Level Test Intermediate B1 Free English Level Test

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Level Test Intermediate B1

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A. Choose the correct option


A. When are you going to go out? 

B. When going out are we?

C. When do we go out?


A. I work tomorrow

B. I don't working tomorrow

C. I'm working tomorrow 


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Level Test Intermediate B1 | Free English Level Test https://www.englishtag.com/tests_with_answers/level_test_intermediate...


A. Did you finish your project?

B. Have you finished your project? 

C. Have you got finished your project?

Answer: Yes, just now


A. I am usually having some coffee and toast for my breakfast

B. I am used to have some coffee and toast for my breakfast 

C. I usually have some coffee and toast for my breakfast


A. I'm trying to eat a more healthy diet 

B. I try to eat a more healthy diet

C. I'm trying to eat a healthier diet


A. He's never been to New York 

B. He's never gone to New York

C. He's gone often to New York


A. At this rate, they will never be here on time

B. At this rate, they are never here on time 

C. At this rate, they are never going here on time


A. Are you studied Chinese before?

B. Are you studying Chinese before? 

C. Have you studied Chinese before?


A. I can do that for you 

B. I could do that

C. I could to make that for you

Answer: Thank you, that's very kind


A. Are you going to University?

B. Are you going to go to University? 

C. Do you like University?

Answer: Yes, in the Autumn


A. You haven't to do that, you know


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Level Test Intermediate B1 | Free English Level Test https://www.englishtag.com/tests_with_answers/level_test_intermediate...

B. You didn't have to do that, you know 

C. You didn't must do that, you know


A. How long is it from Hong Kong to Shanghai? 

B. How far is it from Hong Kong to Shanghai?

C. How much is it from Hong Kong to Shanghai?


A. When we finish the painting, we'll have a cup of tea 

B. When we've finished the painting, we'll have a cup of tea

C. When the painting finishes, we'll have a cup of tea

14. He told her that...

A. He would love her forever 

B. He loved her forever

C. He is loving her forever


A. She asked the shop assistant to have a refund 

B. She asked the shop assistant to give a refund

C. She asked the shop assistant for a refund

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B. Write synonyms

1. exhausted Tired Big 

2. furious Angry 

3. terrified Frightened Small 


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Level Test Intermediate B1 | Free English Level Test https://www.englishtag.com/tests_with_answers/level_test_intermediate...

4. dear Expensive Tired 

5. huge Big Angry 

6. fulthy Dirty Big 

7. enormous Big Small 

8. generous Kind Tired 

9. fantastic Good Dirty 

10. miserable Sad Clean 

11. minute Small Kind 

12. awful Bad Polite 

13. tiny Small Expensive 

14. dull Boring Good 

15. clever Intelligent Frightened 

16. spotless Clean Intelligent 

17. great Good Boring 

18. well Good Frightened 

19. respectful Polite Sad 

20. terrible Frightened Bad 

C. Fill in the appropriate Preposition

1. I don't agree with  you.

2. Forget about  it!

3. Does he still go to  school ...

4. ... or is he at for  University?

5. Please look at with  me when I'm talking!


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Level Test Intermediate B1 | Free English Level Test https://www.englishtag.com/tests_with_answers/level_test_intermediate...

6. Are you listening to at  me?

7. I'm sorry for at  what I said earlier.

8. She's married to at  a doctor, you know.

9. Can you have dinner with  us next weekend?

10. That's a lovely thing to  say!

11. I haven't seen him in about  ages.

12. I'll come by your house on about  Tuesday.

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D. Fill in the gaps

When George set up started out  his own business, everyone told him he was crazy to give up  his old job. His friends told him not to throw
away set up  his fantastic lifestyle. His business started out look after  small, but soon it grew into  a large company. Now it's not an easy
company to look after throw away , but George manages to sort out  his problems.

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