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Zhineng Qigong practice demands proper postures in order that qi flow is smooth and
benefits of the practice are realized. The postures summarized below are necessary at
start of the practice and when creating a qi field:

1. Head and Neck

o Head upright, chin tucked in, and whole head and neck relaxed
o Enable qi flow to brain and keep body in good balance
2. Eyes
o First fix vision to a point in the horizon then connect this point to the
center of the head. Pull vision into center of the head and lightly close the
o Proper closure of eyes enable mind to calm down
3. Tongue
o Curl tongue so that tip lightly touches upper palate and close mouth with
the teeth touching lightly. Adopt a smiling expression (lift up end of lips)
o Tongue connects the renmai and dumai meridians while keeping the body
in good balance
4. Thorax
o Breath out and relax the triangular area between the nipples and the base
of the throat slightly inward. Straighten the backbone by pulling up with
the crown of the head while relaxing the arms and shoulders downwards
o Enable proper circulation of blood and qi inside our body
5. Shoulders
o Lift up the shoulder joints slightly, relax the joints and drop shoulders and
arms down naturally. Keep upper arms 2-3cm from the body with a free
space under the armpits
6. Elbows
o Relax the elbows, let the arms bend naturally
7. Wrist, palms and fingers
o Cup the palms as if holding a ball of qi and separate the fingers naturally
o Allow qi to flow freely in the upper limbs
8. Waist
o Straighten the backbone naturally, lift up the shoulders gently and relax
them downward lightly while relaxing the waist
o Waist is where the qi accumulates and is an important support for the
whole body
9. Pelvis
o Relax both the hip joint and the pelvic joints
o Allow lower limps to move freely and increase capacity of lower dantian
10. Abdomen
o Pull in the abdomen gently, keep the waist straight
o Help to draw qi into the dantian
11. Coccyx
o Relax the coccyx, then gently flex to the front
o The coccyx is the starting point of the dumai, relaxing it will facilitate qi to
rise upward and simultaneously relax the waist
12. Groin
o Pull up the huiyin while relaxing the pelvis, buttocks and coccyx
o Prevent qi from leaving through the anus and urinary tract
13. Knees
o Bend knees slightly to the front, fold knees slightly towards the middle
o Helps in relaxing the buttocks and centralizing the strength of the lower
14. Feet
o Feet flatly on the floor with body weight evenly distributed on both feet but
more towards the insteps
o Qi would be able to move down to the feet to merge with the qi of the
earth and circulate freely

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3. Chart of Qigong Acupoints
Chart of Qigong Acupoints

Updated Aug 2020

Zhineng Qigong Society
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2. Methods
3. Level 1: Peng Qi Guan Ding (Qi Exchange)

Peng Qi Guan Ding

(Qi Exchange)
The Peng Qi Guan Ding Method is the first and basic method of Zhineng Qigong. This is an
external qi practice and its purpose is to harness the universal qi from all around us and bring it
into our body. This has the effect of improving the quality and quantity of our bodily qi, thus
improving our health and physical and mental functioning. PQGD is a practice comprising both
physical movements and mental activities. The steps of the practice are summarised below:


1. Preparation for the practice is very important and centres around relaxing the whole body,
creating a qi field around us and getting us into a qigong state of mind. Good preparation will
enable us to reap maximum benefits of the qi generated by the practice.
2. Place feet together, body upright. Relax hands at sides. Look straight ahead. Pull in vision slowly
and gently close eyes (fig. 1). Relax the whole body, starting from head down to toes. Curl the
tip of tongue so that it touches the upper palate. Keep it there throughout the practice.
3. Recite silently the following eight verses while visualizing simultaneously:
o Ding Tian Li Di - Head reaching the sky, feet plunge deep into the earth
o Xing Song Yi Chong - Relax and imagine body merging with the universe
o Wai Jing Nei Jing - Be respectful externally and quiet internally
o Xin Cheng Mao Gong - Our heart is calm and our appearance reverent
o Yi Nian Bu Qi - Clear mind of stray thoughts
o Shen Zhu Tai Kong - Focus on the vast emptiness of the universe
o Shen Yi Zhao Ti - Reflect back on body
o Zhou Shen Rong Rong - Body is filled with the warm glow of univeral qi

fig. 1 fig. 2 fig. 3 fig. 4 fig. 5

1. Turn arms so palms face backward. Flex hands, with palms facing downward (fig. 1).
2. With arms straight but relaxed, slide palms slowly forward 15 degrees. Slide back to sides of
body. Repeat two times (fig. 2).
3. Relax wrists, turn palms to face each other. Slowly lift qi up from the universe below our feet. At
navel height, turn palms to direct qi into navel while thinking of the mingmen (fig. 3).
4. Turn palms down and spread out arms sideways to the back. Turn palms to direct qi to the
mingmen, while thinking of the navel (fig. 4).
5. Raise forearms and press dabaos with middle fingers, directing qi into middle dantian (fig. 5).

fig. 6 fig. 7 fig. 8 fig. 9

6. Extend arms forward at shoulder height and width, with palms facing upward. When arms are
straight, flex middle fingers slightly to direct qi into yintang (fig. 6).
7. Spread arms out to the sides until in line with the body (fig. 7). Turn palms down and then up.
Sweep arms upward to above head. Clasp palms together on top of head (fig, 8).
8. Lower clasped hands along centre line of body, in front of head and rest in front of chest (fig. 9).
Step 1 - Lifting Qi from Sides

fig. 10 fig. 11 fig. 12 fig. 13

fig. 14

1. Rotate clasped fingers to point forward. Extend arms out to the front at shoulder height (fig. 10).
Separate fingers, starting with little fingers. With index fingers and thumbs still touching and
palms facing downward, flex palms up to face front, forming a triangle with the index fingers
and thumbs. Slowly separate hands to shoulder width.
2. Slowly pull qi from the universe into the body. Then push out to the universe. When pulling,
think inside the body, when pushing think of the universe. Repeat at least two times (fig. 11).
3. Slowly open arms to the sides 15 degrees. Slowly close arms back to shoulder width. When
opening, think of the universe. When closing, think inside the body. Repeat at least two times
(fig. 12).
4. Spread arms out sideways to form a straight line with body. Slowly pull qi into the body. Slowly
push out into the universe. When pulling, think inside the body. When pushing, think of the
universe. Repeat at least two times (fig. 13).
5. With arms extended and relaxed, slowly lift arms up 15 degrees. Slowly lower arms to shoulder
height. Repeat at least two times (fig. 14).
fig. 15 fig. 16 fig. 17 fig. 18

fig. 19 fig. 20

6. Relax wrists, palms facing downward. Leading with little fingers, scoop up universal qi while
turning palms upward. Raise arms, with palms holding qi, to above head. At top of head and
palms at shoulder width, flex palms slightly to direct qi into the crown (baihui) of the head,
pouring qi throughout the body. Hold for a few seconds (fig.15).
7. Relax shoulders, lower elbows and palms, continue to pour qi into the body as palms are slowly
lowered, passing face, chest and abdomen. At navel, lightly press middle fingers on navel,
directing qi into the lower dantian (fig. 16).
8. Trace middle fingers along waist line to the back. At mingmen, lightly press with middle fingers,
directing qi into lower dantian.
9. Slide palms down (lightly touching and yet not touching body), passing buttocks, back of thighs,
calves, ankles, outer sides of feet and rest palms on top of feet (fig. 17). Press down, think of the
universe below the feet. Pull up, think inside the body. Do three times (fig. 18).
10. Turn palms to scoop qi from the universe below the feet. Lift up qi, along inside of legs,
abdomen and press navel with middle fingers, directling qi into lower dantian (fig. 19). Return
arms to the sides (fig. 20).
Step 2 - Lifting Qi from Front

fig. 21 fig. 22 fig. 23

fig. 24

1. Slowly raise arms sideways, with palms facing downward, till shoulder height (fig.21). Flex
palms. Slowly pull qi from the universe into the body. Then push out to the universe. When
pulling, think inside the body, when pushing think of the universe. Repeat at least two times
2. Slowly close arms to the front 15 degrees. Slowly open arms back to sides. When closing, think
inside the body. When opening, think of the universe. Repeat at least two times (fig. 23).
3. Sweep arms slowly to the front until shoulder width. Slowly pull qi from the universe into the
body. Then push out to the universe. When pulling, think inside the body, when pushing think of
the universe. Repeat at least two times (fig. 24).

fig. 25 fig. 26 fig. 27 fig. 28 fig. 29

4. With arms extended and relaxed, slowly lift arms up 15 degrees. Slowly lower arms to shoulder
height. Repeat at least two times (fig.25).
5. Relax wrists. Leading with little fingers, scoop up universal qi while turning palms to face each
other. Raise arms, with palms holding qi, to above head. At top of head and palms at shoulder
width, flex palms slightly to direct qi into the crown (baihui) of the head, pouring qi throughout
the body. Hold for a few seconds.
6. Relax shoulders, lower elbows and palms, continue to pour qi into the body as palms are slowly
lowered. At mid-brow level, press yintang with middle fingers 26).
7. Trace fingers along eye brows, pass ears to back of head. Press yuzhen.
8. Trace middle fingers down along the neck and down the back as far as you can go (fig. 27). Move
hands around the shoulders, armpits, then to the point at the back where you left earlier (fig.
28). Trace downward along the backbone to waist and press mingmen, directing qi into lower
dantian (fig. 29).
9. Trace fingers along waistline to the front. Press navel, directing qi into lower dantian.

fig. 30 fig. 31 fig. 32 fig. 33

10. Slide palms downwards, passing lower abdomen, inner sides of thighs, calves, ankles, inner
edges of feet and rest palms on top of feet. Press down, think of the universe below the feet.
Pull up, think inside the body. Do three times (fig. 30).
11. Turn palms to scoop qi from the universe below the feet. Move palms to back of feet, up back of
legs, buttock and press mingmen with middle fingers (fig. 31).
12. Trace fingers along waistline to the front. Press navel, directing qi into lower dantian (fig.32).
Return arms to the sides (fig. 33).

Step 3 - Lifting Qi Diagonally

fig. 34 fig. 35 fig. 36 fig. 37 fig. 38

1. Turn palms to face each other. Slowly raise arms diagonally (45 degrees to body), collecting qi
from deep in the universe. At shoulder height, slowly turn palms upward as arms continue
moving to top of head (fig. 34). At top of head and with palms at shoulder width, flex palms
slightly to direct qi into the crown (baihui) of the head, pouring qi throughout the body. Hold for
a few seconds.
2. Relax shoulders, lower elbows and palms, continue to pour qi into the body as palms are slowly
lowered, down sides of head, passing ears and neck. At shoulder height, turn palms to face front
(fig. 35 & 36).
3. Push out with right hand, keeping left hand in front of left shoulder. When arm is almost
straight, relax wrist and turn right palm to face the left. Turn upper body to the left, scooping qi
from the horizon with right palm (fig. 37). At 90 degrees, press zhongqui (middle joint of middle
finger) with thumb (fig. 38).

Fig. 39 Fig. 40 Fig. 41

4. Continue moving right hand to the back, around shoulders and press left qihu with right middle
finger, while simultaneously turning body to face front (fig. 39).
5. Push out with left hand. When arm is almost straight, relax wrist and turn left palm to face the
right. Turn upper body to the right, scooping qi from the horizon with left palm. At 90 degrees,
press zhongqui with thumb.
6. Continue moving left hand to the back, around shoulders and press right qihu with left middle
finger, while simultaneously turning body to face front (fig. 40).
7. Stop for 3 breathing cycle. When breathing in, press qihus with fingers, when breathing out,
8. Relax hands, turn crossed arms forward and rotate hands to form a blooming lotus. Clasp palms
in front of chest (fig. 41).


Fig. 42 Fig. 43 Fig. 44 Fig. 45

Fig. 46
1. Raise clasped palms to top of the head. Stretch upwards (fig. 42).
2. Turn palms to face front. Lower arms sideways. At shoulder level, turn palms upward. Sweep
arms to the front until shoulder width. Flex middle fingers slightly to direct qi to yintang (fig. 43).
3. Lower elbows and retract arms. Press dabaos with middle fingers, think of the middle dantian.
4. Extend hands and arms to the back. Spread arms out sideways. On reaching the sides of body,
rotate palms to face front. Continue moving arms and palms to the front, scooping qi along the
way (fig. 44).
5. At front of body, close palms on top of navel (for men, right palm on top of left palm, reverse for
ladies). Relax and visualise qi entering the lower dantian. Nourish qi for a minute (fig. 45).
6. Return arms to sides of body (fig. 46). Open eyes slowly.

