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Sleep apnea
DISORDERS Down syndrome (sometimes called Down’s  Hypothyroidism
syndrome) is a condition in which a child is  Obesity
A genetic disorder is a disease caused in whole born with an extra copy of their 21st
or in part by a change in the DNA sequence chromosome — hence its other name, trisomy TREATMENTS
away from the normal sequence. Genetic 21. This causes physical and mental
disorders can be caused by a mutation in one developmental delays and disabilities. There’s no cure for Down syndrome, but
gene (monogenic disorder), by mutations in there’s a wide variety of support and
multiple genes (multifactorial inheritance SYMPTOMS educational programs that can help both
disorder), by a combination of gene mutations people with the condition and their families.
and environmental factors, or by damage to At birth: The NDSS is just one place to look for programs
chromosomes (changes in the number or nationwide. Available programs start with
structure of entire chromosomes, the  Flat facial features interventions in infancy. Federal law requires
structures that carry genes).  Small head and ears that states offer therapy programs for
 Short neck qualifying families. In these programs, special
 Bulging tongue education teachers and therapists will help
 Eyes that slant upward your child learn:
DOWN  Atypically shaped ears  sensory skills

SYNDROME Poor muscle tone  social skills
Mental and social  self-help skills
 motor skills
developmental delay:
 language and cognitive abilities
 Impulsive behaviour
 Poor judgement Prognosis
 Short attention span The aging process seems to be accelerated, but
 Slow learning capabilities most children with Down syndrome survive to
adulthood. The average life expectancy is
Medical complications:
about 60 years, and some affected people live
 Congenital heart defects into their 80s.
 Hearing loss
 Poor vision
 Cataracts
 Leukemia
 Chronic constipation
additional has 3 separate copies of chromosome 21  One factor that increases the risk for
instead of the usual 2 copies. having a baby with Down syndrome is
trivial facts the mother’s age. Women who are 35
Translocation Down syndrome: years or older when they become
Oldest person with down This type accounts for a small percentage of pregnant are more likely to have a
syndrome: people with Down syndrome (about 3%).2 This pregnancy affected by Down syndrome
occurs when an extra part or a whole extra than women who become pregnant at
chromosome 21 is present, but it is attached or a younger age. However, the majority
“trans-located” to a different chromosome of babies with Down syndrome are
rather than being a separate chromosome 21. born to mothers less than 35 years old,
because there are many more births
Mosaic Down syndrome: This type
among younger women.
affects about 2% of the people with Down
syndrome.2 Mosaic means mixture or
combination. For children with mosaic Down
syndrome, some of their cells have 3 copies of
chromosome 21, but other cells have the
typical two copies of chromosome 21. Children
A pensioner from Nottingham has become with mosaic Down syndrome may have the
Britain's oldest person with Down's Syndrome same features as other children with Down
after celebrating his 78th birthday - despite syndrome. However, they may have fewer
doctors saying he would not live beyond 10. features of the condition due to the presence
Sprightly Georgie Wildgust puts his longevity of some (or many) cells with a typical number
down to a love of dancing and an active social of chromosomes.
life surrounded by a strong network of family
Causes and
and friends. Strictly Come Dancing fan Georgie
is now believed to be one of the oldest people Risk Factors
in the world with Down's syndrome and the
oldest in the country.  The extra chromosome 21 leads to the
physical features and developmental
Types of Down challenges that can occur among
people with Down syndrome.
Syndrome Researchers know that Down
syndrome is caused by an extra
Trisomy 21: About 95% of people with
chromosome, but no one knows for
Down syndrome have Trisomy 21.2 With this
sure why Down syndrome occurs or
type of Down syndrome, each cell in the body
how many different factors play a role.

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