Finally, a brown yellow graphite oxide solid was obtained by
mine follows an oxidative method through amine linkages.31
ltration followed by centrifugation and was dried at 60  C for
The graing of dopamine onto the modied electrode was
24 h.
investigated using Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy
GO was prepared by sonicating the graphite oxide powder in
(FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. The
water.34 For this, graphite oxide (2 mg ml1) was dissolved in
dopamine graed modied electrode is a good catalyst for the
distilled water and sonicated for approximately 2 h, which
sensing of dopamine through the “like recognizes like”32 prin- nally gave a dark yellow colored solution. At the end, this was
ciple, which was investigated using CV studies, and the inter- centrifuged, ltered, washed thoroughly with distilled water
ference of dopamine with UA and AA was investigated using
and dried at 100  C for 8 h.
DPV studies. Scheme 1 depicts the reaction pathway of the total
system as explained in the later sections.

2. Experimental section Laser Raman analysis of the uorine doped tin oxide (FTO)
coated substrate was carried out using a Renishaw Invia Raman
Materials Microscope with a He–Ne laser 633 nm (Renishaw, U.K.), and
Graphite powder (Alfa Aesar), sodium nitrate (Sigma Aldrich), the morphology of the sample coated on the FTO plate was
sulfuric acid (AR, Ranbaxy), potassium permanganate (Sigma studied using S-3000H SEM with 30–300000 magnication
Aldrich), 30% hydrogen peroxide (Alfa Aesar), monopotassium (Hitachi, Japan). The absorption of the MB solution was studied
dihydrogen phosphate and dipotassium monohydrogen phos- using a UV-VIS-NIR Double Beam Spectrophotometer (Cary 500
phate (Extrapure AR, SRL), methylene blue (high purity, Alfa Scan Model) and the FTIR spectrum of the sample was analyzed
Aesar), potassium chloride (Sigma Aldrich), potassium ferri- using a BRUKER TENSOR 27 FT-IR Spectrometer (Bruker Optik
and ferrocyanide (SRL), dopamine hydrochloride, ascorbic acid GmbH, Germany). The chemical composition of the surface
and uric acid (98.5%, Alfa Aesar) were used in the experiments modied by electrochemical polymerization and electro-
as received. In all of the experiments, distilled water with oxidative graing of dopamine onto the FTO coated electrode
a conductivity of 36 mS cm1 was used to prepare the solutions. was studied using XPS techniques (Multilab 2000, Thermo

Scheme 1 General reaction pathway of electrochemical polymerization and the grafting of dopamine.

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scientic, UK). An Al Ka radiation was used as the X-ray source Fig. 1(B) shows the 1st and 20th cycles of electrochemical
with a pass energy of 20 eV to record the spectrum with a scan polymerization. During the 1st cycle, well-dened reduction and
range of 0–1150 eV binding energy, and the pressure was about oxidation peaks were observed at 0.53 (C1) and 0.19 V (A1) vs.
3  108 Torr. The binding energies of all atoms in the modied SCE respectively. This pair of redox peaks corresponds to the
Published on 29 January 2016. Downloaded by Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI) on 15/06/2017 05:17:36.