Updated Aug 2020

Xing Shen Zhuang

(Body & Mind Method)
The Body and Mind Form constitute the second module of training in Zhineng Qigong
and is focused mainly on development of internal qi (internal Hunyuan). There are ten
steps in the Form, each of which exercises ligaments and joints in different parts of the
body, starting from head to toes. The exercises facilitate the movement of qi to the
peripherals of the body and help to clear stagnant qi in parts of the body that are
seldom activated, for e.g. the shoulder blades, hip joints and ribs. It is a training to unite
the mind with the body and stresses on directling qi movement with physical

Unlike Peng Qi Guan Ding, each step of Xing Shen Zhuang can be isolated and practised
individually. The sequence of movements are summarised below:

fig. 1 fig. 2 fig. 3 fig. 4

fig. 5

1. This is the same as in Peng Qi Guan Ding. Place feet together, stand upright and relax
arms at sides of body. Look straight ahead at the horizon. Pull in the vision slowly and
close eyes gently. Touch the upper palate with the tip of tongue. Pull up b aihui , tuck in
chin and lift up huiyin . Pull in the abdomen and push mingmen backward. Relax the
whole body (Fig. 1).
2. Leading with the little fingers, rotate the palms slowly to face backward and flex the
palms to face downward, with fingers pointing to the front. Maintain right angle at wrists
and straight arms. Slide the palms forward 15 degrees and then backward to sides of
body. Do 3 times (Fig. 2).
3. Leading with the little fingers, relax wrists and rotate palms to face each other. Carry a
ball of qi upward with both hands to the front until navel level. Flex the middle fingers to
direct qi into the lower dantian through the navel (Fig. 3). Rotate palms to face down and
sweep arms to the back at waist height. At the back, with palms facing mingmen, direct
qi into lower dantian (Fig. 4). Think of the n avel . Raise forearms upward and forward to
the sides of the body and press the middle fingers onto dabao (between 6 th and 7 th
ribs) with palms facing upward (Fig. 5). Think of the Qi flowing into the
middle dantian (middle of chest).
fig. 6 fig. 7 fig.

8 fig. 9

4. Extend the arms forward with palms facing up until at shoulder level. Flex the middle
fingers and palms slightly to direct qi into the upper dantian through the yintang (Fig. 6).
Leading with the elbows, spread both arms out sideways until they form a straight line,
simultaneously turning palms inward (Fig. 7). Leading with the little fingers rotate the
palms downward and then upward. Slowly raise both arms upward till top of head. Clasp
palms together (Fig. 8). Slowly lower the clasped palms to the front of the chest to form
a inverted T (Fig. 9). The upper arms should form a 45 degrees angle with the body, the
forearms form a straight line, fingers pointing upward and thumbs at sanzhong position.
Step 1 - Crane Neck Dragon Head (He Shou Long Tou Qi Chong Tian)

fig. 10 fig. 11 fig. 12 fig. 13 fig. 14

fig. 15 fig. 16

1. Separate palms, move to sides along rib cage. Turn palms up, curl back and hold onto
sides of body at bottom of rib cage, with thumbs at the back (pressing jingmen - tip of 12
th ribs) and fingers in front (index fingers pressing changmen - tip of 11th ribs) (Fig. 10 &
2. Tuck chin in, pull chin up along neck, thus stretching neck vertebrae (Fig. 12 and 13),
then tilt head back while keeping chin tucked in. Relax yuzhen, tilt chin up, rotate chin
forward, downward and inward (think chin is inside chest), completing a forward rotation
(Fig. 13 and 14). Then pull chin in and repeat rotation. Do 9 times.
3. Reverse the circular motion by tucking in chin, moving chin downward along the chest,
forward, upward, tilt head back. Pull baihui up and tuck in chin, completing a reverse
rotation. Do 9 times.
4. Tilt left dragon horn to the left (dragon horn is the highest point of the head directly
above the ear). Pull left dragon horn up to draw an arc and back to centre. Tilt right
dragon horn to the right, pull right dragon horn up to draw an arc and back to centre (Fig.
15 and 16). Do 9 times. Movement should be continuous.
Step 2 - Neck and Shoulders (Han Jian Suo Xiang Tong Pi Jian)

fig. 17 fig. 18

fig. 19

1. Relax hands, turn palms up with the fingers pointing to the front. Move lower arms
forward so that they are at 90 degrees to upper arms. Raise arms until upper arms are at
shoulder height, forearms and fingers pointing upward and palms facing inward (Fig.
17). Spread upper arms out sideways into a straight line. Turn palms to face outward.
Lower forearms until hands and arms are in a straight line. Raise forearms to initial
position (at 90 degrees to upper arms). Do 3 times (Fig. 18).
2. Lower arms to shoulder level forming a straight line with palms facing downward. Draw
small ellipse with fingers in a forward direction (forward-down-back-up). Do 3 times.
Reverse direction of rotation, again do 3 times (Fig. 19).
fig. 20
fig. 21

3. Push in the shoulder blades, contract the neck, tilt head back with chin tucked in, and
flex the coccyx back and up. Hold for a few seconds (Fig. 20 a, b). Relax and return to
previous positions. Do 3 times.
4. Flush arms by moving the left arm and shoulder blades inward to the right while pushing
right arm and shoulder blade outward, in a wave like movement (Fig 21). Reverse the
direction. Do 3 times.

Step 3 - Upper Limbs (Li Zhang Fen Zhi Chang Jing Mai)

fig. 22 fig. 23

1. Straighten arms at shoulder level. Leading with the middle fingers flex palms up and
fingers bent back. Thrust out palms, hold for a few seconds, then contract arms by
pulling in shoulder blades, keeping arms straight all the time (Fig. 22). Do 3 times.
2. Stretch arms out with palms at 90 degrees to forearms. Close fingers. Separate thumbs
and little fingers, then separate second and fourth fingers. Thrust palms out. Close
second and fourth fingers, then close thumbs and little fingers (Fig. 23). Do 3 times.
fig. 24 fig. 25

fig. 26

3. Relax fingers. Like an eagle's claw, apply strength to the first two joints of the fingers and
claw downward, moving fingers and hands down until fingers meet (Fig. 24). Withdraw
fingers to centre of palms without touching palms (Fig. 25). Raise hands to 90 degrees
with forearms and slowly relax fingers joint by joint (Fig. 26). Repeat eagle claw
movement. Do 3 times.
4. Relax hands to a horizontal position and in a straight line with arms. Do arms flush as in
Step 2 above.
Step 4 - Thorax (Qi Yi Gu Dang Bi Lei Jian)

fig. 27 fig. 28 fig. 29 fig. 30 fig. 31

fig. 32

1. Lower arms to sides, then raise arms to clasp palms at chest level (Fig. 27). Interlock
fingers while raising arms to level of forehead. Turn palms up and thrust palms forward,
forming an upward-slanting oval shape (Fig. 28).
2. Turn upper body 90 degrees to the left while bringing hands inward till a fist width from
forehead (with left hand pulling the right arm which is relaxed). The right elbow should
be at shoulder height while the left elbow is higher than shoulder. Thrust right ribs
upward using force from lower dantian (Fig. 29). Right elbow is now higher than shoulder
and left elbow at shoulder height.
3. Turn upper body back to the front, with arms (and hands) stretched out to form a wide
circle, and right arm pulling left arm (Fig. 30). Continue to turn to the right. At 90 degrees,
hands should be a fist width from forehead (Fig. 31). Thrust left ribs upward using force
from lower dantian. Right elbow is at shoulder height and left elbow higher than shoulder
(Fig. 32). Return body to centre. Do complete cycle 9 times.
Step 5 - Spinal Stretching (Fu Shen Gong Yao Song Du Mai)

fig. 33 fig. 34 fig. 35 fig. 36

fig. 37 fig. 38

1. Raise interlocked fingers to top of head, with palms facing upward. Straighten arms.
Stretch left wrist up while relaxing right arm (Fig. 33), then stretch right wrist up with left
arm relaxed (Fig. 34), all in a circular motion. When stretching, stretch all the way down
to the legs. Do 3 times.
2. Separate hands with arms touching ears and palms facing front (Fig. 35). Slowly bend
whole body downward with arms straight and touching ears, starting with head, chest
and finally waist (fig. 36). With fingers touching ground, press down 3 times while
simultaneously thrusting the waist upward Fig. 36). Turn to the left, press ground and
thrust waist up 3 times (Fig. 37). Turn to the right, press ground and thrust waist up 3
times (Fig. 38). Return to front, sweep hands to the back and grab heels with thumbs
and index fingers. Push head onto legs and thrust waist up 3 times.
3. Relax and return to the front with arms straight and touching ears. Slowly raise body and
straighten backbone, starting with waist, chest and then head. When body is upright,
relax whole body with an up and down swaying motion.
4. Do the entire exercise 3 times.
Step 6 - Hip Rotation (Zhuan Yao Shuan Kua Qi Gui Tian)

fig. 39 fig. 40 fig. 41 fig. 42

fig. 43 fig. 44

1. At end of Step 5, straighten arms, turn palms to face each other (Fig. 39). Lower elbow,
think of palms directing qi into the body. Let hands pass face, chest and along ribs to
sides of body. Turn palms up and back and hold onto sides of body below rib cage.
Separate feet to shoulder width. With feet parallel and body upright, squat down slightly
as if you are sitting on a chair (Fig. 40).
2. Rotate hip to the left, using coccyx to lead the rotation (if front is north, rotation direction
is north - northwest - west - southwest - south - southeast - east - northeast - north). Do
18 times. Reverse direction. Do 18 times (Fig. 41 & 42). Return coccyx to centre.
3. Slowly curl coccyx forward as far as it can go. Hold for a few seconds (Fig. 43). Slowly
flex coccyx as far back as possible (Fig. 44). Hold. Then curl forward again. Do 9 times.
Step 7 - Hip Opening (Ping Zu Kai Kua Fen Qian Hou)

fig. 45 fig. 46 fig. 47

fig. 48 fig. 49

1. Raise body upright after completing Step 6. Turn feet so toes face outward (right toes to
right and left toes to left) forming a straight line (Fig. 45). Turn palms up, fingers pointing
front and elbows back. Move forearms forward until at right angle to upper arms. Raise
upper arms until hands close together in front of forehead.
2. Open palms outward to face front (Fig. 46). Spread arms to the sides. Lower arms to
form a straight line at shoulder level (Fig. 47). Do arms flush (see Steps 2 and 3) three
times. The body and thighs may sway with the wave like movement of the arms (Fig.
3. Bend knees and lower body, arms drawing a wide arc while going down. When thighs are
parallel to ground and body upright, clasp hands and raise to chest level (Fig. 49). Draw
anti-clockwise circle with the fingers (tips of fingers going out, left, in, right and out) three
times. Reverse direction three times. Make sure the pivot point is the centre of the
palms. The fingers and base of hands are rotating in a horizontal plane.
4. Leading with the baihui, slowly raise the body, simultaneously raising clasped hands
to yintang level (Fig. 50). Elbows should be within shoulder width.
5. Do Steps 2 to 4 three times. At completion of the third time, raise hands to chest level
instead of yintang level (Fig. 51).
fig. 50 fig. 51 fig. 52

fig. 53

6. Turn left toes inward and right heel outward to form a straight line. Distance between
toes about one foot length. Arch the body forward about 35 degrees, pushing buttocks
out, thighs straight and abdomen thrust forward. Both arms forming an wide arch,
fingers about 4 fingers width apart, and palms facing yintang. Tuck in chin and
raise baihui (Fig. 52 and 53). Hold for about 5 to 10 seconds.
fig. 54 fig. 55

fig. 56

7. Bend knees inward slightly, Sweep palms outward and upward at shoulder level, as if
palms are holding a huge qi ball. Pull in abdomen and relax waist. Only bend upper body
from chest to head slightly. Chin tucked in while head is leaned back slightly (Fig. 54 a,
b). Hold for about 5 to 10 seconds.
8. Raise baihui, raise body back to centre and arch body forward as in Step 6. Do Steps 6
and 7 three times (Figs. 52 to 54).
9. In ending, after Step 7, raise body to upright position. Arms sweep upward, carrying a
large ball of qi. When hands are above head, direct palms to pour qi down through the
body. At the same time lower arms and hands (Fig. 55). At chest level, turn palms
inward, along ribs to the sides and hold onto sides of body just below rib cage. Close
feet together (Fig. 56).
Step 8 - Knees (Xi Gui Zu Mian San Jie Lian)

fig. 57

1. Contract buttock, push out pubic area. Move shoulder blades forward, elbows forward
and hollowing chest. Relax waist, raise baihui and tuck in chin. Relax knees and ankles.
Slowly squat down as far as possible. Body from knee to head forming a slanted straight
line. Hold this position for 3 minutes (Fig. 57).
2. Leading with the baihui, slowly raise the body to an upright position.

