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Dạng 1: Opinion
1. Agree or disagree
2. Possitive or negative
3. Advantages or disadvantages
Dạng 2: Discuss both views and give opinion
Dạng 3: Causes and sollutions
Dạng 4: Problems and solutions
Dạng 5: Two part questions

1. Agree or disagree

Nhận định: ABCD- Do you agree or disagree?

“Teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free time to help their local community.”
To what extent do you agree with this proposal?
Write an essay within 250 words to express your own idea.

Mở Bài: 2 câu
Câu 1: Paraphrase đề
It would be argued by some that Paraphrase đề
Câu 2: trả lời yêu cầu của đề
- In my opinion, I completely agree with this point of view
- I completely agree with this point of view
- I completely disagree with this point of view
- While I accept that…abc…, I also believe xyz

Thân bài 1: Lý do tại sao bạn đồng ý

There are several reasons why……para đề.
The first reason is that….
Another reason is that

Thân bài 2: Lý do tại sao bạn đồng ý

Kết luận
In conclusion, For all the reasons I have mentioned above. I opine that para đề

2. Possitive or negative
In some countries, more people are choosing to live alone. Is this trend positive or negative?
Mở bài: para đề
Câu 1: It would be argued by some that Paraphrase đề
Alone= by themselves/ on their own
many+ N= a great number of people
More+ N- an increasing number of people
It would be argued by some that an increasing number of people are choosing to live by themselves
Câu 2: trả lời yêu cầu của đề
- In my opinion, This trend is totally beneficial/ positive/ advantageous
- In my opinion, This trend is totally detrimental / negative/ disadvantageous
- In my opinion, This trend has both benefits and drawbacks
It would be argued by some that an increasing number of people are choosing to live by themselves.
In my opinion, This trend has both benefits and drawbacks

Thân bài 1:
There are two major drawbacks of…A….The first disadvantage is……Another disadvantage is……
Thân bài 2:
Despite the negatives mentioned above,…A brings a wide range of benefits. Firstly,…..
Kết luận
In conclusion, For all the reason mentioned above, I believe that A has both beneficial and detrimental


Types of task 2

Type 1:

Type 2
Type 3
Type 4

Agree or disagree
Mở bài Câu 1:
Câu 2:
Thân bài 1 Câu dẫn:
Thân bài 2 Câu dẫn:
Kết luận

Positive or negative
Mở bài Câu 1:
Câu 2:
Thân bài 1 Câu dẫn:
Thân bài 2 Câu dẫn:
Kết luận

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