surface were referenced using the 1s hydrocarbon peak at 286.4 reduction of GO and the oxidation of MB at the interface.26 The
eV and the XPS spectra was tted with a Shirley-type back- rapid rise of the current to a more positive potential at nearly
ground using XPS PEAK 4.1 soware with a Gaussian- 1.12 V (A2) vs. SCE is assigned to the formation of MB radical
Lorentzien 60%/40% technique. cations.36 Aer this potential value, MB undergoes electro-
Cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectros- chemical polymerization through the formation of radical
copy and Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV) studies were cations.37 Interestingly, the reduction current of GO at 1.48 V
carried out using a BAS-IM6 (Zahner Messsysteme, Germany) vs. SCE decreases much less from the 1st to 20th cycles, which
instrument under a three-electrode cell system. A glassy suggests that the electrochemical reduction of GO was
carbon electrode with 3 mm diameter was used as a working complete.38 In the 20th cycle, another pair of redox peaks were
electrode. A SCE electrode and platinum wire were used as the formed at 0.84 (C2) and 0.05 (A3) V vs. SCE with an increase of
reference and auxiliary electrodes, respectively. Prior to use, the current with the cycles, which affects the amount of GO
the GC electrode was cleaned using alumina paste (0.05 m) on reduction and the formation of PMB lm on the modied
emery polishing paper (2/0) for 3 min. Furthermore, it was electrode surface.37 From this, we can clearly explain the
sonicated and washed thoroughly with water and ethanol. simultaneous redox behavior of MB and GO forming an ERG/
Finally, it was dried using nitrogen gas. Before each experi- PMB composite and this behavior depends upon the concen-
ment, the electrolyte was deoxygenated by purging with tration of MB (Fig. S1–S3 as ESI†). Similarly a poly(MB) modied
nitrogen gas for 20 min. All experiments were done at room GC electrode as well as an electrochemically reduced GO
temperature. modied GC electrode were prepared by the same procedure
(Fig. S4 and S5 as ESI†). The expected mechanism for the
formation of an ERG/PMB composite by an electrochemical
3. Results and discussion process is shown as Scheme S1 (ESI†).
Electrochemical preparation of ERG/PMB composite Fig. S6 (ESI†) shows the cyclic voltammograms of the bare
An ERG/PMB composite was prepared using the electro- GC, GO and ERG coated GC electrodes in potassium phosphate
chemical polymerization method.35 In this method, a drop- buffer solution (pH 7.4) at a scan rate of 50 mV s1 between 1.5
casted GO coated GC surface was used as a working elec- to 1.3 V vs. SCE. Accordingly, the GO and ERG coated electrodes
trode and the procedure is as follows. 10 mL of GO solution was exhibited one redox couple with an anodic peak at 0.5 V and
coated onto the surface of an ultrasonically cleaned glassy a cathodic peak at 1.25 V vs. SCE, whereas the bare GC elec-
carbon electrode and dried at room temperature for 4 h. The trode showed a featureless voltammogram. The cathodic
electrolytic solution was prepared with 0.026 mM MB in 0.1 M current of GO was 0.406 mA at 1.5 V, which is found to
phosphate buffer solution with a pH of 7.4. Electrochemical decrease with ERG, and thus it demonstrates the subsequent
polymerization was carried out using potential cycling reduction of GO from the 1st to 20th cycles. GO started reducing
between 1.5 to 1.3 V vs. SCE at a scan rate of 50 mV s1. to irreversible ERG, and aer almost 20 cycles, the stability of
Fig. 1(A) shows the cyclic voltammogram of the electrochem- the cathodic current shows the complete reduction of GO. The
ically reduced ERG/PMB composite prepared via the electro- high anodic current observed with GO may be due to the over-
chemical polymerization method. It can be demonstrated that oxidation of chemical impurities present in GO. Aer coating
the position of the oxidation peak and the reduction peak GO and its reductant onto the surface of the GC electrode,
moved towards higher values from the 1st cycle to the 20th a high current is observed which suggests that the GO and ERG
cycle. provide the conduction path for electron transfer at the

Fig. 1 (A) Electrochemical polymerization of a GO/MB modified electrode at 50 mV s1 for 20 cycles (B) (a) 1st and (b) 20th cycles of elec-
trochemical polymerization.

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electrode/electrolyte interface and are used in the electro-

chemical catalytic reactions as a catalyst.39 The change in the
position of the redox couple towards high redox potential value
and the high capacitive behavior of the modied electrode
Published on 29 January 2016. Downloaded by Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI) on 15/06/2017 05:17:36.

explains the improvement in the non-faradaic current of ERG

due to the increase of the conductive surface area by the elec-
trochemical reduction.40
The surface area of the polymer lm formed on the GO
coated GC electrode can be calculated from the surface coverage
concentration of PMB.35,41 The value of the charge involved in
the polymerization can be calculated from the peak area
apparent in the cyclic voltammogram using the following