Step 9 - Lower Limbs (Tan Tui Zhiao Zhu Miao Tai Ji)

fig. 58 fig. 59

1. Shift weight to right foot. Raise left leg so that left thigh is parallel to the floor and shin
hangs down vertically (Fig. 58). Flex up left foot, then flex down. Do 3 times. Draw circles
with the toes, three times to the right (inward rotation) and three times to the left
(outward rotation).
2. Thrust left leg to the side at 45 degrees to body. Keep leg straight (Fig.59) and body
facing forward. Flex up left foot, thrust heel down, then flex foot down. Do 3 times. Draw
circles with the toes, three times to the right (inward rotation) and three times to the left
(outward rotation).
3. Curl the big toe inward and return left leg to original position with feet together and body
upright. Feel the qi cruising in the legs.
4. Shift weight to left foot. Raise right leg so that right thigh is parallel to the floor and shin
hangs down vertically. Flex up right foot, then flex down. Do 3 times. Draw circles with
the toes, three times to the left (inward rotation) and three times to the right (outward
5. Thrust right leg to the side at 45 degrees to body. Keep leg straight and body facing
forward. Flex up right foot, thrust heel down, then flex foot down. Do 3 times. Draw
circles with the toes, three times to the left (inward rotation) and three times to the right
(outward rotation).
6. Curl the big toe inward and return right leg to original position with feet together and
body upright.

Step 10 - Completing (Hui Qi Kui Yi Zhuan Hun Yuan)

fig. 60 fig. 61 fig. 62 fig. 63

fig. 64

1. Turn palms to face each other and stretch forward as if carrying a big ball of qi in front
of abdomen. Raise hands to level of forehead (Fig. 60). Turn upper body to the left,
slowly lower elbow and hands (still carrying qi ball), bend knees and lower body (Fig. 61).
Maintain upper body in a vertical plane. Lower qi ball on the left until hands reach knee
level (Fig. 62). Carry qi ball to the front and then to the right, turning upper body at the
same time. Raise qi ball on the right, raise body simultaneously. When body is upright
continue raising qi ball to shoulder level. Turn body to the front while carrying qi ball to
the forehead level. Arms should be stretched out in a relaxed manner during these
movements. Turn body to the left and repeat the qi ball carrying movements on the left
another two times.
2. At the end of the three left cycles, pause at forehead, then reverse direction and carry qi
ball to the right while lowering body. Repeat the qi carrying movements from the right 3
3. At the end of the 3 right cycles, centre the body and carry qi to above head (Fig. 63) With
chin tucked in, move chin up along neck to the maximum and tilt head back. Relax head,
tilt chin up, rotate chin to the front, then down and then tuck into body (forward Crane
Neck movements from Step 1). Do forward Crane Neck movements 3 times.
4. Lower hands with base of palms coming together and fingers further apart (in a V-shape
as in Fig. 64). Just above head close the two palms together (but not touching). Then
open base of palms apart (forming inverted V) and slide palms down sides of head (not
touching head at all times). When palms are at ear level, move palms up again in an
inverted V direction. At top of head, close palms together (palms not touching). Then
open palms and move up in a V direction. Repeat movements another two cycles.

fig. 65 fig. 66 fig. 67 fig. 68

fig. 69 fig. 70 fig. 71

5. Raise hands to above head, with palms diagonally facing top of head. Lower hands and
pour qi down through the head into the body. Continue lowering hands, passing face. At
chest, turn palms inward and continue lowering to abdomen (Fig. 65), front of thighs,
bend body, along inside of legs, down to top of feet. Place hands on top of feet. Press
down with palms, bending knees and body downward (Fig. 66). Lift up, lifting body and
knees. Palms still touching feet at all times. Repeat another 2 times.
6. Scoop up qi. Move palms to inside of feet with palms facing feet. Move palms up inside
of legs, abdomen, and on to chest. At chest level, turn palms out to face front in front of
armpits, elbows tucked back (Fig. 67). Push right palm out until arms are almost
straight. Relax wrist and turn palm to the left (Fig. 68). Turn upper body to the left,
scooping up qi with right palm. At 90 degrees to body, press tip of thumb on middle
segment of middle finger (Fig. 69), continue moving right arm to the back, tracing right
fingers across left shoulder to press middle finger on qihu (just beneath collar bone and
directly above left nipple) while at the same time turning the upper body to the front (Fig.
70). Hold middle finger there.
7. Push left palm out until arms are almost straight. Relax wrist and turn palm to the right.
Turn upper body to the right, scooping up qi with left palm. At 90 degrees to body, press
tip of thumb on middle segment of middle finger (zhongkui), continue moving left arm to
the back, tracing left fingers across right shoulder to press middle finger on
right qihu while at the same time turning the upper body to the front. Hold middle finger
there. Arms are now crossed in front of chest and 45 degrees out from the body (Fig.
8. Breathe in, press qihu. Breathe out and enunciate "tong" quietly. Do 3 times.

fig. 72 fig. 73 fig. 74

fig. 75 fig. 76

9. Release fingers and push the crossed arms forward. With wrists touching, open out
palms to form a lotus flower (Fig. 72). Close and clasp palms in front of chest. With the
thumbs at mid chest, open and close palms 3 times (la qi). Open no wider than the
nipples and close so palms do not touch (Fig. 73). Raise hands till first joint of thumbs
are in front of nose. Again do open and close 3 times. Open to not wider than
cheekbones and close without palms touching. Raise palms till thumb joints are at mid
brow level (yintang). Open (not wider than outer edges of eyes) and close (palms not
touching) 3 times. Raise palms to the top of forehead. Palms are in an inclined position.
Open (not wider than dragon horns) and close 3 times. Raise palms to about 10 cm
above baihui, with fingers pointing upward. Open (not wider than dragon horns) and
close 3 times.
10. Close palms together and straighten arms. Stretch arms and palms upwards. Turn
palms to face front. Slowly lower arms to the sides so they form a straight line at
shoulder height. Leading with the little fingers turn palms up and sweep arms slowly to
the front until both palms at shoulder width. Flex middle fingers to direct qi into
the yintang. Withdraw elbows backward, at the same time turn elbows out to the sides of
the body and press middle fingers on dabao (Fig. 74). Extend palms to the back with
palms facing up and above waist height. When arms are straight, sweep both arms to
the front. At sides of body, turn palms to face front, scooping up qi in the process (Fig.
75). Continue to sweep palms to the front, directing qi into the navel. Close palms in
front of navel (not touching navel), right palm over left palm for men and reverse for
ladies (Fig. 76).
11. Rotate palms 9 times outward anticlockwise (left, up, right, down and left) from navel in
increasing circles (not larger than diaphragm and pubic area). Then rotate inward
clockwise 9 times in an inward spiral. Place palms on navel and nourish qi for a few
minutes (Fig. 76). Separate hands to the sides and open eyes slowly.

 Wu Yuan Zhuang (Five Element Unified Form)

Wu Yuan Zhuang
(Five Elements Unified Form)
This Five Elements Unified Form is the 3 rd module of training in Zhineng Qigong. This
training is to exercise the five major Ying organs qi and integrate them at the Hunyuan
Qiao, so as to unify the mind and qi as one. This form of exercise is using the open-
close, acupressure, opening of orifices and humming of healing sound methods. The
exercise is to direct qi with the mind, movement and humming of healing sound.
Therefore, Five Elements Unified Form is a level higher than Lift qi Up and Pour qi Down
Method and Body and Mind Method. This Form belongs to the middle level of Zhineng
Qigong practice. Those who have foundation in 1 st and 2nd modules can practise this
Form. It will improve their health level.

Close feet together, lift up baihui, stand upright. Look straight ahead. Relax the hands at
the sides. Relax the whole body (fig. 1).
Step 1 – Harmonise Qi With Hunyuan Qiao (Ding Tian Li Di, He Hua HunYuan)

fig. 1 fig. 2 fig. 3 fig. 4 fig. 5

fig. 6 fig. 7

1. Raise both hands up to waistline level, leading with hukou (fig. 2). Close hands and
forearms inward.
2. Cross the hands to opposite side with left arm above the right arm. Continue to raise till
above navel, near to zhongwan (fig. 3). Form the Hunyuan Finger-Ring Mudra: Curl the
2nd finger, press the bottom of nail’s cuticle againt the corner of the flex line at the
thumb (the longer line), the tip of the 2nd finger should be near to the base of thumb (fig.
3. Change the hands to form Touch Sky-Stand on Earth Mudra: Keep the left hand upright
infront of the chest with palm facing to the right. Place Finger-Ring to
face Danzhong directly (mid-point on sternum between 4th ribs) with right hand facing
down, place Finger-Ring to face zhongwan directly (mid-point between navel and bottom
of sternum, where the Hunyuan Qiao is located right inside). The base of left palm is
facing the base of right hand fingers (fig. 5).
4. Teeth knocking: Knock the upper and lower incisors against each other 9 times, knock
the left molars 9 times, knock the right molars 9 times and knock the incisors 9 times
again. Then perform Tongue swirling: Move the tip of the tongue from the middle of
upper incisors to the left upper molars, then left lower molars, back to the middle of
incisors; continue to the right lower molars, then right upper molars, return to the middle
of upper incisors as one complete cycle. Do it 3 cycles. Then, reverse another 3 cycles.
After that use the tip of the tongue to press onto the lower palate 3 times, upper palate 3
times, and press between upper and lower incisors 3 times (tradition name this process
as “Opening 3 Royal Lock”). Swallow saliva if there is too much inside the mouth.
5. Release the Finger-Ring Mudra, turn the palms to face each other with the left hand
above the right hand. Both hands are closer to each other but not touching. Pull the
hands sideways, press the tip of the middle fingers onto the base of 4th fingers on the
opposite hands. Curl and hold the fingers with opposite hands. Press the thumbs on
holding points between the index and little fingers on each side. This hand position is
called Hunyuan Palm (tradition name it as Hunyuan Mudra) (fig. 6).
6. Humming healing sound: Hum Eueng and Qing. Breathe in naturally through the nose
and hum the two sound. Do it for 3 times.
7. Separate both hands, turn palms to face each other with fingers pointing to the front and
place it infront of Hunyuan Qiao. Hold hands apart at nipple width with upper arms close
to the ribcage (fig. 7).

Step 2 – Open The Three Gates (Chang Tong Mao Qiao, Kai Qi San Guan)
Open the Human-Gate

fig. 8 fig. 9 fig. 10 fig. 11

1. Continue from Step 1, close the hands to half of the shoulder width distance, then open
out to shoulder width distance. Do it 3 times.
2. Turn the palms upward, keep the upper arms still and lift forearms up infront of chest
with palms parallel to ground. Keep palms above the nipple with fingers pointing to the
front (fig. 8).
3. Move the hands to the front at shoulder height and shoulder width, the fingers pointing
downward and the palms facing forward with the wrists flex at right angle. Thrust the
palms outward 3 times (fig. 9).
4. Turning of hands and fingers: Keeping the palms facing forward, turn the hands with the
fingers pointing outward, upward, inward and thurst outward 3 times (fig. 10 & 11).
Thereafter, turn the hands with the fingers pointing upward, outward, downward, and
then thrust outward 3 times. Then turn the hands again with the fingers pointing
outward, upward, inward and thrust the palms outward.

fig. 12 fig. 13 fig. 14 fig. 15

fig. 16
5. Maintain the thrust and spread arms out sideways to form a straight line with shoulders.
The palms are facing outward and the fingers are pointing to the front with the wrists
flex at an right angle, thrust outward 3 times (fig. 12).
6. Turning of hands and fingers: Maintaining the wrists flex at right angle, turn the hands
with the fingers pointing upward, backward, downward and then thrust outward 3 times
(fig. 13). Then turn the hands with the fingers pointing backward, upward, forward and
thrust the palms outward (fig. 14).
7. Maintain the thrust and close arms to the front at shoulder width (fig. 15). Release
wrists, turn the palms to face each other with fingers pointing to the front.
Perform Open-Close 3 times (fig. 16). Close the arms to a distance not less than half of
the shoulder width, return to shoulder width when open.

Open the Sky Gate

fig. 17 fig. 18 fig. 19 fig. 20 fig. 21 fig.


