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(A guide to Yoga Practioners)

The World Health Organization (WHO) describes Yoga as a valuable tool, one that increases
physical activity, mental wellbeing, and decreases non-communicable diseases. The positive
physical or psychological outcome of Yoga intervention has been hypothesized to be a result
of complex pathways involving relaxation, physical flexibility, breathing exercise, coping
strategies, acceptance, and self-efficacy (Büssing et al., 2012).

The Yog Sutras of Maharishi Patanjali boldly proclaim that the purpose of yoga is to
eradicate the misery that is yet to come, “Heyam Dukham Anagattam”. It’s just like
installing an anti-virus software on our computers the moment we purchase one. Thus Yoga
is not only a very effective technique for promoting health, it is equally effective as a
preventive tool in maintaining good health.

• Register the Program online and stick to the participant limit for the programs. Do not
allow unregistered participants to sit on the program
• If there are multiple people on a single call, each one should register seperately.
• The minimum age of the participant registering for the program is 18 years of age.
• The timing of the program is only 30 minitues per day for 3 days, so please stick to
the time.
• Strictly follow the guideline with respect to the timings of the asanas.
• The protocol for Covid Patients in home quarrintine is ony 15 mins. Stick to the
protocol for each of the groups seperately with no deviation whatsoever.
• Every participant may be at different stages of the disease of recovery, so exercise
extreme caution and advice all to listen to their body and do the practices only as
much as they can.
• The contraindications of the asanas have to be followed while recommending the
asanas to individuals.
• This Covid care protocol is for patients with mild symptoms in Home quarrintine.
Teachers have to asses the patients by monitoring them closely and hence only one
person per link is advised.
• All patients muct take the advice of their doctors before practicing the asanas.
• Please mention that this program should be done only under guidance, so that the
participant does not go out and start teaching others without having a complete
• For the participants, who cannot do asanas, let them just do the sukshma vyayam,
pranayama and meditation.
• Speak about the effectiveness of the Sri Sri Tattva Immunity Kit and the Sudarshan
Kriya taught on the OMBW and Happiness Program for overall Lung Health and
Emotional and Mental Well Being.
Protocol 1:
Immunity Boost & Prevention with
Meditation, Breath & Yoga

Yoga is known to be one of the most effective natural immunity boosters. A recent research
published in the Journal of Behavioural Medicine suggests that yoga can be helpful way to
boost your immune system and decrease inflammation in the body.
A regular Yoga practice can effectively lower stress hormones, strengthen the nervous
system, stimulate the lymphatic system, while also removing the toxins from the body. Some
kind of daily Yoga practice can reduce anxiety and calm the mind, thereby enhancing the
quality of sleep. A good sleep is healing and is the biggest contributor to maintaining a
healthy immune system.

Below are a few Yoga practices for boosting immunity for prevention of Covid-19.


Abdominal, Thoracic, Side Ribs Breathing 3 to 5 breaths each 2 mins
Full Yogic Breathing 5 to 7 breaths 2 min
Kapalabhati 30-30-30 with 30 sec rest in 2 mins
Bhastrika (Bellows Breath) 3 rounds of 20 breaths with 2 mins
30 sec rest in between
Marjari Asana (Cat Pose) 1 min
Shishuasana ( Childs Pose) 1 min
Hastapadasana or Ardhauttanasana 1 min
(Standing forward bend – Hand to knee/toe)
Ardha Matsyendrasana or Vakrasana (Half 2 min
spinal twist)
Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend) Choose minimum 5 asanas 1 min
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) depending on available time 1 min
Makarasana (Crocodile Pose) with humming 2 min
sound for mental relaxation or without On both
sides for
a minute
Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose) 1 min
Pawanmuktasana (Wind-release Pose) 1.5 min
Vipritkarni (Simple leg lift) 30 secs
Natarajasana (Supine spinal twist) 2 min
Yog Nidra with sankalpa (Yogic Sleep or recommended thrice a week 20 mins
Bhramari Pranyama (Humming Sound) Low pitch humming 1 min
Nadishodhan Pranayama (Alternate Nostril 2–5
Breathing) mins
Additional Home Practice: **Guided Meditation by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. See link
in the resources.


In case of a medical condition, practice yoga postures under the supervision of a Yoga
Trainer after consulting your Doctor.

Ensure that Contraindications of each asana are strictly adhered to with respect to pre-
medical conditions of the practicing individual.

Participants should be asked to do the practice only as much as they can.

Pregnant women should not do Pranayams with forced exhalations like Kapalbhati,
Candle Blowing or Bhastrika.
Protocol 2:
Home Isolation Care with Meditation, Breath & Yoga
(Supportive intervention for home isolated without acute respiratory conditions)

Deep rhythmic and relaxed Breathing practices without retention of breath, coupled with
some meditative stretches and followed by Yognidra or guided meditation is recommended
for the patients either at home or at hospital who are not showing acute distress or severe
Covid symptoms.

It is very important that a patient with mild symptoms perform at least 10 to 15 minutes
of these practices two to three times every day.