G ¼ Q/(nFA)
Fig. 2 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of (a) ERG, (b) PMB
where A is the area of the GCE (0.07065 cm2), F is the Faraday
and (c) the ERG/PMB composite modified electrodes in 0.1 M KCl
constant (96 485.34 C mol1), G is the surface coverage solution containing (1 : 1) 2 mM L1 [Fe(CN)6]3/4.
concentration and n is the number of electrons involved in the
electrochemical polymerization of MB (n ¼ 2). The value of the
charge (Q) calculated from the integration of the peak area Raman spectra revealed the polymerization of MB, the
between 0.37 to 0.48 V vs. SCE at a scan rate of 50 mV s1 is reduction of GO by electrochemical methods and the formation
8.314 mC. Using the above values, the G value calculated for the of the ERG/PMB composite.35,42 The spectra are shown in
polymer lm is 6.13  1010 mole cm2. Finally, the G value Fig. 3(A). In the Raman spectra, the D and G bands of ERG
demonstrates a good surface coverage of PMB lm on the formed at 1346 cm1 and 1604 cm1 with approximately the
modied electrode surface. From this, we clearly observe that 10 same intensity indicate the presence of both sp3 and sp2
mL of GO was covered by 6.13  1010 mol cm2 of MB. carbons with equal numbers which denotes the reduction of
The electrochemical activity of the GO coated GC electrode GO. The Raman spectrum of PMB forms peaks at 1037 cm1,
was characterized by the reaction with MB in buffer solution 1161 cm1, 1304 cm1, 1332 cm1, 1395 cm1, 1433 cm1, 1477
with a pH of 7.4 (Fig. S7 as ESI†). In that, the GO modied GC cm1, 1501 cm1 and 1624 cm1. The band at 1037 cm1 relates
electrode has redox peaks at 0.53 V and 1.12 V vs. SCE, which to the strong C–S aromatic stretching frequency in MB and that
were present as minor peaks in the bare GC electrode as shown at 1395 cm1 and 1433 cm1 relates to the bending vibration
in the inset, and also shows the high anodic and cathodic modes of the N–CH3 group due to polymerization. The peak at
current that demonstrates the redox behaviour of MB. 1624 cm1 was attributed to the C]C stretching frequency in
The stability of the ERG/PMB composite modied electrode aromatic rings. The peaks of both PMB and ERG are observed in
was checked by recording 30 cycles in the same electrolyte the Raman spectrum of the ERG/PMB composite with a high
solution in the same potential window, which is shown in intensity which conrms both the polymerization and reduc-
Fig. S8 (ESI†). It is noted that the changes in current are negli- tion of MB and GO.
gible aer 30 cycles, which indicates the stability of the ERG/ The formation of product was further conrmed by SEM
PMB composite modied electrode. Based on this result, it is images.43,44 Fig. 3(B) (a) shows a clear thin layer type structure
very clear that the formed polymer composite material is highly with small crystals of MB which were present on the layer of the
stable and active and is a suitable catalytic electrode for elec- GO surface in image (c). Image (b) shows the clear layered
trochemical redox reactions. structure of ERG coated on the FTO plate. This conrms the
The formation of PMB, ERG and the ERG/PMB composite polymerization of MB over the surface of GO by the electro-
was veried using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy chemical method.
(EIS)24,35 and CV studies (Fig. S9 as ESI†). Fig. 2 shows the The consumption in the concentration of MB during the
impedance behavior of modied electrodes in 2 mM L1 electrochemical polymerization was shown using UV-Visible
[Fe(CN)6]3/4 in 0.1 M KCl solution with an amplitude of 30 mV absorption spectroscopy (Fig. S10 as ESI†) as shown in
and a frequency ranging from 106 Hz to 0.05 Hz. In this, ERG Fig. 3(C) and it was noted before and aer cyclic voltammetry of
shows a semicircle at a low frequency region with an Rct of about the same solution. In these spectra, two main absorption bands
1.12 kU, which makes it difficult for electron transfer between formed at 659 cm1 and 612 cm1 corresponding to MB and MB
the electrode/electrolyte interface to occurr. The semicircle at dimers in solution. According to Beer’s law in UV-Visible
a high frequency region completely disappeared in the case of absorption spectroscopy, absorption is directly proportional to
the PMB and ERG/PMB composite modied electrodes due to the concentration of the solution. The gure clearly shows that
the porosity formed during the formation of the lm, indicating the decrease in the absorption intensity during the reaction
that the electron transfer can be fast and diffusion-controlled. indicates the decrease in concentration of MB. The difference in

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Fig. 3 (A) Raman spectra of (a) PMB, (b) ERG and (c) the ERG/PMB composite, (B) SEM images of (a) PMB, (b) ERG and (c) the ERG/PMB composite
and (C) UV-Visible absorption spectra of MB solution (a) before potential cycling and (b) after potential cycling.