1. Turn the palms upward and retract the forearms infront of the chest with wrists flex at
right angle. Pointing fingers to the front and close the little fingers together (fig. 17).
Raise the hands up to eye level, separate the hands beside ears with the fingers pointing
backward (fig. 18), continue to raise and turn the hands backward and then inward.
Straighten the arms with the palms facing upward, the middle fingers touching each
other, thrust the palms upward 3 times (fig. 19).
2. Turn the palms downward, the middle fingers touching each other and lower the hands
on top of the head. Press Tianmen with the middle fingers (baihui to Xinhui belong
to Tianmen area), and with the back of the hands arching up, close the back of fingers
together. Move with the direction of left-front-right-back 3 rounds and then reverse 3
rounds. Press the middle fingers downward (fig. 20). Lower the hands with the middle
fingers touching each other and the back of the hands facing up. Raise the hands up
until the arms are straightened. Lower the hands on top of the head and repeat the
action of section 2.
3. Interlock the fingers and turn the palms up. Raise the hands and straighten the arms.
Rotate and thrust wrists: Relax the shoulders and the arms. Push the hands up with the
fingers interlocked, thrust the wrists up gently and move with the direction of up-back-
down-front alternatively. The shoulders, arms and elbows are coordinating with each
other to rotate. Thrust wrists 3 times (fig. 21 & 22). Thrust the palms upward.
Open the Earth Gate

fig. 23 fig. 24

1. Lower the straightened arms and the interlocked fingers to infront of lower abdomen
with palms facing down. Thrust downward (fig. 23). Separate the hands wiyh the tip of
the middle fingers touching each other, the palms facing down to form a right angle with
the arms. Press the palms downward and the flex toes up at the same time. Do it 3 times
(fig. 24).
2. Pull the hands out slightly and separate the middle fingers. Draw circles together with
the hands and the knees, follow the direction of front-out-back-in 3 rounds and then
reverse 3 rounds. Keep the toes flex up during the drawing of circles.

Open Orifices of the Human Body

fig. 25 fig. 26 fig. 27

1. With the middle fingers touching each other and turn the palms to face inward, raise the
hands up to press navel with the middle fingers and relax the toes at the same time (fig.
2. With the middle fingers trace along the waistline to the back and press mingmen. Turn
palms to face backward. Rest the right hand on the lower back with the base of the
middle fingers touching mingmen. Rest the left hand on the right hand so that both
hands are crossing each other diagonally (fig. 26). Push the hands backward and push
the mingmen out at the same time. Then return the hands to mingmen and restore the
lower back to previous position. Do it 3 times.
3. Turn the palms to face the body and press mingmen with the middle fingers. Separate
the hands and trace along the waistline to the sides between Jingmen and Zhangmen,
turn fingers downward with the palms facing inward. Use the hands to lead the elbows
to open outward, about 10 cm away from the body and return to
press Jingmen and Zhangmen. Do it 3 times.
4. Trace the middle fingers along the waistline to the front with the tip of fingers pointing
inward, touching each other at navel and rest the palms on the abdomen (fig. 27).
5. Push the middle fingers to the front to close the fingers. On reaching the base of the
fingers, before the palms touch each other, retract fingers and press navel with the
middle fingers. Do it 3 times.

Step 3 – Visualise Qi Within Body (He Qi Si Gu, Shen Shou Zhong Huan)

fig. 28 fig. 29 fig. 30 fig. 31 fig. 32

fig. 33

1. Continue from the last step, close the hands and raise to Huanyuan Qiao. Separate the
hands to nipple width, then close (about half of the distance), open back to nipple width
(fig. 28). Turn the palms to face each other with the left hand above the right hand as like
holding a qi ball (fig. 29).
2. Move the right hand in the direction of right-back-left-front in a circle form and the left
hand move with the direction of front-right-back-left in a circle form. At the same time,
contract and release the two palms with the hands moving up and down within a
distance. Do it 3 rounds with 3 sets of contract and release action of the palms.
3. Separate both hands up and down as if tearing the qi ball apart. The left hand glide along
the body down to the left side and flex wrist at right angle with palm facing down. The
right hand raise infront of the body with palm facing inward (wrist and hukou lifting
upward), turn palm to face diagonally forward when the hand is higher than the head.
The upper arm is forward and at an angle about 15 degrees upward. The forearm is
upward and slanted to the back slightly. Relax hand and wrist. While separating the
hands, lift the left knee till the thigh is at horizontal position and the leg hanging down
freely. Relax the ankle and point the toes downward (fig. 30).
4. Relax the shoulders, elbows and wrists. Leading with the shoulders, perform 3x push-pull
5. Rest the left heel on the inner side of the right knee (near Xuehai) and the right leg stand
upright. Turn the body to the left at 90 degrees (fig. 31). Return to the front and continue
to the right at 90 degrees. Move the left foot over the right knee and step onto the outer
edge of the right foot. Both feet form a right angle (fig. 32). Shift the body weight to the
left foot, lift the right foot and close both feet together.
6. Turn the right palm inward and focus onto the head to pour qi in (fig. 33). Lower the right
elbow infront of the body and move to the side. When the hand reach infront of the
chest, turn palm downward. Lower hand at Solar Plexus to form a straight line with the
forearm in horizontal position.
7. At the same time, turn the left palm inward and raise to infront of the abdomen. Turn the
palm upward. Reaching above the navel level, form a straight line with the forearm in
horizontal position. Both hands are facing each other as like holding a qi ball.
8. Move the left hand with the direction of left-back-right-front in a circle form and the right
hand move with the direction of front-left-back-right in a circle form. At the same time,
contract and release the two palms with the hands moving up and down within a
distance. Do it 3 rounds with 3 sets of contract and release action of the palms.
9. Separate both hands up and down as like tearing the qi ball apart. The right hand glide
along the body downward to the left side and flex wrist at right angle with palm facing
downward. The lifted hand raise infront of the body with palm facing inward (wrist
and hukou lifting upward), turn palm to face diagonally forward when the hand is higher
than the head. The upper arm is forward and at an angle about 15 degrees upward. The
forearm is upward and slanted to the back slightly. Relax hand and wrist. While
separating the hands, lift the right knee till the thigh at horizontal position and the leg
hanging down freely. Relax the ankle and point the toes downward.
10. Relax the shoulders, elbows and wrists. Leading with shoulders to perform 3x push-pull
11. Rest the right heel on the inner side of the left knee (near Xuehai) and the left leg stand
upright. Turn the body to the right at 90 degrees. Return to the front and continue to the
left at 90 degrees, move the right foot over the left knee and step onto the outer edge of
the left foot. Both feet form an right angle. Shift the body weight to the right foot, lift the
left foot and close both feet together.
12. Turn the left palm inward and focus onto the head to pour qi in. Lower the right elbow
infront of the body and move to the side. When the hand reach infront of the chest, turn
palm downward. Lower hand at Solar Plexus to form a straight line with the forearm in
horizontal position. At the same time, turn the right palm inward and raise infornt of the
abdomen, turn the palm upward. Reaching above the navel level, form a straight line with
the forearm in horizontal position. Both hands are facing each other as like holding
a qi ball.
Step: 4 - Fluttering (Zhan Chi Ao Xiang, Rou Chen Dan Chan)
Spreading Wings

fig. 34 fig. 35 fig. 36 fig. 37

fig. 38 fig. 39 fig. 40

1. Continue from the last step, turn the palms to face each other with the hands at nipple
width. Open-close 3 times at Hunyuan Qiao area. Close the hands to half of the nipple
width and open to the nipple width (fig. 34).
2. Turn the palms upward. Lift the forearms with the upper arms close to the ribs. Raise the
palms to in front of the shoulders and flex the wrists at right angle with palms facing
upward (fig. 35). Turn the forearms sideways without moving the upper arms and point
the fingers to the sides (fig. 36).
3. Leading with the tip of the fingers, stretch the arms out sideways to form a straight line
(fig. 37). Retract the forearms and hold the palms as if supporting upward. Lower the
elbows and the upper arms close to ribs, the palms facing upward and flex the wrists at
a right angle (fig. 38).
4. Turn the forearms to the front with fingers pointing forward (fig. 39). Lower the forearms
without moving the upper arms. Form a right angle at the elbows. Keep the palms facing
upward and in line with the forearms (fig. 40).
fig. 41 fig. 42 fig. 43 fig. 44

fig. 45 fig. 46

5. Spread the forearms out to the sides of the body (fig. 41). Raise the forearms from both
sides without moving the upper arms. Reaching the shoulders, face the palms upward
and flex the wrists at an right angle (fig. 42).
6. Leading with the tip of the fingers, stretch the arms out sideways to form a straight line
(fig. 43). Retract the forearms and hold the palms as if supporting upward. Lower the
elbows and the upper arms close to ribs, the palms facing upward and flex the wrists at
an right angle (fig. 44).
7. Turn the forearms to the front with fingers pointing forward (fig. 45). Lower the forearms
without moving the upper arms. Form an right angle at the elbows. Straighten the wrists
(fig. 46).

fig. 47 fig. 48 fig. 49

fig. 50 fig. 51 fig. 52

1. Turn palms to face each other (fig. 47). Open-Close to spread out the arms. Both arms
should form a straight line after the 4X Open-Close action. Spread the arms out
diagonally upward during the opening out action. When doing the closing in action, the
range should be less than the opening out action. The Open-Close action should be like
wave-like movement and led by the elbows to drive the shoulders and the wrists. Move
the elbows downward and outward on the opening out action, move upward and inward
on closing in action. When the arms spread out to form a straight line, face the palms to
the front (fig. 48).
2. Turn the palms downward, close the arms to the front, the arms should be at shoulder
level and shoulder width after the 4X Close-Open action. The Close-Open action should
be like wave-like movement and led by the elbows to drive the shoulders and the wrists.
Move the elbows downward and inward on the closing in action. When doing the
opening out action, the range should be less than the closing in action. Move upward
and outward on opening out action. Keep the palms facing downward until the arms are
closed to the front (fig. 49).
3. Thereafter, perform 4X Open-Close to spread out the arms into a straight line. The Open-
Close action should be like wave-like movement and led by the elbows to drive the
shoulders and the wrists. Move the elbows downward and outward on the opening out
action. When doing the closing in action, the range should be less than the opening
action. Move the elbows upward and inward on closing in action. The arms spread out to
form a straight line with the palms facing downward all the time (fig. 49).
4. Turn the palms forward (fig. 50). Close the arms and hands to Hunyuan Qiao area with
4X Close-Open action (same as the begining step in Fluttering 1). Close the arms in
diagonally downward and led by the elbows to drive the shoulders and the wrists to do
the wave-like movement. Move the elbows outward and downward on the closing in
action. When doing the opening out action, the range should be less than the closing in
action. Move the elbows downward and upward on the opening out action. Lower the
upper arms at the side of the body after 4X Close-Open action. Close the hands infront
of Hunyuan Qiao with the fingers pointing to the front (fig. 51 & 52).

Step 5 - Heart Element (Xi Xiao Zhu Xin Shen, Zhong Feng Li Shan Gen)

fig. 53 fig. 54 fig. 55 fig. 56 fig. 57

fig. 58 fig. 59

1. Turn the fingers to point upward and place the hands infront of chest in praying position
(fig. 53). With the middle fingers touching each other and separate the wrists. The rest of
the fingers curl into the palms to form the Heart Mudra (fig. 54 & 55). Turn the fingers to
point forward.
2. Straighten the arms to the front at shoulder level (fig. 56). Leading with the middle
fingers, move the forearms upward and inward. Lean the head slightly backward. The
middle fingers press Shangen (between the inner corners of the eyes) in horizontal
position (fig. 57).
3. Move the wrists in the direction of left-up-right-down to draw circle and hum the healing
sound Xing at the same time. Breathe in through the nose naturally. Hum the sound once
with every circle. Do it 3 times and reverse 3 times.
4. Move the middle fingers down along the sternum to press onto Danzhong in horizontal
position (fig. 58).
5. Move the wrists with the direction of left-up-right-down to draw circle and hum the
healing sound Xin once with every circle. Do it 3 times and reverse 3 times.
6. Turn the middle fingers to point towards the front while the base of the palms face
to Solar Plexus (fig. 59). Move the middle fingers in the direction of left-up-right-down to
draw circle and hum the healing sound Xiang once with every circle. Do it 3 times and
reverse 3 times.
Step 6 – Kidney Element (Tu Yao Qiang Shen Zhi, Ming Men Lian Er Men)

fig. 60 fig. 61 fig. 62 fig. 63

fig. 64

1. Release the Heart Mudra and change to the Kidney Mudra: Use the thumb to press onto
the cuticles of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th finger and straighten the little finger (fig. 60). With the
little fingers touching each other, the hands facing inward, lower the hands to press
navel (fig. 60). Trace the little fingers along the waistline to the back to press  mingmen.
Turn hands to face outward with little fingers pressing mingmen (fig. 61).
2. Bend the body forward with the spine straight until the head is at the hip level. Arch
down the lower back and lift the head up with the chin in. Flex up the buttocks and the
tailbone (fig. 62). Push up the lower back with the mingmen raise up. Tailbone thrust
forward and maintain the position of the head and chest (fig. 63). Do it 5 times.
3. Push up the lower back and staighten the body slowly. Trace the little fingers along the
waistline to the front and turn inward to press navel (fig. 64).

fig. 65 fig. 66 fig. 67 fig. 68

4. With the hands facing inward, and the little fingers touching each other, raise the little
fingers along the Conception Channel to the chest level. Turn the hands upward and raise
to Xuanji. Turn the little fingers and point to the front, close the outer sides of the little
fingers together (fig. 65) Raise the hands to Shangen, separate the base of the palms
and turn the hands inward. Press Shangen with the little fingers lightly (fig. 66).
5. Trace the little fingers along the area between the eyes and eyebrows to tip of ears,
move into the ear canal via crus of Helix. Turn the hands forward (fig. 67).
6. Lean the head back slightly, thrust the tail bone backward. and breathe in naturally (fig.
68). Return the head and tail bone, and hum the healing sound: Ei, Yü, Ying. Do it 5
Step 7 – (Chan Mian Zhong Gong Yi, Hun Yuan Si Zang Zhen)

fig. 69 fig. 70 fig. 71 fig. 72 fig.


