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ilililffiilfiffiililililtffiilll 50 ss -503

V Semester B.Com. Examination, Nov./Dec. 2018

(CBCS) (F + R) (2016-17 and Onwards)
5.5 : Elective Paper - I
lnternational Banking and Forex Management
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

lnstruction : Answer should be in Kannada/English only.

1. Answer any 5 of the following. Each question carries 2 marks. (5x2=10)

a) What is lnternational Banking ?

b) What is lnternational Payment System ?

d) Give the meaning of asset-liability management.

e) What is flexible exchange rate ?

0 What do you mean by convertibility ?

g) What do you mean by export finance ?


Answer any 3 of the fotlowing. Each question carries 6 marks. (3x6=18)

2. Discuss the various overseas investment finance programmes.

3. Discuss the capital flows and exchange rate management.
4. Explain the advantages of offshore banking.
5. Discuss the need for stable foreign exchange rates.

6. Discuss the objectives of Foreign Exchange Control.


Answer any 3 of the following. Each question carries 14 marks. (3x14=42)

7. Explain the prerequisites for capital account convertibility.

8. Explain the various types of exchange rates.
ss - 503 Ililrilirffirriltilililililtilt

9. Explain about the various foreign banks in India.

10. Discuss about the international capital flow.
11. Explain in detail about the marketing advisory services of EXIM Bank.

Aryort -o
1. cndoadde o* ddleri w$or,. 4e ddf od* scdrld:. (5x2=10)

a) eoddrn.?U€CJ tD^oEorir aodded: ?

b) eoddo.Ueo$ amde dr{aodded; ?

c) zo--r5aeer eJodEJEdd do$ aodded: ?

d) u1-dodrood &drd#C: efrr €sxr.

e) deoCIdod;d eCab$ dd "roCded: ?

f) doddr&ec$d acddeu: ?
g) dd dsa6a* ooaded: ?
eqrarl - ?:

o3ndcsddo drra* dd;ieri w$on. de ddJ qrdr erodd$b. (3x6=18)

2. oed edeg doad deaa-as aaoJ:r'ld:rldd.izd*ra.

3. z^.:odaad dod; d:dg aC*c: ddC &drdrt d.:oa: a3zsrx,.
a. ddenCc: zmrcSon'd ud:de'odriddlado*.
5. Ad
DCeS D&dJoJ"' Cdrld uridrdd.it3zSr&.

6. adeg a&*c$ eC:o$md eroffddddlziasr:,.

a?,gali - 3l

clndoaddra dlJadc ddfsri erudo:u. ds ddJ douoo'r* erodri+{:. (3x14=42)

7. odaad ao d doddr dro n do ro rdes"rddddl ado:,.


A. aat' oesc) e&*c1: ddrtddlado,t.

s. pCddqdd cad edee zorodcrld z,:{adoa.
10. ercddoa.rgeo$ u:odaad doad uri zidrn.
11 . EXIM m,06'C>dru3on" ie6" dedrld zc{addean udolco.

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