the concentration of MB aer 20 cycles corresponds to the MB In the cyclic voltammogram, an anodic peak with a high
that reacted with GO during the polymerization.27,45 oxidation current was formed at 0.384 V vs. SCE indicating the
oxidation of the primary amine in dopamine to an amine
radical which is strongly attached to the ERG/PMB composite
Electrograing of dopamine on the ERG/PMB composite material by a chemical bond due to its activity on the electrode
modied electrode surface.31 Aer the rst cycle, a constant redox peak was formed
in the potential region of 0.3 to 0.4 V vs. SCE with DE ¼ 56 mV
Fig. 4(A) shows the CV curves of the 1  103 mol L1 dopamine
which indicates the attachment of incoming dopamine mole-
in 0.1 M sulfuric acid as electrolyte. The electrograing of
cules on the surface of the graed dopamine molecule shown in
dopamine was performed by 10 successive cycles in the poten-
Fig. 4(A). Fig. 4(B) shows that the modied electrode has
tial range of 0.2 to 1.6 V vs. SCE with a scan rate of 50 mV s1.

Fig. 4 (A) Grafting of 1  103 mol L1 dopamine in 0.1 M H2SO4 solution for 10 successive cycles at a scan rate of 50 mV s1, (inset) 1st, 20th, and
50th cycles of the grafted dopamine ERG/PMB composite modified electrode and (B) 1  103 mol L1 dopamine with (a) the GC electrode and
(b) the ERG/PMB composite modified electrode. Scan rate 50 mV s1.

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a higher oxidation current in comparison to the bare GC elec- a high intensity at 3442 cm1 corresponds to N–H stretching in
trode in the presence of dopamine (Fig. S11 as ESI†), which 1 amines or O–H stretching in alcohols. The band at 2960 cm1
demonstrates the activity of the coated material. was attributed to C–H stretching in alkanes and the band at
Finally, the electrode was thoroughly washed with water and 1736 cm1 corresponds to C]O stretching in carbonyl
Published on 29 January 2016. Downloaded by Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI) on 15/06/2017 05:17:36.