1. Pull out little fingers, release Kidney Mudra. Point the fingers upward with the hands
facing inward and place next to the ears. Raise the hands to form Twin-tower Palms.
Straighten the arms and turn palms to face the front (fig. 69). Lower the arms to the
front and curl the body down with the lower back arch up. Keep the head at hip level,
drop the arms down (fig. 70)
2. Turn palms to face each other, pull up the qi ball from the earth to the Hunyuan
Qiao area. Flex up the toes (keep the toes flex up throught out the exercise) Rest the
body weight on the rear half of the foot. Face the hands up and rotate both at the same
time. Move with the direction of downward-inward-upward-forward to rotate the hands
and keep the palms apart not more than 10 cm. The tip of fingers should be in line with
the base of the other hand (fig. 71). Do it 5 times.
3. Separate the hands, the middle fingers touching each other infornt of navel and the
thumbs touching each other at the upper abdomen (fig. 72 – this is viewing from below
and the body still in curl down position). Raise the hands along center line
to Tiantu (middle of the depression above the suprasternal notch) and move the thumbs
along the collarbones to the sides with the middle fingers following the same path to the
front of the shoulders (fig. 73). Move the palms outward-downward-inward-upward to
draw circles around the nipples. Do it 3 rounds and reverse 3 rounds.
fig. 74 fig. 75 fig. 76 fig. 77

fig. 78 fig. 79

4. Move the hands horizontally and with the middle fingers touching each other at  Tiantu.
Lower the hands to Solar Plexus and separate out sideways. With the hands
passing dabao move to the sides with the palms facing upward. Straighten the arms and
move forward (fig. 74). Reach to the sides to form a straight line and turn the palms
downward. Continue to move the arms forward and lower the arms down from infront of
the head (fig. 75).
5. Turn palms to face each other, pull up the qi ball from the earth to the Hunyuan
Qiao area. Face the hands up and rotate both at the same times. Move with the direction
of downward-inward-upward-forward to rotate the hands and keep the palms apart not
more than 10 cm. The tip of the fingers should be in line with the base of the other hand
(fig. 76). Do it 5 times.
6. Separate the hands, with the middle fingers and the thumbs touching each other, raise
to Solar Plexus. Glide the hands along the ribs to the sides and vibrate lightly (fig. 77).
Move the hands to the lower back and press mingmen with the middle fingers. Place the
hands on the lower back to massage. Observe the changes inside the waist during
breathing (fig. 78).

fig. 80 fig. 81 fig. 82

7. Place the hands on the waist and move along the same path back to the front, stop at
the sides to vibrate lightly (fig. 79). Return back to Solar Plexus, the thumbs and the
middle fingers touching each other, lower to navel (fig. 80).
8. Separate the hands and use the thumbs to trace along the waistline to the sides
till Zhangmen (tip of the 11th rib) and press. Relax the toes. Hold the Spleen Mudra:
Straighten the thumb and curl the other four fingers firmly (fig. 81). Breathe in deeply into
the abdoman and hum the healing sound: Gang, Fu, Zhong (fig. 82). Do it 5 times.
Straighten up the body slowly and turn to the left, and to the right 3 times.

Step 8 - Liver Element (Zhan Bi Hu Ri Yue, Zhuan Mu Lian Gan Hun)

fig. 83 fig. 84 fig. 85 fig. 86

fig. 87 fig. 88

1. Release the Spleen Mudra, turn the palms to face the body. Extend the arms forward and
cross the forearms infront of the body to the opposite sides. Place the right hand on the
left chest with the left arm below the right arm (fig. 83). Move the right hand from the left
chest, diagonally down to the right ribs at Qimen and Riyue. Place the hands on the ribs.
At the same time, turn the left palm upward and move to the front from the right elbow.
2. At the shoulder level, with eyes staring at the tip of the left index finger, move the left
arm to the left with turning the body at the same time. At 90 degrees, hold the  Liver
Mudra: Use the thumb press on the cuticles of the 3 rd, 4th and 5th finger with the 2nd finger
straight (fig. 84 & 85). Continue to turn the body, till the left index finger pointing to the
back, then turn the palm downward (fig. 86). Extend and retract the left arm to point the
left index finger backward 8 times.
3. Leading with the left arm, turn the body back 90 degrees to the left, and turn the palm
upward. Continue to the right to 90 degrees, and turn the palm downward. Continue to
turn the body and bend the elbow till the left index finger points backward (fig. 87).
Extend and retract the left arm to point the left index finger backward 8 times. Spread
out and straighten the left arm. Turn the body back 90 degrees to the right, and turn the
palm upward. Leading with the left arm, turn the body back to the front.
4. Retract the left hand to the front of the right chest. Move the right hand across the
abdomen to the left ribs, turn the palm to face upward and place below the left elbow.
Release left Liver Mudra, move down to the left ribs at Qimen and Riyue. Place the hands
on the ribs. At the same time, move the right palm to the front from the left elbow.
5. At shoulder height, with eyes staring at the tip of the right index finger, move the right
arm to the right with turning the body at the same time. At 90 degrees, hold the  Liver
Mudra. Continue to turn the body till the right index finger points to the back, then turn
the palm downward. Extend and retract the right arm to point the right index finger
backward 8 times.
6. Leading with the right arm, turn the body back to 90 degrees at the right, turn the palm
upward. Continue to the left to 90 degrees, turn palm downward. Continue to turn the
body and bend the elbow till right index finger points backward. Extend and retract the
left arm to point the left index finger backward 8 times. Spread out and straighten the
right arm. Turn the body back to 90 degrees to the left, turn the palm upward. Turn the
body back to the front.
7. Lower the right elbow and retract the hang to press onto the right Qimen and Riyue. Turn
the left hand into Liver Mudra, press onto the left Qimen and Riyue with index finger
pointing downward. The base of the index fingers are level with the nipples (fig. 88).
8. Humming the healing sound: Breathe in naturally and humming Tü, Jü, Ling during
breathe out. Do it 5 times.

Step 9 – Lung Element (Shen Suo Kai Fei Qi, Bei Xin Yi Po Shen)

fig. 89 fig. 90 fig. 91 fig. 92

fig. 93 fig. 94

1. Release Liver Mudra, turn the palms upward and form the Lung Mudra: Straighten the
4th Finger, use the thumb to press onto the cuticles of 2 nd, 3rd and 5th finger (cover more
area as much as possible) (fig. 89). The 4 th fingers touching each other infront of the
abdomen with the hands facing upward (fig. 90). Raise the hands upward along
the Conception Channel to the Solar Plexus, turn hands to face inward. Continue to raise
the hands to the throat level with the upper arms at horizontal position (fig. 91).
2. Spread out the upper arms slightly to the back. Use the forearms to lead the 4 th fingers to
trace along the collarbone to the sides. Expand the chest and arch the wrists. Move the
4th fingers to the shoulders (fig. 92). Use the 4 th fingers to draw circles at the outer area of
the upper chest. Move with the direction of outward-downward-inward-upward 3 rounds
and reverse 3 rounds. Use the elbows to drive the hands while drawing circles. While
doing the movement, keep the elbows at shoulder level without dropping.
3. Move the forearms up and spread out to the sides to form a straight line at shoulder
level (fig. 93). Turn the hands to face upward. Squeeze in the shoulder blades and flex
the wrists with the 4th fingers pointing upward (keep the arms straight). Therafter, relax
the wrists and open up the shoulder blades with the 4 th fingers pointing to the sides.
Move the forearms up and bring it to the front of the shoulders (fig. 94). Use the
4th fingers to draw circles at the outer area of the upper chest. Move with the direction of
outward-downward-inward-upward 3 rounds and reverse 3 rounds.

fig. 95 fig. 96 fig. 97 fig. 98

fig. 99 fig. 100 fig. 101

4. Spring the arms out diagonally (about 45 degrees), straighten the arms with the hands
facing upward (fig. 95 & 96). Turn the hands inward and flex the wrists inward with the
4th fingers pointing to each other. Close the arms inward and with the 4 th fingers touching
each other infront of the body, with the hukou slightly lower than the shoulders (fig. 97).
Retract the arms to the area above Danzhong (below Yutang) (fig. 98). Raise the hands
to the throat and keep the upper arms at horizontal position (fig. 99).
5. Spread out the upper arms to the back slightly. Use the forearms to lead the 4 th fingers to
trace along the collarbone to the sides. Expand the chest and arch the wrists. Move the
4th fingers to the front of the shoulders at Yunmen (fig. 100). Press the Yunmen with the
4th fingers. Use the shoulders and elboes to drive the wrists and hands to draw circles.
Move with the direction of outward-downward-inward-upward 4 rounds. Hum the healing
sound ‘Sang on the 1st round. The ‘Si’ on the first-half of 2nd round. Thereafter, breathe in
quickly to hum ‘Si’ on the second-half of 2nd round. The ‘Song’ on the 3rd round. Breathe in
naturally on the 4th round. Repeat the same set of humming. Reverse 2 sets of the
humming healing sound. Release the Lung Mudra. Lower the upper arms from the sides,
and the hands and forearms from the front of the body to the sides. Extend the forearms
to the front with the palms facing upward (fig. 101).

Step 10 - Crane Walk (You You He Bu Yun Xing Qu)

fig. 102 fig. 103 fig. 104

fig. 105 fig. 106 fig. 107

1. Continue from the last step, shift the body weight to the right leg, lift up the left knee and
kick out the left foot to the front (fig. 102 & 103). Straighten the left leg and flex down the
left foot and toes. Touch down with the toes and lower the foot firmly on the floor. Shift
the body weight to the left leg, lift the right heel and extend the arms to the front at
shoulder level with the palms face up (fig. 104). Lean the body to the front, spread out
the arms. Straighten the right leg to the back with the foot and toes flexed. When the
body is at horizontal level, spread the arms out sideways into a straight line with the
palms faced down. The head is lifted, the chest is expanded and the lower back is
arched down to maintain the balance (fig. 105).
2. Continue to spread the arms to the back. Retract the right leg, bend the right knee with
the foot facing up. Gradually, raise the body up. At the same time, move the hands to the
front from the hip (fig. 106). Straighten the body, continue to move in the right leg and
lead with the right knee. Lift the right thigh with the knee at 90 degrees and relax the
ankle. When the lifted thigh is at horizontal level, flex the ankle and point the toes to the
front. Move the hands next to the ribs with the palms facing up (fig. 107).
3. Kick out the right foot and extend the hands to the front. Straighten the right leg and flex
down the right foot and toes. Touch down with the toes and lower the foot firmly on the
floor. Shift the body weight to the right leg, lift the left heel and extend the arms to the
front at shoulder level with the palms facing up. Lean the body to the front, spread out
the arms. Straighten the left leg to the back with the foot and toes flexed. When the body
is at horizontal level, spread the arms out sideways into a straight line with the palms
faced down. The head is lifted, the chest is expanded and the lower back is arched down
to maintain the balance.
4. Continue to spread the arms to the back. Retract the left leg, bend the left knee with the
foot facing up. Gradually, raise the body up. At the same time, move the hands to the
front from the hip. Straighten the body, continue to move in the left leg and lead with the
left knee. Lift the left thigh with the knee at 90 degrees and relax the ankle. When the
lifted thigh is at horizontal level, flex the ankle and point the toes to the front. Lower the
left foot next to the right foot. Move the hands to the front from the ribs with the palms
facing up.
5. The above exercise can be repeated many times.

