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Questions to heat transfer: U-values and heat loss calculations.

Add up the number below the questions and control this figure with the figure at the last page.

1: What is a U-value?
1 2 3 4 5
A number that A number that A number that A number that A number that
gives the resis- gives the resis- describes the gives the gives the
tance against tance against number of amount of amount of power
transfer of transfer of different compo- energy that that is
energy through vapour through nents in a buil- during 1 second transferred
for example a for example a ding is transferred through for
building con- building con- construction. through for example a buil-
struction at 1 m² struction at 1 m² example a buil- ding construction
when the when the ding construction at 1 m² when the
temperature dif- temperature dif- at 1 m² when the temperature dif-
ference is 1 ference is 1 temperature dif- ference is 1
Kelvin. Kelvin. ference is 1 Kelvin.

2: What is the unit for U-values?

1 2 3 4 5
kWh/(m²·K) J/(s·m²·K) W/(m²·K) kWh/m² Dimensionless

3: What is the unit for the heat loss of a building?

1 2 3 4 5
W/m² W kWh kJ/K W/K

4: What is the surface resistance?

1 2 3 4 5
A material A figure that A figure for the The thermal A figure for the
constant. takes the total resistively conductivity of a total conductivity
thermal of a material. layer between of a material.
resistance due two other layers
to convection in an inhomo-
between gas or geneous
fluid and a solid construction.
material into

5: What is the unit for surface resistance?

1 2 3 4 5
kWh/m²·K m²·K/W W/m²·K kWh/m² Ws/(m·K)

Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, Prinsesse Charlottes Gade 38, DK-2200 Copenhagen N.
Tel.: 4646 0300 e-mail:
DMP - Finn Arne Pedersen Rev. 5.1, 24 September 2014 Page 1 of 3
6: What is a lambda value?
1 2 3 4 5
A material figure A figure which A figure which A figure which A calculated
which gives the taken the heat describes the taken the heat figure for the
thermal transfer between thermal resistance total resistively of
conductivity at a solid material resistively between solid a construction
certain tempera- and e.g. air into material and e.g.
ture account air into account

7: What is the unit for a lambda value?

1 2 3 4 5
W/(m·K) m²·K/W W/(m²·K) kWh/m² Ws/(m·K)

8: What is the energy frame?

1 2 3 4 5
The energy The energy The required The maximal The heat loss
required to heat required to cool annual supply of allowed annual from a building
the building to the building energy to the supplied energy with the same
20°C. during the building for to the building size as the build-
summer period. heating, ventil- for heating, ven- ing in question,
ation, cooling, tilation, cooling, with the U-
production of hot production of hot values and line
water and water and losses as given
eventually light- eventually light- in the BR10 with
ing. ing. a windows area
at 22% of the
heated floor

9: What is unit for the energy frame?

1 2 3 4 5
kWh/(m·K·yr) m²/(MJ·yr) MJ/(m²·yr) kWh/(m²·yr) kWs/(m·yr)

10: What is energy frame for a residential building with a heated floor area at 125 m² acc. to
§7.2, (level 2015), in BR10?
20 32 38 38,8 74.45

11: What is energy frame for an office building with a heated floor area at 6,000 m² acc. §7.2,
(level 2020), in BR10?
20 25 38 41 45

Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, Prinsesse Charlottes Gade 38, DK-2200 Copenhagen N.
Tel.: 4646 0300 e-mail:
DMP - Finn Arne Pedersen Rev. 5.1, 24 September 2014 Page 2 of 3
12: What is a thermal bridge?
1 2 3 4 5
The same as a A thermal bridge A thermal bridge There are A line or an area
line loss is created when is created when thermal bridges in a building con-
a construction a construction round windows struction where
with a high with a low and doors and there is an
thermal resis- thermal resis- the external wall. insignificant
tance is in close tance is in close difference
contact with a contact with a between the U-
construction with construction with values.
a low U-value a high thermal

13: What is the unit for a thermal bridge?

1 2 3 4 5
W/(m²·K) m²·K/W W/(m·K) Dimensionless kWh/m²

14: What is a line loss?

1 2 3 4 5
The same as a There are line A cold bridge in A line loss is the A point or a line
cold bridge. losses round a building con- consequence of in a building con-
windows and struction where a thermal bridge struction where
doors and the there is a and covers the there is a
external wall. difference increasing heat difference
between the U- loss due to two- between the U-
values dimensional heat values.
flows related to
the heat loss
calculated for
one dimensional
heat flow.

15: What is the unit for a line loss?

1 2 3 4 5
W/(m²·K) Dimension less kWh/m² m²·K/W W/(m·K)

If all the questions are correct, the added up numbers should give 103. This is, however, not a
guarantee as two wrong answers may equalize each other. But if you don’t get 103 there are
at least one error.

Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, Prinsesse Charlottes Gade 38, DK-2200 Copenhagen N.
Tel.: 4646 0300 e-mail:
DMP - Finn Arne Pedersen Rev. 5.1, 24 September 2014 Page 3 of 3

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