the graing of dopamine on the modied electrode was studied compounds which conrms the graing of dopamine on the
using cyclic voltammetry. Aer washing, the ERG/PMB electrode surface through oxidation. This band disappeared in
composite modied electrode showed a higher oxidation the case of pure dopamine. The IR peaks at 1604 cm1 and 1613
current than the bare GC electrode (Fig. S12 as ESI†). The CV cm1 are expected to be of C]C stretching in aromatics and
shows the potential of the redox peak at DE ¼ 51 mV which is N–H bending in 1 amines. The observations of these peaks in
responsible for the redox behavior of dopamine. This reaction is the dopamine spectrum with higher vibration values describes
a one electron transfer reaction which leads to the immobili- the oxidative graing of dopamine with the modied electrode
zation of dopamine on the modied electrode surface. Hence, by electrochemical methods.
one of the phenolic groups in the dopamine should undergo The surface chemical composition of the ERG/PMB modied
oxidation which is explained using the FT-IR and XPS analysis electrode was analyzed using the XPS before and aer the
later. Furthermore, the formation of lm was conrmed by the graing of dopamine which is a surface sensitive technique.
sensing of dopamine due to high electron transfer between the The XPS survey spectra of C 1s, N 1s, O 1s and S 2p elements are
incoming molecules and active catalytic material through the shown in Fig. 5. According to the XPS survey, the same elements
lm. are present before and aer the graing of dopamine. In
The inset of Fig. 4(A) shows the 1st, 20th and 50th cycles of Fig. 5(A), the deconvolution of the C 1s spectra demonstrates
dopamine graed onto the modied electrode surface for 50 the following binding energy values, i.e. 284.48 eV  C]C or sp2
cycles in acidic solution. The stability of this material is shown and C–C or sp3 and C–H because the peaks are not identied
to be very high as it has less current variation from the 1st to 50th separately due to the resolution of the XPS spectrometer, and
cycle, because all of the cyclic voltammograms are similar and 285.25 eV  C–N and 286.95 eV  C–O with an atomic
there is no change in the potential difference and current of percentage of 13.92%.48 Aer the graing of dopamine
redox peaks. The polymer composite material is highly efficient (Fig. 5(B)), a new peak was observed at 288.52 eV with
for the graing of dopamine. a percentage of 7.75%, which may be identied as C]O, cor-
The graing and high stability of dopamine lm was inves- responding to the oxidation of the phenolic group in the graed
tigated using the scan rate effect of cyclic voltammetry in the dopamine due to incoming dopamine molecules, and also
potential range from 0.2 to 0.8 V vs. SCE as shown in 284.56 eV  C can be identied as a phenolic group49 with
Fig. S13(A) (ESI†). In this, a well dened redox peak appears and a high atomic percentage (53.42%). The spectrum of O 1s was
shows an increase in the peak current with the scan rate. observed in both cases, at 530.72 eV and 531.17 eV, corre-
Fig. S13(B) (ESI†) shows the linear relationship between peak sponding to the C]O group aer graing based on the litera-
current versus the square root of the scan rate. In this, the slope ture reports.50,51 The N 1s region tted as two peaks at 398.76 eV
of the Ipa curve (6.11 mA) is greater than the slope of Ipc (5.38 and 401.29 eV with a high atomic percentage demonstrates the
mA) vs. n1/2 showing that the process of graing is oxidation with primary and tertiary amine groups of dopamine as well as MB.
a high electron transfer, and this is conrmed by the negligible This indicates that a large amount of dopamine might undergo
increase in the potential difference in peak separation with scan graing.46 The S 2p region is tted with two peaks assigned to
rate. All of these experiments clearly explain that the graing of the SO and SO3 groups with atomic percentages of 87.78% and
dopamine is a surface controlled process on the modied 12.21% respectively. Interestingly, aer the graing of dopa-
electrode surface. mine, the atomic percentage of the former (46.48%) was less
than the latter (53.51%). According to this, more oxygen atoms
from the incoming molecules of oxidized dopamine might be
Surface chemical composition investigation reacting with sulfur in the methylene blue.52,53
The surface chemical composition of the ERG/PMB modied
electrode and the electrograed dopamine modied ERG/PMB
modied electrode was analyzed using XPS, and dopamine Electrocatalytic activity of the dopamine graed ERG/PMB
and graed dopamine were studied using FT-IR spectroscopy.31 modied electrode towards the sensitivity of dopamine
For these studies, the FTO coated electrode was used as Fig. 6 shows the electrochemical response of the bare GC, ERG,
a working electrode which will not change the electrochemical PMB, ERG/PMB and dopamine graed ERG/PMB modied GC
behavior of the coated material instead of the GC electrode, and electrodes (A) without dopamine and (B) with 118.5  106 mol
followed the same procedure described above. L1 dopamine in pH 7.4 phosphate buffer solution at a scan rate
Fig. S14 (ESI†) compares the FT-IR spectra of both dopamine of 50 mV s1. In Fig. 6(A), the background current of the
and graed dopamine. The intensity and vibrational frequen- dopamine graed ERG/PMB modied electrode was high and
cies of graed dopamine are found to decrease, which implies one redox peak was observed in the range of 0.2 to 0.2 V vs.
the strong attachment of dopamine on the modied electrode SCE, demonstrating the attachment of dopamine on the surface
surface.46,47 The evidence of the graing was explained by the of the ERG/PMB modied GC electrode. Fig. 6(B) shows the
various vibrational bands. The broad absorbance band with electrocatalytic activity of the ve electrodes towards dopamine.

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XPS spectra of C 1s, N 1s, O 1s and S 2p of the ERG/PMB modified electrode (A) before the grafting of dopamine and (B) after the grafting of
Fig. 5

In this, the dopamine graed ERG/PMB modied GC electrode which explains that the surface modied with graed dopamine
shows a higher oxidation current of dopamine between the 0.1 is highly active.
to 0.3 V vs. SCE region than the remaining modied electrodes, Fig. 6(C) displays the CV curves of the dopamine graed
ERG/PMB modied GC electrode in pH 7.4 PBS containing

Fig. 6 CVs of (a) GC, (b) ERG, (c) PMB (d) ERG/PMB and (e) dopamine grafted ERG/PMB modified GC electrodes (A) without dopamine, (B) with
118.57  106 mol L1 dopamine, (C) CVs of 19.96  106 mol L1, 39.84  106 mol L1, 49.75  106 mol L1, 59.64  106 mol L1, 69.5 5 
106 mol L1, 79.36  106 mol L1, 89.19  106 mol L1, 99.00  106 mol L1, 108.80  106 mol L1, and 118.57  106 mol L1 dopamine at
the dopamine grafted ERG/PMB modified GC electrode with a scan rate 50 mV s1, and (D) the relation between Ipa and the concentration of