Step 11 – Swivelling (Dou Ling Xin Ning Si Mo Qi)

fig. 108 fig. 109 fig. 110 fig. 111

1. Lower the arms naturally and relax the body. Keep the body upright, lift baihui, relax the
waist and lower the tailbone. Led by both sides of the hip, swivel the body and four limbs
in quick movements. Relax the legs and stand firmly (fig. 108). Do it for 2 to 3 minutes.
2. Drop the arms and straighten it with the palms face back. Leading with the elbows,
thrust the wrists vigorously forward about 15 degrees. The back of the hands are facing
to the front and the fingers pointing down (fig. 109). Pull back the arms next to the sides
of the body with the flexed wrists and the palms facing down (fig. 110). Do it 3 times.
3. With the arms straightened and the wrists flexed, keep the body upright. Raise the heels
in 3 stages to the highest point, and rest the body weight onto the toes (fig. 111). After
that, relax the feet, shift the body weight to the back and let the body drop back down on
the heels vetically and repidly. Do it 3 times.
Step 12 – Raise and Lower Movements (XiaoYao Qi Luo Shen Guan Ding

fig. 112 fig. 113 fig. 114

fig. 115 fig. 116

1. Continue from the last step, relax the wrists and turn the palms inward. Close the hands
infront of the lower abdomen and turn the palms to face up with the middle fingers
touching each other. Raise the hands to Hunyuan Qiao area, at the same time shift the
body weight to the right leg and raise the left heel with the 4 th and 5th toes touching the
ground (fig. 112).
2. Raise the hands to Xuanji and turn the fingers to point forward with the little fingers close
together. Continue to raise the hands to the face level, and then separate the hands with
the fingers pointing outward while raising the hands. Separate the wrists and turn the
fingers pointing to the back. Continue to raise the hands till the arms are relaxingly
straight. The hands are above the head, the palms face up with the fingers pointing to
each other to form the Supporting Palms (fig. 113).
3. Lower the arms sideways to shoulder level to form a straight line. (fig. 114). Continue to
lower the arms with the palms facing downward, squating down while lowering the
arms. When the arms are lowered at 15 degrees to the body, close the thumbs and
middle fingers to form “Crane’s Beak” (fig. 115 & 116). Raise the arms sideways and
straighten the body slowly. When the arms are at shoulder level, release the “ Crane’s
Beak” and face the hands down (fig. 116). Lower the body and arms again. Do it 3 times.
After the 3rd time, lower the arms and put the left foot flatly on the ground.
4. With the hands are lowered to the front of the lower abdomen, turn the palms to face up
with the middle fingers touching each other. Straighten the body and close the feet
together. Raise the hands to Hunyuan Qiao area, at the same time raise the right heel
with the 4th and 5th toes touching the ground.
5. Raise the hands to Xuanji and turn the fingers to point forward with the little fingers close
together. Continue to raise the hands to the face level, and then separate the hands with
the fingers pointing outward while raising the hands. Separate the wrists and turn the
fingers pointing to the back. Continue to raise the hands till the arms are relaxingly
straight. The hands are above the head, the palms face up with the fingers pointing to
each other to form the Supporting Palms.
6. Lower the arms sideways to shoulder level to form a straight line. Continue to lower the
arms with the palms facing down and squating down while lowering the arms. When the
arms are lowered at 15 degrees to the body, close the thumbs and middle fingers to
form “Crane’s Beak”. Raise the arms sideways and straighten the body slowly. When the
arms are at shoulder level, release the “Crane’s Beak” and face the hands down. Lower
the body and arms again. Do it 3 times. After the 3 rd time, lower the arms and put the
right foot flatly on the ground. With the hands lowered to the front of the lower abdomen,
turn the palms up with the middle fingers touching each other. Straighten the body.

Step 13 – Unifying Qi (Hun Yuan Yi Qi Lian Tian Di)

fig. 117 fig. 118 fig. 119 fig. 120

fig. 121

1. Raise the hands to Hunyuan Qiao area with the left hand on top of the right hand. The
thumbs are touching each other lightly (tradition name it as Ding Yin Mudra) (fig.
117).Raise the hands to Danzhong, turn hands to face inward. Continue to raise the
hands infront of the forehead. Turn the hands to face upward at above the forehead (fig.
118). Pull the hands outward and lower sideways into a straight line at shoulder level.
Continue to lower the hands to hip level with the palms facing inward. Close the hands
infront of the lower abdomen to form the Ding Yin Mudra. Repeat the same movement.
Do it 3 times. On the 3rd time, when the hands are close infront of the lower abdomen,
form a Double Hunyuan Finger-Ring Ding Yin Mudra (form the Hunyuan Ring-Finger with
the thumb and 2nd finger, the thumbs touching each other). Raise the hands to Hunyuan
Qiao area.
2. Turn the left palm to face downward and cover the right palm. Then pull the arms
outward sideways so that the palms are facing each other at an angle. Leading with the
elbows, spread out into a straight line at shoulder level. Therafter, turn the palms to face
up and lift the arms up. Cross the wrists infront of the forehead. The left hand is above
and flexed up, the right hand is below with the palm facing down (fig. 119). Lower the
hands along the center line to Hunyuan Qiao area to form Touch Sky-Stand on Earth
Mudra (fig. 120). Turn the right palm to face upward and lower the left palm to cover the
right palm. Then pull the arms outward sideways. Repeat the above movement, Do it 3
3. Release the mudras, place the left hand on top of the right hand. Pull the hands sideways
and press the tip of the middle fingers onto the base of 4 th fingers on the opposite hands.
Curl and hold the fingers with opposite hands to form Hunyuan Palm (fig. 121). Stand
upright, breathe in naturally, and hum the healing sound: Qing. Do it 5 times.
4. Return the hands to the sides of the body and end the exercise.

Healing Sounds for the Five Elements Unified Form

Hunyuan Madra: E, U, Eng

Heart Element: Xing

Kidney Element: Ei

Spleen Element: Gang

Liver Element: Tü

Lung Element: Sang

San Xing Ping Zhan Zhuang
(Three Centers Merge Standing
The Three Centers Merge Standing Meditation (San Xing Ping Zhan Zhuang "SXPZZ") is
an important practice in Zhineng Qigong. Together with Peng Qi Guan Ding and Xing
Shen Zhuang, it forms a foundation practice in Zhineng Qigong. SXPZZ is an internal qi
practice. It is also a bridging method between Level 1 and Level 2.

SXPZZ helps in regulating qi throughout the body. It is important for relaxing the waist.
It is a static form compared to the other Zhineng Qigong forms which are dynamic
forms. The steps of the practice are summarised below:

1. Place feet together, body upright. Relax hands at sides. Look straight ahead. Pull in
vision slowly and gently close eyes. Relax the whole body, starting from head down to
toes. Curl the tip of tongue so that it touches the upper palate. Keep it there throughout
the practice.
2. Separate feet (stepping on qi, i.e. without leaving ground) to form an inverted right angle
(distance between toes narrower than shoulder, heels wider than shoulders). Turn arms
so palms face backward. Flex hands, with palms facing downward.
3. With arms straight but relaxed, slide palms slowly forward 15 degrees. Slide back to
sides of body. Repeat two times.
4. Relax wrists, turn palms to face each other. Slowly lift qi up from the universe below our
feet. At navel height, turn palms to direct qi into navel while thinking of the mingmen.
5. Turn palms down and spread out arms sideways to the back. Turn palms to direct qi to
the mingmen, while thinking of the navel.
6. Raise forearms and press dabaos with middle fingers, directing qi into middle dantian.
7. Extend arms forward at shoulder height and width, with palms facing upward. When
arms are straight, flex middle fingers slightly to direct qi into yintang.
8. Spread arms out to the sides until in line with the body. Turn palms down and then up.
Sweep arms upward to above head. Clasp palms together on top of head.
9. Lower clasped hands along centre line of body, in front of head and rest in front of chest.
10. Separate hands, fingers lightly touching to form a sphere. Lower hands to place sphere
on top of navel. Squat down slightly.


1. Lift up baihui. Tuck chin in. Roll tip of tongue to touch upper palate. Relax eye-brows.
Adopt a smiling expression.
2. Relax neck, relax shoulders and open up armpits. Keep elbows hanging freely down.
Wrists resting on abdomen, fingers and palms cupped.
3. Relax chest and back. Relax waist and hips. Pull down tail bone (coccyx) and raise huiyin
(perineum). Relax knees and turn inwards. Adopt a rounded posture. Keep feet firmly
planted on the ground.


1. Think of qi from universe above entering baihui. Think of lower dantian.

2. Think of qi from universe at front, back and sides entering laogong (centers of palms).
Think of lower dantian.
3. Think of qi from universe below entering yongquan (centers of soles). Think of
lower dantian.
4. Think of qi from all three centers (baihui, laogong and yongquan) converging and
merging at lower dantian.
5. Relax and keep a calm, happy demeanour. Continue to focus on lower dantian. Squat for
minimum of 30 minutes.


1. Raise baihui and slowly raise body. Stepping on qi to close feet together. Separate hands
from navel and clasp palms in front of chest.
2. Raise clasped palms to top of the head. Stretch upwards.
3. Turn palms to face front. Lower arms sideways. At shoulder level, turn palms upward.
Sweep arms to the front until shoulder width. Flex middle fingers slightly to direct qi
to yintang.
4. Lower elbows and retract arms. Press dabaos with middle fingers, think of the
middle dantian.
5. Extend hands and arms to the back. Spread arms out sideways. On reaching the sides of
body, rotate palms to face front. Continue moving arms and palms to the front, scooping
qi along the way.
6. At front of body, close palms on top of navel (for men, right palm on top of left palm,
reverse for ladies).
7. Rotate palms anti-clockwise (right down left top) on same spot nine times. Rotate palms
clockwise nine times. Relax and visualize qi entering the lower dantian. Nourish qi for a
8. Return arms to sides of body. Open eyes slowly.

Chen Qi
(Qi Stretching)
The Chen Qi method is a method to stimulate and mobilize the internal qi and unify qi in
the entire body. The sequence of steps is summarized below:

1. Place feet together, body upright. Relax hands at sides. Look straight ahead. Pull in
vision slowly and gently close eyes. Relax the whole body, starting from head down to
toes. Curl the tip of tongue so that it touches the upper palate. Keep it there throughout
the practice.
2. Recite silently the following eight verses while visualising simultaneously:
o Ding Tian Li Di - Head reaching the sky, feet plunge deep into the earth
o Xing Song Yi Chong - Relax and imagine body expanding and merging with the
o Wai Jing Nei Jing - Be respectful externally and quiet internally
o Xin Cheng Mao Gong - Our heart is calm and our appearance reverent
o Yi Nian Bu Qi - Clear mind of stray thoughts
o Shen Zhu Tai Kong - Focus on the vast emptiness of the universe
o Shen Yi Zhao Ti - Reflect back on body
o Zhou Shen Rong Rong - Body is filled with the warm glow of univeral qi
3. Raise arms sideways until hands are at waist height. Keep arms straight at all times.
Flex hands to form right angle with forearms. Keep fingers straight and flexed
backwards, and palms pushed out.
4. Pull the shoulder blades in and up, the arms and hands moving diagonally up with the
movement of the shoulder blades. Then down, with the palms pressing down and the
shoulder blades returning to original position. Continue doing this up and down
movement for at least 20 minutes. The rate of movements should be about 60 to 70
strokes per minute.
5. Maintain mental focus on the hunyuan qiao (qi reservoir inside upper abdomen) while
performing the movements.
6. When ending the practice, relax hands and turn palms to the front. Gather the qi from all
around the body and close arms and palms to the front until palms are at shoulder width
and elbows touching sides of body.
7. Do Ro Qi, i.e. roll/massage the qi ball between palms with hands alternately moving up-
in-down-out. Enjoy the sensation of qi between the palms. Do about 10 times.
8. After Ro Qi, do La Qi. In this case La Qi is slightly different from the normal La Qi. Here
we keep elbows touching sides of body while opening and closing the palms and
forearms. Again enjoy the sensation of qi between the palms. Do at least ten times.
9. At the last La Qi movement, collect qi and visualize the hunyuan qiao while closing the
palms onto the hunyuan qiao. Rest palms on upper abdomen, imagining palms resting
on hunyuan qiao. Nourish qi for a minute.
10. Return arms to the sides and open eyes slowly.