Breathing Deep Breathing 5 to 7 breaths 1 mins

Full Yogic Breath 5 to 7 breaths 1 mins
Bhramari Pranayama (3-4 mins Low pitch 1 mins
Nadishodhan Pranayama (Alternate Nostril 3 mins
Breathing, 5 to 7 mins easy
and no retention)
Blow the candles (full nasal inhalation, 30 secs
forceful expiration through
pursed lips, long
Pursed Lips Breathing (straw Nasal inhalation, followed 30 secs
Breathing) by slowly blowing against
pursed lips
Sukshama vyayama Neck, shoulder, trunk, 3 mins
wrist, ankles
Asanas Parvatasna (Seated Upward 5 mins
Paschimottanasana (Seated
forward bend)
Vakrasana (Seated Spinal twist) (Practice any five)
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)
Natarajasana (Supine spinal twist)
Yog Nidra (Yogic Sleep or Recommended practice 20 mins
Relaxation) thrice a week
Meditate everyday 15 to 20
Additional Practices: **Guided Meditation by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


In case of a medical condition, practice yoga postures under the supervision of a Yoga
Trainer after consulting your Doctor,

Participants should be asked to do the practice only as much as they can.

Patients in deep distress with oxygen levels dropping in blood can practice awake
proning or Makarasana lying down with pillows under head, ankle shins and one
under the arm, 30 mins on each side.


Please note that, in case the patients have various symptoms and Pre conditions of
the body, in such cases the practice of certain asanas should be avoided.

Pre Conditions: Eg. Spinal Issues, High BP, Undergone Recent surgery in abdominal
& Thoracic region – In such cases deep forward and backward bends can be avoided.

Pregnant women should not do Pranayams with forced exhalations

Always encourage participants to listen to their body and do as much their body
allows them to.

In case of extreme fatigue and strong symptoms, if the patient is not able to do
the asanas, practicing Breathing and Sukhsma Vyayam alone would suffice.
Protocol 3:
Post covid Rehabilitation with Meditation,
Breath and Yoga.

It is being said that nearly 10 percent of people diagnosed with COVID-19 experience
prolonged symptoms that include breathing trouble, shortness of breath, nose bleeds, blood
clots, headaches, nausea, muscle pain, and fatigue which tend to last months after testing
positive for the novel coronavirus.

Researchers at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine in California did an analysis
of effective pulmonary rehabilitation treatments and determined that breathing exercises that
strengthen the diaphragm such as sectional breathing – Art of Living’s Three Stage
Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama are important for such recovery.

Some Sukshama Vyayama or loosening joint rotations is an excellent way to begin the
practice and will help improve circulation, reduce body ache and gain some mobility. For
those who stayed in hospital or immobile at home for prolonged periods, stretches can be
done lying down or slowly seated on a chair.

In the recovery process, Meditation plays a vital role of helping one achieve a calm relaxed
state of mind that enables healing and regeneration.Meditation is the easiest and most
effective way to reach the self. Rather meditation means to effortlessly rest in the self, being a
witness. There are numerous studies to show that just twenty minutes of daily meditation can
decrease blood cortisol levels and increase endorphins causing a positive and happy state of
(For rehabilitation and recovery of covid-19 patients - 20 TO 45 MINS)

1. Kapalbhati – 30-30-30 with 30 sec rest in between

2. Yogic Breathing 5-7 rounds
3. Bhastrika (Bellows Breath) – 3 rounds of 20 breaths with 30 sec rest in between
4. Sukshama Vyayama – Neck, shoulder, trunk, waist, wrist, elbow, knee, ankle
5. Yoga Asanas starting with easy and slowly increasing the intensity every week.
Pick from below list a few easy ones to start with. We can slowly add Surya
Namaskar in couple of weeks of recovery.

Marjari Asana (Cat Pose) 1 min

Ardhachakrasana (Backbend) 1 min
Hastapadasana or Ardhauttanasana 1 min
(Standing forward bend – Hand to
Ardha Matsyendrasana or Vakrasana 2 min
(Half spinal twist)
Paschimottanasana (Seated forward 1 min
Shishuasana ( Childs Pose) 1 min
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 1 min
Makarasana (Crocodile Pose) with On both sides for a minute 2 min
humming sound for mental relaxation
Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose) 1 min
Natarajasana (Supine spinal twist) 2 min
Pawanmuktasana (Wind-release Pose) 1.5 min

1. Yog Nidra (Yogic Sleep or Relaxation)

2. Bhramari Pranyama (Humming Sound)
3. Nadishodhan Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
4. **Guided Meditation by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.


Please note that, in case the patients have various symptoms and Pre conditions of
the body, in such cases the practice of certain asanas should be avoided.

Pre Conditions: Eg. Spinal Issues, High BP, Undergone Recent surgery in abdominal
& Thoracic region – In such cases deep forward and backward bends can be avoided.

Pregnant women should not do Pranayams with forced exhalations

Always encourage participants to listen to their body and do as much their body
allows them to.
1: Protocol for Covid Care

2: Home Breathing Exercises To Improve Lung Capacity And Health

3: Meditations by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Guided Meditation For Calming The Mind By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Daily Meditation For Positivity | Guided Meditation By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Meditation to Expand your Consciousness | Meditation with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Meditation for Restlessness | Meditation by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Guided Meditation For Stress Relief & Anxiety | Get Rid Of Your Stress With This Meditation

Guided Meditation for Anxiety | Meditation by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Yoga Nidra | Guided Meditation By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

योग िनद्रा ध्यान - गुरुदेव श्री श्री रिव शंकर - In Hindi

Yoga Nidra - Guided Meditation for Sleep & Relaxation

Jai Gurudev

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