19988 | RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 19982–19991 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016
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different concentrations of dopamine. A well dened redox concentration, two different linear curves were observed.54,55
peak was formed in the region of 0.1 to 0.3 V vs. SCE and the The rst one corresponds to the lower concentration range
peak current increased with the dopamine concentration. This from 5.99  11.98  106 mol L1 and the second one corre-
was conrmed by the linear relationship between the oxidation sponds to the higher concentration range from 13.98  47.77
Published on 29 January 2016. Downloaded by Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI) on 15/06/2017 05:17:36.

peak current and the dopamine concentration expressed as  106 mol L1 with Ipa ¼ 25.43 + 1.75CD (R2 ¼ 0.9958) and
Ipa ¼ 8.0894 + 0.59105CD (mM) with R2 ¼ 0.99329, as shown in 41.76 + 0.39CD (R2 ¼ 0.9962). From this, we can explain that
Fig. 6(D). the dopamine was oxidized to dopaminoquinone and leuco-
dopaminochrome due to the high catalytic activity of the
graed dopamine on the ERG/PMB modied surface. This
Determination of dopamine at the dopamine graed ERG/
also happened in the presence of AA and UA, as shown in
PMB modied electrode
Fig. 7(C).
Dopamine was determined using DPV because of its high Fig. 7(C) represents the DPV of dopamine at different
resolution and high current sensitivity compared to CV. concentrations where the AA and UA concentration is kept
Fig. 7(A) shows the DPV responses of the dopamine graed constant. Here also, the concentration of dopamine increases
ERG/PMB modied GC electrode toward different concentra- in the presence of AA and UA, and there is no change in the
tions of dopamine from 0.0  106 mol L1 to 47.7 7  106 peak current of both AA and UA indicating the lack of inter-
mol L1 in the 0.4 to 0.7 V vs. SCE region. In this, the anodic ference with dopamine. In addition, two different linear rela-
peak current of dopamine increases with each addition. tionships between the oxidation peak current and
Hence, by plotting the curve between peak current and

Fig. 7 DPVs of (A) 0.00  106 mol L1, 5.99  106 mol L1, 7.99  106 mol L1, 9.99  106 mol L1, 11.98  106 mol L1, 13.98  106 mol
L1, 15.98  106 mol L1, 19.96  106 mol L1, 23.94  106 mol L1, 27.92  106 mol L1, 31.89  106 mol L1, 35.87  106 mol L1, 39.84
 106 mol L1, and 47.77  106 mol L1 dopamine on dopamine grafted ERG/PMB modified GC electrode in 0.1 M PBS (pH 7.4), (B) relationship
between the oxidation peak current and the concentration of dopamine, (C) DPVs of 0.96  106 mol L1, 1.92  106 mol L1, 3.84  106 mol
L1, 5.76  106 mol L1, 7.68  106 mol L1, 9.60  106 mol L1, 11.52  106 mol L1, 13.44  106 mol L1, 15.36  106 mol L1, 17.27 
106 mol L1, 19.19  106 mol L1, 26.85  106 mol L1, 34.49  106 mol L1, and 42.12  106 mol L1 dopamine on dopamine grafted ERG/
PMB modified GC electrode in the presence of 96.14  106 mol L1 AA and 288.43  106 mol L1 UA in 0.1 M PBS (pH 7.4), and (D) relationship
between the oxidation peak current and the concentration of dopamine. Step height: 5 mV; step width: 1 s; pulse width: 200 ms; pulse height: 50
mV; and start ramp: 10 mV s1.

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Table 1 Comparison of sensing performances of different modified electrodes for the determination of dopamine

S. No. Analytical method Material used LOD [mM] Reference no.

Published on 29 January 2016. Downloaded by Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI) on 15/06/2017 05:17:36.

1 DPV PMB-GR/CILE 0.0056 56

2 DPV (NG/PEI)5/GCE 0.5 57
3 Amperometry PEDOT/RGO 0.039 58
4 LSV PDA-RGO/Au 3.211 59
5 DPV Dopamine graed ERG/PMB 1.03 This work

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