La Qi
(Qi Pulling)
La Qi is an external qi practice. It is also the basis of external qi therapy. La Qi is a
fundamental method taught to all Zhineng Qigong practitioners. We can quickly
experience qi effects while doing La Qi. We can apply these qi effects to our body to
heal problem areas.

La Qi can be done while sitting, standing or lying on our backs. The sequence of steps is
summarized below for a sitting posture:

1. Sit upright, as close to the edge of the chair as possible. Look ahead into the horizon,
withdraw vision and slowly close eyes. Tuck chin in and raise baihui.
2. Relax body, starting with head and progressing to feet. Silently recite with visualization
of the 8 preparatory verses (8 verses in Level 1 Peng Qi Guan Ding) to create the qi field.
3. Place both hands in front of the abdomen, with palms facing each other, about 10 - 20
cm apart and fingers pointing forward. Relax arms and hands. Focus on the space
between the palms.
4. Close palms together until almost touching. Open palms outwards slowly until about 20
cm apart. Repeatedly do closing and opening movements while focusing on the space
between the palms. In these movements, the arms should open and close along with the
palms (i.e. no wrist movement).
5. After a while, you will feel some force between both palms. This is the qi that is being
formed by your movements and mental focus.
6. You can extend your visualization to thinking of the universe when opening and thinking
inside your body when closing, with the effect of bringing universal qi into your body.
7. When sufficient qi has been gathered, apply this qi to the area of your body that needs
the qi. This is done by doing the closing and opening movements on that part of your
body, without touching your body. Think that the sick area is healing, getting better and
becoming normal. Do not linger on the sick area for more than a few seconds. This is qi
8. You can do La Qi for as long as you like. There is no time limitation.
9. End La Qi by placing palms on navel (right palm over left for men, reverse for ladies).
Nourish qi for a short moment. Slowly open the eyes.

Zhi Tui Zuo

(Straight Legs Sitting)
The Straight Leg Sitting Method is specially designed to enable relaxation of the waist.
There are a number of mental and physical activities comprising beginning, doing and
ending activities. The sequence of activities are summarized below:


1. Sit on floor with legs straight, back straight, pull in abdomen, feet touching. Try to bring
knees together.
2. Forward and reverse Crane Neck, then left and right Dragon Head (He Shou Long Tou)
(do 3X).
3. Place palms on ears, with fingers at the back of head. Tap head with fingers, index
fingers first, followed by ring fingers, then middle fingers (do 3x).
4. Tap head with index, middle and ring fingers at the same time (do 3x).
5. Press both palms hard against ears. Pop out both palms suddenly.
6. Place right palm over left palm (ladies reverse) on top of head. Rotate clockwise (left-
front-right-back) (3x) and anti clockwise (3x). Focus on upper dantian.
7. Press down on head (3x) and lift up (3x). Focus on upper dantian.
8. Place middle fingers against back of ears. Rest index fingers on top of middle fingers.
Use index fingers to tap ears three times. Return index fingers to top of middle fingers.
9. Move index fingers upwards around the ears, front and then plug into ear cavities. Twist
fingers deep into cavities, with palms facing forward. Vibrate index fingers. Pop out both
10. Massage ears, pulling ear lobes downward.
11. Place clenched fists inward close to the face, with little fingers pointing upward and
finger tips in front of eyes at yintang (mid brow) level. Move outward slowly (to left and
right) till little fingers disappear, then inward again (do 3X).
12. Turn clenched fists and little fingers to horizontal position, with finger tips at eye position
(palm facing inward). Move fingers upward till fingers are out of sight, then downward to
eye level (do 3x). Move little fingers from eye level downward till out of sight, then
upward to eye level (do 3x). Move outward about 30 cm, then inward (do 3x).
13. Move index fingers downward along the nose to the cheeks (next to the nose). Using
index fingers, massage (rotate) yin xiang inward (10x) and outward (10x).
14. Move index fingers to nostrils. Massage the upper lip next to nostrils, inward (10x) and
outward (10x).
15. Interlock fingers of both hands, with left palm facing up and right palm down
(called hunyuan Palm) at hunyuan Chiao position (upper abdomen, just below chest).
16. Tap upper and lower teeth together: front teeth (50x), left teeth (50x), right teeth (50x),
then front teeth again (50x).
17. Using tip of tongue, rotate around gum (inner side of teeth) anti-clockwise (left-down-
right-up) (50x) and clockwise (50x). Reverse direction for ladies.
18. With tip of tongue, tap lower palate (50x) (imagine tapping at mingmen. Then tap upper
palate (50x) (imagine tapping at tianmen). Lastly, tap the slit between closed upper and
lower front teeth (50x).
19. Churn mouth to produce saliva. Divide saliva into 3 portions. Swallow first portion on left
side down to mingmen. Second portion swallow on right side down to mingmen. Third
portion swallow directly down to mingmen.
20. Separate hunyuan palm, rub palms together fast till hot and place palms on navel
quickly. Take a breath, lift up huiyin and move navel toward mingmen. Quietly
vocalise "hong". Do 3X.
21. Hold both hands with palms facing upward in front of chest. Breathe in, rotate shoulder
backward and upward. Breathe out, rotate forward and downward (do 8x).


1. Place hands on knees.

2. Breathe in slowly. When breathing in, pronounce "Yu-en" quietly, simultaneously lifting
up huiyin and pulling in the navel toward mingmen. Imagine pulling shoulder joints down
to mingmen and pulling up hip joints to mingmen. Second stage, pull knees and elbows
to mingmen. Final stage, pull palms and soles to mingmen. All the above are done during
breathing in.
3. Breathe out and pronounce "Yi-e-ng" quietly. Relax the whole body.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for 30 mins to 2 hrs.


1. Relax all joints from head to toe.

2. Lift qi up diagonally and pour qi down the body. (Do 3x).
3. Use tips of fingers to comb hair. Then gently tap the head with fingers.
4. Use knuckles of both thumbs to rub upper eyelids outward towards temples (10x). Rub
lower eyelids (10x). Then massage temples with lower palms (10x).
5. Slowly pull up knees and stand up. Do three large waist turns, first to left, then to right.
Do a set of Fu Shen Gong Yao (Module 2, Step 5).

Dun Qiang
(Wall Squatting)
The Wall Squatting Method is an important exercise for the relaxation of the spine, the
lumbar region and the coccyx. This is a basic supplementary practice to prevent and
treat abnormal symptoms and is usually practice individually according to the person's
goal and level. The sequence of steps is summarized below:

1. Stand in front of a wall. Place your feet with toes touching the base of the wall (you may
initially place your feet further away from the wall until you are more used to the
2. Keep body upright, relax body from head to toes. Keep chin tucked in and baihui lifted at
all times. Recite silently and follow the visualizations for qi field creation (8 verses in
Level 1 Peng Qi Guang Ding).
3. Slowly bend knees and lower body along the wall. Arch shoulders forward and chest
inward to establish balance. Pull coccyx downward and forward.
4. At the lowest point, remain for a short while. Then pull body up with baihui leading,
slowly rising with coccyx still tucked forward.
5. Repeat these movements for as many times as you can.
6. End with relaxing the whole body and collecting qi to navel to nourish lower dantian.

Xun Jing Dao Ying Fa

(Meridian Tapping Method)
Tapping Meridians is an important part of Body and Mind Method. The main funtion is
to strengthen meridians’ lateral abilities. This method uses tapping technique to tap
along the Hand Meridians and Leg Meridians to achieve the lateral opening results.
Combining the Body and Mind with Tapping Meridians Methods would facilitate the
unison of the mind and body.

fig. 1 fig. 2 fig. 3 fig. 4

fig. 5

1. Close the feet together, stand upright and relax the hands at sides. Look straight at the
horizon (or in front). Pull in the vision slowly and close the eyes gently. Touch the upper
palate with the tip of tongue. Push up the baihui, pull in the chin and lift up
the Huiyin slightly. Pull in the abdomen and push the mingmen backward. Relax the
whole body (fig. 1).
2. Leading with the little fingers, rotate the palms slowly to face backward and flex the
palms. Thrust them downward with fingers pointing to the front. Maintain right angle at
the wrist. Slide the palms forward and backward 15 degrees 3 times (fig. 2). Make sure
the elbows and upper arms move together with the palms from shoulder joints.
3. Leading with the little fingers, relax the wrists and rotate the palms to face each other.
Carry a ball of qi upward with both hands to the front till navel level. Flex the middle
fingers and focus onto navel (fig. 3). Rotate both palms to face downward and sweep
them at navel level sideways to the back. On reaching the back, cup the palms slightly
and focus them onto the mingmen (fig. 4). Think of the qi flowing into
lower dantian reaching the navel. Raise the forearms upward and forward to the sides of
the body and press the middle fingers onto the dabao (between 6th and 7th ribs) with the
palms facing upward (fig. 5). Think of the qi flowing into and meet at middle of the
fig. 6 fig. 7 fig. 8

fig. 9

4. Extend the arms forward with palms facing up until shoulder level. Flex the middle
fingers and the elbows slightly and point the middle fingers onto the yintang (fig. 6).
Leading with the elbows, rotate palms inward slowly while spread out both arms
sideways until they form a straight line (fig. 7). Leading with the little fingers rotate the
palms downward and then reverse the rotation to face the palms upward. Slowly raise
both arms to sweep the palms upward and put hands together on top of the head (fig.
8). Slowly move hands downward to the front of the chest to form a inverted ‘T’ (fig. 9).
The upper arms should form a 45 degrees angle with the body. The forearms form a
straight line. Point the fingers upward and point the thumbs at tanzhong.

fig. 10 fig. 11 fig. 12

5. Lower the hands following the edge of rib cage. Press the thumbs on the jingmen (at the
tip of 12th ribs) at the back, press the index fingers on Zhangmen (at tip of the 11th ribs)
and rest other fingers on the waist (fig. 10 & 11).
6. Separate the feet slightly more than shoulder width and place them parallel to each
other. Bend the knees and lower the body slightly. Make sure that the knees do not go
pass outside the toes (fig. 12).

Hand Meridians

fig. 13 fig. 14 fig. 15 fig. 16 fig. 17

1. Separate hands from the waist, turn left palm facing upward and extend it 45-degrees
downward. At the same time glide the right hand along the edge of the rib cage,
passing qimen and tanzhong to the left yunmen.
2. Right hand tap and vibrate with the portion between middle of the palm and the lowest
section of the fingers. Move down along the inner side of left arm,
passing quze, daling and laogong to the finger tipsspan.
3. Move the lowest base of right middle finger along the left index finger tip, thumb tip and
glide along the portion between middle of the palm and the lowest section of finges till
right middle finger tip reach the base of left middle finger (fig. 14).
4. Turn left hand down and cover the right finger tips. Left hand tap and vibrate and move
up along the outer side of right arm, passing waiguan, quchi, binao, jianyu till right base
of the neck. Mind imagine move upward to the head (fig. 15).
5. Turn right hand facing upward. Left hand tap and vibrate and move down along the inner
side of the right arm, passing quze, daling and laogong to the finger tips.
6. Move the lowest base of left middle finger along the right index finger tip, thumb tip and
glide along the portion between middle of the palm and the lowest section of fingers till
left middle finger tip reach the base of right middle finger.
7. Turn right hand down and cover the left finger tips. Right hand tap and vibrate and move
up along the outer side of left arm, passing waiguan, quchi, binao, jianyu till left base of
the neck (fig. 16).
8. Right hand glide down, passing collar bone, yunmen, tanzhong, qimen to rest on waist. At
the same time move back left hand to rest on waist too (fig. 17).
fig. 18 fig. 19 fig. 20 fig. 21

9. Repeat the same exercise by switching the hands (fig. 18-21).

Leg Meridians

fig. 22 fig. 23 fig. 24 fig. 25

fig. 26 fig. 27 fig. 28

1. Turn plams inward and move hands upward along the edge of the rib cage till the bottom
of the sternum. Join both middle fingers together (fig. 22). Tap and vibrate both hands
up along chest, neck, chin and face.
2. Gradually turn the fingers pointing upward and continue movement to
forehead, xinmen, baihui till yuzhen. (fig. 23). Place palms to cover the ears and perform
the “Drum Beating” exercise. Use fingers to knock the area below yuzhen (begin with 2nd,
4th & 3rd fingers x 3X and then 2nd, 4th & 3rd fingers together x 3X).
3. ontinue to tap and vibrate and moving down along the back of the neck until cannot go
further (fig. 24). Stop tapping and circle hands around the shoulders and under arms (fig.
25). Then, move hands up the back with mind intent to connect the path, resume tapping
and vibrating downward (fig. 26). Body curls downward, gradually bending knees. Hands
tap and vibrate down, passing Huantiao, thumbs stay outer side of legs while the rest of
fingers move behind the back of legs (fig. 27). Continue to move down along the back of
thighs, calves and outer side of feet. Stop the hands on top of feet and position the ten
fingers over the ten toes to tap and vibrate (fig, 28). Continue to tap and vibrate up along
the inner side of the calves, thighs and abdomen till the bottom of the sternum. At the
same time, gradually straighten up the body.
4. Repeat the same movement twice.
5. A set of excercice includes three repetition of tapping and vibrating along the Hand
Meridian and Leg Meridian movement.


fig. 29 fig. 30 fig. 31

fig. 32

1. After the last repetition of tapping and vibrating, put hands together in front of chest in
praying position. Close the feet together (fig. 29). Raise hands up to the the top of your
head and straighten the arms. Stretch both arms as high as possible. Separate the
palms while rotating them to face the front. Lower the arms sideways to form a straight
line with the shoulders. On reaching the shoulder level, leading with the little fingers,
rotate the palms to face upward and move both arms to the front of the chest at
shoulder width. Focus the middle fingers onto yintang(fig. 30).
2. Lower the elbows retract the arms and bring in the middle fingers to press onto dabao.
Extend arms to the back. Spread out arms sideways. On reaching the sides rotate hands
to sweep qi towards lower dantian(fig. 31). Rest both palms on the navel (For men, place
the right hand on top of the left hand. For women, the left hand on top of the right hand).
Relax for a moment (fig. 32). Separate and lower both hands to the sides of the body.
Open eyes slowly.
Important points:
Switching Hands
The purpose is to ensure the lower hand would turn over to cover the other hand in a
smooth and circular movement.

Drum Beating Technique

Hands cover both ears. Using index fingers, ring fingers and middle fingers to knock at
the area below yuzhen. This would vibrate the back of the brain and the whole head.

Tapping and Vibrating Technique

The exercise should be carried out softly, slowly, continuously and naturally. In the
beginning, hands should touch the skin at all times. Once the technique is mastered,
separate hands from skin about 1 to 3 cm. The speed should be 2 times per second.
Time taken from shoulder to finger tip and back to shoulder should be approximately 10
breathing cycles. From head to toes is about 24 breathing cycles.

When tapping, visualize the hand pressing into middle of the bone then pull it out to the

The Body and Mind Method is to cultivite the exchange of External Hun Yuan Qi with
the Internal Qi at the cellular level. It also strenghthen the Meridian Qi

The Tapping Meridian Method is to pull qi in and out of tissues in a direction

perpendicular to the meridians to further refine the body’s ability to exchange Internal
Qi and External Qi as well as to distribute Localized Qi  more evenly throughout the body
to enhance health.

Zang Zhen Gui Yuan Fa

(Unifying the Ying Organs Qi
fig. 1 fig. 2 fig. 3 fig. 4 fig. 5

fig. 6

1. Close the feet together, stand upright. Look straight ahead. Pull in the vision slowly and
close the eyes gently. Tip of tongue place between incisors. Relax the whole body (fig.
2. Flex the hands with the fingers pointing to the front and face the hands down:
o Press the hands downward and flex up the toes. Do it 3 times (fig. 2).
o Draw circles with both hands and knees at the same time (with the direction of
Forward, outward, backward, inward) 3 times and reverse 3 times (movements
must be small, doing it slowly and uniformly) (fig. 3).
3. Relax the wrists and turn the palms to lift qi up from the front, close the hands in slightly
to face the navel at waistline level, move the arms in to deliver qi to navel (fig. 4). Turn
the palms up at waistline level and form the Huanyuan Finger-Ring Mudra  with the
middle fingers touching each other. Raise the hands to hunyuan qiao (fig.5):
4. Move the hands to perform 3 circles of Open-Close, move the knees to draw 3 circles at
the same time (with the direction of Forward, outward, backward, inward) and reverse 3
fig. 7 fig. 8 fig. 9 fig. 10 fig.

11 fig. 12

5. After that, raise the hands to xuanji, release the hand mudra and relax the feet (fig. 7).
Turn the fingers to point forward (fig. 8). Extend the arms to the front, at shoulder level
and width and point the fingers downward with the palms facing to the front:
o Thrust the palms forward 3 times (fig. 9).
o Thrust the palms forward 3 times (fig. 10).
o Thrust the palms and spread the arms out sideways into a straight line:
o Thrust the palms out 3 times (fig. 11).
o Turn the fingers upward, backward, downward;
o Thrust the palms out 3 times (fig.12).

fig. 13 fig. 14 fig. 15 fig. 16

fig. 17 fig. 18
6. Turn fingers backward, upward, forward and thrust palms out (fig. 13). Close the arms to
the front at shoulder level and width (fig. 14). Relax the wrists, turn the palms to face
each other, continue to turn the palms up (fig. 12). Retract the forearms to infront of
chest and close the outer edge of the little fingers together (relax the shoulders and
elbows) (fig. 15).
7. Raise the hands up to eyebrows level:
o Perform 3 circles of Open-Close, move the kness to draw 3 circles at the same
time (with the direction of Forward, outward, backward, inward) and reverse 3
o After that, separate the hands out to the side of the ears (fig. 16), with the fingers
pointing to the back and the palms facing upward (fig. 17). Raise the arms up till
almost straight (fig. 18).
o Move the hands forward, outward, backward, inward to draw circles 3 times and
reverse 3 times.

fig. 19 fig. 20 fig. 21

fig. 22 fig. 23 fig. 24

8. Turn the fingers to point at each other and thrust the palms upward (fig. 19). Touching
the middle fingers with each other. Turn the palms downward and lower the hands to the
head to press Tianmen with the middle fingers. Close the back of the fingers together
(fig. 20):
9. Move the base of the fingers leftward, forward, rightward, backward turning 3 rounds
and reverse 3 rounds. Imagine pressing the middle fingers deep into the head.
10. Form the Heart Mudra (curl the 2nd, 4th and 5th fingers into the palm and press the finger
line near the tip of the middle finger with the thumb) (fig. 21). Close the back of the
middle fingers together. Lower the hands down along the Governor Channel to
press Shangen with the middle fingers (fig. 22):
o Move the base of the fingers leftward, forward, rightward, backward turning 3
rounds and hum the healing sound: “Xing” 3 times at the same time.
o Reverse 3 rounds and hum: “Xing” 3 times at the same time.
11. Separate the middle fingers to the inner corner of the eyes (fig. 23):
o Move upward, outward, downward, inward massaging 3 rounds and reverse 3
12. Return the middle fingers to shangen and lower to the tip of the nose, press suliao 3
times (fig. 24).

fig. 25 fig. 26 fig. 27

fig. 28

13. Separate the middle fingers to the sides of the nose at yingxiang (fig. 25):
o Move upward, outward, downward, inward turning 3 rounds and reverse 3 rounds.
14. Return the middle fingers to the tip of the nose and lower torenzhong. Separate
from shuigou to the area of the opening of the nose and near the base of the nostrils (fig.
o Use the middle fingers to pull the area outward 9 times and then inward 9 times.
15. Close the back of the middle fingers together and lower down along the Governor
Channel to danzhong (fig. 27):
o Move the base of the palms leftward, upward, rightward, downward turning 3
rounds and hum the healing sound: “Xin” 3 times at the same time.
o Reverse 3 rounds and hum: “Xin” 3 times at the same time.
16. Lower the hands to Solar Plexus (fig. 28):
o Move the base of the palms leftward, forward, rightward, backward turning 3
rounds and hum the healing sound: “Xiang” 3 times at the same time.
o Reverse 3 rounds and hum: “Xiang” 3 times at the same time.

fig. 29 fig. 30 fig. 31 fig. 32

17. Release the Heart Mudra and change to Kidney Mudra. With the little fingers touching
each other, lower to press on navel (fig. 29). Trace along the waistline with the little
fingers to the back and press mingmen (fig.30). Turn the hands to face backward (fig.
o Hum the healing sound: Ei, Yü, Ying
18. Trace along the waistline with the little fingers to the front and press on navel. Pull the
hands out sideways and raise the left hand to danzhong (fig. 32):
o Lower the left hand outward and downward, raise the right hand inward and
upward at the same time. Rotating the hands alternatively to draw circles 5

fig. 33 fig. 34
fig. 35

19. Release the Kidney Mudra at hunyuan qiao. The hands Overlap each other (left hand
inside and right hand outside) with the thumbs bend inward (fig. 33)
o Hum the healing sound: “Zhong” 5 times.
20. Lift the left hand up to the left upper chest via danzhong with the fingers pointing
upward, press yuanmen with the middle fingers. Close the left elbow to the ribs. Move
the right hand over the right ribs to the back and press mingmen with the middle finger:
o Place the right hand onto the right lower back and massage 3 times (fig. 34).
21. After that, return the hands back to hunyuan qiao.
22. The hands overlapping each other with the thumbs bend inward:
o Hum the healing sound: “Zhong” 5 times.
23. Separate the hands. Lift the right hand up to the right upper chest via danzhong with the
fingers pointing upward, press yuanmen with the middle fingers. Close the left elbow to
the ribs. Move the right hand over the right ribs to the back and press mingmen with the
middle finger:
o Place the left hand onto the left lower back and massage 3 times (fig. 35).
24. After that, return the hands back to hunyuan qiao.

fig. 36 fig. 37 fig. 38 fig. 39

25. Form the Liver Mudra. The hands facing inward with the 2 nd fingers touching each other
(fig. 36). Raise the hands to Solar Plexus, spread the hands and move the 2nd fingers
along the lower edges of the ribcage to qimen and riyue. Turn the index fingers to point
downward and press onto Riyue (fig. 37). Extend left arm to the front at shoulder level
and flex up the wrist. Point the left index finger up with the thumb pressing onto the
finger line of the index finger (fig. 38).
26. Stare at the finger print of the index finger (fig. 39):
o Hum the healing sound: “Tü” and “Jü” 5 times.
27. Lower the left elbow and retract the arm to place at the left ribs (fig. 37).

fig. 40 fig. 41 fig. 42 fig. 43 fig. 44

fig. 45

28. Release the Liver Mudra and change to Lung Mudra (fig. 40). Close the upper arms to the
ribcage with the hands facing inward. Turn the hands to face up in horizontal position.
Raise and turn the 4th fingers to point upward, till below the outer side of the collarbone
to press onto yuanmen (fig. 41). Flex the wrists and raise the arms.
29. Rotate the arms forward 3 rounds:
o Hum the healing sound:  “Sang”, “  Si”, “Song”.
30. Do it 2 times and rotate backward 3 rounds for 2 times too (fig. 42).
31. Release the Lung Mudra, close the hands and form Hunyuan Palm below tiantu (fig. 43).
Lower the hands along the to guanyuan (fig. 44):
o Move the hands leftward, forward, rightward, backward to turn 3 small rounds
and reverse 3 rounds (fig. 45).
fig. 46 fig. 47 fig. 48 fig. 49 fig. 50

32. Lift the hands from the left to infront of the left shoulder (fig. 46), passing the throat to
infront of the right shoulder (fig. 47). Lower the hands from the right and return back
to guanyuan. Do it 3 rounds.
33. At the end of the 3rd round at guanyuan:
o Move the Hunyuan Palm rightward, forward, leftward, backward to turn 3 small
rounds and reverse 3 rounds.
34. Lift the hands from the right to infront of the right shoulder (fig. 48), passing the throat to
infront of left the shoulder (fig. 49). Lower the hands from the left and return back
to guanyuan. Do it 3 rounds.
35. Press the left thumb onto guanyuan (fig. 50).

fig. 51 fig. 52 fig. 53 fig. 54

36. Lift the Hunyuan Palm infront of the body to Yintang (fig. 51).

o Lower the hands to the front and move downward in an arc to navel, and then lift
the hands up to xuanji (fig. 52).
o Lower the hands to the front and move downward in an arc to navel, and then lift
the hands up to Solar Plexus.
o Lower the hands to the front and move downward in an arc to hunyuan qiao area
(fig. 53).
o Hum the healing sound: “Qing” “Heli” 5 times.
37. Lower the Hunyuan Palm to guanyuan (fig. 54). Press the left thumb onto guanyuan.
38. Relax. Release Hunyuan Palms, replace hands at the sides, open eyes slowly.

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